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藏北高寒草甸植物群落对土壤线虫群落的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
2011年5月—11月,对西藏北部高寒草甸3种典型植物群落下0~30 cm范围内不同深度土层的土壤线虫群落进行调查,浅盆法收集土壤线虫,应用个体密度、多样性指数等特征值来分析高寒环境下土壤线虫群落的组成、分布特征与多样性。调查共分离得到33 038条土壤线虫,隶属于2纲6目51科93属;线虫个体密度平均为847条100 g-1干土;表聚性明显。研究结果表明,不同植物群落间的土壤线虫群落组成存在一定差异,土壤线虫数量的大小顺序为委陵菜植物群落<藏北嵩草植物群落<高山嵩草植物群落,土壤线虫数量差异显著(p<0.05);土壤线虫数量随生长季变化发生明显波动,返青期最多,盛长期次之,枯草期最低;不同植物群落的优势属种类不同。生物多样性为委陵菜植物群落>高山嵩草植物群落>藏北嵩草植物群落,这可能是放牧干扰强度不同,以及植物群落影响下的土壤性质分异所导致的结果。总之,不同植物群落下土壤线虫群落特征的分异初步显示出线虫指示环境因子影响土壤生态系统的潜力。 相似文献
防治韭菜的主要地下害虫韭蛆(迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia odoriphaga)是造成韭菜农药残留超标主要原因。室内实验表明,生物天敌昆虫病原线虫Steinernema feltiae处理60h后,韭蛆杀死率显著高于使用农药的对照组。2010年4月18日在山东省寿光市丰城地区韭菜地施用昆虫病原线虫以防治韭菜的主要害虫韭蛆,同时以施用化学农药辛硫磷作为对照,处理后第35d和第175d调查结果表明,昆虫病原线虫处理组的昆虫病原线虫多度显著高于化学对照组,其中第175d调查结果表明,经昆虫病原线虫处理后的韭菜鲜重比化学农药处理的对照组增加了10.4%,但差异未达到显著效果。上述结果表明,昆虫病原线虫能够有效控制韭蛆危害。第35d取样结果表明,昆虫病原线虫处理组的土壤线虫群落Shannon多样性指数高于化学农药处理组;第175d调查结果表明,两种处理之间土壤线虫群落各指标相近。试验结果表明昆虫病原线虫能够有效防治韭蛆。 相似文献
植物源有机物料对果园土壤微生物群落多样性的影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
【目的】苹果园土壤肥力持续下降,禽畜废弃物肥源严重不足,施用植物源有机肥成为生产中改善果园土壤状况的重要措施之一。本试验利用BIOLOG微平板技术研究了盆栽条件下添加植物源有机物料及其腐殖化过程驱动因子对果园土壤微生物群落多样性的影响,探讨葡萄糖、 尿素和蚯蚓在植物源有机物料向土壤碳库转化中的作用,为揭示果园土壤质量的演变机制提供参考。【方法】取苹果园020 cm土层土壤,与苹果枝条、 玉米秸秆和果园杂草粉碎物混合,栽植2a生苹果砧木山定子幼苗,分别添加尿素、 葡萄糖和蚯蚓,利用BIOLOG微平板技术进行土壤微生物群落多样性分析。不同处理的土壤浸提液在 BIOLOG生态测试板中培养,取培养96 h时微平板光密度值进行多样性指数计算,分别用丰富度指数S 表示被微生物群落利用的基质数量,多样性指数表示反应孔与对照孔光密度值之差和整块板总差的比值,均匀度指数 E表示可培养微生物的种类均匀度,优势度指数Ds用于评估某些最常见种的优势度。对土壤微生物群落利用BIOLOG微平板中六类碳源(碳水化合物类、 氨基酸类、 羧酸类、 多聚物类、 芳香族类和胺类)的情况进行主成分分析,明确不同处理微生物对碳源利用能力的差异。【结果】有机物料种类、 小分子有机物和蚯蚓数量均对平均吸光值(AWCD值)有显著影响,在培养0~24 h,玉米秸秆+葡萄糖+12条蚯蚓(T4)和果园杂草+葡萄糖(T9)处理的AWCD值明显高于其他处理,微生物群落的活性较强,碳源开始利用较早。2496 h时,AWCD呈指数增长,120 h后趋于平缓,以玉米秸秆+葡萄糖+12条蚯蚓(T4)、 苹果枝条+葡萄糖+6条蚯蚓(T2)、 果园杂草+葡萄糖(T9)处理斜率最大,其次为玉米秸秆+尿素+6条蚯蚓(T6)和苹果枝条+尿素(T1)处理; 小分子有机物种类对微生物群落丰富度指数(S)和优势度指数(Ds)的影响显著,丰富度指数(S)以苹果枝条+葡萄糖+6条蚯蚓(T2)最大,优势度指数(Ds)以玉米秸秆+葡萄糖+12条蚯蚓(T4)最大,各处理的多样性指数(H)和均一度指数(E)差异不显著; 对碳源利用主成分起分异作用的主要是碳水化合物类和多聚物类。【结论】与秸秆和杂草处理相比,苹果枝条处理土壤微生物群落多样性较丰富,加入葡萄糖为土壤微生物提供可迅速利用的碳源,微生物功能多样性也显著增加; 蚯蚓活动对微生物群落多样性的影响比葡萄糖小,尿素对微生物群落多样性的影响也较小,但同时添加尿素和葡萄糖有助于微生物多样性的增加。 相似文献
生物复混肥对土壤微生物群落功能多样性和微生物量的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在温室盆栽条件下,采用Biolog微平板法和氯仿熏蒸浸提法,研究了玉米施用等养分量的无机肥、有机无机复混肥和生物复混肥后土壤微生物群落功能多样性及土壤微生物量的变化。结果表明:生物复混肥处理的土壤微生物平均颜色变化率(AWCD)、微生物群落Shannon指数(H)和微生物群落丰富度指数(S)均最高;施用生物复混肥可明显提高土壤微生物对碳源的利用率,尤其是多酚化合物类和糖类;不同处理土壤微生物碳源利用特征有一定差异,生物复混肥在第1主成分上的得分值为正值,其他各处理在第1主成分上的得分值基本上为负值,起分异作用的主要碳源是糖类和羧酸类。在玉米生长期间各处理土壤微生物量大致呈先升高后逐渐平稳的趋势,且土壤微生物量碳、氮、磷的含量均以生物复混肥处理最高,最高值分别为333.21mg.kg 1、53.02 mg.kg 1和22.20 mg.kg 1。研究表明,生物复混肥的施用比等养分量的有机无机复混肥处理能显著提高土壤微生物群落碳源利用率、微生物群落丰富度和功能多样性,显著增加土壤微生物量碳、氮、磷的含量,有利于维持良好的土壤微生态环境。 相似文献
为探索沼液抑制根结线虫的效果,本研究通过盆栽试验,以番茄为试供作物,对比了种植前沼液淹没土壤(BSS)、种植期间浇灌沼液(BS)和加热(HE)3种方法对根结线虫的防控效果。结果表明,与不采取任何措施的对照(CK)处理相比, BSS处理抑制根结线虫效果最为明显,防效高达97.1%,根结指数分别比HE和BS处理降低96.9%和92.9%。HE处理尽管在处理土壤后显著降低了根结线虫数量,但在最后破坏性取样时(结束试验)出现反弹,根结线虫数量甚至高于CK处理。对于土壤线虫群落,CK处理中以植食性线虫为主(81.8%);两个沼液处理中食细菌线虫占优势(平均78.3%),且其中的杂食捕食性线虫在土壤前处理后消失,在试验结束时又重新出现,但所占比例依然非常低。沼液淹水方式的高效防控效果揭示了利用沼液防控根结线虫的关键期在于线虫入侵到植物根部之前的幼虫期。然而,在盆栽系统中,沼液淹水的方式也对作物生长表现出了一定的抑制趋势。高量沼液施用防控病害的同时引发的植物毒害作用以及环境污染风险,需要进一步开展田间研究。 相似文献
设施菜地长期施肥对土壤线虫群落结构和多样性的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于设施菜田肥料定位试验地,研究了长期施用化肥对土壤线虫群落结构及多样性的影响,为设施蔬菜的合理施肥和可持续生产提供理论依据。研究期间,共鉴定土壤线虫38个属,其中假海矛属(Pseudhalenchus)、短体属(Pratylenchus)和真滑刃属(Aphelenchus)为优势属。长期施用化肥显著增加各研究土层的线虫总数,并改变线虫的群落结构。长期施化肥对0~10 cm土层线虫各生态指数的影响不显著。在10~20 cm和20~40 cm土层,长期施用化肥显著提高食真菌与食细菌线虫比例(F/B)而降低线虫通路比值(NCR),表明其促进以食真菌为主的腐屑食物网分解通道;其显著提高优势度指数(λ)而降低香农指数(H)'、均匀度指数(J)和丰富度指数(SR),表明长期施用化肥导致土壤线虫多样性降低。土壤线虫可以作为评价施肥对土壤质量影响的生物指标。 相似文献
为比较生物炭基肥、生物质炭施用以及常规施肥对棉田土壤线虫群落结构的影响设置棉花田间试验。试验处理为常规施肥(CK)、生物炭基肥+常规追肥(T+C)、生物炭基肥+木醋液追肥(T+M)、生物质炭+常规追肥(SWT)。采用浅盘法分离土壤线虫,用显微镜进行数量统计和种类鉴定,计算多样性生态指数。棉田各施肥处理土壤线虫密度范围为175~334 ind/100 g,表现为T+CT+MCKSWT。CK处理主要线虫优势属为螺旋属Helicotylenchus;T+C处理的线虫优势属为原杆属Protorhabditis、螺旋属Helicotylenchus和针属Paratylenchus,T+M处理的线虫优势属为原杆属Protorhabditis和螺旋属Helicotylenchus,SWT处理的线虫优势属为原杆属Protorhabditis和真头叶属Eucephalobus。所获得的土壤线虫隶属于35个属,添加生物炭基肥提高了土壤线虫总数量、食细菌性线虫数量、食真菌性线虫数量和杂食-捕食性线虫数量,抑制了植食性线虫数量,并且提高了线虫的多样性指数(H)、均匀度指数(J)和瓦斯乐斯卡指数(WI);T+C和T+M处理的植物寄生线虫成熟指数(PPI)高于CK处理;SWT的植物寄生线虫成熟指数(PPI)低于CK处理。添加生物炭基肥增加了线虫数量,提高了食细菌线虫和食真菌线虫丰度。 相似文献
为研究施用过量的农用化学品对土壤线虫群落组成及多样性的影响,采用定点试验的方法,在哈尔滨市呼兰区选择典型农田生态系统进行试验,对比研究土壤线虫群落对施用过量的氮肥、磷肥、钾肥、除草剂及杀虫剂的响应。在试验田中共鉴定出土壤线虫27科45属,其中Cephalobus和Aphelenchus为优势属。施用不同浓度的各类农用化学品对土壤线虫群落组成、多样性均产生一定影响。线虫总数及食细菌线虫、食真菌线虫、植物寄生线虫数量在不同处理间均存在显著差异(P<0.05);其中,植物寄生线虫的相对丰度随化肥施用量的升高呈增加趋势。从土壤线虫的生态指数来看,除PPI(植物寄生线虫成熟指数)外,其他生态指数[MI(成熟度指数)、F/B(食真菌线虫与食细菌线虫数量比值)、Evenness(均匀度指数)、SR(丰富度指数)、H’(多样性指数)]在施用不同农用化学品处理之间也存在显著差异,并且,MI随着施用钾肥、氮肥浓度的增加而降低。土壤线虫可以作为揭示施用农用化学品过程中土壤质量变化的生物学指标,其群落及多样性的变化表明土壤线虫群落对农用化学品的过量施用产生了响应,过量施用农用化学品会增加土壤生态系统的干扰,对土壤环境造成威胁。 相似文献
施用化学农药对大豆田土壤线虫群落的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对大豆生长期内单一与复合施用乙草胺和呋喃丹对土壤线虫群落结构的影响进行研究。研究结果表明,乙草胺和呋喃丹单一与复合处理中土壤线虫的数量在各采样时期之间、处理之间及二者的交互作用之间均呈现极显著差异(P<0.01);在大豆生长的不同时期,线虫各营养类群的数量受到不同程度的抑制。对线虫生态指数的分析结果表明,乙草胺单一处理对线虫的丰富度表现出促进效应,而呋喃丹单一处理和二者复合处理对线虫丰富度表现出抑制效应;各处理均显著降低了线虫的总成熟度指数(ΣMI),表明线虫群落受到扰动,食物网受到胁迫。 相似文献
Understanding the influence of long-term crop management practices on the soil microbial community is critical for linking soil microbial flora with ecosystem processes such as those involved in soil carbon cycling. In this study, pyrosequencing and a functional gene array (GeoChip 4.0) were used to investigate the shifts in microbial composition and functional gene structure in a medium clay soil subjected to various cropping regimes. Pyrosequencing analysis showed that the community structure (β-diversity) for bacteria and fungi was significantly impacted among different cropping treatments. Functional gene array-based analysis revealed that crop rotation practices changed the structure and abundance of genes involved in C degradation. Significant correlations were observed between the activities of four enzymes involved in soil C degradation and the abundance of genes responsible for the production of respective enzymes, suggesting that a shift in the microbial community may influence soil C dynamics. We further integrated physical, chemical, and molecular techniques (qPCR) to assess relationships between soil C, microbial derived enzymes and soil bacterial community structure at the soil micro-environmental scale (e.g. within different aggregate-size fractions). We observed a dominance of different bacterial phyla within soil microenvironments which was correlated with the amount of C in the soil aggregates suggesting that each aggregate represents a different ecological niche for microbial colonization. Significant effects of aggregate size were found for the activity of enzymes involved in C degradation suggesting that aggregate size distribution influenced C availability. The influence of cropping regimes on microbial and soil C responses declined with decreasing size of soil aggregates and especially with silt and clay micro-aggregates. Our results suggest that long term crop management practices influence the structural and functional potential of soil microbial communities and the impact of crop rotations on soil C turnover varies between different sized soil aggregates. These findings provide a strong framework to determine the impact of management practices on soil C and soil health. 相似文献
Amy M. Treonis Roger Cook Lorna Dawson Susan J. Grayston Tony Mizen 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》2007,43(5):541-548
We studied the effects of the root endoparasitic nematode Heterodera trifolii on rhizodeposition and the root architecture of white clover (Trifolium repens). Rhizosphere solutions were collected from the root systems of plants growing with and without H. trifolii (200 juveniles per inoculated plant) in sand-based microlysimeters. The organic carbon (C) content of these solutions was
analyzed, and they were applied to plant-free soils to investigate microbial responses. Although plant biomass was unaffected
by nematodes, the architecture of the root systems was significantly altered, with a decrease in overall root length and an
increase in the density of lateral branches from the primary root. The presence of nematodes reduced the concentration of
organic compounds in the rhizosphere solutions but only on the final sampling date (75 days). Analysis of microbial signature
phospholipid fatty acids revealed no change in the structure of the microbial communities in soils to which rhizosphere solutions
were applied. However, these microorganisms did respond with changes in substrate utilization patterns (community-level physiological
profiles). Microbes in soils that received rhizosphere solutions from the nematode-infected clover showed lower utilization
of most substrates but higher utilization of oligosugars. These responses appear to be related to changes in roots and rhizodeposition
associated with nematode infection of clover roots. The results of this study suggest that root herbivory can negatively impact
carbon-limited soil microbial communities via changes in root architecture that moderate rhizodeposition. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(22):2727-2740
ABSTRACT Jerusalem artichoke (JY) (Helianthus tuberosus L.) has been reported to have a strong inhibitory effect on weed growth and root knot nematodes, but little information is available on the effects on soil ecosystems, especially soil microorganisms and soil enzyme activities. Understanding the dynamics of soil microbes and soil enzyme activities in cropping systems can help determine how agricultural practices influence soil processes mediated by JY residues. This study used a pot experiment, with five-year continuous cropping soil of tomato plants as the experimental material and 2% (w/w) JY residue as the treatment material in the soil. The treatment was compared to continuously monocropped tomato soil that was not treated with JY residues. The results of 16S high-throughput sequencing showed that both fungal and bacterial community structure and composition varied significantly at each stage of JY treatment. The analysis showed that the major phyla in the soil fungal community included Ascomycota, Zygomycota and Basidiomycota. Chytridiomycota was dominant in only the JY-treated soil. At the genus level, the abundances of Mortierella, Cephaliophora, Cryptococcus and Fusarium notably changed at each stage of JY treatment. In the bacterial community in the JY-treated group, the abundance of Proteobacteria increased significantly, while that of Firmicutes decreased significantly, compared to the control group. JY enhanced the activity of soil sucrase and urease. In addition, the soil sucrase activity showed a strong negative correlation with Fusarium and Bacillus. Overall, our results revealed that JY residues changed both the soil bacterial and fungal community composition and the soil enzyme activities. 相似文献
This study focused on examining the impacts of cattle grazing on belowground communities and soil processes in humid grasslands. Multiple components in the soil communities were examined in heavily grazed and ungrazed areas of unimproved and improved bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) pastures in south-central Florida. By using small (1-m×1-m) sampling plots, we were able to detect critical differences in nematode communities, microbial biomass, and mineralized C and N, resulting from the patchy grazing pattern of cattle. Soil samples were collected on three occasions between June 2002 and June 2003. Microbial C and N were greater (P?0.01) in grazed than in ungrazed plots on all sampling dates. Effects of grazing varied among nematode genera. Most genera of colonizer bacterivores were decreased (P?0.10) by grazing, but more persistent bacterivores such as Euteratocephalus and Prismatolaimus were increased, as were omnivores and predators. Higher numbers of persisters indicated that grazing resulted in a more structured nematode community. Some herbivores, particularly Criconematidae, were decreased by grazing. Abundance of omnivores, predators, and especially fungivores were strongly associated with C mineralization potential. Strong correlation of microbial C and N with nematode canonical variables composed of five trophic groups illustrates important links between nematode community structure and soil microbial resources. Including the analysis of nematode trophic groups with soil microbial responses reveals detection of grazing impact deeper into the hierarchy of the decomposition process in soil, and illustrates the complexity of responses to grazing in the soil foodweb. Although highly sensitive to grazing impacts, small-scale sampling could not be used to generalize the overall impact of cattle grazing in large-scale pastures, which might be determined by the intensity and grazing patterns of various stocking densities at the whole pasture level. 相似文献
Wendy M. Williamson David A. Wardle Gregor W. Yeates 《Soil biology & biochemistry》2005,37(7):1289-1301
Following the creation of new land surfaces, there is an initial build-up phase, but in the prolonged absence of catastrophic disturbance an ecosystem decline phase has often been observed. While a number of studies have investigated the changes in soil biota that occur during the build-up phase, few studies have investigated how the soil food web changes during the ecosystem decline phase, even though such studies may assist our understanding of biotic factors that contribute to long-term ecosystem changes. We investigated the response of soil microbial and nematode communities to ecosystem decline by studying each of four stages of a long-term (280,000 year) forested chronosequence caused by uplift of marine terraces in the Waitutu region of Fiordland National Park, New Zealand. With increasing chronosequence age there were large increases in ratios of C to N, C to P, and N to P in both the organic layer and mineral soil layer, indicative of greater nutrient (notably P) limitation over time. Variables related to soil microbial biomass and activity were lower on the older terraces when expressed on a per unit soil C basis, reflecting that the quality of the soil organic matter, which is the resource that supports microbial metabolism, declined over time. This in turn had important consequences for population densities of soil nematodes and enchytraeids, including both microbe-feeding and predatory groups. There were significant increases in the fungal:bacterial biomass ratio and in the fungal-feeding:bacterial-feeding nematode densities. Taken collectively, our results suggest a decline in soil microbial activity and soil fauna, and an increase in the relative importance of the fungal-based (vs. bacterial-based) energy channel during long-term ecosystem development on terraces of marine origin. This corroborates the hypothesis that the studied sites represent a retrogressive shift in soil organic matter quality over a long-term chronosequence. 相似文献
Jon Cotton Veronica Acosta-Martínez Jennifer Moore-Kucera Gloria Burow 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》2013,49(4):403-413
Evaluation of biofuel production cropping systems should address not only energy yields but also the impacts on soil attributes. In this study, forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) cropping systems were initiated on a low organic matter soil (<0.9 %) with a history of intensively tilled low-input cotton production in the semiarid Southern High Plains of the U.S. Sorghum cropping systems were evaluated in a split-plot design with sorghum cultivar as the main plot and the combination of irrigation level (non-irrigated and deficit irrigated) and aboveground biomass removal rate (50 % and 100 %) as the split plot. The sorghum cultivars used varied in yield potential and lignin content, which are important features for feedstock-producing crops. Within 1 year, the transition from long-term cotton cropping systems to sorghum biofuel cropping systems resulted in increased soil microbial biomass C (16 %) and N (17 %) and shifts in the microbial community composition as indicated by differences in fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles. Additionally, enzyme activities targeting C, N, P and S cycles increased 15–75 % (depending on the enzyme) after two growing seasons. Increased enzyme activities (16–19 %) and differences in FAME profiles were seen due to irrigation regardless of aboveground biomass removal rate. Biomass removal rate and the cultivar type had little effect on the soil microbial properties during the time frame of this study. Early results from this study suggest improvements in soil quality and the sustainability of sorghum biofuel cropping for low organic matter agricultural soils. 相似文献
Seasonal, soil type, and alternative management influences on microbial communities of vegetable cropping systems 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
Microbial community responses to alternative management may be indicative of soil quality change. In this study, soils were collected from research plots over 2 years and from commercial grower fields over 1 year. Treatments at the sites included 1-9 years of either winter cover cropping or winter fallow practices. Soils were assayed for microbial fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), direct count microscopy and Biolog substrate utilization potentials to assess management and environmental influences on soil communities. The strongest influence was season. Soils in early spring (prior to termination of the cover crop) utilized fewer carboxylic acids and generally were enriched in eukaryotic FAMEs, whereas proportionally more bacterial FAMEs were detected in soils at canopy closure and harvest of the summer vegetable crop. Within a season, community FAME and Biolog patterns were related to field properties. FAME profiles from grower fields in early spring and harvest were correlated significantly with soil texture, cation exchange capacity, and carbon content. Changes in community structure and Biolog potential occurred in some soils in response to winter cover crops, although effects were not observed until cover crop incorporation. Greater amounts of fungal and protozoan FAME markers were detected in some cover-cropped soils compared to winter fallow soils. Cover crop residues increased FAME diversity at one research station and Biolog diversity at two research stations and the grower fields. Although seasonal and field-dependent factors are major determinants of microbial community structure, shifts can occur as soil physical and chemical properties change in response to alternative practices, as demonstrated by this study. 相似文献
Journal of Soils and Sediments - This study aimed to assess the effects of spent Flammulina velutipes substrate (SFS) amendment on microbial properties of cucumber continuous cropping soil. A... 相似文献
Christophe N. Kouamé Kenneth H. Quesenberry David S. Wofford Robert A. Dunn 《Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution》1998,45(1):1-8
A total of 237 Plant Introduction in eleven Trifolium species were evaluated for resistance to Meloidogyne arenaria (Neal) Chitwood race 1, M. hapla Chitwood, M. incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood race 3, and M. javanica (Treub) Chitwood. Plants were infected with 1500 nematode eggs collected from 'Rutgers' tomato (Lycoperiscon esculentum Mill.) roots with 0.5% NaOCl. Ratings of galling severity and egg mass production were assigned to each plant 8 wk after inoculation. Host plant reaction was classified as immune, highly resistant, resistant, moderately resistant, intermediate, moderately susceptible, susceptible, and highly susceptible according to the resistance index
. More than 95% of 171 white clover accessions were moderately to highly susceptible to all four nematodes species. The best white clover accessions were only moderately resistant to either M. arenaria (PI 291843 and PI 306286) or M. hapla (PI 100250 and PI 204930). Accessions with moderate resistance or resistance to root-knot nematodes were found among relatives of white clover, with T. ambiguum M. Bieb. exhibiting the greatest resistance level. Among the other Trifolium species evaluated, T. carolinianum Michx. PI 516273 was immune or highly resistant to all four nematode species while accessions of T. hirtum All. showed a wide range of reaction to root-knot nematodes. Identified germplasm of white clover relatives with resistance to root knot nematodes should be useful for the selection of parents in white clover breeding programs. 相似文献
菌剂与肥料配施对矿区复垦土壤白三叶草生长的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用盆栽试验研究了矿区复垦土壤菌剂与肥料的不同配施对白三叶草(Trifolium repens Linn)生长的影响。结果表明: 双接种VA 菌根真菌(Glomus mossea)和根瘤菌(Rhizobium)能显著提高白三叶草根瘤数、根瘤鲜重和固氮酶活性, 根瘤数在有机肥双接种与无机肥双接种处理之间差异不显著, 而根瘤鲜重和固氮酶活性差异显著; 肥料与各菌剂组合处理中, 有机肥双接种处理的白三叶草分枝数、干物质重最大; 在白三叶草生长40 d 和150 d 时, 双接种处理的叶片数均为各处理中最大值; 接种VA 菌根真菌、根瘤菌和双接种均可增加白三叶草根系的菌根侵染率和土壤孢子数, 总体表现为双接种处理>接种VA 菌根真菌>接种根瘤菌, 有机肥相应处理>无机肥相应处理>对照; 肥料与菌剂的配合施用可有效提高植物对土壤氮、磷、钾养分的吸收。在矿区复垦土壤上有机肥与VA 菌根真菌和根瘤菌菌剂配施能显著促进白三叶草的生长, 是提高矿区复垦土壤植被恢复中比较适宜的组合方式。 相似文献