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木材采运生产技术由简单的手工作业,发展到半机碱化、机械化的阶段,无一不是木材生产和技术发展相互促进、相互制约的结果。目前,木材采运产业和产品结构已做了重大调整,木材产量也进行了战略调减,这一变化了的形势对采运生产技术发展产生了深刻的影响。以森林资源为主要作业对象的采运生产技术,会随着成过熟林资源的减少以及木材产量的逐年调减而发展缓慢,甚至停滞不前。因此,适应和扭转这种局面,使采运生产技术在新的形势下发挥其促进国  相似文献   

一、我国木材采运工业现状建国三十多年来我国木材采运工业有了很大发展。木材生产条件有显著改变。经过三十多年开发建设,木材生产已从手工作业向机械化过渡,木材采运机械化比重逐年提高。国有林采运的主要工序基本实现了机械化。据1980年统计,全国木材采运综合机械化程度为87.71%。目前可自行研究制造专用的采运机械及其各种配  相似文献   

木材采运是收获森林主产品——木材的作业.因森林是可再生资源,所以在收获木材的同时,就要为森林更新及木材综合利用创造有利条件.因此,提高木材采运作业技术水平,是使森林经营走向合理化、集约化及重点发展木材综合利用的中心环节.对此,绝不应由于批判过去单一木材生产或大木头挂帅而削弱木材采运作业技术水平的提  相似文献   

本文立足采运本身提出了采运在缓解林业两危中的任务以及面临两危中的前途和出路。认为森林采伐必须与森林生态密切结合,用生态观点来研究和指导采伐作业。为缓解两危,文章又从提高产品质量、励行木材节约、提高采伐剩余物利用率以及注重技术改造、推广先进科技成果等方面着手提出了问题、经验和对策。  相似文献   

木材采运是在露天、分散、大面积的环境条件下,用一定的机械和工具改变立木形态和木材位置移动的作业,十分笨重和危险,因此,如何减少伤亡事故仍是木材采运作业中的首要任务。为了减少事故的发生,研究其致因共性是十分必要的,现对以下几个比较突出的问题加以分析。  相似文献   

日本林业机械化现状、趋势与目标白秀萍日本林业机械化的发展与国家林业形势的发展密切相关。日本制材技术和机械化水平都很高,所以林业机械化的发展重点就主要落在营林和木材采运两大作业上了。本文就日本营林和木材采运机械化的现状、趋势及2l世纪发展目标等问题作一...  相似文献   

第一章总则第1条伐区准备作业是木材采运作业的先行和基础。它直接关系到木材生产任务的完成、伐区作业质量的好坏、成本的高低。为按时、保质、保量地完成各项准备作业工程,给木材采运作业创造良好的条件,特制定本规程。第2条本规程适用于东北、内蒙古和西南、西北国有林区国营林业局、森工林场,南方集体林区木材采运企业亦应参照执行。第3条伐区准备作业必须认真执行经上级主管部门批准的伐区调查设计文件。没有工程设计不准进行伐区准备作业施工。  相似文献   

近几年来,国外木材采运工业发展较快。由于高效率的伐区作业联合机的大量涌现,林道网密度不断增大,使采运机械化水平迅速提高,一些木材采运工业较发达的国家,正向全盘机械化作业阶段过渡。劳动生产率已达到较高水平,森林资源的利用情况日趋完善。当前,国外木材采运工业有以下四个特点: 1.平原伐区作业机械正向联合机方向发展,山区集材机械正向自行式绞盘机集材索道方向发展。目前,美国、加拿大、瑞典等国家,木材采运生产已实现机械化,并正向全盘机械化阶段过渡。西德、东德、奥地利、苏联和日本等国家,也基本实现了单项作业机械化。近十年来,国外采运机械大体沿着以下两个方面向前发展:  相似文献   

卡列斯捷茨林业局、卡列里和卡尔巴茨木材采运工作者、基洛夫应用技术情报局、波普卢依斯克纤维板厂和水解厂等,研究从灌木林中获得林产品的试验证明:小径木和伐区剩余物对纤维板和水解生产是完全合格的原料(是对基本原料的补充).但是,小径木和伐区剩余物应该首先加工成工艺木片才能利用. 化学和化学机械加工的原料来源,可从  相似文献   

探讨了山地丘陵地区的木材采运技术,尤其是集材设备的选择,可为今后的山地木材采运生产提供参考。  相似文献   

Illegal logging is a major threat to the long-term sustainability of the forest resources of much of the Amazon Basin. This threat affects the ability of companies to manage viable forest production and distorts the way in which governments are able to implement forest management regulations at all levels. However, quantitative information about the direct impacts of illegal logging is scarce. We evaluate some of the most relevant impacts of illegal logging to government and society in the Bolivian, Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon. The impacts evaluated are loss of government royalties, missed appropriation of revenues, inefficiency in logging operations, loss of productivity and unemployment. The direct costs of illegal logging in the three countries are estimated at between US$558 to 639 million per year. Unemployment due to Illegal logging, defined as the difference between the employment required for legal and illegal logging, is estimated at 1.2 million person-days per year. The magnitude of these impacts justifies additional investment in control and monitoring mechanisms. Costs of illegal logging would be considerably higher if other impacts and illegal forest activities were quantified.  相似文献   

The characteristics of timber production in the public forest of a specific region in the Philippines are examined and the patterns on the linkages between logging, deforestation, and socio-economic development are established and illustrated. The logging industry is fully manned and financially capable and is a major contributor to the economy. However, the industry is now shrinking due to the declining forest resource of the region. The end results eventually lead to reduced productivity and contribution. The reduction of forest resources was traced to the excessive commercial logging and agricultural conversion of forest lands. Alternatives are suggested. The assistance provided by Mr. Jose D. Malvas, Jr., Director of the Forest Management Bureau, in the gathering of the data used in the study is deeply appreciated.  相似文献   

前苏联西伯利亚森工科研所的重点研究领域是, 开发以TT-4M为通用底盘的各种集材拖拉机和装载机, 研究山地森林采伐工艺、汽车运输道路修筑新工艺, 开发小河水运机械系统, 完善采运机具维修保养系统, 研制新型制材机械以及采伐、造材、加工剩余物的综合利用等.我国森工科研主要借鉴之点是建立科研中试基地、选择适合林区经济发展条件的科研项目, 调整科研组织结构及人才结构, 开展一些林区急需的中、小型科研课题.  相似文献   

人工神经网络在林业上的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在目前的林业生产中,林业作业机械化、自动化与智能化的程度存在着一定的不足,在林业作业中借助人工神经网络技术优化作业系统可以有效地提高作业效率和精度。文中概述了国内外人工神经网络在林业作业应用中的研究现状以及人工神经网络在林业作业应用中的优势,介绍了人工神经网络在植树造林、森林监测、森林采伐、木材加工4个方面的应用现状,在分析林业作业应用人工神经网络存在问题的基础上,提出了人工神经网络在林业作业应用中未来的发展方向,以期提高林业作业的智能性和准确性。  相似文献   

中外人工用材林经营方式比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先对国内外人工用材林经营方式进行了分析, 进而提出通过林工贸一体化发挥产业间的协同效应, 实现人工用材林由分户经营向规模化经营的转变, 将成为我国人工用材林经营方式的发展趋势; 其次, 对我国人工用材林规模化经营的现实性进行了分析; 最后, 在探讨林工贸一体化实现规模化经营内在机理的基础上, 提出林工贸一体化经营是我国人工用材林规模化经营的实现途径。  相似文献   

80年代世界林产工业发展概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分别介绍了80年代发达国家和发展中国家的森林工业政策和实施措施;分析了80年代世界林产工业发展的特点,对工业材、薪炭材、纸和纸板、人造板等的生产及其增长情况进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

Timber production is an important ecosystem service of European mountain forests. This paper aimed to assess the current practices in logging operations and to identify the efficiency gaps in timber production. The study was located in 7 case study areas from representative European mountain ranges, where 632 logging operations were analysed. The focus was on road infrastructure, transport systems, harvesting methods and extraction technologies. Often inappropriate technology was used in steep terrain; there was no correlation between the average slope and the selection of harvesting systems (HS). Skidding was the most common extraction method (75%), while cable yarding and forwarding had shares of 15% and 8%. The mean road density was 18.5?m?ha?1. The mean extraction distance was 501?m. The mean harvesting and extraction productivity were 9.0 and 10.2?m³?h?1; the mean costs were 11.1 and 11.7?€?m?³, respectively. Non-mechanized and obsolete HS reported the lowest efficiency and the highest environmental footprint, while fully mechanized systems reported the highest efficiency, the lowest number of accidents and the lowest stand damage. Cable yarders are the appropriate extraction technology in steep terrain, but they require a well-developed road network. Higher mechanization degree, improved quality of the road networks, knowledge transfer to practice and training of forest workers are some of the necessary measures to overcome the efficiency gaps in timber production in European mountain forests.  相似文献   

We used forest management records to estimate the annual supply potential and availability of timber and logging residue from profitable subcompartments for all the cities and towns in the Tochigi prefecture. Five log markets and three factories in the Tochigi prefecture were assumed to be the destination of timber and logging residue, and the forest operation systems were set on the basis of interviews with forestry cooperative officials. The results showed that the annual supply potential of timber and logging residue was 450,304 m3 and 549,957 tons, of which 6 % (26,304 m3) and 37 % (204,122 tons) were from precommercial thinning operations, 61 % (276,180 m3) and 50 % (276,276 tons) were from commercial thinning operations, and 33 % (147,820 m3) and 13 % (69,559 tons) were from final-felling operations, respectively. When the unit price of the logging residue was 10,000 yen/ton, the annual logging residue availability from profitable subcompartments could almost cover the annual demand of the three facilities that we considered in this study. Introduction of feed-in tariffs had a significant impact. However, the ratios of the availability to supply potential with unit prices of logging residue of 3,000, 6,000, and 10,000 yen/ton were estimated to be only 1.67, 2.06, and 4.09 %, respectively. Considering the subsidies, the ratios respectively increased to 5.79, 7.35, and 13.09 %. Furthermore, the annual logging residue availability with subsidy could meet 70 % of the annual woody biomass demand of the large-scale factory in Sano city, which is 100,000 tons.  相似文献   

本文从营林业、采运业、林产工业的生产力水平和林地的实物生产率等方面阐述福建林业生产力水平,分析制约林业生产力发展的因素,据此提出发展对策。  相似文献   

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