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Wheat genotypes that efficiently capture and convert available soil nitrogen into harvested grain protein are key to sustainably meeting the rising global demand for grain protein. The purposes of this study were: to characterize the genetic variation for nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) traits within hard winter wheat adapted to the Great Plains of the United States and evaluate trends in the germplasm with year of release; to explore relationships among traits that may be used for selection within breeding programs; and to identify quantitative trait loci associated with NUE traits in this germplasm. NUE traits were measured in a panel of 299 hard winter wheat genotypes, representing historically important and contemporary germplasm, from across the growing region. Trials were grown in two years at two levels of nitrogen fertility. Genotype and genotype × year interaction effects were highly significant for NUE traits, while genotype × nitrogen rate interactions were non-significant. Strong genetic correlations of plant height and flowering date with NUE traits were observed. Wheat breeders have improved NUE: the subset of 183 genotypes that were released as cultivars after 1960 demonstrated significant trends with year of release for improved grain N yield, grain yield, nitrogen harvest index, nitrogen uptake efficiency, nitrogen utilization efficiency, and post-anthesis nitrogen uptake. In genome-wide association analyses, plant height and flowering date were important covariates in the mixed models, and plant height and flowering date substantially explained the variation in NUE traits in this germplasm. Marker-trait associations were identified that may prove useful in breeding.  相似文献   

Summary The new European Common Agricultural Policy and environmental considerations are certainly to change agricultural practices toward low input cultivation systems. Nitrogen is one of the main inputs of winter wheat in northern France and it contributes highly to phreatic water pollution. A research programme has then been set up in order to study whether it is possible to breed for winter wheat cultivars using more efficiently N fertilisers. Less nitrogen would be applied, decreasing pollution risks and operational costs. It has been shown that a large variation exists for N related traits and for the resistance against N deficiency. On the one hand the cv Arche is very resistant to N deficiency, its yield on low N conditions (with no N fertiliser) is on average 89% of its yield on high N conditions (with a high N application). On the other hand, cv Récital is very susceptible to N deficiency as this same percentage is only 61%. A study on 10 hybrids showed that heterosis for grain yield was higher at low N level than at high N level. This was due to a higher number of grains per m2.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilizer management from different sources and annual crop rotations are important components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production systems, especially where air and soil quality issues have prompted a search for alternatives to wheat straw burning. This study examined the effects of two different wheat straw management options (burning and incorporation by tillage), three crop rotations [wheat-sesbania (Sesbania spp.), wheat–maize (Zea mays L.), and wheat-clean fallow] and three N sources (urea, chicken manure, and urea plus chicken manure) on wheat grain yield and N use efficiency. The experiment was conducted as split–split plot treatment arrangement with three replications for eight wheat cropping seasons in the state of Sonora, Mexico. Results indicated that both wheat grain yield and N use efficiency were higher with burning than incorporation of wheat straw and with fertilization with urea or urea plus chicken manure than chicken manure alone. As shown by the crop rotation-by-straw management interaction, planting sesbania following incorporation of the straw by tillage produced comparable grain yields to straw burning treatment. In contrast, wheat in annual rotation with maize produced the lowest wheat grain yield and N use efficiency irrespective of the wheat straw management and N source applied.  相似文献   

研究不同降水年型施氮量对旱地冬小麦产量、氮素利用及土壤氮素表观平衡的影响,探讨渭北旱塬旱作麦田稳产增效的最佳氮素投入量,为高效施氮提供理论依据。田间定位施氮试验于2017—2020年连续3年在陕西合阳县开展,以长6359为试验材料,设置5个施氮量处理包括0、60、120、180和240 kg hm-2 (分别以N0、N60、N120、N180和N240表示),研究旱地冬小麦产量、氮肥利用率及土壤氮素平衡对降水年型与施氮量的响应。连续3年定位试验表明:(1)降水年型对冬小麦产量和经济收益影响显著,丰水年较平水年和欠水年分别增产33.6%和113.3%,经济收益提高2~3倍以上。冬小麦氮肥回收利用率和农学效率与产量有相似的变化规律,丰水年氮肥回收利用率和农学效率较平水年和欠水年分别提高4.7个百分点、0.6 kg kg–1 (平水年)和11.9个百分点、2.5 kg kg–1 (欠水年)。(2)无论何种降水年型,冬小麦产量、氮肥回收利用率和农学效率均随施氮量增加呈现先增加后下降的趋势。在丰水年和平水年,均以N180处理下最高,收获期0~100 cm土层土壤硝态氮积累分...  相似文献   

基因型和环境对小麦产量、品质和氮素效率的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以不同基因型的小麦品种(13个强筋小麦品种和2个中筋小麦品种),不同试验地点(馆陶、宁晋、藁城)和不同施氮水平(0、180、240和300 kg hm–2)的田间试验,综合分析基因型、环境对小麦产量、品质、氮肥利用率的影响,以期为优质强筋小麦品种选育、栽培调控及高产提质增效的协同目标提供科学依据。研究表明,不同小麦品种产量在9289~10,088 kg hm–2之间,强筋小麦品种平均产量9548 kg hm–2,比中筋小麦品种减产3.1%。藁城、宁晋、馆陶三地的产量分别达9932、9433和9223kghm–2。不同小麦品种籽粒蛋白质均值14.5%,湿面筋28.5%,沉淀指数39.5mL,稳定时间15.4 min,拉伸能量87.5 cm2,最大拉伸阻力428.8 BU。藁优5218、藁优5766、冀麦738、科农2009、师栾02-1、藁优2018、冀麦867综合品质表现较好。馆陶和宁晋的小麦品质性状相对较好,藁城的品质较差。氮肥利用率随施氮量增加呈降低趋势, N180处理的氮肥农学效率、氮肥吸收利用效率、氮肥生理利用率最高,依次为4.3 kg kg–1、26.2%、16.6 kg kg–1。兼顾产量、品质、效率三方面,藁城适宜种植品种有冀麦738、冀麦867、师栾02-1;宁晋有师栾02-1、科农2009、冀麦738;馆陶有藁优5766、藁优2018、师栾02-1。综合考虑小麦产量、籽粒品质和氮素利用率, 180 kg hm–2为本研究条件下的最佳施氮量。  相似文献   

Sharma  R. C.  Duveiller  E.  Gyawali  S.  Shrestha  S. M.  Chaudhary  N. K.  Bhatta  M. R. 《Euphytica》2004,139(1):33-44
Helminthosporium leaf blight (HLB), caused by a complex of Cochliobolus sativus (Ito & Kurib.) Drechsler ex Dastur and Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Died, is a serious disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the warm lowlands of South Asia. Wheat cultivars grown in the area are either susceptible to HLB or possess low levels of resistance to it. A replicated field study was conducted in 1999 and 2000 at two sites in Nepal to determine the level of HLB resistance and other desirable traits in 60 wheat genotypes of diverse origin. The test genotypes were planted in main strips divided into two strips one of which was sprayed four times with Tilt (a.i. propiconazole) @ 125 g of a.i. ha–1. Four readings of HLB were recorded to calculate the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). Other traits under investigation included biomass yield (BY), grain yield (GY), 1000-kernel weight (TKW), harvest index (HI), days to heading (DH) and maturity (DM), plant height (PHT), and effective tiller number (ETN). Wheat genotypes differed significantly for all traits. Mean AUDPC values ranged from 45 to 1268. A few exotic genotypes were highly resistant to HLB. Losses in GY due to HLB ranged from 2 to 26%, and TKW was reduced by up to 33%. A few genotypes showed HLB tolerance, i.e., relatively smaller GY and TKW reductions despite high levels of HLB. In general, medium to late maturity and higher levels of HLB resistance and low to high GY and TKW characterized genotypes exotic to South Asia. Biplot analysis identified several genotypes that were HLB-resistant and agronomically superior. Results suggest it is possible to improve HLB resistance of local wheat cultivars based on selective breeding using this pool of germplasm.  相似文献   

小麦收获指数与主要农艺性状的相关性探析?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦收获指数是指籽粒产量占地上部生物产量的百分率。研究小麦品种主要农艺性状和经济性状间与其产量的相互关系,采用相关性分析与回归方法,对影响收获指数的10个主要农艺性状及因素进行了研究分析。结果表明:供试小麦HI具有较大的改良空间;HI与穗颈长、株高、穗长、小穗数、主茎生物产量有显著负相关,与单穗质量、产量呈正相关,与生物产量没有显著相关性;主成分分析结果显示,3个主成分累积贡献率达 87.427%,表明 3 个主成分已覆盖所有性状的主要信息;通过回归分析,小麦HI与单穗籽粒产量、生物产量、千粒质量有显著回归关系。结论: 通过对10份小麦材料农艺性状的统计分析,得出如下结论。HI受单穗质量、生物产量、千粒重影响较为明显有显著回归关系,与单穗质量、产量和穗粒数有明显正效应,生物产量对其有负效应。小麦HI提高可通过选育生物产量不宜过大,而穗粒数较高、单穗重较大的小麦品种。  相似文献   

Moisture stress greatly limits the productivity of wheat in many wheat-growing regions of the world. Knowledge of the degree of genetic diversity among parental materials for key selection traits will facilitate the development of high yielding, stress tolerant wheat cultivars. The objectives of this study were to: (i) use amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) to assess genetic diversity among bread wheat lines and cultivars with different responses to drought stress in two distinct environments and, (ii) compare genetic diversity estimated by AFLPs with diversity evaluated on agronomic performance under drought stress. Twenty-eight genotypes, 14 from Iran and 14 developed or obtained by CIMMYT, were evaluated in the study. Phenotypic data on the 14 Iranian lines were obtained in Iran, and data on the 14 CIMMYT lines were collected in Mexico. Ten AFLP primer pairs detected 335 polymorphic bands among the 28 cultivars. At the 5th fusion level of the resulting dendrogram, 6 genotype clusters were identified. Thirteen of the 14 CIMMYT genotypes grouped into one cluster while 4 of the remaining groups were comprised only of Iranian genotypes. When the agronomic performance of the Iranian materials was compared with the AFLP diversity analysis, 5 of the 6 drought susceptible genotypes clustered together in the agronomic dendrogram, and were located in the same cluster in the AFLP dendrogram. However, the drought tolerant Iranian materials did not show the same degree of relationship. The CIMMYT materials did not demonstrate a significant association between agronomic performance and genetic diversity determined using AFLPs. Clearly these data show that there are genotypes with similar agronomic performance and different genetic constitutions in this study that can be combined in a breeding program to potentially improve tolerance to drought stress.  相似文献   

Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology - The aims of this study are to verify the existence of canonical correlations between physiological and agronomic traits of 40 lines of tropical wheat...  相似文献   

R. C. Sharma    E. Duveiller    F. Ahmed    B. Arun    D. Bhandari    M. R. Bhatta    R. Chand    P. C. P. Chaurasiya    D. B. Gharti    M. H. Hossain    A. K. Joshi    B. N. Mahto    P. K. Malaker    M. A. Reza    M. Rahman    M. A. Samad    M. A. Shaheed    A. B. Siddique    A. K. Singh    K. P. Singh    R. N. Singh  S. P. Singh 《Plant Breeding》2004,123(6):520-524
Helminthosporium leaf blight (HLB) is the most important disease constraint to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivation in the eastern Gangetic Plains of South Asia. A Helminthosporium Monitoring Nursery (HMN) including potential adapted and exotic sources of HLB resistance was developed in Bangladesh, India and Nepal to assess the stability of genetic resistance across locations. The 8th, 9th and 10th HMN assessed the HLB resistance and agronomic traits of 17 wheat genotypes across 20 environments of Bangladesh, India and Nepal in the 1999‐2000, 2000‐2001 and 2001‐2002 cropping seasons, respectively. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) for HLB, grain yield, thousand‐kernel weight (TKW), days to heading, days to maturity, and plant height were examined. The 17 genotypes showed a range of variability for disease and agronomic characters. Disease severity (AUDPC) differed in the 3 years and showed the highest values in 2002. The increase in AUDPC in 2002 caused the lowest grain yield, with an average 18% reduction due to HLB. A few genotypes (SW 89‐5422, Yangmai‐6 and Ning 8201) appeared to have stable HLB resistance across environments. However, most of the higher‐yielding genotypes, except BL 1883, were unstable. The results suggest that careful selection of HLB resistance with acceptable grain yield, TKW and plant height may be possible using the wheat genotypes included in the HMN.  相似文献   

Summary The advent of molecular marker systems has made it possible to develop comparative genetic maps of the genomes of related species in the Triticeae. These maps are being applied to locate and evaluate allelic and homoeoallelic variation for major genes and quantitative trait loci within wheat, and to establish the pleiotropic effects of genes. Additionally, the known locations of genes in related species can direct searches for homoeologous variation in wheat and thus facilitate the identification of new genes. Examples of such analyses include the validation of the effects of Vrn1 on chromosome 5A on flowering time in different crosses within wheat; the indication of pleiotropic effects for stress responses by the Fr1 locus on chromosome 5A; the detection of homoeologous variation for protein content on the homoeologous Group 5 chromosomes; and the detection of a new photoperiod response gene Ppd-H1 in barley from homoeology with Ppd2 of wheat.  相似文献   

普通小麦氮素利用效率相关性状全基因组关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氮元素在粮食作物生长和发育过程起着不可替代的作用。发掘氮素利用效率相关基因对于提升小麦产量、减少环境污染具有重要意义。植株根系构型(rootsystemarchitecture,RSA)代表着根系的结构及空间造型,显著受氮素水平影响。本研究在正常供氮和缺氮两种氮素水平下,对160份来自黄淮冬麦区和北部冬麦区普通小麦品系的根系构型相关性状(总根长、总根表面积、总根体积、平均根直径和根尖数)进行统计,并结合小麦660KSNP(single nucleotidepolymorphism)芯片基因分型数据对根系相关性状的相对值进行全基因组关联分析,以期发掘氮素利用效率相关位点。本研究检测到34个与氮素利用效率显著关联的SNP位点,可解释6.9%~15.4%的表型变异。关联位点在所有染色体均有分布,主要集中于1A、2B、3B、5B、6A、6B和7A染色体。11个位点与已报道位点重叠或接近,其他23个位点可能为新的位点。另外,在3B染色体上发现一个编码E3泛素连接酶的候选基因。  相似文献   

为探明实现冬小麦进一步增产增效的调控途径,于2015—2016年和2016—2017年连续两个生长季,选用大穗型品种泰农18,设置2种播种方式(宽幅播种和常规条播)和7个种植密度(130×10~4、200×10~4、270×10~4、340×10~4、410×10~4、480×10~4和550×10~4株hm~(–2)),研究了播种方式与种植密度互作对大穗型小麦品种产量和氮素利用率的调控效应。结果表明,与常规条播相比,宽幅播种配合增密能够有效缓解单位面积穗数增加与单穗粒重降低、氮素吸收效率提高与氮素内在利用效率下降之间的矛盾,通过增加单位面积穗数和氮素吸收效率协同提高籽粒产量和氮素利用率。宽幅播种条件下获得最高产量和氮素利用率的密度为410×10~4株hm~(–2),显著高于常规条播条件下的最优密度(340×10~4株hm~(–2)),且其增产增效幅度亦显著高于常规条播。综上所述,宽幅播种配合合理密植具有进一步协同提高大穗型小麦品种产量和氮素利用率的潜力。在本试验条件下,宽幅播种(苗带宽8~10cm)与410×10~4株hm~(–2)密度相匹配是大穗型小麦品种泰农18获得更高产高效的最优组合。  相似文献   

Inadequate availability of oxygen to theroots is a major growth-limiting factor forplants exposed to waterlogging stress. Spring bread wheat genotypes (Triticumaestivum L.) have been found to differ intheir tolerance to waterlogging. Threespring wheat genotypes tolerant towaterlogging (Ducula, Prl/Sara, andVee/Myna) and two sensitive spring wheatgenotypes (Seri-82, and Kite/Glen) wereevaluated for differences in root anatomyand O2 depletion rates from nutrientsolution in growth chamber experimentsconducted under both aerobic and hypoxicconditions. Plants in the aerobictreatment were grown for four to five weeksunder continuous aerobic conditions. Plantsin the hypoxic treatment were initiallygrown aerobically for two to three weeksfollowed by two to three weeks of hypoxicconditions. The percent root porosityranged from 12 to 20% (v/v) for tolerantgenotypes and from 6 to 8% for sensitivegenotypes grown under hypoxic conditions.Decreasing O2 supply increased therate of O2 uptake in waterloggingtolerant cultivars. Anatomical differencesin root structure between tolerant andsensitive genotypes could not be related toobserved differences in O2 use. Although inconclusive, the results suggestthat in addition to oxygen transport, themovement of photosynthate to the rootsunder waterlogged conditions may also beimportant in conferring tolerance.  相似文献   

A primary driver of the wheat yield gap in Australia and globally is the supply of nitrogen (N) and options to increase N use efficiency (NUE) are fundamental to closure of the yield gap. Co‐application of N with phosphorus (P) is suggested as an avenue to increase fertiliser NUE, and inputs of N and P fertiliser are key variable costs in low rainfall cereal crops. Within field variability in the response to nutrients due to soil and season offers a further opportunity to refine inputs for increased efficiency. The response of wheat to N fertiliser input (0, 10, 20, 40 and 80 kg N ha‐1) under four levels of P fertiliser (0, 5, 10 and 20 kg P ha?1) was measured on three key low rainfall cropping soils (dune, mid‐slope and swale) across a dune‐swale system in a low rainfall semi‐arid environment in South Australia, for three successive cropping seasons. Wheat on sandy soils produced significant and linear yield and protein responses across all three seasons, while wheat on a clay loam only produced a yield response in a high rainfall season. Responses to P fertiliser were measured on the sandy soils but more variable in nature and a consistent effect of increased P nutrition leading to increased NUE was not measured.  相似文献   

为给杂交选育优良小麦品种提供基础,本研究以普通小麦品种晋农190为父本,分别与9个普通小麦品种、7个六倍体小黑麦品种为母本配置杂交组合,对杂种F1代的农艺性状进行分析,发现除了无芒对有芒为显性之外,其余农艺性状均表现为数量遗传,F1代表现为超亲遗传或介于双亲之间。六倍体小黑麦的灰绿色叶片或茎秆、穗长长和红色不饱满的籽粒在杂种F1代显现,可作为鉴别真假杂种的典型性状。  相似文献   

Limited information is available on genetic variation in low-nitrogen (low-N) stress tolerance and N-use efficiency (NUE) among maize inbreds. To unveil this information, a panel of 189 diverse maize inbred lines was evaluated under contrasting levels of N availability over 2 years. Low-N agronomic efficiency (LNAE), absolute grain yield (GY) at low-N conditions, and the ratio between GY at low-N and optimum-N conditions were taken into account to represent low-N tolerance. Additionally, N-agronomic efficiency (NAE) along with other agronomic traits was also analyzed. Analysis of variance revealed significant effects of genotype on LNAE, NAE, and GY. The estimated broad-sense heritability was 0.38 for LNAE while it was only 0.11 for NAE, implying that selection based on LNAE should be more effective than NAE. LNAE exhibited highly positive genotypic and phenotypic correlations with GY, ear kernel number (EKN), kernel weight, plant height (PH), and chlorophyll content at low-N conditions, while it was negatively correlated with grain-N content and anthesis-silking interval. Path analysis indicated that the EKN at low-N stress had the highest positive effects on LNAE.  相似文献   

Wheat is one of the most important cultivated cereals worldwide. In Uruguay, the area increased from 153.000 ha to 453.000 ha between 2004 and 2012, nowadays representing 80% of the total winter crops area. As the high area of the crop, is common planting wheat in a field with wheat as previous winter crop (“wheat after wheat”). This practice leads to a high inoculum pressure of necrotrophic pathogens which guarantees disease inoculation mainly of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (tan spot—TS) and Zymoseptoria tritici (septoria leaf blotch—SLB). There is strong evidence that integrated crop management practices such as nitrogen (N) fertilization, genetic resistance to leaf diseases and fungicides could mitigate yield losses associated with monoculture. However, the impacts of integrated technologies based on actual field data have not been reported before. We based our study in an on-farm wheat yield and management database to assess the previous winter crop effect on wheat yield under no-till systems. This database corresponds to a set of farmers grouped in CREA (Consorcio Regional de Experimentación Agrícola). A complete database of 1292 no-till wheat fields was analyzed. The effect of previous winter crop on yield and the impact of different technologies were estimated based on two approaches: (i) yield quartile analysis and (ii) yield frontier analysis. The crop rotation had a significant impact on yield. The practice of growing “wheat after wheat” was associated with a yield loss of ca 500 kg ha−1. The selection of a diseases resistant cultivar under “wheat after wheat” fields increases yields in ≈700 kg ha−1. The percentage of fields with an efficiency higher than 80% improved from 49 to 77% when a resistant cultivar to TS and SLB was selected, and when N fertilizer was applied earlier and in higher rates. Unexpectedly, only 18% of the “wheat after wheat” fields are applying these two technologies in scenarios under high inoculum pressure. This study, based in on-farm data, highlights the relevance of integrated disease management, and remarks the potential of this approach to minimize the interference of foliar diseases in fields with high inoculum pressure of stubble-borne pathogens.  相似文献   

The effects of soil tillage and straw management systems on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) were evaluated in a cool Atlantic climate, in central Ireland between 2009 and 2011. Two tillage systems, conventional tillage (CT) and reduced tillage (RT) each with and without incorporation of the straw of the preceding crop, were compared at five levels of fertiliser N (0, 140, 180, 220 and 260 kg N ha−1).CT had a significantly higher mean grain yield over the three years but the effect of tillage varied between years. Yields did not differ in 2009 (Year 1), while CT produced significantly higher grain yields in 2010 (Year 2), while RT produced the highest yields in 2011 (Year 3). Straw incorporation had no significant effect in any year.Nitrogen application significantly increased the grain yields of all establishment treatment combinations. Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) ranged from 14.6 to 62.4 kg grain (85% DM) kg N ha−1 and decreased as N fertiliser rate was increased.The CT system had a significantly higher mean NUE over the three years but the effect of tillage varied with years. While there was no tillage effect in years 1 and 3, CT had a significantly higher NUE than RT in year 2. Straw management system had minimal effect on NUE in any year.The effect of tillage and N rate on soil mineral N content also varied between years. While there was no tillage effect in years 1 and 3, RT had significantly larger soil N contents than CT in the spring before N application, and post-harvest in year 2. N application rates had no effect on soil N in year 1, increased residual N content in year 2 and had an inconsistent effect in year 3. Straw management had no significant effect on soil mineral N content.These results indicate that RT establishment systems can be used to produce similar winter wheat yields to CT systems in a cool Atlantic climate, providing weather conditions at establishment are favourable. The response to nitrogen is similar with both tillage systems where the crop is successfully established. Straw management system has very little effect on crop performance or nitrogen uptake.  相似文献   

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