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Beef marbling is an important trait of meat quality and beef marbling influences the tenderness and flavor of beef, which contributes directly to the value of beef especially in the Japanese market. The lipid content of beef depends on the strain, sex, diet and fattening period of the animal. Japanese Black cattle (Wagyu) are well‐known for their ability to produce marbling beef and this is a popular strain in Japan. The development of beef marbling was closely associated with an increase in the number of adipocytes, that is, adipocyte differentiation in the skeletal muscle. This review article describes our experiment and related reports on micronutrients, especially vitamins and minerals, affecting adipogenesis in beef cattle. We pursue the possibility that manipulating the level of dietary micronutrients may become a new technique to promote beef marbling.  相似文献   

We conducted a meta‐data analysis to develop prediction equations to estimate enteric methane (CH4) emission from beef cattle in Southeast Asia. The dataset was obtained from 25 studies, which included 332 individual observations on nutrient intakes, digestibilities, and CH4 emissions. Cattle were provided tropical forage or rice straw, with or without concentrates in individual pens equipped with indirect open‐circuit head hood apparatus. The simplest and best equation to predict daily CH4 emission was CH4 (g/day) = 22.71 (±1.008) × dry matter intake (DMI, kg/day) + 8.91 (±10.896) [R2 = 0.77; root mean square error (RMSE) = 19.363 g/day]. The best equation to predict CH4 energy as a proportion of gross energy intake (CH4‐E/GEI, J/100 J) was obtained using DMI per body weight (DMIBW, kg/100 kg), content (g/100 g DM) of ether extract (EE) and crude protein (CP), and DM digestibility (DMD, g/100 g); CH4‐E/GEI = ?0.782 (±0.2526) DMIBW ? 0.436 (±0.0548) EE ? 0.073 (±0.0218) CP + 0.049 (±0.0097) DMD + 8.654 (±0.6517) (R2 = 0.39; RMSE = 1.3479 J/100 J GEI). It was indicated that CH4 emissions from beef cattle in Southeast Asia are predictable using present developed models including simple indices.  相似文献   

决定大理石花纹水平的肌内脂肪(IMF)含量是影响牛肉感官质量(包括嫩度、多汁性、风味和颜色)的重要因素之一。肉牛体内IMF的形成始于受孕后6个月左右,并在动物的一生中持续增长。大理石花纹的沉积受到品种、遗传、营养和管理(包括去势、断奶年龄)等多方面因素的影响。本文综述了肉牛大理石花纹沉积的主要影响因素,为品种选择以及在肉牛生长发育过程中有效调整饲料、优化营养、因地制宜改善管理提高牛肉品质提供有效依据。  相似文献   

Population pharmacokinetic of marbofloxacin was investigated with 52 plasma concentration–time profiles obtained after intramuscular administration of Forcyl® in cattle. Animal's status, pre‐ruminant, ruminant, or dairy cow, was retained as a relevant covariate for clearance. Monte Carlo simulations were performed using a stratification by status, and 1000 virtual disposition curves were generated in each bovine subpopulation for the recommended dosage regimen of 10 mg/kg as a single injection. The probability of target attainment (PTA) of pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) ratios associated with clinical efficacy and prevention of resistance was determined in each simulated subpopulation. The cumulative fraction of response (CFR) of animals achieving a PK/PD ratio predictive of positive clinical outcome was then calculated for the simulated dosage regimen, taking into account the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) distribution of Pasteurella multocida, Mannheimia haemolytica, and Histophilus somni. When considering a ratio of AUC0‐24 hr/MIC (area under the curve/minimum inhibitory concentration) greater than 125 hr, CFRs ranging from 85% to 100% against the three Pasteurellaceae in each bovine subpopulation were achieved. The PTA of the PK/PD threshold reflecting the prevention of resistances was greater than 90% up to MPC (mutant prevention concentration) values of 1 μg/ml in pre‐ruminants and ruminants and 0.5 μg/ml in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in an Israeli dairy cattle herd is described. The disease was characterized by ulcerative granulomatous lesions, which occurred in an epidemic form. Thirty-two cows and two heifers were affected, the ratio of the number affected to number at risk being 17.5 : 1 and 9.5 : 1, respectively. The culling rate was 50% of the affected animals. Most of the affected animals were cows (91.2%), with one first-calving cow (2.9%) and two heifers (5.9%) also affected. The infection occurred during the summer to autumn months (August-December), and lasted 118 days. The incubation period is about 2 months. The disease appeared in two clinical forms - cutaneous and mastitic - or as a mixed form. C. pseudotuberculosis organisms that were isolated from the ulcerative granulomatous lesions and from milk samples failed to reduce nitrate. A decrease in milk production (4%) and an increase in the bulk-milk somatic cell count from a herd mean of 240 x 10(3) mL(-1) to 460 x 10(3) mL(-1) were noted during the morbidity period. The organism was isolated from milk samples of eight animals (25%). Clinical, epizootiological and microbiological aspects of the infection are described.  相似文献   

Abstract Impetigo and fürunculosis appeared in a dairy cattle herd in association with intensive showering of the lactating cows during the summer months. Heifers and dry cows in the same herd, as well as those in a neighbouring herd in the same village, which was not showered and served as a comparison herd, remained unaffected. Skin lésions declined with the termination of showering. Only six animals [three cows (7.3%) and three first-calving cows (20%)] had to be treated parenterally with antibiotics. Resumen En un rebafio de vacas de leche aparecieron cuadros de impetigo y fürunculosis asociados a las duchas frecuentes aplicadas durante los meses de verano a las vacas lactantes. Las novillas y vacas secas en el mismo rebaño, asi como las de un rebaño vecino de la misma localidad y que no recibian duchas fueron usadas como rebaño de comparación, no se vieron afectadas. Las lesiones cutáneas remitieron al dejar de aplicar las duchas. Tan solo en seis animales [tres vacas (7, 3%) y tres vacas en primer parto (20%)] fue necesario aplicar una terapia parenteral con antibióticos. [Yeruham, I., Elad, D., Perl, S., Nyska, A., Vishinsky, Y. Contagious impetigo in a dairy cattle herd (Impetigo contagioso en un rebaño de vacas de leche). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 239–242.] Résumé Impétigo et füronculose se sont manifestés dans un troupeau laitier, en relation avec un douchage intensif des vaches allaitantes pendant les mois d'été. Les jeunes et les vaches taries du même troupeau, ainsi que celles d'un troupeau voisin du même village, non douchées et servant d'élément de comparaison, restèrent inaffectés. Les lésions cutanées ont régressé dês la cessation des douchages. Seuls six animaux (trois vaches-7, 3%-et trois vaches primipares-20%-) durent etre traités par antibiothérapie parentérale. [Yeruham, I., Elad, D., Perl, S., Nyska, A., Vishinsky, Y. Contagious impetigo in a dairy cattle herd (Impétigo contagieux dans un troupeau de vaches laitières). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 239–242.] Zusammenfassung Eine Impetigo und Furunkulose trat bei einer Milchviehherde in Verbindung mit intensivem Abduschen bei den laktierenden Kühen während der Sommermonate auf. Färsen und trockenstehende Kühe in der selben Herde sowie die einer Nachbarherde im selben Ort, die nicht abgeduscht wurden und als Vergleichsgruppe dienten, blieben unverändert. Die Hautveränderungen reduzierten sich mit Beendigung des Abduschens. Nur sechs Tiere (drei Kühe (7, 3%) und drei Kalbinnen (20%)) mußten parenteral mit Antibiotika behandelt werden. [Yeruham, I., Elad, D., Perl, S., Nyska, A., Vishinsky, Y. Contagious impetigo in a dairy cattle herd (Ansteckende Impetigo bei einer Milchviehherde). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 239–242.]  相似文献   

In a cattle herd, 3 steers had anorexia and variable emaciation; 1 showed additional muscle stiffness, pyrexia, became recumbent and was killed in extremis. Gross changes in tissue specimens from this steer included grey-white foci in the skeletal muscle and a thickened, fibrous pleura. By histology interstitial pneumonia, myocarditis and necrotizing myositis were seen. There were wide-spread vascular lesions with endothelial damage, thrombosis and periarterial infiltrations. Sarcocystis-like schizonts were found in several organs, and different stages of thin-walled sarcocysts were seen in the myocardium. Examination of organs of 6 other steers in the same herd slaughtered 2 months later showed myocarditis, myositis, interstitial pneumonia and occasional vascular occlusions. There were a few schizonts in the spleen and lungs, and thin-walled sarcocysts were seen in the myocardium and skeletal muscle. It is concluded that development of vascular lesions probably represents an important step in the pathogenesis of sarcocystosis.  相似文献   

Central nervous system disease occurred in a herd of rotationally grazed beef cattle consuming water containing 3400 ppm sulfate. Clinical signs, pathologic findings, and high water sulfate levels confirmed the diagnosis of sulfur-induced polioencephalomalacia. The incidence of disease reduced when the herd was switched to a low sulfate water source.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Calving success (CS), days to calving (DC), birth weight (BW) and calving ease (CE) were studied in a mixed breed (Hereford, Jersey × Hereford and Simmental × Hereford) beef cattle herd. DC was not normally distributed and a number of transformations failed in normalising it. Repeatabilities were estimated by analysis of variance. Inclusion (or exclusion) of non calvers and the transformations studied had little effect on the repeatability of DC, which ranged from 0.10 to 0.12. The repeatabilities for CS, BW and CE were 0.08, 0.26 and 0.03, respectively. The residual correlations of CS with DC and functions of DC were high (-0.68 or greater), whereas the correlations among DC and functions of DC were close to one. The correlations of DC with BW and CE varied little with the transformation applied to DC, ranging from 0.26 to 0.28 and 0.10 to 0.12, respectively. The correlation between BW and CE was 0.06. The study points to a number of problems associated with the use of DC as a reproductive variable in beef cattle. It is concluded that although DC is currently a useful field reproductive variable, the search for appropriate female reproductive traits should continue. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Reproduktions- und Perinatal-Variable in einer gemischtrassigen Fleisch-Rinderherde Abkalbeerfolg (CS), Tage bis Abkalbung (DC), Geburtsgewicht (BW) und Kalbeleichtigkeit (CE) wurden in einer gemischtrassigen (Hereford, Jersey × Hereford und Simmental × Hereford) Mutterkuhherde untersucht. DC waren nicht normalverteilt und konnte auch durch eine Reihe von Transformationen nicht normalisiert werden. Wiederholbarkeiten wurden mit Varianzanalyse gesch?tzt. Berücksichtigung (oder Nichtberücksichtigung) von Nichtkalbungen und die Transformationen hatten wenig Wirkung auf Wiederholbarkeit von DC, die zwischen 0,10 und 0,12 war. Wiederholbarkeiten für CS, BW und CE waren 0,08, 0,26 und 0,03. Die Restkorrelation von CS mit DC und Funktionen von DC waren hoch (- 0,68 oder st?rker), w?hrend Korrelationen zwischen DC und Funktionen von DC auch nahe 1 waren. Die Korrelationen von DC mit BW und CE schwankten wenig nach den verschiedenen Transformationen und bewegten sich zwischen 0,26 und 0,28 sowie 0,10 und 0,12. Die Korrelation zwischen BW und CE war 0,06. Die Untersuchung weist auf eine Reihe von Problemen, die sich durch die Verwendung von DC als Reproduktionsvariable von Fleischrindern ergeben. Es wird der Schlu? gezogen, da? DC derzeit zwar nützliche Information für die Praxis ist, da? aber das Suchen nach wissenschaftlich angemessenen weiblichen Reproduktionsmerkmalen fortgesetzt werden sollte. RESUMEN: Variables reproductivas y peri-natales en un rodeo de vacunos de carne de varias razas Las variables éxito al parto (CS), dias al parto (DC), peso al nacer (BW) y facilidad de parto (CE) se estudiaron en un rodeo de vacunos de carne compuesto de varias razas (Hereford, Jersey × Hereford y Simmental × Hereford). DC no estaba normalmente distribuida y una serie de transformaciones ensayadas fracasaron en normalizar esta variable. Las repetibilidades se estimaron por análisis de variancia. La inclusión (o exclusión) de las vacas falladas (no paridas) del análisis y las transformaciones estudiadas tuvieron poco efecto en la repetibilidad de DC, que varió de 0.10 a 0.12. Las repetibilidades de CS, BW y CE fueron 0.08, 0.26 y 0.03, respectivamente. Las correlaciones residuales de CS con DC y con funciones de DC fueron altas (valor absoluto 0.68 o mayor), mientras que las correlaciones entre DC y funciones de DC fueron cerca de uno. Las correlaciones de DC con BW y CE variaron poco con la transformación aplicada a DC, yendo (en valor absoluto) de 0.26 a 0.28 y 0.10 a 0.12, respectivamente. La correlación entre BW y CE fue de 0.06. El estudio apunta a una serie de problemas asociados con el uso de DC como variable reproductiva en vacunos de carne. Se concluye que aunque DC es actualmente una útil variable reproductiva de campo, la búsqueda de rasgos reproductivos de la hembra a ser incluídos en esquemas de evaluación genética de vacunos de carne debe continuar.  相似文献   

Marbling, defined by the amount and distribution of intramuscular fat, is an economically important trait of beef cattle in Japan. The c2‐11#2 expressed sequence tag (EST) has been previously shown to possess expression difference in musculus longissimus muscle between low‐marbled and high‐marbled steer groups, and to be located within genomic region of a quantitative trait locus for marbling. Thus, the ribosomal protein L27a (RPL27A) gene containing the c2‐11#2 EST sequence was considered as a positional candidate for the gene responsible for marbling. In the present study, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the promoter region of the RPL27A, referred to as g.3109537C>T, was detected between the 2 steer groups. The SNP was associated with the predicted breeding value for beef marbling standard number by the analyses using Japanese Black beef cattle population. The effect of genotypes of the SNP on the predicted breeding value for subcutaneous fat thickness was not statistically significant. These findings suggest that the RPL27A SNP may be useful for effective marker‐assisted selection to increase the levels of marbling in Japanese Black beef cattle.  相似文献   

为了解亚热带无隔热层钟楼式单层彩钢瓦屋面棚舍栓系饲养模式下的环境特征,在凤阳测定了肉牛舍的温度、湿度、气流、PM10、NH3等指标。结果:夏季,棚舍内外温湿度几乎相同,换气量超过了最大换气量,PM10优于卫生标准,温湿指数范围为78~87,肉牛处于热应激状态。考虑了气流影响的体感温度范围为25.1~32.2℃,气流显著地减少了高温的影响。晴天棚顶内外表面温度最大相差1.2℃,棚顶隔热能力差,棚顶内表面最高可达48.3℃,此时的舍内气温仅为33.1℃,棚舍自然换气调节是环境控制的主体,适当架高棚顶,开设钟楼换气口有利于畜舍通风换气。冬季,舍内温度范围为-1~7.5℃,舍外温度范围-3.3~5.5℃,温差仅2℃,舍内风速为0.2~0.4 m/s,舍外风速为1.01~2.53 m/s。舍内湿度高于舍外,超过了肉牛生长的适宜湿度范围,NH3浓度优于卫生标准,冬季棚舍四周围挡塑料薄膜,减少了换气量,保温作用弱,空气质量下降。  相似文献   

Leptospiral antibodies were detected in unvaccinated cattle on a 17 000 hectare ranch in the arid southeast region of Alberta. Antibody to serovar hardjo was present before the breeding season in 7% of 42 yearling bulls, 86% of 29 two year old bulls and 5% of 519 cows. Pomona antibody was confined to 3.7% of the cows. Bulls were treated once with dihydrostreptomycin, 25 mg/kg. Bulls and cows were vaccinated twice at a six week interval, with pomona-hardjo-gripptotyphosa bacterin before breeding and cows were revaccinated the next year. Leptospires were demonstrated in urine, kidney and spinal fluid of vaccinated and treated cattle. New infections occurred on range in vaccinates. Eighteen months after the last vaccination, hardjo and pomona antibody prevalences in cows were 3.6 and 3.2% respectively. A group of 250 seronegative cows on the same ranch were not vaccinated. They remained seronegative throughout the 2.5 years of the study. These cows, in contrast to infected groups, were excluded from pastures adjacent to perimeter herds and grazing leases, and they were bred by artificial inseminstion. Rotation through pastures in common with infected groups, and exposure to seropositive heat detector bulls, did not result in seroconversion in these cows. The study showed the potential of range bulls to amplify and transmit hardjo infection, limitations to the value of treatment and vaccination with available agents, and the potential of management practices to maintain an uninfected herd in close proximity to cattle carrying hardjo infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe a significant outbreak of foetal infection and subsequent losses due to bovine pestivirus on a 5200 ha beef breeding and fattening property in central Queensland. DESCRIPTION OF THE HERD: The affected herd consisted of 656 cows, including 269 recently purchased cows, and 221 heifers that were joined in December/January 1995/96. There were approximately 2500 cattle on the property. INVESTIGATION: Following the purchase of 269 cows in October 1995, which were mingled with the existing cow herd, losses were experienced due to foetal infection with bovine pestivirus. These losses were recorded between 1996 and 1999 as: reduced pregnancy rates, losses between pregnancy testing (midpregnancy) and branding (calves averaged 3 months-of-age), losses due to pneumonia and ill-thrift between branding and approximately 12 months-of-age, and losses due to ill-thrift and the chronic wasting form of mucosal disease thereafter. All surviving calves were tested for bovine pestivirus in 1997 at an average of 10 months. Fifty-three calves were identified as persistently infected with bovine pestivirus. A further 110 calf losses could reasonably be attributed to bovine pestivirus infection. Persistently infected cattle were always unthrifty compared to their virus negative counterparts. Only one persistently infected calf was identified, on the basis of severe ill thrift, in the 1997 birth cohort and none in 1998. CONCLUSIONS: This outbreak of foetal infection with bovine pestivirus resulted in significant production losses. These losses were recorded over the three years subsequent to the outbreak. Significant numbers of persistently infected calves were not evident among calves born in the two years after this outbreak.  相似文献   

Gene-flow methodology was used to calculate the cumulative discounted expressions (CDE) for annual/lactation, replacement heifer, cull cow, birth, yearling, and slaughter traits in alternative cattle production systems. Generic equations were presented and parameters representing dairy-beef production systems in Ireland and Brazil were inputted. Cumulative discounted expressions using input parameters from a hypothetical purebred dairy production system with poor cow longevity were also calculated. Cumulative discounted expressions were calculated assuming either an initial purebred or crossbred mating within each production system. Absolute and relative differences in CDE existed among trait categories across the three alternative production systems investigated. For example, the CDE of beef-related traits accruing from an initial purebred mating ranged from 0.42 to 0.75 CDE of an annual/lactation trait across the three contrasting systems investigated which differed in various input parameters. Such variation may alter the relative emphasis of traits on overall profitability thereby contributing to genotype by environment interactions. The results of this study highlight the necessity to consider auxiliary traits in sire selection over and above those representing the principal intended use of the sire. This was particularly so for integrated dairy-beef cattle production systems.  相似文献   


Aims: To investigate the seroprevalence of infection with bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus among 75 beef herds and seroconversion in cattle during early pregnancy, and to determine the practices and opinions of farmers towards BVD control and their association with real and perceived herd serological status.

Methods: Blood samples were collected before mating in 75 beef herds across New Zealand from 15 unvaccinated heifers that had delivered their first calf that season. Serum samples were tested for BVD antibodies using ELISA individually, and after pooling samples for each farm. Animals that were antibody-negative were retested at either pregnancy diagnosis or weaning. Farmers were asked to complete a detailed survey about herd demographics, BVD testing and vaccination practices, and opinions towards national BVD control.

Results: Based on the pooled serum antibody ELISA results, there were 28/75 (37%) negative herds, 15/75 (20%) suspect herds, and 32/75 (43%) positive herds. Of 1,117 animals sampled 729 (65.3%) tested negative for BVD virus antibodies; when retested, 47/589 (8.0%) animals from 13/55 (24%) herds had seroconverted. Among 71 famers providing survey responses 11 (15%) believed their herd was infected with BVD, 24 (34%) were unsure and 36 (51%) did not think their herd was infected. Only 19/71 (18%) farmers had performed any BVD testing within the past 5 years and 50/70 (71%) had not vaccinated any cattle for BVD. Support for national BVD eradication programme was strong in 51/71 (56%) respondents, but the biggest challenge to BVD control was considered to be famer compliance. Compared to farmers who did not think their herd was infected, more farmers who thought BVD was present in their herds had previously tested for BVD, would consider testing all replacement calves, and would support establishing a national BVD database; fewer would consider purchasing BVD tested or vaccinated cattle only.

Conclusions and clinical relevance: Only 15% of the beef farmers in this study believed their herds were infected with BVD virus and few of them had undertaken BVD screening. Nevertheless many were supportive of implementing a national BVD control programme. It is likely that the lack of farmer awareness around BVD and the failure of farmers to recognise the potential impacts in their herds are hindering progress in controlling the disease in New Zealand. There are opportunities for New Zealand veterinarians to be more proactive in helping beef farmers explore BVD management options.  相似文献   

重庆市某肉牛场新进育肥牛群发生以呼吸系统感染为主的传染性疾病,为确诊病因,对表现明显临床症状的病牛进行迫杀,无菌采集肺脏、肝脏、血液和心肌进行病原分离,共分离到4株菌,分别编号为CQ1、CQ2、CQ3、CQ4.经16S rRNA序列比对,CQ1与牛支原体同源性达99.9%,CQ2与羊创伤球菌同源性达99.8%,CQ3、CQ4分别与大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌同源性达99%.通过培养特性、菌落形态观察、牛支原体特异性引物PCR扩增,确定CQ1为牛支原体;药物敏感性试验和动物试验表明,该分离株对环丙沙星、氧氟沙星、四环素、壮观霉素敏感,不致死小白鼠.按牛支原体肺炎临床用药后,疫情很快得到控制,结合实验室检测结果,确认该场爆发的是以牛支原体感染为主的牛支原体肺炎.  相似文献   

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