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A fibrinous necrotizing pleuropneumonia with a predominant mononuclear cell infiltrate commenced January 1978. The pneumonia, caused by Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae assumed epizootic proportions and affected mainly feeder pigs in the intensive pig rearing area of southwestern Ontario. A few abortions occurred. Winter storms, recent transportation and other potentially stressful situations were associated with herd outbreaks. Broad spectrum antibiotics were usually effective in stopping deaths.  相似文献   

The serological relationship of Danish feline panleukopaenia virus and mink enteritis virus and strains from Great Britain, USA, Germany and Canada was examined in neutralization tests using a direct immunofluorescence technique. Vaccine strains of the virus were used representing virus strains from the different countries. It was found that all Danish feline panleukopaenia virus strains and the mink enteritis strain belong to the same serotype and further that they are of similar antigenicity as feline panleukopaenia virus strains and mink enteritis strains isolated in other countries.  相似文献   

Microbiological, biochemical and pathological data collected from 293 calves which were either stillborn, or born alive and either failed to breathe or failed to breathe for more than about 10 minutes are presented. No bacteria were recovered from 96 of the calves (32.7 per cent), and bacteria which were considered significant were isolated from only four (1.4 per cent). Evidence of leptospiral infection was found in 75 calves (25.5 per cent). Of 64 calves examined for bovine virus diarrhoea (BVD) and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) antigens, two were positive for BVD virus and none for IBR virus. The mean (+/- sd) liver vitamin E and kidney selenium concentrations, determined in 148 of the calves, were 2.0 +/- 0.76 micrograms/g wet matter and 0.47 +/- 0.17 micrograms/g wet matter, respectively. The thyroid iodine concentration in 15 of 71 calves (21 per cent) was less than 300 micrograms/g wet matter and the mean (+/- sd) thyroid weight of 266 of the calves was 18.5 +/- 11.6 g. Evidence of severe trauma was found in 19 of the calves (6.5 per cent). Histological findings included thyroid epithelial hyperplasia, hepatic haemosiderosis, erythrophagocytosis in the spleen, perivascular haemorrhage in brain and adrenal glands, and accumulation of leucocytes in blood vessels.  相似文献   

An outbreak of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) in the Owambo Mangetti area of South West Africa/Namibia in 1982 led to the slaughter of 3,153 cattle. The lungs of 266 of these animals were scrutinized for gross lesions of CBPP and samples of lung tissue, sequestral contents or pleural fluid were submitted to the Veterinary Research Institute (VRI), Onderstepoort for microbiological, immunofluorescent and pathological examination. Immunofluorescence proved to be the most successful method of diagnosis producing 96% of positives, while mycoplasma isolations were only positive in 64% of the 55 specimens processed in parallel. This clearly demonstrated the value of the former technique in the accurate as well as rapid diagnosis of CBPP. The impression smear technique employed, using Eriochrome black counterstaining proved most satisfactory and easy to interpret. The isolation of M. mycoides was influenced by the transit times and temperature of the samples on arrival at the VRI. No pathogenic bacteria were found in routine aerobic bacterial cultures from 27 of the samples submitted. Complement fixing antibodies were present in the sera of 16 cattle and titres varied between 10 and 320. Animals in which antibodies were absent included those with early lung lesions and some with sequestra.  相似文献   

Five, 1-week-old, colostrum-deprived lambs were inoculated transtracheally with a parainfluenza type-3 (PI-3) virus that had been isolated from a pneumonic lamb lung. A biphasic febrile response, cough, rapid breathing followed by forced expirations, listlessness, and anorexia were observed in the lambs. There were multifocal areas of consolidation in the lungs of all lambs and ulcerations in the nasal mucosa of three lambs. Serum antibody titers to PI-3 virus ranged from 2 to 16 in lambs necropsied Day 3 to Day 7 post-inoculation, respectively. Virus was isolated from nasal secretions, tracheal fluids, and lung tissues of all lambs.  相似文献   

The first report of the isolation of adenovirus from a pig was that of Haig et al. in 1964. The virus was isolated from faeces and was serologically different from many of the common human adenoviruses. In Denmark, six strains have been found in organ material from pigs (Rasmussen 1966). In the USA Kasza (1966) isolated an adenovirus from the brain of a pig with encephalitic symptoms, and in West Germany the virus was demonstrated in tissue culture of pig kidney from a group of animals where up to every tenth kidney was found to be infected (Mahnet & Bibrack 1966).The present study deals with virus strains isolated from non-inoculated cell cultures or from normal or diseased pigs. It includes a serological classification of strains isolated from organ material and a study of the cytopathogenic effect of the viruses in cell cultures of the kidneys and lungs of pig embryos and of the kidneys of bacon pigs and calves.  相似文献   

The effect of oral infection of puppies, eight and 10 weeks old, with canine parvovirus of faecal origin was studied. Clinical signs of enteric disease were first apparent at five days after inoculation and persisted during days 6 and 7 after inoculation. The severity of clinical signs varied from transient dullness and anorexia to emesis, dysentery and death. Changes in haematological parameters were first found at day 3 after inoculation when a relative lymphopenia was observed. A profound neutropenia developed in severely affected dogs after the appearance of clinical enteric disease. Post mortem examination revealed thymic atrophy in all dogs killed on day 4 after inoculation. Macroscopic changes in the small intestine were apparent only in animals examined during the phase of severe enteric disease and consisted of thickening, rigidity and congestion of the small intestines. Microscopically there was lymphocytolysis in the thymic cortex and the germinal centres of the lymph nodes from days 2 and 3 after inoculation respectively and this rapidly resulted in depletion of these tissues. There was repopulation of lymph nodes from day 7 after inoculation but significant thymic regeneration was not apparent during the course of this study. In the small intestine, necrosis of crypt epithelium, atrophy of villi and, in some areas, complete collapse of mucosal architecture were found but the extent of these changes varied along the length of the small intestine and between individuals. Regenerative intestinal changes were observed in those animals surviving the acute phase of enteric dysfunction. The variable severity of clinical and enteric lesions, together with the factors which may affect the expression of clinical disease, are discussed.  相似文献   

Long-term PCV2 infection and/or concurrent infection with genotypes PCV2a and PCV2b may play a role in the development of clinical porcine circovirus-associated disease (PCVAD). To evaluate this premise, 24 11-week-old specific pathogen-free (SPF) pigs were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments: negative controls, a single inoculation with PCV2a, single inoculation followed by re-inoculation with a homologous PCV2a strain, or repeated inoculations with heterologous strains (PCV2a, PCV2b). Pigs were evaluated for clinical signs daily through 140 days post inoculation (dpi). Serum samples were collected every other day from dpi 0 through 14 and weekly thereafter. PCV2-inoculated pigs were viremic by dpi 2 and 13 of 18 pigs remained viremic at 140 dpi. No statistical differences in the onset, level, or duration of PCV2 viremia were detected among treatment groups. Anti-PCV2 antibodies were detected between 14 and 28 dpi and were present through 140 dpi without statistical differences in antibody response among treatment groups. In the current study, pigs had extended viremia combined with detectable tissue PCV2 antigen levels despite the presence of high levels of anti-PCV2 antibody; however, no clinical disease was observed.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis is an important cause of calf pneumonia worldwide. In this study, we examined 140 cattle at slaughter comprising 70 veal calves and 70 beef cattle; 115 animals with pneumonic lesions and 25 without. Lung samples were submitted for bacteriological, histological, and M. bovis-immunohistochemical analyses. Serology for M. bovis was positive in 76% of beef cattle and 100% of veal calves. M. bovis was isolated only from veal calves in 16 out of 64 pneumonic cases. M. bovis was detected by immunohistochemistry in seven bacteriologically positive cases. M. bovis antigen was associated with bronchogenic necrosuppurative or fibrinonecrotizing lesions. Bacteriologically positive and immunohistochemical negative cases were associated with catarrhal bronchointerstitial pneumonia. Results suggest that M. bovis infection may develop into a severe necrosuppurative bronchopneumonia or fibrinonecrotizing pneumonia when associated with a high number of intralesional organisms or, conversely, into a mild catarrhal bronchointerstitial pneumonia when associated with a low number of organisms.  相似文献   

Of a group of 30 clinically normal male Holstein calves two to eight weeks of age, six two week old and six four week old calves met various radiographical and clinicopathological criteria for normality. Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed by fiberoptic bronchoscopy on cranial and caudal lung regions in all 30 calves and samples analyzed for free cells, microorganisms, and immunoglobulins. Lateral chest radiographs and lung biopsies were also conducted on each calf. Calves were euthanized and necropsied ten days after bronchoalveolar lavage was conducted. Reported in this paper are results from the 12 normal calves. Microorganisms were present in small numbers in the lower respiratory tract of some normal calves. There were no differences in the above parameters between cranial and caudal lobes. There were statistically significant changes in bronchoalveolar lavage cell proportions with age although there were no detectable differences in clinical signs. Four week old calves had a lower percentage of macrophages and a higher percentage of epithelial cells than two week old animals (p less than 0.05). There was also a trend toward an increased percentage of neutrophils in older calves but this was not significant (p greater than 0.05). Total bronchoalveolar lavage protein also appeared to increase with age (p less than 0.05). In both groups a higher proportion of IgG2 in bronchoalveolar lavage compared to serum was found, suggesting the presence of a local selective transfer mechanism into respiratory secretions.  相似文献   

Serological tests for the detection of antibodies against Haemophilus somnus were carried out in herds of beef and dairy cattle using three different techniques: agglutination, complement fixation and counterimmunoelectrophoresis. The agglutination test appeared to detect more seroreactors than the complement fixation and counterimmunoelectrophoresis tests. Results of the three tests indicated that there were more positive reactors in beef cattle and dairy cattle from infected herds than in dairy cattle from clinically normal herds.  相似文献   

A retrospective study (1980-1989) was conducted to describe the clinical, pathological, and bacteriological findings in 55 cases of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE) caused by Escherichia coli in piglets. The condition occurred in weaned and suckling piglets and was associated with several serogroups of E. coli. Most of the isolates of E. coli possessed the adhesin F4 (K88) and were hemolytic. Only a few of the isolates of E. coli tested produced verotoxins. Clinical signs and pathological findings noted in these cases were compatible with shock.  相似文献   

Blood variables (cell values, contents of haemoglobin, minerals and proteins) were studied retrospectively in 13 lambs which had acquired toxoplasmosis during the summer, and in 2 lambs which had been infected during the perinatal period. Examination by immunoelectrophoresis was also performed. The lambs had been in experimental groups in a research project of blood values in sheep on pastures of different qualities. The groups comprised a total of 40 lambs, which had been bled once monthly. Examinations were also carried out in lambs experimentally infected with the RH strain of T. gondii, in lambs experimentally infected with a sheep strain of the parasite, and in a control group. No significant changes in the blood variables were found.Meat samples from the experimentally infected lambs and their controls were examined parasitologically. T. gondii was recovered from all dye test positive (titre ≥ 1/16) lambs inoculated with the sheep strain, but not from any of the lambs inoculated with the RH strain. The results indicated that the RH strain does not produce cysts in the muscular tissue in sheep. Some observations indicated that this strain may protect against reinfection with other strains, but the number of individuals was too low for a statistical conclusion. kw|Keywords|k]toxoplasma infection; k]haematology; k]sheep {fn1|This work was supported by grants from The Norwegian Research Council for Science and for the Humanities.}  相似文献   

During 1 year, the association between microbiological and pathological findings in 72 lungs from calves submitted to the Danish Veterinary Laboratory for diagnostic purposes was studied. All cases were evaluated pathologically and bacteriologically, whereas only 68 cases were examined for the presence of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), parainfluenza-3 virus (PI-3 virus) and bovine coronavirus, 62 cases for bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVD), 45 cases for bovine adenovirus and 51 cases for mycoplasmas. Based on histopathological examination, the cases were diagnosed as fibrinous and/or necrotizing bronchopneumonia, suppurative bronchopneumonia, embolic pneumonia and others. The diagnoses were based on the dominating and most severe lesions in each lung. Haemophilus somnus, Pasteurella multocida, Actinomyces pyogenes, P. haemolytica and BRSV were the most commonly found bacterial and viral lung pathogens, respectively. Pasteurella spp. and H. somnus were often associated with the more severe fibrinonecrotizing type of bronchopneumonia, whereas BRSV was primarily detected in cases of suppurative bronchopneumonia. Mycoplasma bovis was isolated from one case only, whereas M. dispar, M. bovirhinis and Ureaplasma diversum were present, often concomitantly, in the majority of cases. Aspergillus fumigatus was isolated from one case.  相似文献   

Clinical, serological, and pathological abnormalities observed in Holstein cows naturally infected with bovine lentivirus 1 bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV) and other infections were progressive and most commonly associated with weight loss, lymphoid system deficiency, and behavioral changes. Clinical evidence of meningoencephalitis was dullness, stupor, and occasional head or nose pressing postures. The polymerase chain reactions associated the BIV provirus with the lesions in the central nervous system and lymphoid tissues. Multiple concurrent infections developed in retrovirally infected cows undergoing normal stresses associated with parturition and lactation. A major functional correlate of the lymphoreticular alterations was the development of multiple secondary infections which failed to resolve after appropriate antibacterial therapy. The chronic disease syndrome in dairy cows associated with BIV may be useful as a model system for investigation of the pathogenesis of the nervous system lesions and lymphoid organ changes that occur in humans with lentiviral infection.  相似文献   

Of 42 strains of Pasteurella meltocida isolated from different outbreaks of hemorrhagic septicaemia and from healthy cattle in various parts of the Suden, 38 belonged to Carters' type B and four to type E. The strain used for vaccine production was type E. With respect to somatic antigen determination, there was some correlation between the results of the gel diffusion and the agglutination tests as most strains reacted with 0 groups 6 antisera in both tests. However, some antigens cross-reacted with antisera of different 0 groups in the gel diffusion test. No correlation was observed between the pattern of biochemical reactions and the serological types.  相似文献   

Serological and microbiological studies on leptospirosis in pigs from Morogoro municipality, Tanzania were carried out between October 2007 and May 2008. Serum samples (n = 385) from apparently healthy pigs were tested by microscopic agglutination test for antibodies against live cultures of six known Leptospira interrogans serovars: Pomona, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Ballum, Tarassovi, Grippotyphosa and Hardjo. Significant positive titres were detected in 4.42% (17/385) of all the tested serum samples. Asceptically collected samples, urine (n = 236) and kidney tissues (n = 214), were cultured in enriched Fletcher’s and Ellinghausen McCullough–Johnson and Harris media and assessed, at weekly intervals for 24 weeks, for growth by dark-field microscopy. Two leptospiral organisms were isolated from the urine samples. There was a statistical association between seroposivity and location that the subjects reside in (P < 0.05), whereas it was not significantly associated with sex nor age (P > 0.05). The evidence of pig exposure to different serovars and the isolation of the leptospiral organisms confirm that the infection is present in pigs although with an overall low prevalence. Apart from its economic importance on to the pig industry, this disease is a potential zoonotic public health risk in Tanzania, especially because of the lack of studies on leptospirosis among persons who handle pigs and pork products.  相似文献   

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