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草高粱高产生理基础研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对草高粱的生理性状和生物产量研究,证明草高粱前期要重视下数第四叶的生长发育,后期上三叶更重要,其中剑叶和倒三叶功能最强;生物产量主要决定品种本身遗传特性、气候环境适宜、光合效率高、呼吸消耗少、生长势旺、再生力强、干物质积累多的综合作用,而与生长日数长短在一定条件下不呈正相关;本研究中生理性状好、生物产量高的品种是晋草5号、龙草0402、晋农大甜饲杂1号。  相似文献   

不同播期下油菜叶面积指数及干物质积累与产量的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以早熟品种1358、中熟品种中双11号和晚熟品种浙双8号为材料,在长沙地区进行分期播种试验,研究油菜不同播期条件下的叶面积指数及干物质积累与产量的关系。结果表明:早熟品种1358叶面积指数及干物质量与产量的关系不显著;中熟品种中双11号在蕾薹期干物质量与产量的相关性达到显著水平;晚熟品种浙双8号在各生育时期的叶面积指数和干物质量与产量均呈正相关,且多数达到显著水平。  相似文献   

察和分析4个苏丹草品种和6个栽培高粱品种的64个生物学性状。利用性状间的相关关系和系统聚类结果,探讨了在田间种植环境条件下生物学性状的分类学意义;利用主成分分析法确定出6个主分量,其中主成分Ⅰ、Ⅱ在苏丹草和栽培高梁2类群演化过程中起着决定性作用,被称作苏丹草分化主因子和高粱分化主因子。以6个主成分的回归因子得分值对10个品种进行聚类分析,结果将苏丹草和栽培高粱划分成两大类。   相似文献   

茉莉3品种叶肉细胞超微结构的季节变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用透射电镜对地栽3茉莉品种叶肉细胞超微结构的季节变化进行详细观察和比较研究。结果显示,3茉莉品种春季和秋季叶肉细胞的超微结构完整,但夏季和冬季3茉莉品种叶肉细胞超微结构变化明显且品种间的变化有差异。茉莉遭受高温(夏季)或低温(冬季)胁迫时,叶肉细胞超微结构的变化具有适应意义,但随着胁迫时间的延长,细胞亚显微结构会受伤害。比较研究结果表明,双瓣茉莉比单、多瓣茉莉抗低温和高温能力更强,有细胞超微结构基础,在高温和低温胁迫下,双瓣茉莉细胞超微结构更稳定。  相似文献   

以低氮高效型玉米品种郑单958、高氮高效型玉米品种先玉335、双低效型玉米品种豫单606、双高效型玉米品种秋乐368为材料,研究不同氮效率玉米品种在不施氮肥和纯氮90、180、270、360 kg/hm2处理下产量、干物质积累与转运及氮素吸收利用的差异。结果表明,与双低效型品种相比,低氮高效型品种在低氮条件下可以正常维持物质合成,具有较高的氮素积累量和干物质积累量,粒重增加,进而具有较高产量优势;高氮高效型品种在高氮条件下具有较高的花后干物质积累量、氮素积累量,能维持较长时间的光合作用,子粒库容量较高,库调节能力较强,子粒产量存在优势;双高效型品种同时具有以上特性。  相似文献   

抗草潜力不同的水稻品种混合种植对稗草的抑制作用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以秀水63(化感指数为0.24,竞争力弱)、PI312777(化感指数为0.61,竞争力强)、国稻1号(化感指数为0.55,竞争力强)为材料,采用盆栽试验和田间试验相结合的方法,研究了抗草潜力不同的水稻品种混种对稗草萌发和生长的影响。盆栽试验结果表明,PI312777和国稻1号对稗草萌发抑制作用显著,而秀水63对稗草萌发无抑制作用;秀水63与PI312777或国稻1号混合种植后,稗草的萌发均受到抑制。盆栽和田间试验均表明,在单种情况下,稗草的生物量在PI312777和国稻1号的试验小区均低于秀水63的试验小区。秀水63与PI312777、秀水63与国稻1号混合种植,稗草的生物量均显著降低。与抗草潜力高的水稻品种(PI312777和国稻1号)混合种植,在一定程度上能增强秀水63对稗草的抑制能力。  相似文献   

<正>返魂草是以宽叶返魂草与单叶返魂草的地上干燥全草入药,其中单叶返魂草在长白山区分布最广,是返魂草药材来源的主流品种。返魂草水煎醇沉液提取出对羟基苯乙酸等九种酚酸类成分有较强的抑菌活性,其中咖啡酸和绿原酸为抗病毒有效成分。有多家制药企业用返魂草单方制剂生产颗粒剂、胶囊  相似文献   

前期研究发现,在淹水条件下黄腐酸能显著抑制稗草生长,具有防控水田稗草的潜力,而评估黄腐酸对水稻的安全性是利用其进行稻田稗草防治的重要前提,因此,对水稻安全性进行系统测评具有重要意义.本研究在模拟田间淹水条件下加入0.8 g/L黄腐酸溶液处理24个水稻品种幼苗,测定其株高、根长和株鲜重的抑制率,筛选出耐黄腐酸水稻品种并对...  相似文献   

通过在火龙果园中间种3个不同品种的牧草,研究不同生草栽培模式对果园土壤理化性状及微生态环境的影响,为火龙果园生态栽培提供理论依据和技术指导。结果表明:3种生草栽培可明显改善火龙果果园土壤物理性状,土壤容重下降了13.29%~15.83%,土壤总孔隙度增加了43.65%~72.28%,毛管孔隙度和土壤含水量分别增加了33.91%~55.89%和43.66%~72.28%,影响程度为紫花苜蓿>柱花草>百喜草;3种生草栽培使土壤有机质,全氮、碱解氮含量明显增加,对土壤有效磷和速效钾含量的影响则因牧草品种不同出现较大的差异,间作紫花苜蓿和百喜草表现增加,而间作柱花草则明显减少;3种生草栽培均能有效提高火龙果果园相对湿度,降低气温和土壤温度,并能抑制火龙果园杂草的滋生,有效改善了果园微生态环境。  相似文献   

烟草“前膜后草”双覆盖是在地膜覆盖与秸秆覆盖的基础上改进的覆盖栽培模式。综述了双覆盖模式的形成原因及其保温保湿效果,对烟株根系活力和病虫害防御、烟叶品质以及经济性状等方面的影响,并展望了“前膜后草”双覆盖模式的研究方向。  相似文献   

海南兰科植物新记录5种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了5个海南兰科植物新记录种:尾萼无叶兰(Aphyllorchis cuadata Rolfe ex Downie)、中越双唇兰(Didymoplexis vietnamica Ormerod)、粗茎苹兰[Pinalia amica(H.G.Reichenbach)Kuntze]、绿叶线柱兰(Zeuxineagyokuana Fukuyama)和黄唇线柱兰(Z.sakagutii Tuyama.)。其中尾萼无叶兰和中越双唇兰为腐生兰,粗茎苹兰为附生兰,绿叶线柱兰与黄唇线柱兰为地生种类。凭证标本均保存于华东师范大学生物学系植物标本馆(HSNU)。  相似文献   

通过对九连山自然保护区的植物调查,新增5种江西省植物分布新记录种,即骨牌蕨[Lemmaphyllum rostratum (Bedd.) Tagawa]、剑叶书带蕨[Haplopteris amboinensis (Fée) X. C. Zhang]、北京铁角蕨(Asplenium pekinense Hance)、异裂双盖蕨(Diplazium laxifrons Rosenstock)、华南鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris tenuicula C. G. Matthew et Christ);1个江西植物新记录属,即叉柱兰属(Cheirostylis Blume);并讨论6种新记录的地理区系。  相似文献   

海南兰科植物2新记录属7新记录种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了2个海南野生兰科植物新记录属,钻柱兰属(Pelatantheria Ridley)和叉喙兰属(Uncifera Lindley);7个海南新记录种,即,钻柱兰[P.rivesii(Guillaumin)TangF.T.Wang]、中泰叉喙兰(U.thailandica SeidenfadenSmitinand)、窄苞石豆兰(Bulbophyllum rufinum H.G.Reichenbach)、矩叶翻唇兰(Hetaeria oblongifolia Blume)、竹茎兰(Tropidia nipponica Masamune)、扁根带叶兰(Taeniophyllum complanatum Fukuyama)和全唇线柱兰(Zeuxine integrilabella C.S.Leou)。其中,后2种及矩叶翻唇兰为中国大陆新记录。  相似文献   

Edible marine algae are rich in bioactive compounds and are, therefore, a source of bioavailable proteins, long chain polysaccharides that behave as low-calorie soluble fibers, metabolically necessary minerals, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and antioxidants. Marine algae were used primarily as gelling agents and thickeners (phycocolloids) in food and pharmaceutical industries in the last century, but recent research has revealed their potential as a source of useful compounds for the pharmaceutical, medical, and cosmetic industries. The green, red, and brown algae have been shown to have useful therapeutic properties in the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases: Parkinson, Alzheimer’s, and Multiple Sclerosis, and other chronic diseases. In this review are listed and described the main components of a suitable diet for patients with these diseases. In addition, compounds derived from macroalgae and their neurophysiological activities are described.  相似文献   

Species of Trichocomaceae occur commonly and are important to both industry and medicine. They are associated with food spoilage and mycotoxin production and can occur in the indoor environment, causing health hazards by the formation of β-glucans, mycotoxins and surface proteins. Some species are opportunistic pathogens, while others are exploited in biotechnology for the production of enzymes, antibiotics and other products. Penicillium belongs phylogenetically to Trichocomaceae and more than 250 species are currently accepted in this genus. In this study, we investigated the relationship of Penicillium to other genera of Trichocomaceae and studied in detail the phylogeny of the genus itself. In order to study these relationships, partial RPB1, RPB2 (RNA polymerase II genes), Tsr1 (putative ribosome biogenesis protein) and Cct8 (putative chaperonin complex component TCP-1) gene sequences were obtained. The Trichocomaceae are divided in three separate families: Aspergillaceae, Thermoascaceae and Trichocomaceae. The Aspergillaceae are characterised by the formation flask-shaped or cylindrical phialides, asci produced inside cleistothecia or surrounded by Hülle cells and mainly ascospores with a furrow or slit, while the Trichocomaceae are defined by the formation of lanceolate phialides, asci borne within a tuft or layer of loose hyphae and ascospores lacking a slit. Thermoascus and Paecilomyces, both members of Thermoascaceae, also form ascospores lacking a furrow or slit, but are differentiated from Trichocomaceae by the production of asci from croziers and their thermotolerant or thermophilic nature. Phylogenetic analysis shows that Penicillium is polyphyletic. The genus is re-defined and a monophyletic genus for both anamorphs and teleomorphs is created (Penicillium sensu stricto). The genera Thysanophora, Eupenicillium, Chromocleista, Hemicarpenteles and Torulomyces belong in Penicilliums. str. and new combinations for the species belonging to these genera are proposed. Analysis of Penicillium below genus rank revealed the presence of 25 clades. A new classification system including both anamorph and teleomorph species is proposed and these 25 clades are treated here as sections. An overview of species belonging to each section is presented. TAXONOMIC NOVELTIES: New sections, all in Penicillium: sect. Sclerotiora Houbraken & Samson, sect. Charlesia Houbraken & Samson, sect. Thysanophora Houbraken & Samson,sect. Ochrosalmonea Houbraken & Samson, sect. Cinnamopurpurea Houbraken & Samson, Fracta Houbraken & Samson, sect. Stolkia Houbraken & Samson, sect. Gracilenta Houbraken & Samson, sect. Citrina Houbraken & Samson, sect. Turbata Houbraken & Samson, sect. Paradoxa Houbraken & Samson, sect. Canescentia Houbraken & Samson. New combinations:Penicillium asymmetricum (Subramanian & Sudha) Houbraken & Samson, P. bovifimosum (Tuthill & Frisvad) Houbraken & Samson, P. glaucoalbidum (Desmazières) Houbraken & Samson, P. laeve (K. Ando & Manoch) Houbraken & Samson, P. longisporum (Kendrick) Houbraken & Samson, P. malachiteum (Yaguchi & Udagawa) Houbraken & Samson, P. ovatum (K. Ando & Nawawi) Houbraken & Samson, P. parviverrucosum (K. Ando & Pitt) Houbraken & Samson, P. saturniforme (Wang & Zhuang) Houbraken & Samson, P. taiwanense (Matsushima) Houbraken & Samson. New names:Penicillium coniferophilum Houbraken & Samson, P. hennebertii Houbraken & Samson, P. melanostipe Houbraken & Samson, P. porphyreum Houbraken & Samson.  相似文献   

Controversy surrounds the promotion of conservation agriculture (CA) in smallholder farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa. The introduction of CA is a profound change in farm management. Benefits in reduced erosion and stabilized crop production may be obtained, but technical performance at field level is but one of the determinants of adoption. For various reasons, all of the CA principles are not always fully implemented by farmers and results not as favourable as expected. As with other approaches to increasing agricultural productivity, the production constraints, farmers’ objectives, and the expected benefits and costs of implementing CA are important aspects that influence adoption. At farm and village levels, trade-offs in the allocation of resources become important in determining how CA may fit into a given farming system. At a regional level, factors such as the market conditions, interactions among stakeholders and other institutional and political dimensions become important. At each level, opportunities or difficulties emerge that enhance or impede development, adaptation and adoption of CA. The ex-ante identification of situations for where CA (and which form of CA) is appropriate demands research from a multi-stakeholder, multi-level, and interdisciplinary perspective. Recommendations are made where research is required to address key knowledge gaps.  相似文献   

Abstract Litter-dwelling thrips are an important component of soil macroinvertebrates in tropical and subtropical regions. However, little is known about assemblage composition, seasonal abundance and vertical distribution of litter-dwelling thrips. A survey of forest litter-dwelling thrips and other soil macroinvertebrates was conducted in an urban forest remnant at Guangzhou, China during 2004-2005 and 2008-2009. A total of 835 Tullgren samples were collected during the study. Thysanoptera constituted 6.5% of total litter-dwelling macroinvertebrate individuals extracted, representing three families, 19 genera, and 25 species. Psalidothrips ascitus Ananthakrishnan (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) and Hyidiothrips guangdongensis Wang, Tong and Zhang represented 78.5% of all individuals of litter-dwelling thrips during the survey. Numbers of species and density of leaf-litter thrips fluctuated between different months. Density of litter thrips increased from March until October, reaching a maximum of 41.1 individuals/m2 followed by a decrease. In January and February only a few larval thrips were present. Species diversity gradually increased from July (four species) to December (10 species), and then declined rapidly. The vertical distribution showed that the leaf-litter thrips species richness and abundance decreased significantly with soil depth; they were found only in the litter layer and upper soil layer (0-5 cm in depth) and were entirely absent in deeper soil layers. The results suggest that litter-dwelling thrips are a common group of litter invertebrates with high species diversity in subtropical regions. These urban forest remnants should be given special consideration in forest conservation planning, because of their significance as refugia for the litter invertebrate assemblages, especially for leaf-litter thrips.  相似文献   

This special issue deals with water and food as it applies to water resources and rice production in the Mekong River Basin. The range of papers reflects not only the broad interest but also the complexity of the topic. These reports are mainly based on the research carried out by the project, “Assessment of the Impact of Global-Scale Change in Water Cycles on Food Production and Alternative Policy Scenarios”. Hence the special issue gives a brief overview of the structure, goals, outcomes, and future direction of the above project. What we do in this paper are: (1) giving an overview of the project’s structure and goals, (2) stating the five common outcomes and several more specific results, and (3) looking forward to the future direction of the project. The aim of our research is to draw up scenarios for optimum water-resource distribution and to develop social guidelines, measures, and policies to help solving food and environmental problems by developing a world water–food model that emphasizes rice production in Monsoon Asia. We have integrated all of the data gathered and the research results into a food supply and demand model combined with a water-cycle analysis. We included operational factors, such as water-cycle change, water demand, water supply, and water distribution in the model. Emphasis is placed on the use of efficient resource-management technologies for proper use of water resources in agricultural and other sectors. The water–food model has been developed as a tool for evaluating technical decisions derived under various policy scenarios.  相似文献   

The prospects for the direct control of virus diseases are reviewed by examining relevant areas of current scientific research: (1) research aimed at elucidating the processes involved in the development of virus diseases; (2) research designed to improve our understanding of the natural defence mechanisms in plants. The development of a virus disease can be divided into three phases: (a) infection; (b) multiplication and spread; (c) symptom expression. First, large numbers of substances have been screened for effects on the processes of infection but so far without practicable results. The greatest effort has been devoted to studies of virus inhibitors already present in plants and other organisms. These are listed and their properties discussed. The effects of virus multiplication and on the host plant following treatment of infected plants with nucleic acid base analogues are described. The uracil analogues ribavirin and dioxohexahydrotriazine (DHT) have shown promising results. In extensive field trials, treatment of virus-infected potatoes with DHT significantly increased yield compared with untreated controls. Carbendazim has been used successfully to suppress virus-induced symptoms in tobacco, lettuce and rise. Secondly, plants possess a wide range of natural defence mechanisms, the nature of which is not understood. There has been considerable research into the question of how plants can localize some virus infections to a small number of cells around the point of infection. Research on the active agents possibly responsible is described, together with studies on the various chemicals that have been shown to activate or enhance this defence mechanism.  相似文献   

吴宁 《茶叶》2013,39(2):114-117
王泽农先生(1907—1999)茶叶生化专家,著名茶学家,茶学教育家。他与吴觉农先生是终身的好友。上世纪七八十年代,他常常来北京,本文记述了在那一段时间里,王泽农先生与吴觉农的往来的几件小事。  相似文献   

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