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高粱×苏丹草杂交种(Sorghum bicolor×S.sudanense)是以收获地上营养体(茎、叶)为主要目标的一类高粱属饲用作物,其饲草品质好、抗性强、生产潜力大。本文综述了高粱野生近缘种的利用及高粱×苏丹草杂交种品种的选育现状与饲用价值,指出高粱野生近缘种在选育饲草高粱方面具有重要利用价值;利用高粱细胞质雄性不育系与苏丹草种间杂交是选育高粱×苏丹草杂交种的主要途径;我国开展高粱×苏丹草杂交种育种研究起步虽晚,但成果显著,已选育出众多品质优良品种;褐色中脉(brown midrib)高粱×苏丹草杂交种木质素含量低、饲用消化率高,但如何解决木质素引起的产量降低是褐色中脉品种选育需要解决的问题;高粱×苏丹草杂交种青饲与青贮后饲喂都具有很高的饲用价值。  相似文献   

喀尔巴阡蜂原产罗马尼亚,1978年引进我国,1979年我所开始饲养并进行纯种繁育及其杂交种选育试验,到1983年不仅建立了喀尔巴阡蜂近交系的基础,而且选育出喀(阡)×高、喀(阡)×意两个优良杂交种。在推广过程中充分证明喀尔巴阡蜂是一个很有经济价值的育种素材。为了进一步选育比较理想的杂交种,我们以此为开端,又收集了喀尼阿兰蜂、东北黑蜂、高加索蜂,意大利蜂等多种素材,继续进行杂交种的组配和选育试验。在喀×喀(阡)单交种的基础上,进而选育出喀·喀(阡)×意三交种,并逐步扩大推广,深受用户欢迎。  相似文献   

一种新型超级杂交油菜种由华中农业大学国家油菜改良武汉分中心杂交优势利用课题组研究成功. 课题组提出了细胞核+细胞质雄性不育(GCMS)的科学构想,并依此创建出甘蓝型油菜细胞核+细胞质雄性不育体系.在发现生态型雄性不育现象后,选育出生态型雄性不育系AB1,它具有育种周期短、效率高、易选配出高产组合、制种产量高、种子生产风险小等优点,是一个比较理想的油菜杂交种选育体系. 课题组对超级杂交油菜恢复系的选育方法也十分独特.  相似文献   

笔者对2014年到2016年对3个食用向日葵杂交种开展蜜蜂授粉区和防虫网隔离无蜂区结实率和产量等对比试验,结果表明:蜜蜂授粉区向日葵结实率比无蜂区提高91.1~5369.3%,增产155.9~3066.4%,每667m2纯增收益1403.2~1481.8元,蜜蜂授粉对向日葵具有显著的增产作用。  相似文献   

我国是世界上桃产量第一生产国。多年来 ,由于国家对桃遗传育种研究工作的重视和国内各育种单位的通力协作 ,我国在桃品种选育与桃种质创新上 ,不断取得重大进展。为总结、交流近年来我国在桃遗传育种上经验 ,进一步推动桃学科的研究发展 ,提升我国桃产业的国际竞争力 ,2 0 0 3年 1 0月 1 6— 1 8日 ,“全国第九次桃遗传育种与栽培技术学术研讨会”在郑州召开 ,来自全国 1 9个省 (市 ) 2 9家从事桃科研、生产的单位共计 64名专家、代表 ,就我国桃遗传育种与栽培技术等进行了深入务实的研究与探讨。会上 ,我国目前三大气候代表区域的桃国家资…  相似文献   

广西桑树品种选育研究与优良品种的推广   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我站开展桑树品种选育研究已有40年历史,经过几代人的共同努力,在桑树种质(品种)资源的收集、引进和创新;品种和杂交组合选育;优良桑品种和杂交组合的繁育和推广等方面先后开展了大量的工作,为我站桑树育种研究奠定了深厚的基础,推动了广西桑树品种的不断进步。1 桑树品种资源的收集、研究与创新1.1 品种资源的考察、收集、引进和整理桑树品种资源(即遗传资源)是品种选育和品种改良的重要基础,种质(品种)资源的收集、保存和创新是育种的基础工程,品种资源材料的数量和质量则是育种能否突破的重要关键。我站对品种资源的收集和保存历来比较重…  相似文献   

关于构建蚕桑药食用途育种技术体系的思考   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
在分析现行蚕、桑育种技术的基础上,以蚕、桑资源的药用和食用价值开发为着眼点,提出了以蚕、桑资源的食用营养成分、药理活性及其物质基础为依据,以药用活性成分及食用营养成分为首要选育目标,选育一批药用价值和营养价值高且成分优、抗性强、产量高、口感好的蚕、桑新品种,以拓展现有的蚕、桑育种模式,构建蚕、桑药食用途育种技术体系的新设想。  相似文献   

新金猪是我国比较优良的一个地方杂交种,曾以体大、产仔多、耐粗饲、生长发育快、适应性强等特点赢得群众好评,在国内外享有一定声誉。为了进一步提高新金猪的质量,加快选育进度,于1964年1月28日到2月4日由辽宁省熊岳农业科学研究所主持召开了新金猪选育学术讨论会。邀请参加这次学术讨论会的计有:中国农业科学院畜牧研究所、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江农业研究机关、农业高等院校、和新金、金县地方育种站等11个单位  相似文献   

陈辉 《猪业科学》2019,36(1):116-118
随着规模化养猪进程的加快,选育出生产性能优秀的生猪的意义日趋重要。为了促进我国养猪水平的发展,就要加强对猪遗传育种工作研究的重视程度。猪的经济性状包括繁殖性状、生长性状、胴体性状以及肉质性状,这些性状在生猪的选育改良中占据重要地位;生猪的选育方法有常规育种、转基因育种以及分子育种,随着计算机科学技术和分子生物学的发展,育种的方法也得到了发展,大量的先进的育种方法如基因组选择(GS)、标记辅助选择(MAS)、转基因和基因编辑育种等方法,有力地促进了猪经济性状的遗传改良,加快了选择进展。文章就近些年国内外猪的经济性状选择的遗传进展加以综述,旨在为我国的生猪改良提供思路和策略以及猪的选育改良提供方向。  相似文献   

文章在"地方特色蛋鸡的开发与利用"(《中国家禽》2017年第7期)的基础上,再谈地方特色蛋鸡配套系育种方案的制定,从市场需求与育种背景条件调研,育种目标制定,种质收集、评估与创制,配合力测定与配套组合筛选以及闭锁群继代选育等方面,全面介绍了蛋鸡配套系育种的规划与实施,为我国蛋鸡育种从业人员提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

陈智勇 《蚕学通讯》2001,21(1):24-26
杂交优势在蚕种生产上的利用 ,不但增强了蚕的抗病力 ,提高了万蚕产茧量 ,而且使茧层率提高 ,茧丝质变优。为了充分发挥杂交优势 ,提高社会效益 ,农业部决定增加对一代杂交种的杂交率测定 ,而且作为一个“杀头”指标。这就给蚕种生产者提出了更高、更严的要求。蚕种生产者必须加强全面生产技术管理 ,确保按规定的杂交组合形式进行蚕种生产 ,确保所生产的蚕种杂交率不低于国家规定的指标。笔者在此谈谈个人浅见。1 科学的杂交组合使蚕品种经济性能大幅提高表 1 不同时期实用蚕品种成绩之一年份品种名 虫蛹率(% )万蚕收茧 (kg)茧层率(% )…  相似文献   

The occurrence of malpositions in hybrid embryos obtained by two‐way crosses between Ring‐necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) and Columbian Rock fowls (Gallus domesticus) was examined and the numbers of the various types of malpositions were recorded. Of the 230 unhatched embryos, the 178 embryos which were detected to be more than 18 d old were classified according to their position in the shell. Of those exhibiting malpositions 68 were males and 52 were females. A X2 analysis revealed that the sex of the embryo and the distribution of positions (normal vs malposition) were not correlated, although there were significant differences amongst the frequencies with which the different malpositions occurred (P<0.001). Since some of the embryos in malposition 2, in which the head is in the narrower end of the shell, were alive at the time of examination, while those in malposition 3, in which the head is turned to the left, were all dead, it is postulated that the former malposition is not always lethal, whereas the latter may be. Possibly some of the malpositions observed in these embryos represent earlier stages, or minor deviations, of the normal position. Although the proportion of embryos showing malpositions was large (67.4% of all the unhatched embryos examined), malpositions 2 and 3 together amounted to only 23.4% of the total showing malpositions. These observations, and the fact that 32.6% of the unhatched embryos were in normal position, suggest that malposition per se is not the main cause of the poor hatchability of these hybrids.  相似文献   

将陶赛特、萨福克、杜泊、澳洲白羊作父本与湖羊母羊开展杂交试验,杂交一代分别与纯繁湖羊(湖×湖)进行生产性能及肉品质比较,以期筛选出适宜推广应用的杂交模式。结果:杂交一代的父本特征和杂种优势明显,3、6和10月龄体重显著高于湖×湖组(P<0.05),且以陶×湖组最高;10月龄屠宰,杂交一代组胴体重比湖×湖组平均高3.24 kg,其中陶×湖、杜×湖杂一代显著高于湖×湖组(P<0.05),以陶×湖杂一代最高;各组肉中氨基酸总量、必需氨基酸含量/氨基酸总量和必需氨基酸含量/非必需氨基酸含量均显著高于联合国粮农组织推荐的优质蛋白质组成中氨基酸水平;总多不饱和脂肪酸酸含量/总饱和脂肪酸含量以萨×湖组最高、湖×湖组最低。综合分析各项指标,以陶×湖杂交组合效果最优。  相似文献   

Cutaneous hybrid cysts were recognized in 4 dogs. The lesions were solitary, asymptomatic, and occurred over the head, neck, proximal thigh, and lumbar region. These cysts were not accompanied by other disease processes, and did not recur following surgical excision. Histologically, the hybrid cyst is characterized by epidermal differentiation in its upper portion, and trichilemmal differentiation in its lower portion.  相似文献   

This report describes a spontaneous hybrid cyst in a Sprague-Dawley (SD) rat. A 52-week-old, male SD rat had a cutaneous cyst on the left mystacial pad. Histologically, the cyst wall showed infundibular differentiation with keratohyalin granules in the granular layer and matrical differentiation comprising basaloid epithelial cells with trichohyalin granules. The cyst cavity was filled with lamellar, flaky keratin and aggregates of shadow cells. Immunohistochemically, the infundibular-type epithelium was positive for cytokeratin (CK) AE1/AE3, CK KL1 and CK14 but negative for CK15, whereas the matrical-type epithelium was negative for all four CK isoforms examined. These immunohistochemical properties of the infundibular- and matrical-type epithelia were similar to those of the infundibulum and inferior segment of normal hair follicles, respectively. Based on these findings, the cyst was diagnosed as a hybrid cyst, comprising more than one type of cyst arising from various parts of the pilosebaceous unit.  相似文献   

In Botswana it is common practice to rear goats (Capara hircus) and sheep (Ovis aries) together in one kraal. Under such conditions it is also not uncommon to see the two species mating, but such matings have never been reported to produce a viable offspring. In this field observation a viable offspring was born naturally from a mating between a female goat and a male sheep. Chromosomal analysis showed that the hybrid had 57 chromosomes, intermediate between the 60 possessed by its dam and the 54 possessed by its sire. In August 1999 the hybrid was five years old.  相似文献   

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