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目前,我国的高速公路施工项目成本管理存在比较多的问题.在激烈的市场竞争下,成本管理已经成为施工项目管理的重要内容.文章主要是针对高速公路施工成本管理的相关问题进行了简单的分析. 相似文献
随着高速公路管理的施工建设幅度增加,各地区需要加强保障措施,与各部门取得联系,严格重视高速公路现场秩序管理,不断推出新的标准化施工方式,全方位进行高速施工相应的活动。本文是针对高速公路标准化的施工方案开展的讨论。 相似文献
由于我国近年来人民物质文化需求的不断提升,对高速公路的需求越来越大,这从根本上极大的促进了我国高速公路建设行业的发展。与高速公路快速发展相对应的是政府以及全社会对高速公路工程项目的关注,高速公路的建设速度逐渐加快,建设规模与日俱增,施工的质量问题日渐成为社会共同的话题。加强对高速公路建设项目的重视和质量方面的控制管理,才是保证工程质量的有效途径。笔者查阅了大量的高速公路施工标准与相关质量控制管理的文献,结合自身参与高速公路建设的经验,对如何在高速公路施工时进行质量控制展开了深入的探讨。 相似文献
高速公路机电工程施工需要系统关注多项技术,这其中既包括具体的硬性技术,也包括诸如环境技术等方面的软性技术。在这种背景下,本文从施工范围界定技术、施工组织划分技术、施工的安装技术及施工环境适应技术四个方面进行了分析。 相似文献
1 材料与方法1.1 益母生化散组成 益母草 12 0 g,当归 75 g,川芎 30 g,桃仁 30 g,干姜 (炮 ) 15 g,甘草 (炙 ) 15 g;功能 :活血祛瘀、养血行气、温经止痛 ;主治 :母畜产后恶露不行 ,胎衣不下 ,血瘀腹痛 ,子宫垂脱 ,子宫复旧不全 ,产后子宫内膜炎 ,产后感染 ,精神沉郁 ,食欲不振 ,表现虚弱等病症。1.2 供试动物 选自广东、四川和重庆等地的各大、中、小型养殖场和农户饲养的牛、羊、猪。1.3 治疗试验 牛 :0 .7g/ kg体重 ;羊 :1.0 g/ kg体重 ;猪 :0 .5 g/ kg体重 ;1次 /天 ,连用 3~ 6天 ,开水冲调 ,候温灌服。按照所制定的方案对患病… 相似文献
This research investigated effect of slope on the performance of highway embankment soil properties post construction, as there is a demand for technical data of this nature to underpin the design of highway revetment work in alpine meadow regions of China. A section of national road G248 in Northwest Sichuan Alpine Grassland, built 10 years ago, was identified as a study site and plots were marked out for sampling on five slope classes: gentle slope, 6°-15° (GS); moderate slope, 16°-25° (MS); steep slope, 26°-35° (SS); very steep slope, 36°-45° (VS); extreme slope, >45° (ES). Undisturbed flat natural grassland >10 m distant from the roadbed was used as the control (CK). Measurements conducted included determination of particle size composition, physical and chemical parameters of the soils, vegetation cover and the proportion of the plot area exhibiting degradation or desertification. The relative reduction rate of organic matter and total nitrogen was also determined, and differences in soil water content and fertilizer retention capacity were assessed. It was anticipated these data would provide a basis for the construction of ecologically sound slope protection structures in alpine regions. It was found that: 1) Increased slope significantly decreased the proportion of clay and silt particles and increased the proportion of coarse sand and small stones (P<0.05). The greater the slope, the greater the soil bulk density and pH value, and the lower the soil water content. 2) Slope facilitated leaching of soil carbon fractions with the leaching intensity of the fractions ranking soil organic matter (SOM)>total carbon (TC)>inorganic carbon (IC)>dissolved organic carbon (DOC). For example, SOM levels were, respectively, 115, 92, 72, 30, 9 and 3 mg·kg−1 for CK, GS, MS, SS, VS, and ES slope classes while DOC levels ranged from 35.4 mg·kg−1 in CK to 9.2 mg·kg−1 in ES. 3) The ranking for the effects of slope on various soil fertility measures was: effective N>alkali-hydrolysable N>total N>available K> available P>total K>total P. Thus, available N was more easily lost than total N and alkali-hydrolysable N. Available N levels declined progressively across slope classes from 236 mg·kg−1 in CK to 6.3 mg·kg−1 in ES, while total N and alkali-hydrolysable N showed marked loss between GS and VS slope classes. A slope threshold for sharp increase in loss of total P and available P was observed between GS and MS slope classes. With increase in slope gradient, the total K increased, while the available K content decreased. 4) With respect to the influence of slope on the degree of desertification: for CK and GS >90% of the plot area was classed as non-desertified; for GS 79% of the plot area was moderately or severely desertified; for SS, VS and ES, 79, 86 and 94%, respectively, of the plot area was severely or extremely severely desertified. The proportion of severe desertification increased markedly at > 15° slope (i. e. MS) and the proportion of extremely severe desertification increased markedly at >25° slope (i. e. SS). 5) When the slope effects were expressed in relative terms, the relative increase in desertification was high and changed little at slopes >15°, while the relative decreases in organic matter and total nitrogen were high and changed little once slope exceeded 25°. As slope angle increased, relatively low rate of total coverage percentage and powder particles <0.02 mm and the relative increase rate of sand particles >0.05 mm increase significantly. In summary, as slope of the study plots increased, fine sand, silt and clay particles were progressively lost, soil fertility progressively declined, and the degree of desertification increased markedly. Therefore, the technical plan for ecologically sound slope protection in highway construction should be formulated according to the steepness of the slope. © 2022 Editorial Office of Acta Prataculturae Sinica. All rights reserved. 相似文献
一般说来,铁路沿线的线路情况复杂,治安形势严峻,巡线警力不足。将警犬作为技术装备配发给沿线派出所,不但在日常的巡线、守候中发挥威慑作用,而且对民警的安全起到特殊的保护作用。 相似文献
根据省农作物品种审定委员会蚕桑专业组确定的新蚕品种鉴定试验任务,广东省桑蚕新品种鉴定工作小组于1999年至2000年对夏用品种华夏二号进行了为期两年的室内鉴定和农村生产鉴定。室内鉴定点设在省丝绸集团蚕种繁殖 相似文献
畜牧业是新疆最具特色的传统产业.多年来.新疆畜牧业在自治区党委、人民政府的正确领导下,按照全面、系统、协调发展粮食、棉花、瓜果、畜牧、设施农业和区域特色农业六大产业的发展要求. 相似文献