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Effects of training at a regular, fixed, standard exercise load on venous lactic acid, mixed venous and arterial blood gases and pH, and serum muscle enzymes were determined on previously unconditioned, healthy, adult, Standardbred horses. Arterial and mixed venous blood gases, pH, and serum muscle enzymes did not change in a consistent manner during training. Venous lactic acid concentrations did increase significantly with training and may be of value for the biochemical evaluation of fitness in horses.  相似文献   

Summary Analysis of growth curve parameters was performed using body weight data collected from 1968 through 1980 at Dahra Research Station, Senegal. Month of birth had little or no effect on mature size and maturing rate. Females born from mid-wet through mid-dry seasons were likely to reach lighter mature weights than those born from mid-dry through mid-wet seasons. Year of birth affected both mature weight and maturing rate (P<0.01 and P<0.001 respectively). Sire had effects (P<0.05) on maturing rate and no effect on mature size. Genetic correlations between maturing rate and body weights at birth, weaning, 12 and 18 months were 0.45±0.51, –0.21±0.52, –0.61±0.57 and –0.76±0.51 respectively. Selection for maturing rate in Gobra females would be expected to decrease weaning and post-weaning weights. The least squares means of mature size and maturing rate were 398.83±45.81 kg and 0.187% per day respectively. Gobra zebu females were about 50 and 99% mature at about 12 and 87.6 months respectively.
Analysis De Los Prametros De Las Curvas De Crecimiento De Hembras Cebu Gobra
Resumen Se llevó a cabo un análisis de los parámetros de las curvas de crecimiento de hembras Cebú Gobra, utilizando los datos de peso colectados desde 1968 hasta 1980 en la Estación de Investigación de Dahra, Senegal. El mes de nacimiento tuvo poco o ningun efecto, en el tamaño adulto y tasa de maduración. Las hembras nacidas entre la mitad de la estación lluviosa y la mitad de la estación seca, alcanzaron pesos maduros menores que aquellas nacidas entre la mitad de la estación seca y la mitad de la estación lluviosa. El año de nacimiento afectó tanto al peso en edad madura, como a la tasa de maduración (P<0·01 y P<0·001 respectivamente). El reproductor utilizado tuvo efecto (P<0·05) sobre la tasa de maduración y ninguno sobre el tamaño en la edad adulta. Las correlaciones genéticas entre la tasa de maduración y peso corporal al nacer, al destete, 12 y 18 meses, fueron 0·45±0·51, –0·21±0·52, –0·61±0·57 y –0·76±0·51 respectivamente. Se esperaria, que la selección para tasa de maduración en hembras Gobra, disminuiría los pesos al destete y post-destete. Les medias de mínimos cuadrados de tamaño a edad madura y tasa de maduración, fueron 398·83±45·81 kg y 0·187% por día respectivamente. Las hembras Gobra Cebú, fueron cerca del 50 y 99% maduras cerca de los 12 y 87·6 meses respectivamente.

Analyse Des Parametres Des Courbes De Croissance Des Vaches Zebu Gobra
Résumé On a entrepris une analyse des paramètres des courbes de croissance en utilisant les données pondéralés enregistrées de 1968 à 1980 à la station de recherches de Dahra, au Sénégal. Le mois de naissance n'a que peu ou pas d'effet sur la taille à l'état adulte et le taux de croissance. Les vaches nées du milieu de la saison des pluies au milieu de la saison sèche ont plus de chance d'avoir des poids adultes moins élevés que celles nées du milieu de la saison sèche au milieu de la saison des pluies. L'année de naissance affecte à la fois le poids adulte et le taux de croissance. Le mâle a un effet sur le taux de croissance et aucun sur la taille adulte. Les corrélations génétiques entre le taux de croissance et les poids à la naissance, au sevrage, à 12 et 18 mois sont respectivement de 0.45±0.51, –0.21±0.52, –0.61±0.57 et –0.76±0.51. On doit s'attendre à ce que la sélection effectuée sur le taux de croissance des femelles Gobra diminue les poids au sevrage et après sevrage. Les moyennes des moindres carrés des poids adultes et des taux de croissance sont respectivement de 398.83±45.81 kg et de 0.187 p. 100 par jour. Les vaches zébu Gobra sont adultes à 50 p. 100 et 99 p. 100 respectivement à environ 12 et 87.6 mois.

Blood samples were collected on nonracing days from 57 racing Greyhounds at 2 weeks, 8 weeks, 13 weeks, and 16 weeks after the beginning of the racing season. Hematologic and biochemical tests were performed to detect marked changes induced by stress of racing. In general, these Greyhounds were healthy. Rhabdomyolysis was detected in one dog. In several other dogs, possible subclinical muscle injury was identified by increased serum creatine kinase activities. Mean serum Ca concentrations tended to decrease during the racing season. None of the tests was a good predictor of racing performance. Mean values for several hematologic and biochemical tests were different from those of other breeds of dogs.  相似文献   

Nine experiments on the effect upon bodyweight change of subcutaneous ear implantation of 36 mg zeranol in 605 Bos indicus crossbred cattle were conducted. Bullocks aged 3 to 4 years, steers aged 18 months and entire heifers aged 18 to 30 months were used over the period January to August, 1980. They were grazed on 6 commercial farms in tropical northern Australia. Seven of the experiments examined the results of single implantation after the initial 60 to 97 days. Growth rates of untreated cattle in the January to May period ranged from 0.43 kg/day over 97 days in heifers to 1.07 kg/day in bullocks. Bodyweight gains attributed to zeranol ranged from 1.8 kg (4.3% increase) over 97 days in heifers (NS) to 22.3 kg (28.9% increase) over 90 days in 18 month-old steers (P < 0.01). The significant bodyweight responses to zeranol treatment in all 5 experiments involving older 3-to 4-year-old bullocks have not been previously reported. Hot dressed weights of the zeranol-treated bullocks were significantly heavier than the untreated controls and dressing percentages were similar. Increases in bodyweight attributable to implantation with zeranol yielded 50 to 54% saleable carcase weight. Single-, repeat-, and non-implanted treatments were compared over 186 days from January to August. Both zeranol treatments significantly out-performed the controls (P < 0.05), and the repeat-implanted bullocks gained 9.2 kg more than the single-implanted bullocks (P<0.10) in spite of bodyweight tosses recorded in the 3 treatments over the final 105 days. In 2 experiments bullocks implanted once in January/February were weighed in August to monitor compensatory bodyweight changes after April/May. The cattle retained 72.4% and 92.6% of the original bodyweight advantage attributed to zeranol treatment, depending upon whether they lost or gained in bodyweight respectively during the April/May to August period. The commercial relevance of these results is discussed and suggestions are made for further work.  相似文献   

鸡感染柔嫩艾美尔球虫后某些血清生化指标变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
23日龄AA鸡36只均分为3组,第一组和第二组分别经口感染E.tenella卵囊35万/只和7万/只,第三组为对照组,对病鸡10项血清生化指标进行检测,结果如下:(1)血清葡萄糖含量在感染后5天(5天)和8天与感染前(0天)无显著差异(P>0.5)。(2)血清总蛋白、白蛋白、甘油三酯的含量,天冬氨酸氨基转移酶、酸性磷酸酶的活性在5天均显著低于0天(P<0.5),第一组所降的幅度较第二组大,其中总蛋白和甘油三酯含量在两组间的差异达到显著水平(P<0.5);甘油三酯含量和磷酸磷酸酶活性在8天继续下降,其他指标在8天都有不同程度回升。(3)两感染组的碱性磷酸酶活性和第一组的血清尿酸含量在5天显著高于0天(P<0.5),到8天又回落。第二组尿酸含量在0天、5天和8天之间无显著差异。(4)球蛋白含量在5天和8天均显著高于0天(P<0.5)。(5)胆碱酯酶活性在第一组的8天显著高于0天和5天(P<0.5),在第二组的0天、5天和8天之间无显著差异  相似文献   

Summary This paper shows that the study of animal behaviour is a valuable aid to the improvement of the management of grazing livestock under extensive conditions. The food available to grazing animals in developing countries, and particularly in the dry season in the tropics, is often of very low quality and, in addition, is frequently available at low densities per unit area. Grazing ruminants attempt to adapt to these adverse conditions by increasing the time for which they graze each day and also by dispersing more widely. However, the time for which animals can graze may be limited by solar radiation and fly irritation in the day, and by the confining of the animals in pens at night. The adverse effects of the above limitations may be partially overcome when adapted local breeds are used. Dispersion of animals improves their ability to make use of extensive pasture and in order to encourage it, an understanding of the factors that affect it such as breed difference, social behaviour, adaptation and location of watering points and other unique environmental factors must be achieved. The paper concludes with recommendations of areas worth further research.
Effecto De Malas Condiciones Del Forraje Sobre El Comportamiento De Rumiantes En Pastoreo
Resumen Este articulo demuestra la importancia de estudiar el compartamiento de animales en pastoreo, para mejorar el manejo extensivo. El forraje disponible por unidad de superficie en países en vías de desarrollo es escaso y de mala calidad, sobre todo en época seca. Los rumiantes tratan de adaptarse a estas condiciones adversas incrementando el tiempo de pastoreo y dispersándose. Sin embargo el tiempo de pastoreo puede estar limitado por la radiación solar y la irritación causada por moscas durante el dia o porque los animales son encerrados durante la noche. Estos efectos pueden contrarrestarse utilizando razas criollas y bebederos estratégicamente localizados. Se requiere entonces más profundidad en estudios etológicos para incrementar la productividad de animales en pastoreo extensivo.

Effets De Mauvaises Conditions Fourrageres Sur Le Comportement De Ruminants Au Paturage
Résumé Cet article montre que l'étude du comportement animal est une aide appréciable pour l'amélioration de la conduite du bétail au pâturage en élevage extensif. La nourriture disponible pour les animaux au pâturage dans les pays en développement, particulièrement en saison sèche sous les tropiques, est souvent de très faible qualité et, de plus, fréquemment disponible en faible densité par unité de surface. Les ruminants essaient de s'adapter à ces mauvaises conditions en augmentant leur temps de pâturage chaque jour et aussi en se dispersant plus. Cependant, le temps de pâturage peut être limité par les rayons du soleil et l'irritation due aux mouches le jour, et par le confinement des animaux à l'enclos la nuit. Ces effets défavorables peuvent être partiellement surmontés par l'utilisation de races locales adaptées. La dispersion des animaux améliore leur possibilité d'utilisation des pâturages extensifs et pour favouriser cela, une compréhension des facteurs qui les affectent comme la différence de race, le comportement social, l'adaptation et la situation des points d'eau et d'autres facteurs du milieu doivent être considérés. L'auteur conclut en recommandant d'autres recherches valables pour ces régions.

杜仲(Eucommia ulmoidesOliv.)是一种具有多种药用功能的草本植物,入药已有二千多年历史,具有增强免疫功能、抗菌消炎、降血脂、升血糖等作用[1-3]。近年来研究表明,杜仲含有较高的营养成分,其有毒成分含量远低于国家标准[4,5],同时可以促进动物蛋白质的合成[6],提高机体抗病力及免疫应答能力[7,8],促进胆固醇和脂质代谢等[9]。杜仲作为饲料添加剂在畜牧业生产中应用报道较多,但复方杜仲水煎液对肉鸡血清中葡萄糖、总胆固醇、甘油三酯的影响尚未见报道。本实验通过在AA肉鸡饮水中添加复方杜仲水煎液来探讨其对肉鸡血清中葡萄糖、总胆固醇…  相似文献   

From two long-term individual feeding experiments with groups of differentiated feeding intensity, energy requirement values were derived which take into consideration live weight development and which are in accordance with the measurements of nutrient and energy retention. The suggested energy requirement values show big differences between the intensity levels. It follows from this that energy expenditure from a low to a high feeding intensity first decreases and then, at a very high performance, increases again.  相似文献   

Reference serum biochemical values were determined in blood samples from 15 male, 18 female, and 4 unsexed emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) 1 to 48 months old. Serum biochemical values also were obtained for 19 male, 26 female, and 4 unsexed ostriches (Struthio camelus) 1 to 60 months old. Parametric (mean +/- 2 SD) and non-parametric (fifth to 95th percentile) reference ranges and linear trends as influenced by age were determined for enzyme activities and concentrations of glucose, inorganic phosphate, BUN, uric acid, creatinine, triglyceride, cholesterol, total protein, and albumin. Species differences for all analytes, except cholesterol and inorganic phosphate concentrations, were detected. Creatine kinase values in ostriches were higher than those in emus. There were no linear relationships between age and analyte values in emus, and sex did not significantly (P < 0.05) affect the values in emus. Analyte values in ostriches tended to increase with age, but cholesterol, creatine kinase, inorganic phosphate, and alkaline phosphatase concentrations decreased with age. Glucose, triglyceride, gamma-glutamyltransferase, and cholinesterase concentrations in ostriches were not linearly associated with age. Age had a greater effect on the analyte values of female ostriches than it did on male ostriches. Concentrations generally increased with age in female ostriches, except for cholesterol, cholinesterase, inorganic phosphate, and alkaline phosphatase concentrations, which decreased with age.  相似文献   

Residual ovine nematode pasture infections were assessed by grazing groups of ewes and their lambs on permanent sheep and cattle pastures and by the use of tracer lambs. Ostertagia spp., Cooperia oncophora, Nematodirus spp., Chabertia ovina and Trichuris spp. eggs and/or larvae survived on pastures overwinter. Second generation Ostertagia larvae were present in greatest numbers on pasture during the latter part of August and early September. The failure of a significant build-up of Cooperia oncophora was attributed to negligible worm egg output of this species in sheep. A build-up of Nematodirus spp. on pasture was not detected in this study.  相似文献   

脾脏粗提物对肉杂鸡血液生理生化值的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
30日龄肉杂鸡50只,随机分为试验组和对照组,每组各25只.试验组用饮水方式投服脾脏粗提物,对照组供给等量的自来水,并于第10天和第20天时采血测定其生理生化值.结果表明,试验组第10天和第20天时的血液红细胞数、总蛋白含量均高于对照组,但差异不显著(P>0.05);血液白细胞数、葡萄糖和球蛋白含量均高于对照组,且差异显著(P<0.05).  相似文献   

Some hemodynamic and hematologic effects of acute experimental lactic acidemia in 3 healthy cows are presented. Lactic acidemia was induced by intravenous infusion of a 10% solution of racemic lactic acid. The prominent features of the acidification of the blood were increases in carotid artery blood pressure and responses to intravenously injected norepinephrine, slight bradycardia and slight hyperventilation. Intravascular hemolysis with hemoglobinuria was a constant finding. Otherwise, no adverse effects of the acidemia were noted. These changes were paralleled by a progressive fall in arterial blood pH, base excess and PCO2 and increasing venous blood L (+)-lactate concentrations A reasonable explanation for the hemodynamic effects of the acidemia is peripheral vasoconstriction elicited by either stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system or increased sensitivity of vasoconstrictive receptors. The results are discussed with special reference to primary lactic acidosis encountered in grain engorgement in ruminants and to the secondary lactic acidosis of shock. These conditions are characterized by hemoconcentration and hypovolemia. Therefore, the results of this study of healthy normovolemic cows may not be valid in the severely dehydrated, hemoconcentrated and acidemic cow as hypotension is reported in the literature in connection with ruminal acidosis in sheep.  相似文献   

Daily feed intake (DFI) is an important consideration for improving feed efficiency, but measurements using electronic feeder systems contain many missing and incorrect values. Therefore, we evaluated three methods for correcting missing DFI data (quadratic, orthogonal polynomial, and locally weighted (Loess) regression equations) and assessed the effects of these missing values on the genetic parameters and the estimated breeding values (EBV) for feeding traits. DFI records were obtained from 1622 Duroc pigs, comprising 902 individuals without missing DFI and 720 individuals with missing DFI. The Loess equation was the most suitable method for correcting the missing DFI values in 5–50% randomly deleted datasets among the three equations. Both variance components and heritability for the average DFI (ADFI) did not change because of the missing DFI proportion and Loess correction. In terms of rank correlation and information criteria, Loess correction improved the accuracy of EBV for ADFI compared to randomly deleted cases. These findings indicate that the Loess equation is useful for correcting missing DFI values for individual pigs and that the correction of missing DFI values could be effective for the estimation of breeding values and genetic improvement using EBV for feeding traits.  相似文献   

氟是动物机体必需的微量元素之一,氟具有促进动物生长发育和繁殖,参与骨骼代谢,影响造血功能及神经的兴奋性和传导的作用[1-5]。但氟又是中等毒性元素,若牧草、土壤和饮水以及环境中氟含量过高可引起人和动物的中毒。氟中毒(fluorine poisoning)是人畜共患的一种地方性疾病,其特征是牙齿出现斑纹和过度磨损以及骨质疏松。现已证明,氟化物属于全身性毒物,不仅能引起牙齿异常变化和脱落以及骨骼的变形,而且损害全身内脏器官,导致动物生长发育减慢,繁殖率下降,严重影响畜牧业的发展。本文旨在探讨氟中毒对动物血清中某些生化指标和酶活性的影响…  相似文献   

Supplementation of a ryegrass/white clover pasture diet with pasture silage is a common management practice in New Zealand dairy herds. The effect of this supplementation on reproductive performance has not been investigated. Five herds of 20 cows were formed before calving commenced on 1 June 1992. From 5 August to 4 September, two of these herds were fed 5 kg/cow/day of pasture silage in addition to the ryegrass/white clover pasture offered to all herds. Pasture silage supplementation did not alter the intervals from calving to first ovulation, first oestrus, or to conception. However, it reduced the first service conception rate (37.5% v. 53.3%; difference +/- sed = 15.8 +/- 10.0%, for pasture and silage and pasture only cows, respectively). A positive effect on reproductive performance of pasture silage supplementation was not demonstrated in this trial.  相似文献   

Some biochemical and haematological variables were measured in piglets during the first 48 hours after birth. The piglets were reared either by the sow, or bottle-fed with colostrum (either natural or sterilised by irradiation), or a commercial milk replacer. Mean haemoglobin concentrations, packed cell volumes and erythrocyte counts decreased by approximately 45 per cent in all the groups between birth and 48 hours, but leucocyte counts increased more markedly in the colostrum-fed groups. All the colostrum-fed groups showed rapid increases in serum total protein concentrations which were almost entirely due to increases in gamma globulin concentrations. There was no difference in this respect between natural colostrum and colostrum sterilised by irradiation with 500 Krad of gamma rays. Colostrum sterilised by irradiation can protect piglets against infectious agents and simplify the rearing of piglets under specific pathogen free conditions.  相似文献   

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