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Objectives To describe the production and reproduction characteristics of the population under investigation and to compare them with the target population of non-seasonally calving dairy herds, to describe the pattern of culling with respect to length of productive life and length of time after calving, and to identify stages of the production cycle that are associated with increased risk of culling from the dairy herd.
Design A longitudinal population study of eight non-seasonally calving dairy herds in the Camden district of New South Wales.
Results The production and reproduction characteristics of this population were broadly similar to herds participating in the New South Wales Agriculture Dairy Herd Improvement scheme. In agreement with recent surveys, risk of culling increased with increased parity. This was accounted for specifically by increased risk of culling for calving disorders, reproductive tract lesions, and disorders of the udder. Risk of culling for failure to conceive appeared to remain constant throughout productive life. The overall risks for culling were greatest during the first 9 days after calving and 300 days after calving.
Conclusion Reducing the incidence of calving-associated disorders, attention to reproductive management and control of herd mastitis offer opportunities to reduce involuntary culling rates in this population.  相似文献   

Objectives To identify risk factors for culling of dairy cows from eight New South Wales dairy herds.
Design A longitudinal population study of dairy cow culling in eight non-seasonally calving dairy herds in the Camden district of New South Wales. Cox's proportional hazards model was used to evaluate various risk factors for culling for a specific reason (sales, deaths, reproductive failure, disorders of the udder and low milk production).
Results Age at first calving was not a significant risk factor for culling. Milk production in the first lactation greater than the population mean did not influence length of productive life overall, but was associated with a greater hazard of removal for disorders of the udder. Risk of culling for reproductive failure differed significantly between farms, and was not related to events in the previous lactation such as calving-to-first service interval or calving-to-conception interval. Shorter calving intervals were associated with increased risk of removal for low milk production and disorders of the udder.
Conclusion Longitudinal surveys to accurately identify reasons for removal from a wide range of herds, identification of herds with low culling rates (especially for reproductive failure and udder disorders), and the identification of practices associated with these culling rates would be worthwhile to the Australian dairy industry.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of paratuberculosis on culling, milk production, and milk quality in infected dairy herds. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. ANIMALS: 689 lactating dairy cows in 9 herds. PROCEDURE: Milk, blood, and fecal samples were obtained from all cows. Fecal samples were evaluated via mycobacterial culture. Serum samples were tested with a commercially available ELISA for antibodies against Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis, and preserved milk samples were tested with an ELISA for antibodies against M paratuberculosis. Mixed effect and proportional hazards models were used to determine the effect of paratuberculosis on 305-day milk, fat, and protein production; somatic cell count linear score; and the risk of culling. RESULTS: Cows with positive results of bacteriologic culture of feces and milk ELISA produced less milk, fat, and protein, compared with herdmates with negative results. No difference in 305-day milk or fat production was detected in cows with positive results of serum ELISA, compared with seronegative cows. The 3 survival analyses revealed that cows with positive results of each test were at higher risk of being culled than cows with negative results. Paratuberculosis status, as determined by use of all 3 diagnostic tests, was not associated with milk somatic cell count linear score. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that for the 9 herds in this study, paratuberculosis significantly decreased milk production and cow longevity.  相似文献   

Many periparturient events affect breeding performance in dairy cows. These events include disorders, high early lactation milk yield, other cow factors, and calf factors. The effects range in severity from "annoying" to "devastating."  相似文献   

The recurrence risk ratios of eight periparturient and reproductive traits of dairy cows were evaluated from 8782 pairs of lactations of 5600 Israeli Holstein dairy cows. The respective crude and summary recurrence risk ratios, using the Mantel and Haenszel technique, were 2.1 and 2.0 for twinning; 16.7 and 4.4 for parturient paresis; 3.1 and 2.0 for ketonuria; 1.7 and 1.2 for retained placenta; 1.9 and 1.7 for primary metritis; 2.0 and 1.8 for inactive ovaries (P for all traits0.01). No summary recurrence risk was associated with stillbirth or with pregnancy rate to first service. The relative components of the intrinsic and extrinsic factors are evaluated from the different values of the crude and summary recurrence risk ratios.  相似文献   

Data on parity, disease, farmers' stated primary reasons for culling and stage of lactation at diagnosis and at culling were used to describe patterns of culling in Holstein lactations from 34 New York herds. Of 7763 lactations, 18.7% ended in culling [death (95 cows), sales for dairy purposes (104 cows), or slaughter]. The culling rates for specific reasons were: dairy purposes 1.3%, low production 3.8%, reproduction 4.8%, udder problems 4.0%, feet and legs 1.2%, old age 0.3%, accidents 0.3% and miscellaneous reasons 2.9%. Culling increased with parity (at least through Lactation 6) and primarily was due to production, reproduction and udder problems. Culling for these 3 reasons peaked immediately after calving, again between 151 and 240 days post-partum (poor milk production) and at >240 days post-partum (poor reproductive performance). First-lactation cows sold for dairy use tended to be sold in early lactation. Death in older cows usually occurred early in lactation and was due to udder problems or to miscellaneous causes.

Compared to lactations without the disease, lactations with a diagnosis of downer cow, clinical mastitis or treat problems were 3.5, 2.0 and 2.7 times more likely to end in culling, respectively. Among cows diagnosed with a disease and culled, many were culled the same day or within 30 days of the diagnosis. Such “immediate” culling upon diagnosis was especially typical of cows with milk fever, downer cow syndrome, left displaced abomasum, teat problems, and foot and leg problems (and for some cases of clinical mastitis), implying that these disorders led to “forced” culling, which was particularly costly to the farmers.  相似文献   

A survey of blood selenium (Se) concentrations in Norwegian Red heifers and dry period cows was conducted to reveal possible association to management, feeding, health and fertility. Selenium contents were determined in 254 herd blood samples consisting of pooled samples from individual non-lactating animals from herds in 5 counties. The Se concentrations showed a normal distribution with mean 0.09 microg Se/g blood, with a standard deviation (SD) of 0.05, and ranged from 0.02 to 0.23 microg/g, with 50 % of the samples being between 0.06 and 0.11 microg/g. The herds with Se concentrations below 0.06 microg/g were smaller (21.4 +/- 8.7 cow-years) than those with Se levels above 0.11 microg/g (27.5 +/- 14.1 cow-years) (P<0.01), but there were no differences in milk yield, incidence of replacement, proportion of animal culling, amount of concentrate or grass silage as percentage of energy consumption between the groups. Treatment registration records showed a tendency that more animals in the low Se herds were treated for all the diseases included in this investigation (64.8 animals per 100 cow-years) than those in the high Se herds (57.5 per 100 cow-years), while no such differences were revealed for individual disorders. There was, however, a significant difference in bulk milk somatic cell counts (BMSCC) between low and high Se herds, their values being 137 000 and 155 000 cells/ml, respectively. This difference was significantly influenced by herd size. Furthermore, a total of 4916 lactations were analyzed from individual health and fertility recordings, including 2 934 first lactations and 1 982 later lactations. The present study revealed a reduced incidence of disease treatment with increased Se concentrations from 0.02 to 0.23 microg Se/g blood. In this regard, there seemed to be an optimum of 0.10 to 0.15 microg Se/g for all types of mastitis treatments summarized, and for treatment of retained placenta. Thus, herd Se concentrations below and above these values was connected with increased probability for sum mastitis and retained placenta, reflecting the effect of the quadratic term of Se. The cow (composite) milk somatic cell count (SCC) was lower in lactations from low Se herds than in high Se herds with a marked SCC increase in the Se concentration interval from 0.11-0.13 microg/g blood. In conclusion, heifers and dry period cows in Norway are low in blood Se content and there seems to be a positive association between increased blood Se concentration pre partum and decreased incidence of mastitis, ovarian cysts and anoestrus/silent oestrus post partum.  相似文献   

The effects on the fertility of three commercial dairy herds of three types of copper- and selenium-containing mineral supplements was investigated. As the cows on each farm were dried off they were allocated to one of three treatment groups, and treated with either subcutaneous injections of copper and selenium, or two matrix intraruminal trace element boluses, or two glass intraruminal trace element boluses. When the data from the 406 cows on the three farms were combined, there was a significant difference between the conception rates of the three groups (P < 0.001). The cows treated with the glass boluses conceived at a rate 1.8 times greater than those treated by injection (P < 0.001), and at a rate 1.5 times greater than those treated with matrix boluses (P = 0.002). These differences were associated with a significantly higher likelihood of service resulting in a conception in the group treated with glass boluses than in the group treated by injection (P = 0.004). After adjusting for time from calving, time from treatment, time of year and farm, there was a significant (P = 0.012) difference in glutathione peroxidase activities between the treatments, with the group treated by injection having a significantly lower activity than the groups treated with boluses.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of BVDV-free certification of dairy herds on fertility and udder health. Cases were defined as dairy herds that had at least one BVDV-antigen positive animal, subsequently gained the BVDV-free status by participating in the BVDV-control programme of the Animal Health Service (AHS) and maintained this status for at least 2 years. Controls had an unknown status for BVDV and two controls were matched to one case by region and herd size. Data concerning fertility and milk production of all herds were provided by The Dutch Royal Cattle Syndicate (NRS). After validation, data of 79,607 cows of 392 case herds and 124,831 cows of 730 control herds were analysed on ten fertility and three udder health parameters. For the analyses all observations were aggregated at herd level. To account for the matching, differences for fertility parameters were calculated between each of the two pairs of case-control within a matching code. The analyses were performed with these differences as dependent variables. Mixed models and GEE models were used for the statistical analyses of fertility and udder health. Case herds had a significantly lower abortion rate in the BVDV-free period than controls herds (10.3% versus 11.6%, P<0.01) while there was no significant difference for the other fertility parameters. There was no effect on mastitis prevalence or bulk-milk SCC but the mastitis incidence significantly decreased for case herds in the BVDV-free period (cases 0.6 % lower than controls, P<0.05). In our study the effect of getting the BVDV-free status may have been underestimated for several reasons like an unknown status for control herds, not knowing when an acute infection occurred in case herds and not knowing the management for both cases and controls. Interestingly, both significant variables, being abortions and mastitis incidence, are parameters that are more difficult to influence by the farmer than the other parameters (e.g. calving interval).  相似文献   

In June 2008 the compulsary nationwide vaccination against BTV-8 (Bluetongue virus serotype 8) was started. After a short time, several owners complained about undesirable effects of the vaccination on fertility and milk quality. Data from 47 dairy farms, regularly supervised by herd health practitioners, were analysed in order to clarify a possible connection between vaccination and fertility. Both vaccinations given each cow for basic immunization were evaluated according to their effects on conception rate and pregnancy. In model calculations the first vaccination had no significant effect on the first service conception rate (FCR), the all service conception rate (ACR) and on the abortion rate. The second vaccination led to a significantly reduced FCR when the cow was inseminated within 20 days of being vaccinated and to a significantly worse ACR when inseminated 10 days before or after vaccination. However, these individually established reductions of the insemination rate had only little influence on overall data.  相似文献   

Bovine lymphotropic herpesvirus (BLHV) was detected for the first time in the UK in December 2005 in a dairy herd suffering from chronic, non-responsive post-partum metritis (NPPM). A small-scale investigation was undertaken in order to determine whether this was an isolated case. Samples of vaginal exudates or vaginal swabs were collected from cows in 13 UK dairy herds with a history of post-partum metritis that had not responded to standard treatment regimes for this condition. Cows in 9/13 herds and 1/13 herds were positive for BLHV and bovine herpesvirus-4, respectively, by pan-herpesvirus polymerase chain reaction. No consistent pattern of infectious agents or nutritional/metabolic factors commonly associated with post-partum metritis was observed at the times of sampling. The detection of BLHV in association with NPPM indicates that further work is warranted to determine the impact this virus has on cattle health.  相似文献   

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