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本文以大量的农残检测数据为基础,从不同抽样时间农残情况、蔬菜易超标农残项目、农药易超标蔬菜品种等角度,进行蔬菜风险分析,并发布风险预警。此外,在发生重大食品安全事件时,还可以对问题食品进行质量的溯源、寻找问题根源,并快速解决问题  相似文献   

日本对蔬菜农药残留问题非常重视。对蔬菜农药残留要进行经常性的抽检。抽检工作由政府指定的卫检部门负责。日本的瓜果蔬菜批发市场也设有专门的卫生检测部门 ,对市场上的瓜果蔬菜进行检测。在日本 ,蔬菜农残超标问题很少发生 ,如静冈县一般在 2a(年 )中能偶尔查到一次农残超标的蔬菜。日本蔬菜农残超标问题能得到很好的控制 ,与日本蔬菜生产经营方式有密切的关系。日本也是分户生产蔬菜 ,但每个农户的蔬菜生产规模较大 ,生产专一性较强。户均蔬菜种植面积一般有一至数公顷 ,所种蔬菜品种多为 2~ 3种。由于户均蔬菜种植面积较大 ,品种较…  相似文献   

枸杞(Lycium barbarum L.)为常用大宗药材和药食同源的药材,需求量在逐年增加。其生长过程中极易受病虫害侵袭,药农主要使用化学农药进行防治,因此其农药残留问题也备受关注。该研究综述了2000—2021年枸杞中常见农药残留特征、农残检测方法及农药残留超标现状,同时比较了国内外关于枸杞农残的限量标准,以期为枸杞的科学用药、规范化生产和控制药材质量提供参考,并推动枸杞产业的国际化发展。目前枸杞农药残留含量整体处于较低水平,但仍然存在多菌灵和拟除虫菊酯类农药残留超标的现象;农药残留检测方法也随着农药残留种类的变化而不断更新,现在最常用的检测方法为气相色谱-质谱联用技术;国内外尚未发现枸杞农药残留引起健康风险的报道。农药残留是制约枸杞国际化发展的重要因素,在生产中加大生物防治方法的开发并建立起枸杞的生态种植技术,加快建立病虫害绿色防控体系,从根源上减少化学农药的使用。  相似文献   

安全蔬菜是种出来的——对海南豇豆事件的思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
近年来,食品安全问题时时困扰着我们。苏丹红、三聚氰胺等化学药品不仅使消费者深受其害,也使不少知名企业身陷泥潭。然而,河北"韭菜事件"还未走远,海南豇豆又陷"农残门"。人们的目光再次聚焦农药,矛头直指农产品安全监管部门。接二连三的农残超标事件,敦促我们思考究竟应该如何着手以保障食品安全。  相似文献   

为明确湖南省猕猴桃果实农药残留情况,2019年利用液相色谱-质谱法和气相色谱-质谱法对63个样品果实进行分析,通过单因子污染指数和综合污染指数进行评价.结果表明:本次检出农残的样品数为43个,占样品总数的68.25%.共检测了70种农药,其中检出农药21种,农药品种检出率为30%.21种农药品种中多菌灵的检出率占28....  相似文献   

绿叶菜类蔬菜农药残留分布与原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对滨州市绿叶菜类蔬菜农药残留进行了检测,以了解绿叶菜类蔬菜不同品种农药残留分布情况,并对其原因进行分析.结果表明:共检测蔬菜样品246个,蔬菜样品检出121个;检出超标蔬菜7个品种23个样品,超标最多的是芹菜11个,占超标总样品数的47.8%;共检出农药16种,检出次数221次,检出最多的是氯氰菊酯,超标农药最多的是毒死蜱,以芹菜的毒死蜱超标最多,占总超标数的29.2%.主要原因是叶类蔬菜易于吸收农药,使用高毒违禁农药,施用农药浓度过高,菜农忽视农药安全间隔期,政府有关法规不健全等.  相似文献   

为了调查河源市夏秋季市售蔬菜农药残留状况,验证快速检测法测定农药残留样品的适用性,应用食品安全快速检测技术,采用多通道农药残留快速测试仪,对蔬菜进行农药残留取样检测,并对快检超标样品进行色谱检测复检。总取样量354个,包括生菜、苦瓜、茄子、上海青、蒜苗、西芹菜、菜心等蔬菜。结果显示:农药残留快速检测法总检出率93.50%(331/354),快速检测总超标率12.15%(43/354),实际总超标率5.93%(21/354);仅蒜苗和西芹菜出现假阳性,假阳性率分别为90.48%(19/21)和75.00%(3/4),其余蔬菜农药残留快速检测结果准确。市售蔬菜中存在农药超标:从不同种类来看,瓜菜类农残超标率最高,为9.80%;在7—11月中,11月蔬菜农残超标率最高,为18.29%;从不同取样点来看,农产品商店超标率最高,为12.00%。除部分蔬菜种类,快速检测结果快速且准确。  相似文献   

蔬菜中农药残留的监测与风险评估是保障蔬菜质量安全水平的重要工作。对2014-2016年市售蔬菜的连续58项农药残留参数监测,建立基础资料数据库,根据蔬菜总体合格率情况、农药检出的种类及超标情况,分析得出,市售蔬菜农残质量安全情况逐年提升;不同类别蔬菜农药的检出率和超标率呈现一定的差异;农药检出种类较多,部分高毒禁限用农药仍在其列。同时,提出高毒类禁限用农药监测阳值、低毒类农药高检出多残留情况及高风险农药政策性引导情况等预警,以期能对今后的蔬菜生产种植、进一步提升质量安全水平提供一些借鉴,保障人们食用安全。  相似文献   

近年来,随着种植结构的调整,经济作物不断扩大,农药新品种、新剂型大量增加,许多农民对农药安全使用技术缺乏了解,违规用药滥用农药现象比较普遍,致使药害事故不断发生,农产品农药残留超标等问题,给群众生活造成了很大影响。如何加强农  相似文献   

鉴于目前出现的农产品安全问题以农药残留最为常见和严重的现象,监控农药的合理使用,杜绝农药残留超标产品上市销售成为农产品质量安全工作的重中之重。控制农产品中农药残留量的关键环节之一就是对农产品中的农药残留量进行及时、准确地分析检测,因此,在生产、流通领域中加强对农残的快速检测已成为十分必要的监管措施。  相似文献   

根外追肥是与土壤施肥相辅相成的,是蔬菜生产上一种经济速效的提高产量和改善品质的施肥方法(即叶面施肥),它可以通过叶面直接吸收利用.尤其在蔬菜生长后期.根系老化,吸收运输能力衰弱时喷施.可以迅速补充植株体内养分的不足或营养失衡.促进蔬菜生长旺盛。防止早衰,延长供应朋。根外追肥在茄果类或瓜类生育期长,分批采收的蔬菜上效果尤为明显。  相似文献   

口感好硒含量高采摘期长,这是海南省“澄迈福橙”的特点,澄迈县将福橙促销瞄准大超市。2009年2月20日,该县在省城海口市召开福橙品尝推介会,向超市促销这一地方名牌农产品。  相似文献   

西洋梨栽培的品种选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依引进西洋梨品种的表现,换成熟期初步选择介绍了6个较有发展前途的优良品种。  相似文献   

Conflicts among forest visitors have direct effects on the quality of a recreational experience. As the number of visitors to forests close to residential areas increases, as well as the number of different activities, so does the potential for perceived conflicts. According to the literature, expanding knowledge of conflict characteristics and their causes is important for recreation planners and managers who aim to reduce conflicts.In the present study, different forest user groups were identified and categorised according to their pursued activities, and for each group, causes of conflict were identified. Furthermore, a choice experiment was constructed to estimate the distance visitors are willing to travel to encounter few visitors as opposed to many visitors, and thereby potentially experience fewer conflicts. Comparing the marginal willingness to travel (WTT) of different user groups suggests that some groups have a WTT further than the average to reach a forest with ‘Few’ visitors. The average WTT to reach a forest area with ‘Few’ visitors. ‘Mountain bikers,’ ‘Peace and nature lovers’ and ‘Horse riders’ are willing to travel 4 km more than the average per visit to reach a less crowded forest. At the other end of the scale, we find that people who are doing physical exercise are willing to travel 2 km less than the average to reach a less crowded forest.  相似文献   

桃砧木筑波4号和筑波5号抗根癌病鉴定评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以当年实生筑波4号(Prunus persica‘tsukuba-4’)和筑波5号(Prunus persica‘tsuku-ba-5’)的新梢为材料,采用人工接种发根土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium rhizogenes)的方法研究了其对根癌病的抗性及其分离情况。结果表明,筑波4号实生群体中免疫、高度抗病、中度抗病、中度感病和高度感病类型分别占0.90%、1.80%、9.01%、18.92%和69.37%。筑波5号实生群体中免疫、高度抗病、中度抗病、中度感病和高度感病类型分别占1.01%、3.03%、8.08%、38.38%和49.49%。筑波4号和筑波5号对发根土壤杆菌的抗性存在显著分离现象,可从中筛选出抗性极强的植株。  相似文献   

Zhang  Jinguang  Yu  Zhaowu  Cheng  Yingyi  Sha  Xiaohan  Zhang  Hanyu 《Landscape Ecology》2022,37(3):895-911
Landscape Ecology - It has been widely acknowledged that exposure to green space (e-GS) has positive health benefits to urban residents. While most studies estimate e-GS from an availability or...  相似文献   

Biogeochemical models offer an important means of understanding carbon dynamics, but the computational complexity of many models means that modeling all grid cells on a large landscape is computationally burdensome. Because most biogeochemical models ignore adjacency effects between cells, however, a more efficient approach is possible. Recognizing that spatial variation in model outputs is solely a function of spatial variation in input driver variables such as climate, we developed a method to sample the model outputs in input variable space rather than geographic space, and to then use simple interpolation in input variable space to estimate values for the remainder of the landscape. We tested the method in a 100 km×260 km area of western Oregon, U.S.A. , comparing interpolated maps of net primary production (NPP) and net ecosystem production (NEP) with maps from an exhaustive, wall-to-wall run of the model. The interpolation method can match spatial patterns of model behavior well (correlations>0.8) using samples of only 5 t o 15% of the landscape. Compression of temporal variation in input drivers is a key step in the process, with choice of input variables for compression largely determining the upper bounds on the degree of match between interpolated and original maps. The method is applicable to any model that does not consider adjacency effects, and could free up computational expense for a variety of other computational burdens, including spatial sensitivity analyses, alternative scenario testing, or finer grain-size mapping.  相似文献   

Extracts of phenolic compounds from maturing Red Delicious apple tissues containing p-coumaryl-quinic acids and chlorogenic acid were shown to be inhibitory to germination of Botrytis cinerea spores and mycelial growth of B. cinerea, Penicillium expansum and Alternaria sp. Measurements of the content of both acids during the growing season showed that the content of phenolic compounds was highest early in the season and decreased as the fruit matured. The decrease coincided with the rise in susceptibility of the fruit to rot caused by B. cinerea. The concentration of p-coumaryl-quinic acid was highest near the skin and lowest near the core.  相似文献   

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