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草鱼细菌性烂鳃病的组织病理研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
草鱼细菌性烂鳃病是一种危害严重的常见鱼病。其组织病理变化可以分为慢性和急性两种类型。鳃组织病理变化,经过炎性水肿、细胞增生和坏死三个进程。慢性型以增生为主;急性型的鳃组织病理变化,由于病程短,炎性水肿迅速转入坏死,增生不严重或几乎不出现,以炎性水肿和坏死为主。患细菌性烂鳃病的草鱼的肝脏、肾脏也发生病理变化。肝细胞发生颗粒变性、水样变性、醣元颗粒消失,以至坏死;其肾组织主要发生近曲小管上皮细胞颗粒变性、水样变性、坏死,在坏死的肾小管周围的造血组织中的一些细胞核固缩,个别肾小球萎缩。人工感染患细菌性烂鳃病的当年草鱼的白细胞数显著地低于对照组,而红细胞数和血红蛋白量虽低于对照组,但没有显著性差异.  相似文献   

刘明生  李川 《河北渔业》2012,(3):28-31,61
为了解杂交鲟幼鱼患烂鳃病、气泡病并大量死亡的原因及病理变化状况。采用波恩氏液固定,HE染色等方法,对自然发生的杂交鲟烂鳃病和气泡病病鱼的鳃、肠进行了组织病理切片观察。结果发现:患烂鳃病的幼鱼鳃小叶上皮细胞增生、邻近鳃小叶粘连、上皮细胞脱落、鳃血管破裂、血细胞渗出等;患气泡病的幼鱼胃肠大量充气,膨胀致使胃肠壁变薄,变光滑,黏膜层萎缩、断裂,只剩黏膜下层,并且胃肠膨胀挤压肝胰脏使得胃肠和肝胰脏均有严重的充血现象,严重者肠道和肝胰脏变性坏死。  相似文献   

鳃是三疣梭子蟹重要的呼吸器官,当鳃部发生病变或堵塞时,病蟹会通过自身调节提高呼吸运动节律,以弥补鳃病引起的气体交换的不足,当鳃的气体交换量降低到不能维持最低生命活动需要时,三疣梭子蟹就会发生窒息死亡。近几年来,海洋环境污染和养殖生产自身带来的污染使鳃病成为现代水产养殖业的通病,也成了三疣梭子蟹人工养殖的常见病和多发病,其发病率和危害性有逐年上升的趋势,已经引起广大养殖业者的重视。一、由环境不良引起的鳃病及其防治养殖水域受到铜、镉、高锰酸钾、臭氧、原油、氨、亚硝酸盐等化学物质污染时,可引起鳃组织坏死、变黑。…  相似文献   

一、草鱼的烂鳃病一般是由鱼害粘球菌引起的。烂鳃病的主要症状是;解剖观察病鱼的鳃部,明显可见鳃片上有泥灰色、白色或蜡黄色的斑点,鳃片的表面,尤以鳃丝末端粘液很多,并常粘附着淤泥和杂物碎片,有时亦可看到瘀血和斑点沉积在鳃片上。严重患病病鱼的鳃盖片中央,表皮由于被鱼害粘球菌感染后腐蚀成近圆形或不规则的透明小窗,故有“开天窗”之称。[诊断烂鳃病]1.组织病理观察,明显可见病鱼的鳃,特别是鳃丝、鳃小片由于粘球菌的侵袭而坏死、崩溃,往往不能辨认其细胞形态。呼吸上皮组织、呼吸上皮细胞及流经其间的红细胞均已坏死,…  相似文献   

迟钝爱德华氏菌感染大菱鲆的病理学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用光学显微镜和电子显微镜技术分别对患迟钝爱德华氏菌(Edwardsiella tarda)病的大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)的病理学变化进行了研究.结果发现,迟钝爱德华氏菌可引起大菱鲆肾脏、脾脏、肝脏、心脏、肠和鳃等多个器官组织发生不同程度的病变,其中以肾脏病理变化最为显著,主要表现为造血组织局部坏死、单核巨噬细胞显著增生和肉芽肿形成.肝脏发生脂肪变性,血窦扩张充满单核巨噬细胞,严重者发生局部坏死;脾脏单核巨噬细胞增生显著,脾实质出现多处局部坏死;心肌纤维变性,肌纤维间有单核巨噬细胞浸润,病变严重者形成局部坏死灶.此外,在病鱼的肠和鳃内也发现大量单核巨噬细胞浸润的现象.研究表明,迟钝爱德华氏菌感染的大菱鲆主要是以单核巨噬细胞来参与炎症反应.爱德华氏菌病的病理分型应属肾脏型或肝肾混合型.  相似文献   

许星鸿 《内陆水产》2002,27(1):36-38
随着鳗鲡养殖的迅速发展,其病害发生日益频繁。在养殖中,能否有效地控制鳗鲡病害的发生,直接关系到养殖者的经济效益。本文就如何防治鳗鲡的常见病害作总结探讨。1细菌性疾病1.1脱粘病、败血病病原霍乱弧菌、嗜水气单孢菌、豚鼠气单孢菌、温和气单孢菌等。症状脱粘病体表出现脱粘斑,一般从头顶后部开始,严重时溃烂。肝脏、肾脏形成坏死病灶区,肠、胃发炎,肠粘膜层坏死、脱落,心肌部分坏死,鳃溃烂。败血病体表腹部皮肤出血,腹腔积血液,肝脏苍白色、肾脏、脾脏肿大,卡他性肠炎,鳃溃烂。流行情况脱粘病主要发生于欧洲鳗鲡,常…  相似文献   

养殖河蟹“抖抖病”的病原检验与病理学初步研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
对采自中华绒螯蟹养殖主产区的患“抖肢”症病蟹的病理、病原和流行病学研究表明,病蟹的肝胰腺组织脂肪变性、水样变性至空泡化,乃至组织坏死,并有大量颗粒细胞浸润;鳃组织坏死、水肿,棒状化。临床表现为肝性水肿、肝脓肿与糜烂症状;鳃颜色异常,鳃丝溃烂;胸肢抽搐、颤抖与痉挛。流行病调查结果表明,疾病发生与养殖密度、管理强度成正相关,而与养殖品种、水源和地域无关。该病可基本排除细菌、寄生虫等病原生物的致病性。  相似文献   

鳗鱼(Anguilla japonica)在养殖过程中,由于水温、水质、密度不适宜等原因常会发生鳃病,鳃病在发病初期不易诊断,往往延误治疗,造成损失,所以必须重视鳗鱼鳃病的早期诊断和防治工作。1 粘液细菌性鳃病 该病发生在低于水温期,成鳗和幼鳗都  相似文献   

欧洲鳗短钩拟指环虫病及其鳃组织病理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了患短钩拟指环虫病欧洲鳗的症状、流行状况和鳃显微组织病理.游动和呼吸频率异常、鳃丝浮肿和鳃上粘液增多为该病的主要症状.该病尽管在冬季也有发生,但水温在26℃以上的春末、夏季和秋初是最易发病的流行季节,流行出现明显的季节性变化.患病欧洲鳗鳃的组织病理变化主要表现出5种类型,其一是鳃小片上皮细胞增生,使邻近的鳃小片相连;其二是鳃小片粘液细胞增生,同样使鳃小片连成一片,增生的粘液细胞经阿利新蓝(Alclan blue)和过碘酸雪夫氏(Periodic acid schiff)二者联合染色后呈蓝紫色的染色反应,属于Ⅳ型的粘液细胞;其三是鳃小片肿大,但单层扁平上皮细胞无肿大现象,上皮细胞层与毛细血管相分离,鳃小片上皮细胞坏死,上皮细胞层破裂,血细胞外溢,鳃小片上皮细胞坏死脱落后,失去鳃小片原有的结构;其四是鳃小片肿大同时伴随单层扁平上皮细胞肿大,进一步发展,鳃小片上皮细胞坏死脱落后,鳃小片同样失去原有的结构;其五是鳃小片毛细血管严重充血扩张,比原毛细血管扩张几倍到十几倍,形成充满红细胞的棒状到球状的动脉瘤.结果表明鳃上皮细胞增生、粘液细胞增生、鳃小片肿大、上皮细胞坏死脱落和严重充血成动脉瘤等病理变化都可导致患病欧洲鳗呼吸困难,轻者影响其生长,重者最终因呼吸衰竭而死亡.  相似文献   

正三、细菌性疾病虾蟹细菌性疾病是虾蟹最常见、危害非常严重的疾病,有虾红腿病、虾蟹肠炎病、虾蟹烂鳃病、虾烂尾病、蟹水肿病、蟹黄斑病、蟹肝坏死病等,其中虾红腿病、虾蟹肠炎病、虾蟹烂鳃病是最常见的几种,现将防治措施介绍如下。1.虾红腿病病原:弧菌或气单胞菌。病症:病虾一般在池边缓慢游动,随后逐渐沉底死亡;厌食或食欲不振,附肢变红,鳃变黄,肝胰腺  相似文献   

Gills of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., with amoebic gill disease (AGD), were analysed by routine histology to identify lesion morphology and distribution patterns. Numbers of lesions occurring dorsally, medially and ventrally in the gill filaments were recorded as was lesion size, proximity to the gill arch and the degree of pathological severity involved. The mean number of lesions and pathological severity in the dorsal region of the second left gill arch were significantly higher than that found ventrally ( P  < 0.01). There were no significant differences between gill regions in lesion size or proximity of lesions to the gill arch. Serially sectioned lesions revealed interlamellar cysts to be spherical to ovate in shape and fully enclosed within a wall of epithelium. Small to medium size cysts sometimes contained necrotic amoebae. Inflammatory cells, morphologically identified as neutrophils and macrophages, were occasionally seen infiltrating medium sized cysts. Larger cysts were mostly clear of any cellular debris.  相似文献   

Gill disorders have emerged in recent years as a significant problem in the production of marine‐stage Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. The multi‐aetiological condition ‘proliferative gill inflammation’ (PGI) has been reported to cause heavy losses in western Norway, yet reports of Scottish cases of the disease have remained anecdotal. In the present study, histopathological material from a marine production site in the Scottish Highlands experiencing mortalities due to a seasonal gill disease with proliferative‐type pathology was examined using light microscopy, special staining techniques and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The microsporidian Desmozoon lepeophtherii Freeman et Sommerville, 2009 (syn. Paranucleospora theridion) was identified by staining using a Gram Twort method and TEM associated with distinctive proliferative and necrotic pathology confined to the interlamellar Malpighian cell areas of the primary filaments. Epitheliocystis was not a feature of the gill pathology observed. It is believed this is the first report of D. lepeophtherii being identified associated with pathology in a Scottish gill disease case, and supports anecdotal reports that a disease at least partly synonymous with PGI as described by Norwegian researchers is present in Scottish aquaculture.  相似文献   

Sub-adults of silver pomfret (Pampus argenteus), produced and reared in the mariculture experimentation facilities of Mariculture and Fisheries Department of Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), suffered 55–70% mortalities due to scuticociliatosis by Uronema sp. The parasitic infestation was noticed during April–May 2005. Affected fish showed varying levels of tissue damage including severe epidermal and dermal necrotic lesions. The disease occurred with the raise in water temperature from 20 to 22 °C during April. Loss of scales, appearance of bleached spots that coalesced to form brownish patches, haemorrhagic and severe dermal necrotic lesions were the major clinico-pathological manifestations. The parasite was found abundantly in the blood, peritoneal fluid and the cerebrospinal fluid, the skin and the gill wet mounts. Extensive fouling, necrotic degeneration of the gill epithelium and deep dermal necrosis resulted in mortality of the infected fish. The parasite was noticed in the lumen of the collecting ducts of the kidney and the alimentary canal. The parasite was also seen distributed extensively in the entire brain causing widespread nerve necrosis. Earliest separation of the clinically normal fish from the affected fish resulted in significantly higher survival. The investigations are of significant importance in view of the mariculture potentials of the fish especially after the success of captive spawning and larval rearing achieved by the KISR.  相似文献   

天津地区网箱养鲤主要鱼病调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天津地区网箱养鲤常见鱼病17种,其中危害大、造成损失重的4种:烂鳃病、三代虫病、鲤鱼出血性败血病、野鲤碘泡虫病。本文分析了网箱中鱼病发生的特点。  相似文献   

Rainbow trout from eight North German freshwater culture facilities were investigated for chronic health damage resulting from captivity. The fishes were raised under a wide variety of conditions in net cages, circulation tanks, raceways, and earthen ponds.The most obvious non-contagious health problem was gill injury. Hyperplasia of the gill filaments, leading to lamellar fusion or the development of apical caps, as well as necrotic or advanced degenerative processes were observed. In addition, the gill filaments were frequently shortened, significantly reducing the functional surface of the organ.The lesions occurred in almost the same form in all of the culture units. It is likely that they are part of a syndrome induced by the environmental conditions typical of freshwater aquaculture facilities. These are characterized by an accumulation of nitrogenous excretion and decomposition products, extreme diurnal fluctuations in the concentration of dissolved gases, and intensive feeding involving the sudden addition of large amounts of artificial products. Under such conditions even small quantities of un-ionized ammonia can be toxic for epithelial tissues and disturb the normal elimination of protein metabolites across the gills. The pathological processes may be accelerated by secondary bacterial infections.  相似文献   

虾夷扇贝组织中微量元素的分布特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了虾夷扇贝闭壳肌、外套膜、内脏团、瓣鳃和性腺中Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn、Pb和Cd等元素的分布特性。试验结果表明,内脏团中的Cu显著(P<0.05)高于其他各组织,其他各组织间差异不显著(P>0.05);闭壳肌中Zn的含量显著(P<0.05)高于内脏团、外套膜、瓣鳃和性腺中的含量;Fe含量内脏团和瓣鳃中显著(P<0.05)高于性腺、闭壳肌和外套膜;各组织中Mn的分布特性为瓣鳃>闭壳肌>性腺>内脏团>外套膜;Pb的分布特性为内脏团>闭壳肌>性腺>外套膜>瓣鳃;内脏团中的Cd占全贝总量的67%,显著高于其他组织。因此,约占全贝质量10%的内脏团蓄积了较高含量的Cu、Fe、Pb和Cd,尤其是Cu和Cd(分别约占全贝蓄积总量的71%和67%),食用时去掉内脏团,可保证虾夷扇贝的食用安全和较高的食用及营养价值。  相似文献   

Mortalities of puerulus and juvenile rock lobsters, Jasus edwardsii (Hutton, 1875), held in shore-based ongrowing facilities at water temperatures between 10 and 18 °C were associated with infection by an invasive oomycete identified as Haliphthoros sp. Gross signs of disease included loss of appetite, lethargy and 1–3 brown/black focal necrotic lesions in the gills near insertion of the walking legs. Hyphae were observed in wet preparations of gill filaments excised from lesions. Histology of gill lesions showed hyphae inside the gill cuticle, invasion and lysis of the skeletal muscle and massive haemocyte infiltration and melanization at the base of walking legs adjacent to infected gill filaments. Lobsters over approximately 30 mm carapace length appeared resistant to infection. Death of affected lobsters usually occurred prior to or during the moult and in some cases may have been associated with secondary bacterial infection. Haliphthoros sp. was isolated in pure culture and marine agar 2216 was the medium that produced best growth in vitro . Two isolates were exposed in vitro to five chemicals to determine if an effective treatment could be found. Chemicals that interrupted the life cycle by killing zoospores or preventing sporulation included malachite green, trifuralin, formalin and copper sulphate. The appearance of the disease was associated with poor hygiene and its elimination may be achievable by improving husbandry practices.  相似文献   

Fish constitute an important component of lake ecosystems and many different methods have been used for fish assessment. Based on gill net catches in two stratified (max depth = 14–22 m) eutrophic Danish lakes, relative fish abundance measured as Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) was calculated. We used three different methods of which two followed the European standard based on benthic nets (CEN (European Committee for Standardization), 2005: EN 14757. Water quality – Sampling of fish with multi-mesh gill nets. Brussels, 27 pp.), one assuming equal volumes in all depth strata and the other using calculated volumes in the depth strata. The third method followed a modified CEN standard, adopted as a new Danish (DK) standardized method based on calculated benthic and pelagic water volumes and by including both benthic nets and, compared to the CEN standard, an increased fishing effort with pelagic nets. Fish were concentrated in the littoral/benthic part of the upper two depth strata (0–6 m depth) with an up to 8 fold higher abundance than in the pelagic. Calculated CPUE is highly sensitive to the morphometry of the lakes. In lakes with extreme morphometry (unequal volumes in depth strata) it is important to use calculated water volumes for the depth strata. By including information derived from the pelagic nets, total lake CPUEs were 42–56% lower than CPUE values based on benthic nets only. We further show that the relative contribution of CPUE between habitats changes markedly with the nutrient level in 12 deep lakes. It is concluded that for deep lakes it is of key importance to include pelagic nets when comparing fish assemblages and abundances among lakes and when evaluating effects of major changes in key environmental factors, such as nutrient loading and climate.  相似文献   

紫贻贝SOD和POD同工酶的组织特异性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘慧慧  黄云  赵淑江 《河北渔业》2006,(3):14-15,57
用聚丙烯酰胺垂直电泳对紫贻贝的鳃、性腺、外套膜、足、闭壳肌等5种组织的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)进行了检测分析。结果表明,SOD在各组织器官中均表达,共表现为5条酶带,酶带a和b在上述五种组织中均出现,酶带c在除鳃以外的其他4个组织中有表达,酶带d则在除外套膜以外的4个组织中表达,酶带e仅在性腺中存在,所有上述酶带在性腺和鳃中活性相对较强;POD在不同组织中表达各不相同,酶带a仅在外套膜中存在,酶带b存在于除外套膜外的4个组织中,酶带c在性腺、闭壳肌和外套膜中表达。从检测结果来看,SOD和POD在紫贻贝体内的表达有一定的组织特异性,这种特异性不仅与各组织的不同生理分工相关,而且也与机体对自身基因表达进行调控相联系。  相似文献   

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