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<正> 随着人民物质水平的提高以及国人对养鱼恰情养性的兴趣和爱好,观赏水族业正作为一门新兴的产业蓬勃兴起。它集收集、研究、饲养、收藏和展览为一体,使人们获得丰富的知识和赏心说目的精神享受,同时对拉动经济增长起推波助澜作用。 自1931年我国第一个水族馆——青岛水族馆(现青岛海产博物馆)的落成到90年代全国各 相似文献
本文是作者1995年考察美国西部两州水族业的见闻回顾。内容包括水族业的概况、展示的水族品种及水族器材、设备、水族精细化工产品;最后叙述了考察的体会,呼呈振兴族业,尽早与国际接轨,将中国水族及水族器材设备打入国际市场。 相似文献
本文是作者1995年考察美国西部两州水族业的见闻回顾。内容包括水族业的概况、展示的水族品种及水族器材、设备、水族精细化工产品;最后叙述了考察的体会。呼吁振兴中国水族业,尽早与国际接轨,将中国水族及水族器材设备打入国际市场。 相似文献
上海观赏水族市场的现状与展望 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
观赏休闲渔业是都市型渔业的重要组成部分,是拓展现代渔业生态功能和旅游观光服务功能的重要领域.发展观赏休闲渔业是延伸渔业产业链,促进渔业增效和扩大渔民就业渠道的有效途径.上海的水产业历经上世纪80年代解决市民"吃鱼难",90年代让市民吃"优质鱼",本世纪初让市民吃"放心鱼"的三个阶段后,目前已发展到第四阶段,即让市民在前阶段吃到鱼、吃好鱼、吃健康鱼的基础上,进入"玩鱼"阶段,且发展速度较快,是上海地区水产业结构调整的新方向.笔者于2007年9月对上海水族市场的分布、观赏鱼、水族器材的基本行情以及市场现状进行了调查分析,并对未来的发展提出了建议. 相似文献
2006年会流行什么鱼种呢?这是很多水族业者和消费者都非常关心的话题,所以我就此话题访了业内20位知名人士,大家各抒己见,发表自己的观点,我在此略总结如下,供参考。 相似文献
五种斑斓的虾儿在水草间悠然穿梭,碧绿的水草随波摇曳,这样一道令人心旷神怡的风景已经越来越多的出现在我国寻常百姓家中。近年来,随着观赏鱼爱好者爱好范围的逐步增大,很多爱好者的视线已经转移到了原来作为草缸里的藻类清除者的虾上,水族缸里的宠物已不仅仅限于传统的观赏鱼了, 相似文献
(上接本刊1997年第6期)35水泵与气泵水泵是水族箱水体引进循环过滤的必备设备,有内置式与外置式两大类、内置式可潜水防爆,有的还与过滤器、除氮器及射流真空吸气增氧器联用。外置式除日本产的外,均为海水用陶瓷泵。气泵有两个功能,一是增氧,二是用于循环上下层水体,有皮碗振动式、电动往复式与环转式。3.6饲料与投饲器水族饲料已全部工业化生产,有粉状、粒状、片状、九状、块状多种,每种主要观赏鱼都有专用商品饲料。由40种成分合成,适口性好、就是最挑食的鱼也会争相抢食,有的还有增色、增艳作用。德国NEW水族专用饲料品种… 相似文献
印度尼西亚幅员辽阔,全境东西延伸长达5120km,南北距离1760 km,陆地面积190万km2.印尼是一个群岛国家,有约1.9万个岛屿,海岸线蜿蜒曲折,长达8.1万km,居世界第二位.其海域广阔,面积有580万km2. 相似文献
1 水族箱及人工海水 用人工海水水族箱可以饲养形态各异,绚丽多姿的海水观赏鱼,里面可置放一些藏有珊瑚虫、海葵等无脊椎动物的漂亮的珊瑚礁,还可栽植一些海藻,模拟天然的海洋水族世界. 相似文献
文章对水族箱的设置、海水观赏鱼品种的选择、水质指标的控制、饵料投喂及病害防治等进行了分析与探讨,为家用型水族箱饲养海水观赏鱼提供技术支持. 相似文献
马来西亚地处亚热带,气候温暖,终年无霜,动、植物天然资源丰富,尤其是发展热带观赏鱼的条件很好,在政府政策的扶持下,观赏鱼出口仅次于新加坡而居世界第二位。 相似文献
The Introduced Fish Problem and the Aquarium Fish Industry 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Walter R. Courtenay Jr. Jay R. Stauffer Jr. 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》1990,21(3):145-159
Of the 46 species of foreign fishes known to be established as reproducing populations in open waters of the contiguous United States, approximately 65% are known or presumed to have originated from the aquarium fish trade. Many escaped or were released from aquarium fish culture facilities and some were introduced by aquarists. More than 50 additional, non-established fishes, mostly aquarium species, have been collected in the wild. These introductions, with established populations, have not been restricted to the so-called Sun Belt states, but have occurred throughout the U.S.
Because many introductions have resulted in serious negative impcts to native fishes, and most have the potential to do so, it is imperative that the aquarium fish industry and trade take measures to curtail such releases. The means of accomplishing this goal are relatively inexpensive. Industry must assist in public education to reduce introductions by aquarists. 相似文献
Because many introductions have resulted in serious negative impcts to native fishes, and most have the potential to do so, it is imperative that the aquarium fish industry and trade take measures to curtail such releases. The means of accomplishing this goal are relatively inexpensive. Industry must assist in public education to reduce introductions by aquarists. 相似文献
The aquarium fish industry in Sri Lanka has become a valuable foreign exchange earner during the past few years, earning Rs.
530 million in 1998. Sri Lankan ornamental fish exports for the international market include locally wild caught marine, brackish-water
and freshwater species as well as captive bred freshwater fish. Presently, there are about 18 registered aquarium fish exporters
and together they currently contribute approximately 1% of the world's demand for ornamental fish. Of the freshwater fish
species exported from Sri Lanka, the guppy ranks the highest (67% by number), followed by swordtails, angels, platies and
various species of tetras. This study aims to assess the present status and future trends in the ornamental fish industry
in Sri Lanka; to overview the present fish production system which caters for the international market; and to identify present
constraints within the industry.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
金鱼是观赏鱼中饲养比较普遍的鱼类 ,其品种繁多、五彩缤纷、游动时婆娑多姿 ,令人心旷神怡。水族箱养金鱼给无数家庭带来了乐趣 ,近几年来 ,通过实验 ,生态水族箱适合家庭养鱼 ,值得提倡。一、生态水族箱的设备以 1 2 0 cm× 60 cm× 80 cm规格的玻璃鱼缸为例 ,配备 1 2 0 cm× 60 cm维纶材料的矩形网片一块 (网线 34/6× 3,即 34支棉纱 ,6根单纱为一股 ,以 3股捻合而成 ) ,目大 1~ 1 .5 cm。采用网箱制作法将网片编制到与之相同大小的矩形网架上。在缸底设置 5~ 6块直径 5~ 7cm的鹅卵石(等高最好 ) ,支撑整个框架。配备一增氧机 ,用市… 相似文献
Concentrations of major seawater ions were monitored in six aquarium tanks at the New Jersey State Aquarium over a three-year
period. The ratios of these ions to chlorinity were compared to those in freshly prepared artificial seawater. The largest
aquarium tank (Ocean Tank) exhibits statistically significant (p<0.01) relative enrichment of potassium, calcium and strontium,
and relative depletion of magnesium and sulphate. The likely source of excess potassium is from potassium iodide added to
prevent goiter in sharks. Based on the excess potassium, a total amount of 650 μmol/kg iodide added over the years was calculated
for the Ocean Tank. The excess calcium observed in several tanks correlates with the presence of concrete or arbonaceous shells
in these tanks. In Ocean Tank, a calcium leaching rate of 6.7 kg/month was calculated. Continuous formation of white carbonaceous
precipitates serves as a sink for magnesium in Ocean Tank, and a magnesium removal rate of 5.1 kg/month was calculated. These
and other results show that concentrations of major ions in artificial seawater aquaria are affected by leaching, precipitation
and addition of food supplements, and these factors should be taken into account when preparing artificial seawater for aquarium
tanks with long water residence time.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
观赏鱼产业在上海地区发展定位的思考 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
近年来,观赏鱼产业在上海地区逐渐活跃了起来,这是受到周边地区影响以及社会主义市场经济蓬勃发展的必然结果。上海的观赏鱼产业该担负起何种功能?如何与周边地区的同行们联手?这一课题已引起业内人士的殷切关注。 相似文献