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IntroductionEnvironmentanddevelopmentaretwoimportantproblems,whichcauseagIobaIconcern.EcologicalenvironmentprotectionandsustainabIedevelopmenthaveadirectbearingonthedestinyofhumanandthefutureoftheearth,andinfluenceeverycountry.everynationandeverypeople.Forestry,whichun-dertakesdoubIemissionsthataretooptimizetheenvironmentandpromotethedevelopment,isthecruxandthelinktoreaIizetheunityofenvironmentanddeveIopment,anditseffectcannotbereplacedinthesustainabledevelopment.Chinaisadevelopingcountrywi…  相似文献   

The forestry and reindeer herding sectors utilize the same land in northern Sweden, and adversely affect each other's productivity. The common pool resource character of this situation has made it difficult to find ways to resolve conflicts that could threaten the two sectors' continued co-existence. A consultation procedure that was introduced to reduce conflicts does not appear to be effective, since conflicts between the two actors still occur. One reason for this failure might be found in the power distribution between forestry and reindeer herding. Earlier research has shown that a co-management system in which the allocation of power between the stakeholders is uneven is difficult to maintain in the long term. However, it is unclear just how uneven the power distribution is between the two actors in this case, and the consequences the disparity might have for the viability and stability of the management system. Focusing on the power relations within the consultation procedures, this paper explores the potential of the present institutional system to take the different interests of the stakeholders into account and to use the consultation procedures as tools for co-managing the forest resources in northern Sweden.  相似文献   

Boreal forest ecosystems are generally highly sensitive to logging and other forestry activities. Thus, commercial forestry has had major effects on the forests and landscape structure in northern Sweden since the middle of the 19th Century, when it rapidly extended across the region. Lichens (which constitute up to 80% of reindeer forage in winter and early spring) have often been amongst the most severely affected ecosystem components. The overall aim of the present study was to analyze how forestry has influenced the potential supply of ground-growing lichens as winter forage for the reindeer in this region over the past ca. 100 years. For this purpose, we analysed changes in forest and stand structure in Scots pine-dominated (Pinus sylvestris L.) reindeer wintering areas in the southern part of the county Norrbotten (covering ca. 58,000 ha) using detailed historical forest inventories and management plans. We found that the amount of the forest types considered potentially good pasture (mainly middle-aged and old pine forests) decreased during the first part of the 20th Century. However, the quality of grazing grounds was improved by forestry during this time mainly because selective logging made the forests more open which benefits lichen growth. During the last part of the 20th century forestry impaired the quality of grazing grounds in several ways, e.g. by clear-cutting and intensified use of various silvicultural measures. We conclude that ca. 30–50% of the winter grazing grounds have been lost in the study area because of intensive forest management during the last century. The spatially precise historical information about the affects of forestry on lichen pasture provided in this study can be used to direct forest management which will facilitate and promote reindeer herding in the future.  相似文献   

Conflict management and participation in community forestry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper consideration is first given to how community forestry practitioners have commonly understood the term participation, and why the concept of conflict does not seem to have overlapped with notions of participation. Failure to perceive conflict as inherent in participation is shown to have led to problems in implementation of community forestry programmes. The emerging awareness of conflict today is shown to be associated with the move away from community forestry in the form of village-based tree planting schemes towards community forest management, which involves devolution of state authority over natural forests. The paper presents a number of methods for managing conflict and discusses their strong and weak points. Using the experience of the introduction of participation as a comparison, the paper considers the extent to which conflict management might be adopted as standard practice by forest agencies in community forestry. The paper concludes that because of the limited mandate of forest agencies, it is unlikely that they will be able to use conflict management tools to bring about social justice in forest conflict situations. However, the paper suggests that use of such tools could result in heightened awareness of the importance of conflict and in this way improve forest practice.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

About three times the annual cut in southern Sweden (Götaland) was damaged by the storm Gudrun in January 2005, i.e. almost as much as the normal annual cut for all of Sweden. To establish any differences in forest management and state before and after the storm, measures such as growing stock volume, age-class distribution, and species composition were analyzed within the damaged area. As a reference the situation before and after the storm within the area in Götaland not damaged by the storm was also analyzed. For all analyses, sample plots from the Swedish National Forest Inventory were used. Results based on mean values for the years 2000–2004/2005–2009 showed that the total growing stock for the damaged area decreased by approximately 30 million m3 after the storm. This was mainly caused by a decrease in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst). Annual growth for pine, spruce, and deciduous trees decreased by 1.8 million m3 in the damaged area. This mainly included stands already thinned and not, as expected, in the stands ready for final felling. Also, the proportional area within each of the age classes 21–40, 41–60, and 61–80 years decreased. The storm led to an increased area in immediate need of precommercial thinning. No changes in choice of species when regenerating could be observed. Furthermore, only marginal adaptation by forest owners to future risk of wind throw could be detected.  相似文献   


Relationships between the crown density and growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) stands are presented, after removal of the effects of major natural influences. Crown density was assessed annually from 1991 to 1996 on 569 monitoring plots comprising 40000 trees. Stand growth was determined from measurements of diameter and height in 1991 and 1996. Various models explaining mean crown density and annual growth of the stands as a function of natural factors, such as age and site index, were compared. The influence of the natural factors was then removed by recalculating crown density to residual values from one preferred model, and by recalculating growth to relative values given as a percentage of model predictions. Crown density and its residuals were positively correlated to growth. These relationships were weak in terms of their ability to explain variation (low R2). However, the various relationships consistently indicated that approximately 1% change in crown density corresponded to 1% change in growth. This relationship also included common spatial variation over Norway: a large part of south - east Norway had unexplained low crown density and unexplained low growth. Some other, smaller regional consistencies were also found. The study supports the use of crown density assessments and encourages the use of growth data in the search for major stress factors responsible for present forest condition.  相似文献   

从经营思想、经营机制、管理体制、管理水平和科技开发等方面分析了现行森工企业存在的问题 ,提出了全面加深对森林资源的认识 ,强化经营、管理水平等改革措施。  相似文献   

In this paper, circumstances where various human activities and interests clash with the conservation of forest biodiversity are examined, with particular focus on the drivers behind the conflicts. After identifying past and current human-related threats potentially leading to conflicts in forests, the paper will focus on conflict management and monitoring, with an emphasis on inclusionary stakeholder networks and a range of approaches towards sustainable land use. Three dimensions of conflicts are examined: substance (‘how things are’), procedure (‘how things are done’), and relationships (‘how people behave’). These relations will relate to three conflict management approaches: (1) technical, which may contribute to reduce or solve the conflict acting on the ‘substance’ dimension, (2) political, which may influence the ‘procedure’ dimension of the conflict establishing principles or rules, and (3) cultural, which may affect the ‘relationship’ dimension of the conflict. Finally, a general model of adaptive conflict management emphasising communication among the parties and a participatory approach that involves monitoring of the conflict resolution outcomes is proposed. The recognition that strong perceptions among stakeholders have the potential to aggravate conflicts is central to the concept of a inclusionary conflict management framework, improved communication between all stakeholders, and better awareness of the context of the conflicts is emphasised.  相似文献   

We used GIS on a regional scale to estimate and compare supply potentials and costs of small-scale logging systems, a mini-forwarder and a 4-ton truck operated by private logging contractors, and manual logging and a light truck operated by individual forest own- ers, with the mechanized operational system of the Forest Owners' Asso- ciation. Total potential yields of timber and logging residues were esti- mated as 418,895 m3 and 254,962 m3, respectively. The economic bal- ances were estimated and available amounts were projected as supply potentials from profitable sub-compartments. As a result, available amounts of timber and logging residues were estimated at 375,466 m3 (89.9%) and 203,850 m3 (80.0%), respectively. Because their transport expenses were lower than for other systems the most profitable sub-compartments were operated by private logging contractors who sold logging residues at a plant. The profitable sub-compartments operated by individual forest owners were few because the extracting distances were usually greater than 20 m. Raising logging residue prices from 3,000 yen·m-3 to 4,080 yen·m-3 or 6,800 yen·m-3, and establishing forest roads, which reduced some extracting distances to less than 20 m, increased the number and area of profitable sub*compartments, and increased available amounts of logging residues.  相似文献   

Increased forest biomass production for bioenergy will have various consequences for landscape scenery, depending on both the landscape features present and the character and intensity of the silvicultural and harvesting methods used. We review forest preference research carried out in Finland, Sweden and Norway, and discuss these findings in relation to bioenergy production in boreal forest ecosystems. Some production methods and related operations incur negative reactions among the public, e.g. stump harvesting, dense plantation, soil preparation, road construction, the use of non-native species, and partly also harvest of current non-productive forests. Positive visual effects of bioenergy production tend to be linked to harvesting methods such as tending, thinning, selective logging and residue harvesting that enhance both stand and landscape openness, and visual and physical accessibility. Relatively large differences in findings between studies underline the importance of local contextual knowledge about landscape values and how people use the particular landscape where different forms of bioenergy production will occur. This scientific knowledge may be used to formulate guiding principles for visual management of boreal forest bioenergy landscapes.  相似文献   

Conservation organizations in the northeastern United States (US) recommend forest clearcutting to create shrubland habitat, which is required by many wildlife species with declining populations. The planning of habitat management programs is hampered by a lack of information on the current extent of shrubland habitat and the current rate of forest clearcutting that creates shrubland habitat. We addressed these information gaps by using a combination of automated and manual approaches to determine the extent and spatial configuration of shrubland habitat and recent forest clearcuts. We focused on the state of Rhode Island because (a) it is representative of the northeastern US in terms of the prevalence of private ownership of forests, and the ongoing decline in the populations of many shrubland wildlife species; (b) federal, state and private conservation groups are actively promoting clearcuts to create shrubland habitat; (c) many state-wide GIS databases are available; and (d) the spatial extent of the state made our results both generalizable and politically relevant. Our fine-scale mapping allowed a detailed analysis of shrubland distribution in conjunction with other available GIS layers that facilitates identification of priority areas for habitat management. We found that the extent of upland shrubland in non-coastal areas is decreasing by at least 1.5% annually. Considering the lack of consensus about conservation targets for the amount of shrubland, we propose that conservation organizations attempt to stabilize rather than expand the extent of shrubland habitat. This approach would provide an opportunity to assess whether the current extent of shrubland is sufficient to maintain reduced but stable wildlife populations that require this habitat. We propose a coordinated forest management program with targets for increased forest management on conservation lands. We found that the average patch size of shrubland created by recent clearcuts is large enough for most shrubland bird species, but too small for the New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis), which has been proposed for threatened and endangered status.  相似文献   

Numerous land-use policies have been implemented in China in recent decades for ecological restoration and conservation to reduce environmental disasters and promote environmental sustainability.Many of these policies follow a top-down approach to implementation and as such,emphasize the hierarchical control within government structures.An understanding of local perceptions of land-use policies is important if the disconnect between policy makers and the target population is to be reduced and if program support is to improve.This study aimed to help improve local implementation,attitude toward,and engagement by examining the influence of socio-economic characteristics on the target population’s(local farmers)perception of the conversion of cropland to forestland program(CFPP)land use policy in Jiangxi,Sichuan,and Shaanxi provinces.It uses logistical regression models,with robust aspects of perception including confidence,support,transparency,prospects,fairness,and willingness to participate.Results indicate that social aspects as well as economic aspects are most important in influencing farmers’perceptions towards the CFPP.The farmers who have received technical support,rural male habitants,educated,and non-middle-aged farmers exhibit more positive perceptions of the program and are much more likely to support it,whereas farmers without any technical support or formal education,and female and middle-aged farmers are less likely to support the program.Importantly,this study also reveals the differences in responses,experiences and perceptions of the farmers living across different provinces.These empirical results provide insight into the influence of socio-economic characteristics on the perception of farmers towards land-use policies,which has important implications for designing targeted policy instruments and increasing farmer support for these policies.This knowledge can be harnessed and further evaluated in future research to improve citizen engagement,support,and understanding in order to help ecological restoration and conservation objectives be more effectively achieved.  相似文献   

本文对双鸭山林区森林的分类经营提出了几点认识,并做了具体分析。  相似文献   

当前物业管理存在的问题及解决办法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对黑龙江省住宅物业小区的调查与研究 ,结合房地产开发和物业管理的有关理论 ,提出当前住宅小区物业管理面临的主要问题和解决办法。  相似文献   

以塔河林业局为研究区域,以ArcGIS Engine控件和可视化开发环境Visual Studio 2008(C#)作为系统开发平台,利用现有数据(包括林火数据、气象数据、地形数据等)进行数字化并建立access数据库,用简单椭圆模型和迷宫算法实现对已发生的森林火灾面积的科学模拟和火情趋势的标绘,并构建塔河林业局森林扑火辅助决策指挥系统,从而协助扑火指挥员在最短的时间内制定最佳的林火扑救方案,降低林火损失,辅助防火部门进行科学扑火决策。  相似文献   

森林经营方案编制中的冲突与协调   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了在编制森林经营方案过程中遇到的冲突问题,通过分析冲突的起因和表现,指出我国森林经营方案编制中没有或较少有公众参与,各相关利益者之间缺少交流与沟通。通过对冲突中相关利益者的分析,提出了一套基于森林经营方案编制的公众参与程序,指出公众参与森林经营方案编制可协调冲突并能提高经营方案的质量和实践性。  相似文献   

Acharya  Uma  Petheram  R. John  Reid  Rowan 《Small-Scale Forestry》2004,3(3):401-410
International and national development programs in Nepal place high priority on management of forests for biodiversity. Communities are expected to embrace and cooperate in this endeavour for biodiversity conservation, yet little research has been carried out to understand community viewpoints on biodiversity conservation, or even to ascertain people’s understanding of the concept of biodiversity. This paper explores perceptions and concepts related to biodiversity and its conservation held by people involved in community forestry in Nepal. Data were obtained from in-depth individual interviews and focus group discussions carried out in two contrasting geographical districts. The results show that the Western term ‘biodiversity’, translated into Nepalese as jaiwik bibidhata, is new and confusing to most forest people, who interpret the term in a variety of ways. People’s perceptions of biodiversity vary widely and a considerable gap exists between policy-makers and forest users in the understanding and interpretation of this Nepalese term and its related concepts. These findings have important implications for the design and implementation of development programs and in formulation of forest policy in Nepal.  相似文献   

The process based model SMART–SUMO–WATBAL was applied to 166 intensive monitoring forest plots of mid- and high-latitude Europe to evaluate the effects of expected future changes in carbon dioxide concentration, temperature, precipitation and nitrogen deposition on forest growth (net annual increment). These results were used in the large-scale forest scenario model EFISCEN (European Forest Information SCENario model) to upscale impacts of environmental change and to combine these results with adapted forest management. Because of the few plots available, Mediterranean countries were excluded from analyses. Results are presented for 109 million ha in 23 European countries.  相似文献   

浅析林业工程档案管理存在的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
范书杰 《河北林果研究》2011,(4):379-380,388
对林业工程档案管理现状、存在问题进行了分析,对做好林业工程档案管理,实现制度化、规范化、科学化、信息化管理进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

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