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刘东军 《中国奶牛》2008,(11):35-36
奶牛蹄部是重要的支撑和运动器官,奶牛蹄部健康是发挥高产等生产性能的保证。由于营养代谢障碍,肢体的姿势不正,不能定期合理修蹄,蹄角质生长异常导致蹄部变形,造成奶牛运动障碍。修蹄可以矫正变形蹄,防止蹄变形程度加重,防止出现姿势异常,可以对发生的蹄病起到治疗作用。奶牛出现腐蹄病、趾间腐烂后通过修蹄和适当的治疗,能促进蹄病痊愈。  相似文献   

<正>运步评分结合常规性修蹄是目前世界上通用的做法,也是最有效改善牛群肢蹄健康状况的方法。规模较大的牛场,最好有专业人员修蹄,还要定期对牛群进行运步评分评估牛群肢蹄的健康状况,找出已发生跛行的牛并采取相应的处理措施。1治疗性修蹄和跛行牛记录对于跛行牛来讲,修蹄的前四步既是蹄形修整的过程,也是检查的过程。修蹄,可确保蹄形恢复正常,重建负重平衡,并能全面地对蹄部进行检查,查找引起跛行的原因。虽然蹄病常发于后肢外侧趾和  相似文献   

奶牛蹄病是奶牛蹄部疾病的统称,主要包括蹄变形、腐蹄病、蹄叶炎、蹄糜烂等疾病。由于蹄病可导致奶牛肢蹄疼痛、起卧困难、病蹄不愿着地、跛行,以致影响了奶牛的食欲、承重和产奶量,而养牛户又多不注意修蹄护蹄,  相似文献   

奶牛蹄部变形每年造成的淘汰、死亡给奶牛场造成极大的经济损失.修蹄可以矫正变形蹄,防止蹄变形程度加重,预防蹄病的发生,防止出现姿势异常,对发生的蹄病起到治疗作用,对增强奶牛运动和采食,提高奶产量有积极的作用。加强饲养管理合理配比日粮,增加奶牛运动,春季、秋季定期修蹄,坚持蹄部药浴,可以大大减少蹄变形的发生。  相似文献   

秦波 《中国奶牛》2012,(7):54-56
肢蹄障碍是国内外奶牛发病率较高的疾病,不仅严重影响奶牛的健康,而且会造成严重的经济损失。日常修蹄可以有效预防跛行发生,降低奶牛肢蹄障碍发病率,减少经济损失。因此,本文主要对修蹄五步法进行详细阐述,以供同行参考。  相似文献   

奶牛蹄变形又称变形蹄。通常由代谢疾病和没有定期修蹄所致。蹄变形可引起跛行。肢势异常;严重者可见前两肢和后两肢分别前后伸展,即所谓“拉弓”姿势,往往影响奶牛的生产性能,遭致经济上的损失。笔者在工作中,就奶牛严重蹄变形的发病情况及致病原因进行了初步调查和分析。  相似文献   

蹄叶炎(laminitis)是最常见的奶牛蹄部疾患。它是一种复合性疾病,直接与管理工作密切相关。要预防蹄叶炎,对管理的多方面都应重视:适宜的营养、顺利产犊、良好舍饲条件及有规律地修蹄等。1系代谢紊乱蹄叶炎是真皮的代谢紊乱,该病多发生于奶牛蹄支部。奶牛出现急性跛行(瘸腿脚),  相似文献   

奶牛蹄病是对奶牛蹄部疾病的统称,其主要包括蹄缘创伤、腐蹄病、蹄叶炎、蹄糜烂等.蹄病可导致奶牛肢蹄疼痛、起卧困难、跛行,可影响奶牛的食欲和产奶量.养殖户不注意修蹄、护蹄导致该病在奶牛养殖中普遍存在.  相似文献   

奶牛蹄病的预防与保健   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蹄病是蹄子所有疾病的总称,是严重威胁奶牛健康的、仅次于奶牛乳房炎和不孕症的疾病之一。蹄病主要有蹄叶炎、蹄底出血、蹄底溃疡、创伤性蹄部真皮炎、踵裂、腐蹄病、趾间坏死杆菌病、趾间增生、趾皮炎、白线病等11种。急性蹄病的组织学病变主要是红肿热痛的炎症反应,但外观则为站立和行走姿势异常、跛行、生产性能下降等。  相似文献   

选用10~30泌乳日龄的经产奶牛进行临床试验,研究橡胶地板对奶牛发生肢蹄损伤、行动评分、临床跛行和蹄的生长和磨损的影响。试验牛分两组圈养在完全相同的散栏中,其中一栏为水泥地面(水泥,n=82),而另一栏则用橡胶垫将水泥面板完全覆盖(橡胶,n=84)。所有奶牛分别在10~30,74~94和110~130泌乳日对奶牛:①后蹄损伤;②基于行动评分的临床跛行;③右侧蹄壁的生长和磨损进行3次评价。试验开始时,两组牛的泌乳胎次、平均干物质采食量(DIM)、体况评分及第1次评价时肢蹄损伤的比例没有差异。两组牛在每次评价时肢蹄损伤的发生率没有差异。但是,水泥地面处理组发生蹄部磨损的几率或加剧的程度高于橡胶地面组。在两组牛中,蹄的外侧比内侧更容易发生损伤。第3次评价时,水泥地面组跛行发生率并因此需要治疗性修蹄的比例高于橡胶地面组。与水泥地面组相比,橡胶地面组牛在第1和最后1次评价之间,蹄的生长和磨损较低。两组牛中,处于第2个泌乳期的牛的蹄磨损率高于处于第3个或以上泌乳期的牛。试验结果表明:柔软的散栏地面,如联锁的橡胶,有利于奶牛的蹄部健康。  相似文献   

Squamous cell carcinoma of the hoof wall, with resultant invasion of the right hind distal phalanx, was identified in a 15-year-old Thoroughbred stallion. The clinical features included a chronic grade 2/5 right hind limb lameness and a sessile dorsal hoof wall mass that was not sensitive to palpation. Radiography revealed a well-circumscribed circular lucency within the distal phalanx, beneath the clinically noticed hoof wall mass. These features were considered to be characteristic of a hoof wall keratoma. Surgical intervention was done 10 months later. The histologic diagnosis at the time of surgery was squamous cell carcinoma. Eight months after surgery, progressive tumor invasion of the distal phalanx resulted in a pathologic articular fracture. This case highlights the need for accurate histologic diagnosis of equine hoof wall masses to differentiate between benign and malignant conditions.  相似文献   

The prevalence of hoof lesions and lameness in 4899 heifers and cows was determined at claw trimming one time in a cross-sectional study on 101 Swedish dairy farms, 1996-1998. The percentage of affected animals was 41% for heel-horn erosion, 30% for sole haemorrhages, 27% for erosive dermatitis, 21% for abnormal claw shape, 14% for white-line haemorrhages, 8.8% for white-line fissures, 8.6% for sole ulcers, 3.3% for double soles, 2.3% for verrucose dermatitis, and 1.8% for interdigital hyperplasia (IH). Seventy-two percent of all animals had at least one hoof lesion. The prevalence of lameness was 5.1%; most hoof lesions did not cause lameness. Differences between herds were substantial; the herd-specific, animal-level prevalence of lesions ranged from 25 to 98% and of lameness from 0 to 33%. Sole haemorrhages were found in all herds. The proportion of variance at the between-herd level was particularly high for heel-horn erosion (62%) and abnormal claw shape (54%). Strong correlations between lesions were found within hooves (and animals), e.g. for heel-horn erosion and dermatitis (Spearman's rank correlation, r(s)=0.36 and 0.37, respectively) and for sole and white-line haemorrhages (r(s)=0.25 and 0.28). Most hoof lesions affected hind and front hooves bilaterally, whereas the correlation between hind and front hooves generally was lower. Herds that ranked high for prevalence of sole ulcer also ranked high for sole haemorrhages and for abnormal claw shape and herds that ranked high for dermatitis also ranked high for heel-horn erosion, verrucose dermatitis and IH. Abnormal claw shape was strongly associated with sole ulcer (r(s)=0.41 at cow level)-suggesting the importance of maintaining a correct claw shape for the prevention of hoof-horn lesions.  相似文献   

腐蹄病是指侵害指(趾)间皮肤及皮肤更深层软组织的急性或亚急性炎症。患病皮肤常坏死、裂开,炎症从指(趾)间皮肤蔓延到蹄冠、系部和球节,病肢明显跛行,并伴有全身性症候。腐蹄病是奶牛蹄病中危害性极为严重的一类疾病,病畜食欲减退、泌乳量下降、繁殖能力降低,病情严重者将被迫淘汰,严重影响奶牛业的发展,造成严重的经济损失。鉴于该病对奶牛业的严重危害,奶牛出现蹄病时的及时、准确临床诊断,以及与其他蹄病的鉴别诊断,对于奶牛蹄病的临床治疗和预防具有重要的实际指导意义。本试验根据节瘤拟杆菌纤毛蛋白基因序列的特异性,设计1对引物BPP并建立了PCR检测方法。试验结果表明,引物BPP具有相对较高的特异性和敏感性,其敏感性达到了152.5 pg,且引物FLP具有很好的特异性,能够准确诊断出节瘤拟杆菌的存在。  相似文献   

Examination for lameness remains the most important component of the clinical evaluation for poor performance. Although conventional examinations can be used to diagnose many causes of lameness, treadmill video gait analysis and dynamic hoof balance evaluations have proved to be useful not only for evaluating lameness but also for maintenance of long-term soundness. Treadmill lameness evaluations offer a major advantage compared to conventional evaluations because of the stationary position of the exercising horse relative to the people performing the examination. Lameness is suspected if asymmetric motion is observed or asymmetric sounds of the feet contacting the tread surface are heard during the treadmill evaluation. Localization of lameness to the front or hind legs is the first step in the treadmill gait analysis protocol. In trotting and pacing horses, asymmetric movements associated with foreleg lameness generally are confined to the front end. In contrast to the pacing gait, asymmetric movements associated with hindlimb lameness can involve both the front and rear of the horse at the trot. The evaluation is continued to determine which side of the horse is abnormal. Viewed from the front, horses with primary forelimb lameness appear to have an asymmetric downward rotation of the torso, head, and neck away from the stiffer lame front leg toward the flexed normal leg as it contacts the tread surface. The lame hind leg can appear to be stiff relative to the opposite normal leg. This results in uneven side-to-side oscillations of the pelvis rotating away from the abnormal stiff-appearing hind leg toward the normal, flexed hind leg as it contacts the tread surface. Both front- and hind-leg lamenesses cause dissociation of the normal foot-fall sequence, resulting in the alteration of the normal two beat gait at the trot or the pace to a three-beat gait. The final step of the lameness examination involves the use of diagnostic regional anesthesia to determine the anatomic location of the lameness. Treadmill video gait analysis can be used to evaluate differences in the horse's gait before and after each anesthetic block. Optimal foot balance during exercise is critical for long-term maintenance of musculoskeletal soundness. Combining slow-motion video gait analysis with treadmill exercise provides an excellent method for evaluating hoof balance at a variety of speeds. Optimal hoof balance can be achieved by using the technique of successive trimming and re-evaluation. The principles of hoof balancing include establishing dorsopalmar or dorsoplantar hoof balance.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

本研究旨在辅助基层奶牛养殖人员对奶牛肢蹄病的诊断,提高奶牛肢蹄病的诊疗水平。通过模拟兽医临床诊断思维,采用带有阈值的知识不确定性表达方法,应用置信系数多值逻辑对知识模糊性进行评价。借助C#开发语言、ASP.NET操作平台及SQL Server 2008r2数据库管理工具,设计基于B/S结构的奶牛肢蹄病辅助诊断专家系统。该系统实现对奶牛肢蹄疾病的正向诊断、反向诊断和鉴别诊断及对奶牛肢蹄疾病的病历管理、知识查询等功能。利用该系统可有效提高基层养殖人员对奶牛肢蹄病的诊断与治疗水平。  相似文献   

Objective   Evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of transrectal ultrasound and transcutaneous ultrasonography across the right flank between days 31 and 196 of pregnancy in the dairy cow.
Procedure   Pregnancy status and stage of gestation at date of pregnancy diagnosis by transcutaneous and transrectal ultrasonography were determined for 1570 dairy cattle. Sensitivity and specificity values and probabilities of a correct diagnosis for both techniques were determined and compared. Possible effects of gestational age, herd, method of transcutaneous ultrasound diagnosis, cow age, cow and bull breed, and calf sex on the determination of a correct diagnosis of pregnancy status were evaluated for both techniques.
Results   The overall sensitivity and probability of a correct diagnosis of pregnancy status from days 31 to 196 of gestation were significantly higher when using transrectal ultrasound relative to transcutaneous ultrasound over the right flank. However, the sensitivity of transcutaneous ultrasound changed over the course of pregnancy: it was low (7–8%) before day 84, increased to 89% between days 141 and 154, and was close to 100% thereafter. The specificity of both methods did not differ significantly. Herd and gestational age at date of pregnancy diagnosis were significantly associated with making a correct test result using transcutaneous ultrasound, although only the latter predictor was significantly associated with making a correct test result using transrectal ultrasound.
Conclusion   Transcutaneous ultrasound can not be recommended as an accurate method for early pregnancy diagnosis in the dairy cow, particularly on a whole-herd basis. However, if pregnancy testing is undertaken in mid to late gestation, this technique could provide an accurate and rapid alternative to transrectal ultrasound or manual palpation per rectum.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of prophylactic hoof health examination and trimming during midlactation at reducing the incidence of lameness during late lactation in dairy cows. DESIGN: Randomized field trial. ANIMALS: 333 Holstein cows. PROCEDURES: Cows without apparent lameness were randomly allocated into 1 of 2 groups approximately 204 days after calving. Cows allocated to the treatment group (n = 161) were examined on a tilt table for diagnosis and underwent hoof-trimming procedures, if needed, for treatment of hoof disorders or lesions. Cows in the control group (n = 172) were not examined. Cows were assigned a locomotion score weekly for 28 weeks after allocation to a group. The number of cows classified as lame during late lactation (approx 205 to 400 days after calving) was compared between groups to assess the efficacy of prophylactic examination and trimming. RESULTS: Incidence of lameness during late lactation was 24% in cows in the control group and 18% in cows in the treatment group. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The 25% decrease in number of new cases of lameness in cows undergoing prophylactic hoof health examination and trimming during midlactation may be relevant for the well-being of dairy cows and should not represent a major economic burden to producers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify hind limb and pelvic kinematic variables that change in trotting horses after induced lameness of the distal intertarsal and tarsometatarsal joints and after subsequent intra-articular administration of anesthetic. ANIMALS: 8 clinically normal adult horses. PROCEDURE: Kinematic measurements were made before and after transient endotoxin-induced lameness of the distal intertarsal and tarsometatarsal joints and after intra-articular administration of anesthetic. Fourteen displacement and joint angle (metatarsophalangeal [fetlock] and tarsal joints) measurements were made on the right hind limb, sacrum, and the right and left tubera coxae. Kinematic measurements were compared by general linear models, using a repeated measures ANOVA. Post hoc multiple comparisons between treatments were evaluated with a Fisher least squared difference test at alpha = 0.05. RESULTS: After lameness induction, fetlock and tarsal joint extension during stance decreased, fetlock joint flexion and hoof height during swing increased, limb protraction decreased, and vertical excursion of the tubera coxae became more asymmetric. After intra-articular administration of anesthetic, limb protraction returned to the degree seen before lameness, and vertical excursion of the tubera coxae became more symmetric. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Increased length of hind limb protraction and symmetry of tubera coxae vertical excursion are sensitive indicators of improvement in tarsal joint lameness. When evaluating changes in tarsal joint lameness, evaluating the horse from the side (to assess limb protraction) is as important as evaluating from the rear (to assess pelvic symmetry).  相似文献   

跛行是牛只常见的运动障碍性疾病,其原因复杂,与遗传,神经、肌肉损伤,饲养管理失误,营养代谢紊乱等因素有关,跛行多为蹄部疾病。当牛出现跛行,及时发现和治疗可减少不必要的经济损失。总结牛跛行的原因、临床诊断方法及防治措施,探讨发现中兽医的“望、切、问”诊断方法对牛跛行的诊断起着重要作用,并着重阐述牛跛行的视诊方法。  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that temperature at the coronary band increases in the presence of claw horn lesions in dairy cattle. However the reliability of using infrared thermography (IRT) as a method of distinguishing between lesions has not been investigated. The objective of this study was to examine the potential of IRT as a non-invasive tool for rapidly screening for the presence of digital dermatitis (DD). Eighty-two cows which either had no skin lesions on the hind feet (controls, n=41feet) or a DD lesion on one or both feet were selected during milking. Following selection, each cow was moved into the farm crush where thermal images were taken from the plantar aspect of each foot at the pastern when the foot was dirty, cleaned and raised for visual inspection. Following recording of thermal images each hind foot was trimmed and the presence of any lesion recorded. It was found that the temperature did not differ significantly between feet with DD lesions and other skin or claw horn lesions, regardless of whether the feet were dirty, clean or raised for inspection. As IRT was not sensitive enough for lesion specific detection, the reliability of setting a temperature threshold above which any type of lesion causing lameness could be detected was investigated. The optimal trade off between sensitivity and specificity could be reached without having to either clean or lift the feet. Setting the threshold for disease at 27°C for dirty feet identified 80% of feet with lesions and 73% of feet without lesions correctly. In conclusion, IRT was reliable in detecting elevated temperature associated with foot lesions. Future research investigating the development of lesions may identify a temperature threshold for early treatment intervention. This technique may also be useful to quantify the effectiveness of early treatment by tracking recovery and recurrence of cases.  相似文献   

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