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Falling needles collected from under individual 70-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies) trees for about four years were checked for fungal fruitbodies. The most common fungi were Lophodermium piceae and Rhizosphaera kalkhoffii. Maximum frequencies of fruitbodies occurred in late autumn for L. piceae (ca. 80% of the needles), in summer for R. kalkhoffii (ca. 60%) and in winter for the third most common fungus, Tiarosporella parca (ca. 10%). The frequencies of needles with fruiting fungi varied greatly within and between years. This is the first report of T. parca from Sweden.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the endophytic fungal community associated with needles of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) is rather limited, which contrasts with the importance of this tree species for forestry in the UK. In our study, we focused on the detailed characterization of multiple isolates tentatively placed into the genera Nothophaeocryptopus and Rhizosphaera that were obtained from needles of Sitka spruce and co-occurring Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) at four sites in Scotland and Wales. After a thorough analysis of their phenotype and analysis of two nuclear regions (ITS rDNA and gene for β-tubulin), we propose two species new to science and one new combination. Nothophaeocryptopus piceae was isolated from healthy green or brown needles from spruces and is currently known only as a sterile culture, but the taxonomic novelty is well supported by host affinity and results of molecular data analysis. Rhizosphaera minteri may also be distinguished based on the combination of host and molecular data, but morphologically, it is similar to R. pini. Finally, Hormonema merioides and R. pseudotsugae are found to be conspecific and a new combination R. merioides is proposed following the phylogenetic placement of this species. Our study highlights the importance of multiple approaches used in the identification of microfungi associated with coniferous needles. It is evident that morphologically identical fungi may represent distinct species differing in their host range and severity on the host. This study also provides a basis for future monitoring of these fungi associated with important coniferous forestry trees in the UK.  相似文献   

The height increment pattern of healthy and diseased Norway spruce over the period 1961–75 was studied to test the association of some climatic factors with height increment reduction and eventually foliar browning. Air temperature during December-March inclusive, high velocity wind (22->34 knots) duration during December-March incl. and rainfall during May-August incl. over the same period 1961–75 were examined. It was shown that the last outbreak of “top-dying” in Scotland started in 1971. A correlation analysis and a stepwise multiple regression analysis were conducted to find possible relationships between annual height increments and climate. Results suggested that the coincidence of extreme values of the three considered climatic factors during the period 1971–75 may be responsible for the sharp decline of height increments in 1971 and severe outbreak of the disease.  相似文献   

Summary This study compared the susceptibility of five UK‐grown conifer species to colonization by sapstain fungi in two trials carried out in consecutive years. The conifers consisted of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi), Norway spruce (Picea abies), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta). Freshly cut 1‐m logs were exposed to the available inoculum of sapstain fungi from April to August in a woodland environment in the south east of England. Logs of each species were removed after 1‐, 2‐ and 4‐month exposure and sampled destructively to assess the amount of sapstain. In the second trial, per cent moisture content and concentrations of nitrogen, carbohydrate and phenolic compounds in the sapwood were also measured at the start and end of the trial. After 2 months, only the sapwood of both pine species had significant levels of sapstain; mean values of 37% and 19% for lodgepole pine (year 1 and year 2 respectively) and 12% and 1% for Scots pine. After 4 months, the levels of sapstain in both pine species exceeded 60% in both years. By contrast, very little sapstain developed in the other conifer species with maximum mean values of 10% for Norway spruce, 3.5% for larch and less than 1% for Sitka spruce. Overall, the moisture content of the logs decreased progressively in all species over the length of the trial. However, pine logs tended to retain higher levels of moisture throughout the trial compared with spruce or larch. The relatively higher moisture content of pine sapwood may be closer to the optimal moisture content that sapstain fungi require for infection and colonization, thereby contributing to the increased susceptibility of pine compared with the other conifer species. The pine logs also suffered from some colonization by bark beetles (Ips sexdentatus), which increased the inoculum potential and the opportunity for colonization by sapstain fungi. In addition, particular phenolic compounds in conifer sapwood may play a role in determining the resistance of some species to sapstain. Notably the most resistant species, Sitka spruce, was the only softwood that still retained detectable levels of phenolics in the sapwood to the end of the trial.  相似文献   

Foliar and stem injury was assessed in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings planted in the spring and in the summer of 1992 and injured during their first overwintering on two sites in the southeastern boreal forest of British Columbia. Freeze-desiccation appears to be the main cause of the injury. Seedlot effect on the injury was significant, while planting time effect was not. Although the seedlot effect may be confounded with stock-type effect, analyses indicated increasing injury with increasing seedling height and declining ground-level diameter. Seedling vigour (height and diameter increments in the previous growing season) was also significantly related to the injury which increased with increasing vigour but the significance of this relationship varied from site to site. Condition of injured seedlings generally declined further during the post-injury growing season. This decline was greater in spring-planted than in summer-planted seedlings. Excavated root systems of container-grown seedlings showed the majority of post-planting root growth originating from the bottom-third of the nursery-container plug, deeper than 10 cm from the soil surface. This is seen as a factor potentially contributing to desiccation injury as the soil in the geographic region often remains frozen at these depths long into spring.  相似文献   

南岳树木园木兰科树种物候特征观察研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对39种木兰科树种进行物候观察,弄清了各物候期时间:树液流动始期集中在2月下旬,萌芽集中在3月和4月初,幼叶的生长集中在3~4月,花期集中在3~5月,果熟期集中在9~10月。并根据当地气候,求算出积温生长指标,弄清了这39种木兰科树种生物学零度为5.0~10.0℃,各物候期所需积温分别为:展叶活动积温192.4~1 364.0℃,有效积温变幅在55.9~759.2℃之间,开花活动积温75.0~1 121.9℃,有效积温23.0~591.8℃,果成熟活动积温4 023.9~5 436.7℃,有效积温变幅在2 457.9~3 821.2℃之间。分析了各积温的标准差和变异系数,开花物候期变异较大,果成熟和生长停止期的变异较小,为引种驯化栽培提供参考。  相似文献   

The present study examined branch and stem characteristics of trees growing around gaps in Norway spruce plantations. Trees located at the edge of gaps with a radius of either 5 m or 7 m either unplanted or with supplementary planting were compared to trees in the original closed plantation. The experiment was carried out in two locations in the south of Sweden and the design included four blocks at each location and one replicate of each treatment in each block. The measurements were carried out on standing and felled trees in 2005 at the time of the first thinning. The results indicate a significant effect of gaps and supplementary planting on the diameter of the largest branch, the number of living branches close to breast height, branch basal area, height to the first living branch and taper. The effect of supplementary planting on branch and stem characteristics was greater in large gaps than in small ones. This study indicated that supplementary planting may be useful in affecting stem-form and branch parameters, although other studies have shown that the trees that result from supplementary planting contribute little to total production.  相似文献   

We investigated the fuel characteristics of five important bamboo species viz., Dendrocalamus strictus, D. brandisii, D. stocksii, Bambusa bambos and B. balcooa. The selected species cover more than 85% of the total growing stock of bamboo in India. Basic density varied from 0.48 to 0.78 g?cm-3 among the bamboo species studied. Ash content, volatile matter content and fixed carbon content ranged between 1.4%-3.0%, 77.2%-80.8% and 17.6%-21.1%, respectively. Variation in calorific value(18.7-19.6 MJ?kg-1) was marginal. Fuel value index varied widely(586-2120) among bamboo species. The highest calorific value(19.6 MJ?kg-1) and fuel value index(2120) were found in B. balcooa. Ash elemental analysis revealed that silica and potassium are the major ash forming minerals in bamboo biomass. Silica content ranged from 8.7% to 49.0%, while potassium ranged from 20.6% to 69.8%. We studied combustion characteristics under oxidizing atmosphere. Burning profiles of the samples were derived by applying the derivative thermogravimetric technique which is discussed in detail. The five bamboo species were different in their combustion behaviour, mainly due to differences in physical and chemical properties. We compare fuel properties, ash elemental analysis and combustion characteristics of bamboo biomass with wood biomass of Eucalyptus hybrid(Eucalyptus tereticornis × Eucalyptus camaldulensis).  相似文献   

A stand otPicea abies (L.) Karst. was studied using the method of tree-ring analysis. The stand involved non-infected trees and trees at different stages of infection by the wood-destroying fungus Armillaria mellea (Vahl. ex Fr.) Kummer [Armillariella mellea (Vahl.) Karst.].  相似文献   

In this study we integrated digital terrain models, forest inventory maps, optical remote sensing and field data to analyze the spatial structure of a 4850 km2 boreal mixedwood forest landscape in northeastern British Columbia. We built independent maps of forest cover and landform using a Bayesian classification algorithm and quantitative surface analysis. These data were used to test the strength of the association between topographic position and forest cover using a modified electivity index. We then used logistic regression to test whether the probability of a site being occupied by either mixedwood or hardwood is correlated to its distance from white spruce (Picea glauca) seed sources. The relationship between forest cover and topography showed significant departures from randomness, with white spruce preferentially associated with channels and concave slopes, and hardwoods preferentially associated with ridges and convex slopes. The analysis of mixedwood and hardwood stand distribution showed a positive correlation between hardwood occurrence and distance from spruce stands, suggesting that the dispersal limitations of white spruce is a significant influence on landscape vegetation dynamics. Overall, the results support the hypothesis that mixedwood dynamics are the product of ecological processes at multiple scales. Furthermore, these dynamics are only revealed by taking a varied approach to both data gathering and analyses.  相似文献   

Three browse species, Afzelia africana Sm., Khaya senegalensis (Desv.) A. Juss., and Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. were investigated as agroforestry system components in a subhumid zone of West Africa. The foliation, flowering and fruiting of ten trees per species were recorded every 15 days for 2 years. The total foliage biomass at maximum availability was determined by complete pruning of 75 trees. The chemical composition of the foliage and the proportion of trees pruned on the pasture were determined. The phenological phases of the species began in the dry season and ended at the end of the rainy season. Afzelia africana and Pterocarpus erinaceus were totally defoliated during 2–6 weeks while K. senegalensis replaced the foliage progressively and earlier. The crude protein content was significantly different (123 g, 102 g and 92 g kg−1 dry matter (DM) for Afzelia africana, Pterocarpus erinaceus and K. senegalensis, respectively). The foliage biomass per tree of K. senegalensis, Pterocarpus erinaceus and Afzelia africana differed significantly (41 kg, 30 kg and 21 kg DM ha−1, respectively) while Pterocarpus erinaceus had the highest available foliage biomass per ha. The trees of Afzelia africana were intensively pruned. There was a significant relationship found between foliage biomass and circumference of the crown for Afzelia africana (R 2 = 82%) and Pterocarpus erinaceus (R 2 = 81%). Relationships were also found between circumference of the branches and foliage biomass. In conclusion, the trees are important potential fodder and nitrogen sources for animals in the agrosilvopastoral system and the phenological differences make the fodder available during a long period of time.  相似文献   

树木水力结构特征季节变化规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在北京林业大学校园内选取侧柏、刺槐等11个针阔叶树种为研究对象,测定1a生枝条小枝水势及水力结构参数季节变化。研究表明:小枝水势及水力结构参数均具有季节变化规律。导水率与比导率季节变化规律基本相似,从树种材性上看均表现为:环孔材树种〉散孔材树种〉无孔材树种,而木质部栓塞化程度也表现为:环孑L材树种〉散孔材树种〉无孔材树种。枝条水势、导水率和比导率季节变化节律均与树木生长发育节律相一致,都表现出枝条木质化时期〉嫩枝生长期〉早春,而木质部空穴和栓塞化程度也存在着季节变化节律,且与比导率季节变化节律相反,即:早春〉嫩枝生长期〉枝条木质化时期。  相似文献   

Several young damaged Norway spruce stands in eastern and central Finland were observed from 2013 to 2016. The damage included trees with heavy resin flow, necrotic foliage, stem and branch cankers and dead trees. Pest identification resulted in the tortricid moth Cydia pactolana whose occurrence was always associated with the presence of the ascomycete pathogen Neonectria fuckeliana. Both the insect and the disease contributed to the extent of the damage, but it is not possible to say in which order they had attacked the trees. Apparently, changed climate has affected the increased occurrence of both the fungus and the moth. However, the characteristics of the insect–fungus interaction and the factors contributing to the coincidences are unknown. Emerging coexistence or potential symbiosis of the two damaging agents is a serious threat for Norway spruce cultivation. Understanding the biology of this fungus–insect interaction is important for controlling them.  相似文献   

The frequency of needles and the proportion of needle segments infected by Lophodermium piceae were compared in symptomless and Chrysomyxa abietis‐infected, 1‐year‐old needles of Picea abies. In late spring, symptomless needles from both rust‐infected and healthy saplings were sampled. In addition, rust‐infected, totally chlorotic needles and needles with chlorosis along about half their length from the diseased trees were examined. In all three stands, the proportion of segments infected by L. piceae was larger in the rust‐infected half of the needle than in the symptomless half; but the difference was statistically significant in only one of the stands. The proportion of L. piceae‐infected segments among the nonrust‐infected needles was the same as that found for the uninfected half of rust‐infected needles (after correction for size differences). No differences in the proportion of L. piceae‐infected segments were found between the totally chlorotic, rust‐infected needles and the green needles of diseased or healthy trees.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test relationships between gap size, gap age and performance of the pseudoannual forest herb layer species Trientalis europaea. We also tested for a potential covariation of performance variables with light as the putative driving factor of gap size and gap age effects. The study took place in the core zone of the Harz National Park in a near-natural spruce forest at Mt. Brocken, Germany. We established 70 randomly distributed plots of three different gap age classes (<15 years, >15 and <60 years, >60 years) and undisturbed forest stands. We recorded growth variables of Trientalis (e.g. height of ramets, number of flowers and fruits per ramet and number of daughter tubers per ramet) and measured PPFD (photosynthetic photon flux density). Gap sizes were assessed with GPS, ranged from 131 m2 to 16400 m2 and were independent from gap age. Population density of T. europaea was neither affected by gap size nor by gap age. However, gap age had an effect on the fitness of Trientalis ramets. In gaps, the species produced a higher number of flowers and fruits. In general, the average proportion of flowering and fruiting was very low, with 13% and 4%, respectively. In contrast, light intensity had a significant positive effect on ramet density, while the number of daughter tubers differed between 0.8 and 0.5 tubers per individual under lowest light and full light intensity, respectively. The general conclusion is that gap size had no effects on the performance of T. europaea, while gap age had both direct effects and indirect effects mediated by light.  相似文献   


Thermal modification has been developed for an industrial method to increase the biological durability and dimensional stability of wood. In this study the effects of thermal modification on resistance against soft- and brown-rot fungi of sapwood and heartwood of Scots pine and Norway spruce were investigated using laboratory test methods. Natural durability against soft-rot microfungi was determined according to CEN/TS 15083-2 (2005) by measuring the mass loss and modulus of elasticity (MOE) loss after an incubation period of 32 weeks. An agar block test was used to determine the resistance to two brown-rot fungi using two exposure periods. In particular, the effect of the temperature of the thermal modification was studied, and the results were compared with results from untreated pine and spruce samples. The decay resistance of reference untreated wood species (Siberian larch, bangkirai, merbau and western red cedar) was also studied in the soft-rot test. On average, the soft-rot and brown-rot tests gave quite similar results. In general, the untreated heartwood of pine was more resistant to decay than the sapwood of pine and the sapwood and heartwood of spruce. Thermal modification increased the biological durability of all samples. The effect of thermal modification seemed to be most effective within pine heartwood. However, very high thermal modification temperature over 230°C was needed to reach resistance against decay comparable with the durability classes of “durable” or “very durable” in the soft-rot test. The brown-rot test gave slightly better durability classes than the soft-rot test. The most durable untreated wood species was merbau, the durability of which could be evaluated as equal to the durability class “moderately durable”.  相似文献   

The effect of gamma irradiation on the MOE of various species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gamma irradiation is a simple and effective method to sterilize wood and stop fungal decay. Unfortunately, little is known of the effect of this method on other properties of wood. The purpose of the present study was to establish the relationship between irradiation dosage and the elastic characteristics of wood. The longitudinal and transverse dynamic MOE of five wood species were measured periodically between subsequent irradiation phases. There was a steady decrease in MOE as gamma dosage increased, for all species included. The extent of this decrease was different between the examined species. The experimental data suggests that the MOE of lower density species decreases more sharply than that of higher density ones. Interpolation between the experimental data points shows that the necessary dose for fungal sterilization does not significantly reduce the MOE of the species involved in this study.  相似文献   

AM真菌对3种花卉生长发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究3种AM真菌对大丽花、孔雀草和金盏菊生长发育的影响.结果表明:接种AM真菌,提高了花卉幼苗的移栽成活率,叶片叶绿素含量和氮、磷、钾含量增加,生长量增加,开花期提前,盛花期的着花数增多,花期延长.大丽花和金盏菊对摩西球囊霉的依赖性最强,孔雀草对地表球囊霉的依赖性最强.  相似文献   

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