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We tested the hypothesis that shallow-rooted crops and deep-rooted trees will share the available water in a complementary manner, when grown together, in a field trail in the Turkana district of northern Kenya during 1994 to 1996. Such studies have been few in dryland agroforestry. The effects of two different Acacia saligna (Labill.) H. Wendl. tree planting densities (2500 and 833 trees per ha), tree pruning (no pruning vs. pruning) and annual intercrops (no intercrop vs. intercrop) on total biomass production and their interactions were tested. In 1996 Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench was used during the first vegetation period and Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. during the second. We used naturally generated runoff water for irrigation to supplement low rainfall amounts typical for the area. High biomass production (> 13 t ha–1 over a two year period) was observed irrespective of intercropping of pruned trees or sole tree stands. Although the pruning treatment reduced total tree biomass yields by a quarter, the introduction of annual intercrops after the pruning of trees outweighed this loss. The yields of the intercrops in the pruned tree treatments were similar to their yields when grown as monocrops. The calculation of land equivalent ratios showed overyielding for intercropped, pruned systems. The high values for LER (1.36 at low and 1.47 at high density of trees) indicate that there is complementarity in resource use between the different species.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A preliminary nutrient cycling study quantified total and temporal nutrient inputs via litterfall and pruning residues in two agroforestry systems: (1) Coffea arabica (perennial crop)-Erythrina poeppigiana (leguminous shade tree); and (2) C. arabica-E. poeppigiana-Cordia alliodora with emphasis on the effect of the timber tree C. alliodora. The total annual input of litterfall plus pruning residues was similar in both associations. Total annual input from E. poeppigiana was less than half in the association with C. alliodora than without, but the litterfall from this latter species compensated for the loss. Large differences in the total annual nutrient input of K, Ca and Mg was found between associations, but not for N or P. The amount of nutrients recycled by the associated trees reached the recommended level of fertilizer required for coffee production. The inclusion of C. alliodora within the C. arabica-E. poeppigiana association resulted in a more evenly distributed annual nutrient input.  相似文献   

Budget of nutrient in plant and soil, and their rates of recycling in three types of traditional agroforestry systems in mid elevations of the western Himalaya were studied. Concentration of nitrogen and potassium was significantly higher in fruits and leaves than in branches, boles, and litter. Grewia optiva, an important fodder tree, was found to be rich in potassium, vegetable crops in nitrogen, and weeds in phosphorus. Maximum store of nutrients was estimated in aboveground biomass of agrihortisilvicultural system: nitrogen 532, phosphorus 40, potassium 461, calcium 400, and magnesium 298 kg/ha; it was closely followed by that in agrihorticultural system, and both these had sbout 2-fold higher nutrient stock as compared to agrisilvicultural system. In the case of the former two systems, considerable quantity of nutrients up to nitrogen 169, phosphorus 14, potassium 165, calcium 97, and magnesium 65 kg/ha, for example in agrihortisilvicultural system, was recycled through debris of crops and weeds, and tree leaf litter, while the recycling rate was almost half in agrisilvicultural system. Through ‘harvest’ potassium was depleted in the largest quantity from the system, followed by nitrogen, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus; much higher loss occurred through agricultural and/or horticultural edible parts as compared to fuel and fodder biomass. For example, the loss through agricultural crops and horticultural fruits for nitrogen in agrihortisilvicultural system was up to 75 percent and 38 percent respectively of the total annual uptake. This heavy loss makes the system unstable from a nutrient point of view particularly for nitrogen and potassium until external inputs are added through organic and inorganic fertilizers. Agrihortisilvicultural system is remarkably efficient in view of biomass productivity for fuel, fodder and fruits, and also from nutrient point of view provided losses through harvest are compensated externally.  相似文献   

Water is the most limiting factor for plant production in arid to semiarid regions. In order to overcome this limitation surface runoff water can be used to supplement seasonal rainfall. During 1996 we conducted a runoff irrigated agroforestry field trial in the Turkana district of Northern Kenya. The effects of two different Acacia saligna (Labill.) H. Wendl. tree planting densities (2500 and 833 trees per ha), tree pruning (no pruning vs. pruning) and annual intercrops (no intercrop vs. intercrop: Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench during the first season and Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. during the second season) on water use were investigated. The annual crops were also grown as monocrops. Water consumption ranged from 585 to 840 mm during the first season (only treatments including trees). During the second season, which was shorter and the plants relied solely on stored water in the soil profile, water consumption was less than half of that during the first season. Highest water consumptions were found for non-pruned trees at high density and the lowest were found for the annual crops grown as monocrops. Tree pruning decreased water uptake compared to non-pruned trees but soil moisture depletion pattern showed complementarity in water uptake between pruned trees and annual intercrops. The highest values of water use efficiency for an individual treatment were achieved when the pruned trees at high density were intercropped with sorghum (1.59 kg m–3) and cowpea (1.21 kg m–3). Intercropping and high tree density increased water use efficiency in our runoff agroforestry trial. We ascribe the observed improvement in water use efficiency to the reduction of unproductive water loss from the bare soil.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tree pruning is a common management practice in agroforestry for mulching and reducing competition between the annual and perennial crop. The below-ground effects of pruning, however, are poorly understood. Therefore, nutrient dynamics and root distribution were assessed in hedgerow plantings of Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L. Wendl. after tree pruning. Pruning to a height of 1.5 m was carried out in March and September 1996. In July and October 1996, the fine root distribution (< 2 mm) and their carbohydrate contents were determined at three distances to the tree row by soil coring. At the same time, foliar nutrient contents were assessed, whereas nutrient leaching was measured continuously. The highest root length density (RLD) was always found in the topsoil (0–0.15 m) directly under the hedgerow (0–0.25 m distance to trees). Pruning diminished the RLD in the acacia plots at all depths and positions. The relative vertical distribution of total roots did not differ between trees with or without pruning, but live root abundance in the subsoil was comparatively lower when trees were pruned than without pruning. In the dry season, the proportion of dead roots of pruned acacias was higher than of unpruned ones, while the fine roots of unpruned trees contained more glucose than those of pruned trees. Pruning effectively reduced root development and may decrease potential below-ground competition with intercropped plants, but the reduction in subsoil roots also increased the danger of nutrient losses by leaching. Leaching losses of such mobile nutrients as NO3 were likely to occur especially in the alley between pruned hedgerows and tended to be higher after pruning. The reduced size of the root system of pruned acacias negatively affected their P and Mn nutrition. Pruning also reduced the function of the trees as a safety net against the leaching of nutrients for both NO3 and Mn, though not for other studied elements. If nutrient capture is an important aim of an agroforestry system, the concept of alley cropping with pruning should be revised for a more efficient nutrient recycling in the system described here.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This study was conducted near Hyderabad, India during 1991–1994 to quantify the effects of shoot pruning, fertilization, and root barriers around Leucaena leucocephala trees on intercropped sorghum(Sorghum bicolor) or cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) crop production under rainfed conditions. Crop plants grown with pruned trees attained higher dry matter and leaf area index than did those with unpruned trees. Two-year mean grain yields of sorghum with no root barriers were76% and 39% of pure crop yield (1553 kg ha–1)for pruned and unpruned trees, respectively. Corresponding values for cowpea were 49% and 26% of pure crop yield (1075 kgha–1). Sorghum or cowpea intercropped with trees responded to fertilizer application more strongly than did their respective pure crops, suggesting an increased need for fertilizer application in this agrisilviculture system over that currently used for pure crops. Impact of root barriers was small on either crop. Irrespective of root barriers, a high response to tree pruning suggested above ground competition for light dominated tree/crop interactions in this agrisilviculture system. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Concentrations of nitrate have been measured in soil water samples collected during the first year of an agroforestry trial at an upland site in Wales. Nitrate concentrations were higher in water samples collected from herbicide-treated areas around trees than from undisturbed pasture between the trees. These differences were statistically significant fo samples collected during the summer but not for those from the main winter leaching period. The enhanced nitrate concentrations that were measured beneath the tree planting positions may have implications for the nutrition of the trees but, at the planting densities included in the trial (100 and 400 trees/ha), are estimated to represent only a small increase in the nitrate content of water draining from the agroforestry area as a whole, relative to that from unplanted pasture. There was some evidence that preferential deposition of urine, but not of dung, contributed to the increased nitrate contents in the soil around the planting positions.  相似文献   

The material flow and bulk internal flow analyses were used to establish a material accumulation and cycling model for a low-quality forest stand improvement system and a series of processes were considered. The model was applied in a one-hectare low-quality forest plot in the Lesser Khingan Range of China. Results showed that during 1997–2007, the stands absorbed 270.19 kg of N, 74.28 kg of P, and 124.39 kg of K from soils, 51.82 kg of N and 2.38 kg of P were directly absorbed by foliage, and 16.25 kg of K was released to soils by eluviation. Until 2007, the accumulated nutrients in the stands included 236.91 kg of N, 65.28 kg of P, and 108.55 kg of K. When horizontal strip clearcutting was applied in 2007, 50% accumulated nutrients in the stands were shifted due to harvesting operations, and 212.74 kg of N, 26.97 kg of P, and 98.88 kg of K were accumulated in soils, declining by 9.47% for N, 3.68% for P, and 17.60% for K, respectively, compared with year 1997. 94.61 t per hectare of biomass was generated, of which the biomass in stands accounted for 87.36%. The felled tree biomass was 36.89 t per hectare, of which 84.90% and 10.03% of biomass were utilized in terms of logs and other means, and the rest was left on site.  相似文献   

A study on dry matter production and nutrient cycling in agroforestry systems of mandarin grown in association with N2-fixing Albizia and mixed tree species (non-N2-fixing) was carried out in the Sikkim Himalaya. A site with Albizia was referred asAlbizia-mandarin stand and the other site with mixed tree species as mandarin stand. The stand total biomass, net primary productivity and mandarin fruit production was higher under the influence of Albizia. Agronomic yield of crops remained nearly the same in both the stands. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of different components of Albizia were higher than those of mixed tree species, whereas their back translocation from leaf to branch before abscission was lower inAlbizia. The mandarin-based agroforestry is a highly nutrient-exhaustive system evaluated in terms of nutrient exit through the removal of agronomic yield. This system, under the influence of Albizia, was more productive with faster rates of nutrient cycling. Nutrient use efficiency increased under the influence of Albizia, in contrary to the hypothesis that efficiency should decrease with increasing rate of uptake. The poor nutrient conservation of Albizia, and malleability of nutrient cycling under its influence make it an excellent association which promotes higher availability and faster cycling of nutrients.Albizia should be utilised more extensively in the management of mandarin-based agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

为了及时了解果园的营养状况,为制定合理的施肥方案提供科学的依据,采用化学分析方法对云南省昆明市西山区大河果园苹果叶片和土壤的营养元素含量进行了分析,结果表明:果园土壤pH值偏低,土壤中阳离子交换量较低,其有机质及氮的含量较高,全磷、有效磷含量偏低,全钾含量偏低,但速效钾含量偏高,硼及土壤交换性钙、镁的营养水平较低,而锌含量能满足生产优质红富士苹果的要求。根据营养诊断分析结果提出了今后应控制氮肥施用量等建议。  相似文献   

退耕还林区林草复合模式土壤养分动态   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
林草复合系统是广义农林复合生态系统的模式之一。系统在原有的食物链中加入了新的生产环节,从而能更充分地利用自然资源,提高初级产品的转化率和利用率,有益于改善土壤肥力和生态环境,促进林牧业的协调发展。近年来,随着林牧业的相互渗透及生态经济环境综合治理的需要,林草复合经营日益受到国内外的重视(赵粉侠等,1996;安树青等,2001)。  相似文献   

The dynamics of nutrients were compared over three years in a clonal Eucalyptus plantation and in a native savanna in Congo. This paper focuses on the changes in the chemical composition of solutions during their transfer through the soil in both ecosystems. The main characteristics of the soil (Ferralic Arenosol) were similar in the two ecosystems, and the low inter-stand variability allowed reliable comparisons of the influence of afforestation on the soil solution chemistry.

Rainfall amounted to about 1400 mm per year during the experimental period. In both ecosystems, an enrichment was observed for most elements during the transfer of solutions through the foliage, but N uptake occurred. Concentrations of H+ and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in solutions increased through the litter layer in both stands. In the Eucalyptus ecosystem, a quick uptake of nutrients by a dense root mat inside the forest floor likely explained why the concentrations of gravitational waters were not enhanced markedly for ‘base cations’, despite the mineralization of high amounts of nutrients during the litter decay.

Soil solutions were collected by zero tension lysimeters (ZTL) at a depth of 15 cm, but these lysimeters were inefficient at collecting gravitational solutions beyond this depth. By contrast, tension lysimeters (TL) maintained at a suction of −60 kPa, collected soil solutions at the depths of 15, 50 cm, 1, 2, 3, 4 m in both ecosystems and 6 m in the plantation. In the topsoil of both stands, the nutrient concentration decreased sharply when the time of residence of solutions increased. This pattern highlighted the crucial role of the inputs by throughfall, stemflow and mineralization of the litter layer for the nutrition of these stands.

A combination of high nutrient requirements of the stands and low availability of exchangeable cations in this highly weathered soil might account for the extremely low nutrient concentrations in solutions collected by TL, regardless of the depth.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨西南桦人工林对土壤的适应性及土壤养分特征,揭示土壤养分状况与立地生产力的关系,为其造林地选择及人工林养分管理提供参考。[方法]在广西大青山林区西南桦人工林内设置47块600 m2的典型样地,调查常规测树因子,采集土壤样品,测定10项常规土壤化学性质指标;按照土壤养分分级标准评价土壤养分状况,基于立地指数将样地分为高产和低产组,进一步比较分析两组立地间各养分指标的差异性,探讨土壤养分对立地生产力的影响。[结果]表明:广西大青山西南桦人工林地土壤绝大部分为强酸性,有机质、有效N、全N含量中等偏上,有效P甚缺,其它养分含量中等偏下。高产和低产立地间土壤有机质和全K含量均呈极显著差异(P0.01),有效N含量差异显著(P0.05)。[结论]西南桦对于低pH值、低P含量的土壤具有较强的适应性;有机质、全K和有效N含量是影响广西大青山西南桦人工林立地指数的关键土壤养分因子。  相似文献   

Brazil accounts for about 20% of the world production of cocoa, and about 95% of cocoa produced in Brazil is from the southeastern part of Bahia State. Traditionally, cacao is grown in monoculture (though under the shade of various other species). But various crop combinations involving cacao have recently been undertaken by the farmers with encouragement from Brazilian government.As a part of the crop diversification programme in the traditional cacao growing areas and their surroundings, extensive areas are being planted to other plantation crops, mainly clove and rubber and, to some extent, coconut too. Crop combinations have been adopted in some of these new plantings and cacao is an important component of most of such combinations. Whereas several other crops are combined with clove trees, cacao is usually the only species grown with mature rubber trees. Young rubber trees are, however, interplanted with a number of other species. Productive coconut areas are found mostly in sandy soils along the coast so that there is little intercropping. However, scattered farms are found where coconuts are underplanted with guarana, black pepper, cacao, cashew, etc. as done commonly in other parts of Northeast Brazil.  相似文献   

We assessed interactive effects of varying levels of applied phosphorus fertilizer and water stress on growth, productivity, and mineral accumulation in container-grown Dalbergia sissoo L. seedlings. Height, collar diameter, leaf size and area, root volume and total biomass were reduced, and dry matter allocation to root was increased with increasing levels of soil water stress. The reduction was >32% in growth, >50% in leaf, and >77% in biomass when seedlings were grown with <50% of soil field capacity. Phosphorus application at the level of 10 mg kg?1 soil enhanced stems and leaf biomass and nutrient accumulation at all irrigation levels, and thus tolerance to drought. Phosphorus responses to growth and biomass production increased with irrigation levels. Thus, 20 mg P kg?1 soil is beneficial at sufficient soil water availability and a lower dose (i.e., 10 mg P kg?1) is recommended under high soil water stress conditions to benefit growth and productivity of D. sissoo.  相似文献   

[目的]研究外源性氮和磷对马占相思凋落叶的分解速率、分解过程中N、P、K含量和土壤生化特性的影响,以便为森林土壤养分管理提供参考。[方法]以广东省云勇林场马占相思林下凋落叶为试验材料,采用尼龙网袋分解法,设置对照(CK)、施N(10 g·m~(-2))、施P(5 g·m~(-2))、施N+P(N 10 g·m~(-2)+P 5 g·m~(-2))4种处理,每隔3个月取样1次,并测定凋落叶残留量和N、P、K含量。[结果]表明:施N、P和N+P处理对马占相思凋落叶的分解均为促进作用。各处理马占相思凋落叶的N含量在分解过程中大致保持稳定,施P和N+P处理的凋落叶P含量在分解过程中总体呈波动性上升,而各处理的凋落叶K含量变化规律不明显。施N、P和N+P处理提高了马占相思林土壤的有机质和全N含量,促进脲酶、磷酸酶及过氧化氢酶的活性。[结论]施N、P和N+P处理促进了马占相思凋落叶的分解,有利于马占相思林的养分循环。  相似文献   

Alley cropping is increasingly becoming accepted as an appropriate technology with the potential to provide stable and sustainable food production in the tropics. However, only a few of the potential trees/shrubs have been tested. The performance of Calliandra calothyrsus (Meissn) as an alley cropping species was evaluated on an Oxic Paleustalf. The treatments were: prunings removal, prunings application; and three N levels, 0,45, and 90 kg N ha–1, in a factorial arrangement. The cropping sequence was maize (main season) follwed by cowpea (minor season). Nitrogen fertilizer treatments were applied to the maize crop only. Four annual prunings of Calliandra hedgerows produced a total of 6 t ha–1 of dry matter prunings containing about 200 kg ha–1 of N. Maize yields were increased by the application of prunings but no benefits were obtained by supplementing the prunings with inorganic N. An average maize grain yield of 3.1 t ha–1 per year was maintained without any chemical fertilizer input. However, without any prunings, maize yields were substantially increased by the application of inorganic N. Cowpea yield did not respond to application of prunings but plants grown adjacent to the hedgerows had reduced yield probably due to shading. Our results suggest that six rows (0.57 m inter-row spacing) between Calliandra hedgerows spaced at 4 m are optimum for this cowpea variety. The performance of Calliandra was comparable to that of Leucaena which has been widely shown to be effective in alley cropping systems of the region.  相似文献   

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