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A full 12-hour synthesis at 6-centimeter wavelength with the Very Large Array confirms the major features previously reported for the double quasar 0957+561. In addition, the existence of radio jets apparently associated with both quasars is demonstrated. Gravitational lens models are now favored on the basis of recent optical observations, and the radio jets place severe constraints on such models. Further radio observations of the double quasar are needed to establish the expected relative time delay in variations between the images.  相似文献   

Molecular gas in the host galaxy of the lensed quasar 0957+561 (QSO 0957+561) at the redshift of 1.41 has been detected in the carbon monoxide (CO) line. This detection shows the extended nature of the molecular gas distribution in the host galaxy and the pronounced lensing effects due to the differentially magnified CO luminosity at different velocities. The estimated mass of molecular gas is about 4 x 10(9) solar masses, a molecular gas mass typical of a spiral galaxy like the Milky Way. A second, weaker component of CO is interpreted as arising from a close companion galaxy that is rich in molecular gas and has remained undetected so far. Its estimated molecular gas mass is 1.4 x 10(9) solar masses, and its velocity relative to the main galaxy is 660 kilometers per second. The ability to probe the molecular gas distribution and kinematics of galaxies associated with high-redshift lensed quasars can be used to improve the determination of the Hubble constant H(0).  相似文献   

Zisk SH 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1966,153(3740):1107-1109
Maps have been made of the 2-centimeter brightness distribution of M17, Cassiopeia-A, Taurus-A, and Orion nebula with a resolution of 2.3 minutes of arc, revealing several newly resolved features. M17 is a double thermal source. Some structure appears in Cassiopeia-A, including a suggestion of a ring shape. Taurus-A exhibits a brightness map similar to that obtained in earlier low-frequency results. The central part of Orion nebula is circularly symmetric to a high degree of accuracy.  相似文献   

Observations of Venus made during 1967 and 1968 at a frequency of 15.4 gigahertz set an upper limits of 5 percent for the variation of brightness temperature with phase. This negative result appears to contradict earlier detections of a phase effect. By comparison with Virg A (3C 274), which has an assumed flux density of 29 x 10(-26) watt per square meter per hertz, the brightness temperature of Venus at this frequency is 485 + 60, -40 degrees K (mean error).  相似文献   

We observed the radio emission of Callisto with a three-element interferometer at the time of the 1973 opposition of Jupiter. Special care was taken to remove the residual, unresolved contribution from Jupiter itself in the antenna side lobes. The resulting disk temperature at a wavelength of 3.71 centimeters, assuming a radius of 2500+/-75 kilometers for Callisto, was 101 degrees +/-25 degrees K. This temperature is much more consistent with emission from a simple dielectric sphere than the considerably higher temnperatures that have been reported for wavelengths of 3.5 and 8.2 millimeters.  相似文献   

Radio occultation measurements with Mariners 6 and 7 provided refractivity data in the atmosphiere of Mars at four points above its surface. For an atmosphere consisting predominantly of carbon dioxide, surface pressures between 6 and 7 millibars are obtained at three of the points of measurement, and 3.8 at the fourth, indicating an elevation of 5 to 6 kilometers. The temperature profile measured by Mariner 6 near the equator in the daytime indicates temperatures in the stratosphere about 100 degrees K warmer than those predicted by theory. The measurements of Mariner 6 taken at 79 degrees N at the beginning of polar night indicate that conditions are favorable for the condensation of carbon dioxide at almost all altitudes. Mariner 7 measurements taken at 58 degrees S in daytime and 38 degrees N at night also show that carbon dioxide condensation is possible at altitudes above about 25 kilometers. Measurements of the electron density in the ionosphere show that the upper atmosphere is substantially warmer than it was in 1965, possibly because of increased solar activity and closer proximity to the sun.  相似文献   

X-ray holography offers the possibility of three-dimensional microscopy with resolution higher than that of the light microscope and with contrast based on x-ray edges. In principle, the method is especially advantageous for biological samples if x-rays in the wavelength region between the carbon and oxygen K edges are used. However, until now the achieved resolution has not exceeded that of the light microscope because of the poor coherence properties of the x-ray sources and the low resolution of the detectors that were available. With a recently developed x-ray source based on an undulator on an electron storage ring, and high resolution x-ray resist, a hologram has been recorded at about 400-angstrom resolution. The experiment utilized x-rays with wavelengths of 24.7 angstroms and required a 1-hour exposure of the pancreatic zymogen granules under study.  相似文献   

Hyaluronic acid: a novel, double helical molecule   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Films prepared from a deformable gel (or putty) of hyaluronic acid show high crystallinity and orientation in their x-ray diffraction patterns. We have derived a probable structure for the molecules in these films. This is a double helix in which two identical, left-handed strands are antiparallel to one another. Each strand has four disaccharide residues per pitch length. Although the putty is prepared at pH 2.5, at which dilute solutions of hyaluronic have exaggerated rheological properties, the double helical form can also exist at physiological pH and therefore may be a biologically important form.  相似文献   

The reaction of decamethylsilicocene, (Me5C5)2Si, with the proton-transfer reagent Me5C5H2+B(C6F5)4- produces the salt (Me5C5)Si+ B(C6F5)4(2), which can be isolated as a colorless solid that is stable in the absence of air and moisture. The crystal structure reveals the presence of a cationic pi complex with an eta5-pentamethylcyclopentadienyl ligand bound to a bare silicon center. The 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance at very high field (delta = - 400.2 parts per million) is typical of a pi complex of divalent silicon. The (eta5-Me5C5)Si+ cation in 2 can be regarded as the "resting state" of a silyliumylidene-type (eta1-Me5C5)Si+ cation. The availability of 2 opens new synthetic avenues in organosilicon chemistry. For example, 2 reacted with lithium bis(trimethylsilyl)amide to give the disilene E-[(eta1-Me5C5)[N(SiMe3)2]Si]2(3).  相似文献   

县域生态文明建设的思考——以衡阳县为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于生态文明的基本内涵与结构内容的解读,以湖南省衡阳县为例,剖析了该县生态文明建设现状与存在问题,探讨了县域生态文明建设的路径。衡阳县生态文明建设取得了显著成效,体现为县域经济快速发展,经济实力接近全省第一方阵;生态产业加速升级,工业主导地位更加突出;项目建设强力推进,2012年完成固定资产投资111.45亿元;节能减排凸显成效,生态环境明显改观;社会保障实现全覆盖,城乡居民普惠受益。然而,还存在生态文明建设政策保障体系不够完善,生态文明建设指标体系缺乏,经济增长的质量和效益不高,生态文明建设氛围不够浓厚,城镇基础设施建设滞后等问题。因此,提出了衡阳县生态文明建设应完善政策保障体系,确立生态发展战略;探索建设指标体系,明确具体建设任务;大力培植绿色产业,积极发展低碳经济;宣扬生态文明理念,构建生态文化体系;完善城镇基础设施,打造生态县域村镇等具体措施。  相似文献   

以甜高粱为材料,采用水培和盆栽试验,研究不同浓度Cr6+胁迫对甜高粱生物量、器官、亚细胞分布和不同提取态提取物质量分数变化规律的影响。结果表明:(1)水培试验中,与对照相比,低浓度处理(0.5mmol·L-1)促进了苗期甜高粱总干质量,根冠比和耐性指数均升高;而中(1.0mmol·L-1)、高(1.8mmol·L-1)浓度下地上部和根部干质量显著降低(P0.05),根冠比上升,耐性指数下降。盆栽试验,拔节期和灌浆期甜高粱生物量在低质量分数处理(15mg·kg-1)下无显著变化,在中(45mg·kg-1)、高(75mg·kg-1)质量分数下影响趋势与苗期相同。(2)水培苗期对照中根部和地上部Cr的亚细胞中分布为:F3(可溶部分)F2(细胞器及膜部分)F1(细胞壁及残渣),但3种组分差别不大;在中浓度Cr6+胁迫下均为:F1F3F2。(3)对照中,苗期根部及地上部不同提取态提取物以80%乙醇和去离子水提取态占优势,而在中浓度Cr6+胁迫下以HAc提取态和HCl提取态的提取物占比率最大。(4)Cr6+处理下,苗期甜高粱地上部和根部Cr质量分数均有显著增加(P0.05),根部对Cr有很强的滞留作用;拔节期Cr质量分数和积累量顺序均为根茎叶片,灌浆期均为根茎叶片籽粒,且各器官灌浆期Cr质量分数和积累量略高于拔节期。甜高粱根部对Cr的吸收积累,细胞壁吸附,在体内以难溶性磷酸和草酸盐类存在,是甜高粱耐Cr6+的主要机制。  相似文献   

The sex-linked electrophoretic variants A and B of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase were studied in 86 samples of myometrium and 27 leiomyomas from five heterozygous women. All but one sample of myometrium had both A and B bands in equal or nearly equal amounts. In contrast to this, all of the leiomyomas had either an A band or a B band. Both A and B tumors were found in all uteri. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that these tumors arose from single cells.  相似文献   

油菜浙双6号的应用   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
浙双6号是浙江省农科院育成的"双低"油菜品种.主要表现为产量高、植株高大、荚长、粒大、千粒重高、品质优、生育期较早、抗逆性好.2003年通过浙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定,适宜在浙江省油菜产区种植.在栽培上重点要早播、早管、早发,增施有机肥、磷钾肥与硼肥,并注意开沟排水,做好病虫防治工作.  相似文献   

A new instrument called the tunneling microscope has recently been developed that is capable of generating real-space images of surfaces showing atomic structure. These images offer a new view of matter on an atomic scale. The current capabilities and limitations and the physics involved in the technique are discussed along with specific results from a study of silicon crystal surfaces.  相似文献   

对以硬质为合金为锯齿、65Mn钢为带体的“双合金带锯条”断齿、脱齿的成因进行了探讨,指出:新齿的主要原因是硬质合金成分设计不当造成锯齿的韧性不足,和齿形几何尺寸欠佳导致其受力条件恶化。并对此提出了改进措施。  相似文献   

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