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甘肃天水地区中新世古土壤的微形态特征及其古环境意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对甘肃天水地区中新世古土壤(孙家剖面的第17~20层古土壤、下山剖面的第79~82层古土壤)微形态、粒度、碳酸钙含量、Rb/Sr、CIW、磁化率和色度指标的综合分析,揭示出该区中新世古土壤发育强度普遍高于当地现代土壤,其中早中新世中晚期古土壤发育程度相对较弱,古土壤类型为森林-森林草原型褐土-碳酸盐褐土,成壤时期气候为湿润-半湿润,指示亚洲季风可能在早中新世中晚期已经出现,强度较弱,但仍高于现代当地季风强度;中中新世古土壤发育程度强,古土壤类型为森林淋溶型褐土至棕壤,成壤时期气候温暖湿润,说明中中新世夏季风可能已很强盛,并且明显高于现在当地季风强度。  相似文献   

白垩纪钙质古土壤的发生学特征及古环境意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
古土壤形成于过去环境,是揭示环境变化历史的重要材料。新近纪(23.03 M a)以前形成的古土壤,年代久远、埋藏深、受成岩作用改造强烈,其发生学特征研究是古环境重建的基础。本文通过对白垩纪时期不同地点的钙质古土壤的发生学研究,拟恢复研究区域古环境。研究表明,古土壤剖面中的A层和B层形态分别产生变化,但层次差异依然明显,且表层土壤有机质含量一般高于表下层,钙积层(Bk)普遍发生并富含碳酸盐结核。可以观察到古土壤中方解石沿根孔淀积特征以及具滑擦面。钙质古土壤质地偏粗,为壤质砂土和砂质壤土。古土壤Bk层中的Ca、Mn、Sr相对富集,其余常量元素与Ba、Sc、Nb、Th、U、Cr、V、Co、N i等元素降低;δCe和δEu负异常以及相对富集重稀土元素。分别按照中国土壤分类系统和美国土壤系统分类两种分类体系进行了古土壤分类。由古土壤类型和特征可以推断白垩纪不同时期,在四川盆地梓潼—巴中地区、辽宁金岭寺—羊山盆地和松辽盆地出现过半湿润至半干旱的气候环境。  相似文献   

通过对形态特征、矿质元素含量变化及分布特征、元素的淋溶(或聚积)状况、土壤发育指标等进行分析,探讨了辽宁朝阳凤凰山剖面古土壤序列的土壤发育特征和发育程度。研究结果表明,在凤凰山古土壤剖面中,自地表向下至19.85 m范围内,除现代土壤层S0(0~108 cm)外,还可划分出9个土壤地层,包括5层黄土(L1~L5)和4层古红土(S1~S4)。所有这些土壤地层都是发育在风积粉尘母质上的古土壤,形成时间介于71~423 ka B.P.之间。古土壤的发生与成土母质(粉尘)的沉积同步进行,发育成红色还是黄色的古土壤决定于不同的成土环境条件和粉尘沉积速率的相对大小。在凤凰山古土壤序列中,各层古红土比各层黄土质古土壤经受了更强的风化和淋溶作用,古红土发育程度明显强于黄土质古土壤。5层黄土质古土壤比较,土壤发育程度最弱的是L1层,最强的是L5层;比较4层古红土的发育程度,最弱的是S2层。纵观凤凰山古土壤序列,各个发育不同程度的古土壤交错排列,说明当地成土环境(气候)在423~71 ka B.P.间经过多次波动变化。  相似文献   

陈俊卿  王玉  王占华 《土壤学报》1988,25(3):294-302
周口店地区不同母岩上的残积型古土壤中粘土矿物组成均以高岭类矿物占优势,并伴随有赤铁矿,属于红壤型残积古土壤,是湿热气候条件下的产物。这些残留古土壤的形成可能开始于上新世。周口店龙骨山上砾石层中段和猿人洞第15层堆积物中的粘土矿物为高岭石和伊利石组合,同属于湿热气候环境,但其湿热化程度较红壤型古土壤略差。龙骨山下砾石层下段和猿人洞第14层可能同属于—地质时代的堆积物。根据上述粘土矿物组成反映的古气候特征推测北京猿人在周口店生活的30—50万年期间,气候经历过多次波动,但大体来说,仍属暖温带和温带气候环境。  相似文献   

古土壤微形态分析是获取古人类活动信息的重要手段,通过研究文化遗址区古土壤微形态特征反映古人类活动和古环境日益成为国内外研究的热点。总结近年来国内外文化遗址区古土壤微形态分析在考古应用方面的研究进展,结果表明土壤微形态分析能够有效地反映古人类活动和古环境信息。提出了应系统建立文化遗址区古土壤微形态特征的诊断指标体系,进一步加强土壤学与考古学的结合,在此基础上建立文化遗址区不同古人类活动区对应的土壤微形态特征数字图像库,丰富文化遗址区古土壤研究方法,提高土壤微形态分析在考古学领域的研究精度和准确度。  相似文献   

北京西北部山丘地区成土母质对褐土的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
徐礼煜 《土壤学报》1983,20(3):238-252
北京附近低山丘陵地区的土壤,曾称棕壤[7,13],至五十年代初期始更名为褐土,并沿用至今.褐土,作为一个独立的土类,是由C.A.查哈罗夫于1924年首先提出的.格拉西莫夫(1954,1979)曾对褐土的研究作了全面的总结和概述.  相似文献   

第 1期水土流失定量遥感方法新进展及其在太湖流域的应用卜兆宏 唐万龙 杨林章等 ( 1 )………………皖南山地土壤系统分类研究顾也萍 刘必融 汪根法等 ( 1 0 )……………………………………………周原全新世复合古土壤和成壤环境的微形态学研究庞奖励 黄春长 张战平 ( 2 2 )……………………豫北地区水分生态环境要素演变及其意义徐富安 赵炳梓 唐万龙 ( 2 9)………………………………东南沿海低山丘陵区土地利用结构的地域分异研究———以温州市为例周生路 黄劲松 ( 37)…………根据颗粒大小分布估计土壤水分特征曲线 :分形模型…  相似文献   

褐土坡耕地聚墒保肥改良试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在辽西低山丘陵半旱地区的薄层褐土上进行田间试验。结果表明,通过生物与工程相结合的综合改良措施,使褐土坡耕地的作物产量与产值都有较大幅度的提高,对原来较瘠薄的坡地褐土的培肥作用更为显著。研究结果为辽西低山丘陵半干旱地区发展聚墒保肥型雨养农业奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

辽宁省西部是低山丘陵区,年平均温度7.1℃,年平均降雨量400—500毫米,降雨集中在夏季,具有明显的大陆性气候特征,干燥度小于1,属半干旱类型.植被为油松柞木和草原灌木丛林.土壤属棕色森林土向栗钙土过渡的褐土地带.母质主要为花岗片麻岩风化物.山麓缓坡和河谷两岸为黄土丘陵.在黄土沉积物覆盖层下,常见红色风化壳露头,即红色粘土层.此外,并有松软易风化岩层,如砂岩、页岩和变质岩等.本区近百年来,由于自然植被受到严重破坏,大量水土流失,土壤侵蚀严重,土壤有机质含量低,成为辽宁省的低产区.因此,鉴定本区不同母质的土壤矿物胶体组成及其特征,不仅可以研究这一特定自然条件下土壤矿物的转化和形成,并且有助于了解土壤特性和肥力特征.  相似文献   

古土壤蕴含着其形成时期的表生环境特征,是研究过去环境变化的重要地质记录。受长期埋藏与成岩作用影响,深时古土壤形态特征与现代土壤存在差别,但仍保留明显区别于相邻岩层的土壤发生学特征。土壤发生层、根系痕迹、新生体、微形态等特征有助于辨识古土壤,而古土壤元素地球化学、成壤碳酸盐C、O同位素等是判断古土壤发育强度和重建古环境与古气候的重要方法。深时古土壤记录了前寒武纪大气组成与生物演变、泥盆纪乔木出现、二叠纪末的气候突变、白垩纪大气CO2波动、早始新世的高热气候及晚新生代高原隆升等重要环境与气候变化事件,在地球表层系统的"深时研究计划"中发挥着重要作用。目前古土壤学在埋藏与成岩作用影响、环境替代指标、古环境重建模型、时间分辨率等方面有待深入研究。  相似文献   

本文应用标准化数据—斜交距离—误差平方和聚类分析法对甘肃成县34个土壤剖面进行了数值分析研究。研究结果表明,供试34个剖面可分为五个土壤类型。对五类土壤的pH值、有机质、代换量、SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、CaCO3及粘粒含量八项主要指标进行方差分析的结果表明,除pH、代换量和SiO2含量未达类型间F测验显著水平外,其他各项指标均达显著或极显著水平。各类土壤在地理分布、植被类型、田间石灰反应等特性上也有明显的差异,并且每一类土壤都具有一定的发生学意义。并分别对应于棕壤、淋溶褐土、褐土、碳酸盐褐土和潮土五种发生学类型。  相似文献   

对黄土中埋藏古土壤的研究有过许多报道[2,5,8].但对黄土风化过程中元素的变化讨论则不多.笔者是在近年来对陕西洛川黄土剖面工作的基础上,讨论了不同类型古土壤中元素的含量与分布,古土壤剖面中元素的变化.并将古土壤的化学组成与黄土母质进行比较,进而论述了在古气候变迁的影响下,黄土剖面中元素迁移、积聚的地球化学特征.这对探讨黄土的堆积环境和生物气候条件的演变,以及地层划分等均有十分重要意义.  相似文献   

西安地区全新世气候变化与土壤侵蚀研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示西安地区全新世环境变化和黄土地层的侵蚀期,利用野外调查和化学分析等方法,研究了西安地区全新世黄土与古土壤发育时的气候变化和不同气候阶段的土壤侵蚀。通过野外调查,在西安白鹿塬区发现了在黄土塬区很少见到全新世中期古土壤分为3个层次,整个全新世黄土剖面可分为5层,表明黄土塬区全新世气候变化与沙尘暴活动与河谷地区一样可分为5个阶段。土层氧化物、微量元素、CaCO3含量和磁化率测定结果显示,西安白鹿塬区全新世8 500~6 000年和5 000~3 100年古土壤发育时较10 000~8 500年、6 000~5 000年和3 100年以来的黄土发育时夏季风活动强,降水量多,气候湿润,沙尘暴活动弱。中全新世8 500~6 000年间发育的S02古土壤中Fe2O3和Al2O3有一定富集,该层土壤类型相当于黄棕壤,指示当时年平均降水量较现今多150 mm左右。虽然沙尘暴活动很弱的间冰期是黄土地层理论上的侵蚀期,但是实际上这一时期的土壤侵蚀很弱。全新世黄土的侵蚀主要发生在气候冷干时期,不是发生在温湿时期。全新世中期6 000~5 000年间的黄土侵蚀率一般大于堆积率,使得广大地区全新世中期的薄层黄土在绝大多数地区受到侵蚀而消失。全新世中期薄层黄土发育时气候变冷干引起的植被退化是当时土壤侵蚀加强和出现侵蚀期的原因。  相似文献   

试论中国淋溶土的成土过程与基本特性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
肖笃宁  谢志霄 《土壤学报》1994,31(4):403-412
淋溶土是我国的一类重要土壤,总面积约12.5万km^2。在我国现行的土壤分类系统中,有几个土类-暗棕壤、棕壤、酸性棕壤、白浆土以及部分褐土可归属于淋溶土^1)。这些土壤大都是温带针阔叶混交林下的森林土壤,生物地球化学循环别具特征。据30个剖面的统计分析,其B/A层粘粒含量比值,从暗中壤-棕壤-黄棕壤,为1.47-1.88-2.53,经统计土壤发育过程中粘粒的生成量(或损失量)相差七倍。上述几种土壤  相似文献   

M.M. Mortland 《Geoderma》1980,23(3):225-226
Weathering products of Vitrandept profiles on the Kaingaroa plateau, central North Island, New Zealand, were investigated by analysis of oxalate extracts and by chemical and mineralogical analysis of clays of selected soil horizons. Comparisons were made between profiles under a Pinus radiata (D. Don) stand and profiles under an adjacent area of manuka native scrub, Leptospermum scoparium (Myrtaceae).Clay fractions (< 2 μm) of A11 horizon under pine had significantly higher SiO2/Al2O3 mole-ratios (mean SiO2/Al2O3 = 12.2) than A11 horizon under manuka (mean SiO2/Al2O3 = 7.1). No effect of vegetation on clay fractions of B horizon was evident, these clays having much lower SiO2/Al2O3 mole-ratio (1.5). Oxalate-extractable Al, Fe and Si values of < 8-mm fractions of A, B and C horizons showed no differences attributable to present vegetative cover.SiO2/Al2O3 mole-ratios of oxalate extracts increased with increasing depth, and paleosols at > 2 m depth under pine had significantly higher SiO2/Al2O3 mole-ratios in oxalate extracts (mean SiO2/Al2O3 = 2.0) than paleosols under manuka (mean SiO2/Al2O3 = 1.6). That soil horizons at > 2 m depth are in the zone of resilication is indicated by: (1) the greater SiO2/Al2O3 mole-ratios of oxalate extracts of paleosols than surface horizons; (2) lysimeter leachate composition; and (3) the presence of authigenic halloysite at > 2 m depth in soil profiles.  相似文献   

Material balance in an aquic Hapludalf from loess by means of IR-phase analysis Grain size fractions of an aquic Hapludalf from loess near Göttingen were examined mineralogically and chemically. On the base of actual mineral composition (mode) by means of infrared spectroscopy weathering balances were made up. The results reveal a strong illite/mica loss of about 80 kg/m2, which is due to decomposition in the A-horizon, and which is not compensated by a slight gain in the B-horizon. The mineral balance of the total profile yields a clay degradation of 44 kg/m2. Furthermore, in the A-horizon the chemical balance gives evidence of considerable mobilizations and substantial losses mainly of SiO2, Al2O3, MgO and K2O combined in silicates. Depending on soil horizons and grain sizes the illites have K-contents varying from 4 to 8% K2O. Al2O3 and MgO also show distinct variations. Both components are correlated negatively and decrease (Al2O3) respectively increase (MgO) from the top to the bottom.  相似文献   

Air pollution represents a significant fraction of the total mortality estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO) global burden of disease projec?t (GBD). The present paper discusses the characteristics of trace gases (O3, NO, NO2, and CO) and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) in two Asian megacities, Delhi (India) and Beijing (China). A continuous measurement of trace gases and particulate matter are considered from 12 measuring sites in Beijing and 8 sites in Delhi. Over Beijing, the annual average of PM2.5, PM10, O3, NO2, and CO is, respectively, 85.3, 112.8, 58.7, and 53.4 μg/m3 and 1.4 mg/m3, and, respectively, over Delhi 146.5, 264.3, 24.7,and 19.8 μg/m3 and 1.73 mg/m3. From the spatial variations of pollutants, the concentrations of particulate matter and trace gases are observed to be much higher in the urban areas compared to the suburban areas. The higher average concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 over Delhi and Beijing are observed during winter season compared with other seasons. The maximum diurnal variation of PM10 concentration is observed during winter season over Beijing and Delhi. The comparison of trace gases shows that the O3 concentrations during daytime are obviously higher compared with nighttime, and the highest diurnal variation of O3 is observed during summer. The concentrations of CO are highest during winter season, and higher concentrations are observed during nighttime compared to daytime. The O3 and CO show negative correlation over Beijing and Delhi. The negative correlation between O3 and NO2 is merely observed over Beijing, while CO and NO2 concentrations, in contrast, show positive correlation over Beijing.  相似文献   

The chemical and mineralogical compositions and the contents and properties of the organic matter were studied in the paleosols of different ages buried under the kurgan group “Kalmykia” in the southern part of the Ergeni Upland. The investigated sequence of soils included profiles developed on the given territory about 5100, 4410, 4260, 4120, 3960, and 600 yrs ago. The background light chestnut soil was also examined. The results of our study showed that the earlier established climate changes in this area during the second half of the Holocene are reflected in the chemical and mineralogical compositions of the soils. These characteristics can be used as indicators of the paleoclimatic conditions together with some petrophysical characteristics, such as the magnetic susceptibility of the soil samples. The study of the mineralogical composition of the clay fraction of the paleosols attests to the transformation of the smectitic phase, accumulation of illites, and destruction of chlorites manifested at different degrees. It is argued that the geochemical indices—CIA, Al2O3/(CaO + MgO + K2O + Na2O), Rb/Sr, and Ba/Sr—are sensitive to climate changes and reflect the transformation of the mineral soil mass and the soil genesis.  相似文献   

Based on chemical and mechanical compositions and quartz content of red and/or yellow colored soil materials in the southwestern part of Japan, lithology index (LI) and weathering index (WI) were derived using a multivariate statistical method (factor analysis). The variables used for factor analysis are Fe2O3/Al2O3, TiO2/Al2O3, Fe2O3+Al2O3+Quartz, Si(non-quartz)/(Fe2O3 + Al2O3), CaO + MgO + K2O3, MgO/K2O3 and Quartz/Sand, all of which represent certain different aspects of weathering and/or Iithological characteristics. Since LI and WI are mutually independent, it is possible to evaluate the effect of the degree of weathering on the characteristics of red and/or yellow colored soil materials independently from that of lithology.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the paleoclimatic changes in S China during the late Quaternary and their influence on pedogenesis and soil classification, a yellow‐brown earth (YBE)–red clay (RC) profile in Langxi County, Anhui Province was studied. The grain‐size distribution and the major‐ and trace‐element compositions of the profile indicate that the YBE of the profile shares the same origin with the YBE in Jiujiang and Xuancheng and the Xiashu loess in Zhenjiang, and the underlying RC also has aeolian characteristics and shares the same origin with the Xiashu loess. Grain‐size characteristics, molecular ratios of SiO2/Al2O3, SiO2/(Al2O3+Fe2O3), and BA ([CaO+MgO+K2O+Na2O]/Al2O3) and other weathering indices (CaO/TiO2, MgO/TiO2, K2O/TiO2, Na2O/TiO2, and Rb/Sr) of the profile indicate that the RC is more strongly weathered than the YBE. Magnetic susceptibility (χlf) of the uniform red clay (URC) of the profile is significantly enhanced. However, that of the underlying reticulate red clay (RRC) is significantly decreased because of the paleogroundwater movement and cannot indicate its strong weathering properties. The YBE‐RC profile in Langxi County recorded a great climatic change during late Quaternary: At that time, the pedogenic development of the RC was terminated and widespread dust deposition occurred. The parent material of the RC may be aeolian deposits which were accumulated before the last interglacial and were strongly weathered and rubified under the subsequent interglacial climate. It is observed that red soils, derived from the RC, and yellow‐brown soils, derived from the YBE, coexist in the study area, which is contradictive to the theory of the zonal distribution of soils. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the history of Quaternary climatic changes when studying pedogenesis.  相似文献   

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