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The mechanics of fresh wood with and without a fatigue pre-treatment that mimics a mechanical pulping process was experimentally studied. The mechanical properties of Norway spruce samples under compression are considered with the macroscopic stress–strain data and from local strain properties via digital image correlation technique. The results highlight the effects of the orientation of the wood annual rings compared to the loading direction and of the pre-fatigue. The wood presents a low yield point when the annual rings are tilted compared to the load axis, but the Young’s modulus and yield stress are higher when the annual rings are either parallel or perpendicular to the load direction. In the last case, buckling of softest layers occurs. The fatigue treatment makes the wood less stiff as deduced from the decreases of Young’s modulus and yield stress, whatever the orientation of annual rings. Secondly, it creates a thin and localized softened layer.  相似文献   

对以铝酸酯为偶联剂对木粉进行表面改性处理后制备的木粉/聚丙烯复合材料的力学性能和形态学特征进行了研究。结果表明:铝酸酯偶联剂可以增加木塑复合材料的抗冲击强度,但会对复合材料的抗拉强度和抗弯强度造成负面的影响。对木塑复合材料的动态力学性能和微分扫描热量分析研究表明,以铝酸酯作为偶联剂,对木塑复合材料的储存模量和损失模量有少许增加,同时可降低材料的熔点和熔解热。利用扫描电镜观察木塑复合材料的木材与塑料界面发现,经铝酸酯处理过的木材与聚丙烯复合界面之间具有更好的相容性。这些研究结果表明,在木塑复合材料制造过程中利用廉价的铝酸酯作为木材化学改性剂,对改善复合材料的性质同样起作良好的作用。图6 表2 参16。  相似文献   

Summary It is demonstrated that there can be only one driving potential for the movement of water through wood and this will be a function of wood state. On the assumption that the driving potential is the partial pressure of water vapour, a theoretical expression is derived for the diffusion coefficient. Such expression is fitted to diffusion coefficients for Scots pine and a remarkably good fit is obtained.Symbols a reciprocal mean radius of curvature of a capillary meniscus; also taken to be the radius of the corresponding exposed liquid surface, m - b spacing between flow paths in the cell wall, m - D diffusion coefficient for water in wood with vapour pressure as the driving potential, kg/ms Pa - Da diffusion coefficient for water vapour through air, kg/ms Pa - D diffusion coefficient for water in wood with the driving potential - D diffusion coefficient for water in wood with the driving potential - D0 diffusion coefficient for water in wood with vapour pressure as the driving potential, which is associated with leakage paths through the wood, kg/ms Pa - Df diffusion coefficient for water in wood with vapour pressure as the driving potential, corresponding to fibre saturation and with no leakage paths, kg/ms Pa - Dc diffusion coefficient for water in wood with vapour pressure as the driving potential, which is associated with the constriction of the vapour flow as it approaches the cell wall, kg/ms Pa - D diffusion coefficient for water in wood with moisture content as the driving potential, kg/ms - diffusivity for water vapour in air, m2/s - F flux of water, kg/m2 s - p partial pressure of water vapour, Pa - R specific gas constant for water, J/kg K - r fractional relative humidity - T temperature, K - x length coordinate in direction of flow, m - the dimensionless ratio Df/Dc evaluated at r=1/e - arbitrary driving potential for movement of water in wood - cell spacing in the direction of water flux, m - density of liquid water, kg/m3 - coefficient of surface tension, N/m - arbitrary driving potential for movement of water in wood - fractional moisture content  相似文献   


It is well established that acetylation of wood by the use of acetic anhydride is able to impart a significant degree of decay resistance. The aim of this work was to study how a standardized leaching procedure with water (EN 84) affected the degradation of acetic anhydride modified samples by the brown rot fungi Postia placenta compared to no leaching prior to incubation. Three different levels (low, medium, and high) of acetic anhydride modified Southern yellow pine (SYP; Pinus spp.) were tested. The samples were harvested after 4 and 28 weeks. We compared changes in mass loss, wood moisture content, fungal DNA, and gene expression from five genes. If leaching changes the acetylated samples and makes them more susceptible for fungal deterioration, the expected effect would be higher levels of these parameters. Generally, leaching resulted in few differences between leached and nonleached samples at low levels of acetylation, while no changes were found for the highest acetylation level. No differences were found in gene expressions after 28 weeks. The possible protection of acetylated wood against oxidative fungal degradation is suggested to be interpreted in combination with the lowered wood moisture content.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effects of organoclay platelet contents (0, 3 and 5 wt%) and polypropylene type (virgin and recycled) on the mechanical properties of polypropylene/wood flour composites. Composite samples were made by melt compounding and consequent injection moulding. The tensile, flexural and impact properties of resultant composites were determined. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of composites with 3 and 5% nanoclay content was also conducted. The results indicated that tensile and flexural properties of the composites increased with the addition of nanoclay particles up to 3 wt% and decreased thereafter. The impact strength of the composites, however, decreased with the incorporation of nanoclay. The mechanical properties of the recycled polypropylene-based nanocomposites were statistically comparable with those based on virgin polypropylene. XRD analysis revealed that the degree of intercalation in the nanocomposites containing 3% nanoclay was higher than in those containing 5%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that recycled polypropylene could be used instead of virgin polypropylene in the production of value-added products with no significant adverse effects on the mechanical properties.  相似文献   

郭垂根  王清文 《林业研究》2007,18(3):203-207
MA-SEBS as compatibilizer and impact modifier was incorporated into Polypropylene/Wood Fiber (PP/WF) to enhance interface adhesion and impact strength of the composite. The effect of MA-SEBS content on the impact fracture behavior of PP/WF composites was studied. The impact properties of composites with 8% MA-SEBS reached the maximum value. And further increasing of MA-SEBS content to 10% did not improve the fracture toughness, but improved the stiffness of composites by DMA analysis. This was attributed to the improved PP/WF adhesion. As the MA-SEBS content is more than 8%, the molecule interaction of PP and WF was expected to much stronger than lower MA-SEBS. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to analyze the impact fracture surface and showed a stronger affinity for the wood surfaces.  相似文献   

Schima superba is a pioneer species for forestation inwildland in tropical and subtropical zones. It can growwell in arid and barren sites and has a strong power ofsprouting from stools. The species has been widelyused for fuelbreak in southern China. In China thefuelbreak is often created by planting broadleaf treesalong the ridge, which is different from the conceptdiscussed in some papers (Agee, et al, 2000; Green,1977; Omi, 1996). In these studies, the shaded fuelbreakwas created by alte…  相似文献   

Bacterial wilt caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum, is a very serious disease of Eucalyptus in southern China, mainly in Guangdong, Hainan and Guangxi provinces. It causes the death of seedlings and young trees and the mortality may exceed 90 percent in some sites. Susceptible species include E. grandis, E. urophylla, hybrids between the two and E. citriodora. In nursery and field trials with E. urophylla and field trial with E. grandis x E. urophylla inoculation of ectomycorrhizal fungi was found to reduce the incidence of the disease. Some fungal isolates were more effective than others.  相似文献   

This paper presents the effects of particle size and mixing ratio on the properties including physical, mechanical, and decay resistance of wood plastic composites (WPCs). In addition, it also presents the effects of immersion temperatures on water absorption (WA) and thickness swelling (TS) of the WPCs. WPCs with a thickness of 6 mm were fabricated from Albizia richardiana King & Prain wood particles and recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) by the flat-press method. To prepare the WPCs, two different wood particle sizes (0.5–1.0 and 1.01–2.0 mm) were used along with four different mixing ratios (w/w). Subsequently, the physical properties include density, moisture content, WA, and TS, and mechanical properties include modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) of the produced WPCs was evaluated. Furthermore, decay resistance was evaluated by the weight loss percentage method. Moreover, the effects of immersion temperatures on WA and TS of WPCs after 24 h of immersion in water at three different temperatures, i.e., 25, 50, and 75 °C were investigated. Results showed that the wood particle size had impact on WPC’s density (only 6% decreased with the increase of particle size); however, the density decreased by 29% when the wood particle content increased from 40 to 70%. The WA and TS gradually increased with the increase of particle content and decrease of particle size. In addition, WA and TS increased proportionately with increasing immersion temperature from 25 to 75 °C. Furthermore, the highest MOE (2570 N/mm2) was found for the WPCs fabricated from large wood particles having the ration of 50:50 (wood particle:PET). For decay resistance, WPCs consisted of larger particles and higher PET content showed greater resistance against decay. Therefore, it is comprehensible that fabrication of the WPCs from 50% large particles and 50% PET is technically feasible and further improvement of WPC performance like enhancement of MOE and reduction of density using coupling agent and agricultural waste fibers, respectively, in the WPC formulation is recommended.  相似文献   

Three concentrations (2.8%, 2.0%, 1.2%) of Ammoniacal Copper Quaternary (ACQ) was selected to treat Lodgepole pine wood for evaluating ACQ treatment on mechanical properties of blue-stained wood. The bending modules of elasticity (MOE), modules of rupture (MOR), toughness and shearing strength parallel to grain on tangential surface, are tested according to the criteria GB1927-1943-91. Non-treated sample were also tested according to the same procedure. The results showed that the three groups specimen impregnated by different concentrations of ACQ solution met the AWPA standard 2003 of America (UC4A 6.4g/cm^3). There were significant difference of toughness between treated wood and non-treated wood (p=0.01), but there were no statistically significant differences among three concentrations in terms of toughness, and toughness of treated wood was approximately 20% lower than non-treated. MOR, MOE as well as sheafing strength parallel to grain were found to be not significantly different between treated wood and non-treated one, and there were no statistically significant difference among three concentrations of ACQ too. Toughness, MOR, MOE and sheafing strength parallel to grain increased with decrease of concentration of ACQ, but they were hardly affected by ACQ preservatives.  相似文献   

Effects of three gaps which are large (118 m^2), medium (86 m^2) and small (20 m^2), respectively, and under canopy of Tsuga longibracteata forest on the seedling establishment of T. longibracteata were studied through seed burial experiments from December 2003 to January 2005 in Tianbaoyan National Nature Reserve of Fujian, China. The results showed that the area of gap had an evident effect on the seedling establishment of T. longibracteata. The seedling emergence rates of T. longibracteata in plots of large gap, medium gap, small gap and under canopy were 10%, 10%, 4% and 6%, representing an increasing trend along with the gap size increasing without a significant difference. Rain eroding and insects feeding were two main factors leading to seedling death. The larger the gap size was, the more seedlings were killed by rain erosion and the fewer seedlings were killed by insects feeding. The emergence time of seedlings was almost same in all plots while their death time was different respectively. The gap size had a significant impact on seedling survival rate. The seedling survival rate was highest in the medium gap plot (27.0%) and next to the highest in large gap plot (7.3%), and seedling in small gap plot and under canopy plot died out after one growing season. Increased light supply in gaps was favorable for the seedlings growth and survival. Increased light supply in the large gap could enhance the growth of seedling leaf and root of T. longibracteata, and the seedling in turn allocated more dry mass to root and leaf, but it has little impact on the growth of stem. This research indicates that T. longibracteata is a pioneer species and its seedling establishment need a medium or large gap (〉50 m^2).  相似文献   


The present work was conducted to study the effects of wood species, particle size and residue particle size obtained from trimming of wood–cement composites on physical and mechanical properties of cement-bonded particleboard (CBPB). Particleboard was manufactured with a wood/cement ratio of 1:3 and specific gravity 1200 kg m?3. After manufacturing, the boards were tested. The second order plan was used to test the significant difference between factors and levels. It was shown that slenderness and compaction ratio increased and bulk density and specific surface decreased with the increase of particle size. With the increase in slenderness ratio and compaction ratio and decrease in bulk density and specific surface, thickness swelling and mechanical properties improved, but water absorption by the board increased. The addition of 6% of 5/3 fraction size of particle obtained from trimming of boards improved significantly the properties of the boards. The optimized panel properties, obtained using poplar particles with a fraction size of 7pass/on5, exceeded the BISON type HZ and EN Standard for Wood Particleboard. CBPB made of alder or poplar particles with 5/3 fraction size of residue exceeded the BISON type HZ. All CBPB with 5/3 fraction size of residue showed lower mean values of thickness swelling, well below the maximum requirements of both standards. In addition, wood species, fraction size of particles and residue size are believed to have been the main cause of change in the properties of the boards.  相似文献   

In a global warming scenario, drought and heat waves like the one that occurred in 2003 in Europe are expected to become more intense and frequent. This extreme climate event strongly affected the hydraulic balance in many forest tree species including Douglas-fir, with symptoms ranging from partial crown necrosis to death. We studied a French Douglas-fir provenance trial, strongly affected by the 2003 drought and heat wave. Using wood X-ray microdensity profiles as a record of cambium response to environmental variations, we compared mean stem density and growth between dead and alive neighbouring trees and several microdensity characters measured over 17 growth rings previous to 2003. Special attention has been given to the sampling layout in order to minimize the micro-environmental effects. At tree level, surviving trees have a significantly higher mean stem density. At tree ring level, they have a significantly higher mean ring density, maximum ring density, latewood density and, to a lesser extent, latewood proportion. No significant difference was found for diameter growth. These results could have direct implications in the way to study and predict possible acclimation and adaptation of forest trees to climate change process. Wood could be used for the selection of genotypes with a desirable plasticity and resistance to drought induced-cavitation.  相似文献   

The effect of wood species (Chinese fir and Poplar), wood fiber content (10%, 25%, 40%) and wood fiber sizes (16 to 32 mesh, 32-65 mesh, above 65 mesh) on the properties of the wood fiber-Polypropylene composites were studied in this paper. The results indicate that the effect of wood fiber content and size in composite were more important than that of chosen wood species. Compared with polypropylene without wood fiber, the flexural strength of the composites increased when adding wood fiber into polypropylene, but the tensile and unnotched charpy impact strength decreased. And the above strength decreased with the wood fiber content increasing. When the wood fiber size becoming smaller (in higher mesh), the strength increased. In the comparison of wood species, the properties of composite using Chinese fir wood were better than that of Poplar, but not significant. The dynamic mechanical properties of the composites and PP were also tested and analyzed in this paper.  相似文献   

Introducti0nSincetI1ebandsa\`canbequickl}'andaccLIratel}'setal1dtllereisvirtuaII};noupper-sizeIilnitinIogdiameter,tI1emachinecanberegardedasthemosleffectiveaII-r0undmachine.Lumbermillsshowgro\"inginterestintI1ebal1dsawingconceptduetotl1el1ighthroLIghputan…  相似文献   


Compression creep experiments of hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides×Populus trichocarpa) were performed in a pressurized vessel equipped with a heated hydraulic press. The viscoelastic response at various stress levels (2–7 MPa), a temperature of 170°C and transient steam conditions was studied. Moisture content and oven-dry density of compressed specimens were determined. While some recovery of compression strain occurred, compression resulted in permanent deformation and increased wood density. The influence of stress level on the amount of set recovery of compressive deformation was evaluated after 24 h water soaking. Applied stress level had a significant effect on the compression deformation. The initial strain, as well as creep strain, varied depending on the applied stress level. The highest oven-dry density was obtained at a stress level of 6.9 MPa. Lower stress levels resulted in lower moisture content after the compression process, while the equilibrium moisture content of compressed specimens was not significantly affected by stress level. Set recovery increased from 20% to 65% with increased stress level from 1.7 MPa to 4.1 MPa, then decreased to 53% for specimens compressed at 6.9 MPa. Moisture content after the compression process significantly affected the set recovery.  相似文献   

For our research, a new hybrid experimental-computational method is presented. We applied a least squares fitting  相似文献   

主要针对2006年3月29日安宁火灾后1年的森林土壤理化性质进行研究,结果表明,与未过火区相比,火烧后1年,过火区域的土壤密度明显增加,土壤自然含水量明显下降;淋溶层土壤的pH值略有上升,有机质、水解N、全P含量有所下降,全K与速效K含量明显上升,其余指标变化不明显;淀积层土壤除pH值、全P下降外,其余各指标均有不同程度的提高。  相似文献   

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