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Guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) is a source of high quality rubber and low-allergenic latex as well as resin for use as a wood preservative. Demand for high value latex products has increased with the advent of deadly diseases such as AIDS. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of six improved guayule lines (AZ-1 to AZ-6) in south-east Queensland: released jointly by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and The University of Arizona. Trials were conducted at two sites, Chinchilla and Gatton. Overall performance of improved lines for plant growth and yield of dry matter, rubber and resin was better at both Gatton and Chinchilla than the standard check lines (N 565 and 11591). AZ-1 and AZ-2 maintained the best combinations of desirable traits, including plant uniformity, early vigorous growth, increased dry matter, and increased rubber and resin yields. Of these two, AZ-2 had more uniform plant growth and has commercial potential for Queensland production areas. In the summer harvest at Gatton, 32-month-old AZ-1 and AZ-2 produced rubber yields of 789 kg/ha and 771 kg/ha, respectively, while controls, N 565 and 11591 produced 675 kg/ha and 618 kg/ha, respectively. At Chinchilla, at 33 months, spring harvested AZ-1 and AZ-2 produced rubber yields of 717 kg/ha and 787 kg/ha; these yields were significantly higher than N 565 and 11591 which produced 385 kg/ha and 380 kg/ha, respectively. Thus, rubber yields of AZ-1 and AZ-2 were consistently high across sites. AZ-1 and AZ-2 produced resin yields of 1158 kg/ha and 1115 kg/ha at Gatton and 1318 kg/ha and 1476 kg/ha at Chinchilla. This compared with a mean of 612 kg/ha and 352 kg/ha for the standard check lines at Gatton and Chinchilla. Thus resin yields of AZ-1 and AZ-2 were consistently high across sites. Rubber content appeared to be influenced by time of harvest although this effect is compounded with plant age. At Gatton, in spring, 17-month-old plants produced a mean rubber content of 7.7% (all lines), while, in summer, when the plants were 32-month-olds, rubber content dropped to 6.4%. At Chinchilla, 33-month-old plants harvested in spring produced a mean rubber content of 7.4%, similar to the spring value at Gatton. By contrast, resin content appeared to be little affected by season.  相似文献   

Performance of improved guayule lines in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) is a potential source of commercial natural rubber. Its commercialisation depends mainly on economical plant production. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of improved lines in Australia. Seeds from five improved lines (AZ-1, AZ-2, AZ-3, AZ-5 and AZ-6) and two previously developed guayule lines (N 565 and 11591) were obtained from the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Seedlings from these lines were grown in a glasshouse for 3 months and later transplanted in a field experiment in early September 2001. Plant height and width were monitored from transplanting to 62 weeks at regular intervals. After 62 weeks, plant dry matter production, rubber and resin content, and yields were analysed. Plant height and width of the improved lines were higher than N 565 and 11591. Plant dry matter, rubber and resin yields were significantly different among lines. Of the five lines, AZ-1 and AZ-2 produced rubber yields of 620 and 550 kg/ha, respectively and these yields were significantly greater than for N 565 (371 kg/ha) and 11591 (391 kg/ha). AZ-1 and AZ-2 also produced significantly higher resin yields, 727 and 668 kg/ha, respectively, than those for N 565 (436 kg/ha) and 11591 (325 kg/ha). Rubber and resin yield increase of lines, AZ-1 and AZ-2, were in the range of 41–68% and 53–123%, respectively over N 565 and 11591. AZ-1 tended to produce higher rubber and resin yields than AZ-2 but exhibited highly variable plant height (CV=25%) and width (CV=41%) indicating potential for further genetic improvement. AZ-2 offers the best combination of desirable characters including early vigour, uniformity and comparatively higher rubber and resin yields.  相似文献   

Guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) is a source of high quality rubber and low-allergenic latex. Commercial potential of guayule to produce high value latex products has increased due to the increased incidence of deadly diseases in humans. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of direct seeding in southeast Queensland as an alternative to establishment by the current high cost transplanting method. Experiments were conducted for 2 years at Gatton, Queensland using physical and chemical seed treatments. NaOCl plus GA3, osmo-priming with polyethylene glycol, seed pelleting and seed tape planting were tested. Planting depth had a significant influence on seedling emergence. Emergence at 18 mm depth (1.5 seedlings/m) was significantly reduced compared with 10 mm depth (2.9 seedlings/m). Osmo-priming was effective in increasing germination from 36 to 47%. It also improved seedling emergence and vigour. Osmo-priming significantly increased establishment (7.5 seedlings/m) compared with untreated seed (3.3 seedlings/m). NaOCl plus GA3 did not have a significant influence on germination (38%) or seedling emergence (5.0 seedlings/m) but increased survival at 42 days after planting. Establishment as a percentage of emerged seedlings was high for both osmo-primed and NaOCl plus GA3 treatments with 89 and 88% respectively, whereas untreated seed had only 70% survival. Osmo-priming also increased vigour as indicated by increased root length (101 mm), shoot height (123 mm), and seedling dry matter (379 mg/seedling) compared with the control (83, 107 mm and 206 mg/seedling, respectively).  相似文献   

水稻喷直播栽培技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
喷直播就是把东方红18型喷雾机的喷水装置改为喷粉装置 ,将芽谷通过喷粉管喷播到田里的一种新的机械直播技术。该技术是浙江临海农民首先试验的 ,经农技部门总结和试验示范 ,开始在台州市内应用。该技术具有省工省力增收的优点 ,受到种粮大户和农民的欢迎。1997年开始试验 ,2000年种植面积已有670多hm2。目前 ,该项技术主要在早稻上应用 ,2000年作者利用嘉早935品种进行了翻秋喷直播对比试验。现把该项技术主要结果介绍如下 :一、喷直播技术的优点1.省工省力节本喷直播栽培同一般的手直播稻一样 ,减少了传统育秧移…  相似文献   

水稻免耕直播栽培试验小结   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了探索水稻免耕直播技术的增产效果及栽培技术途径,2005年早季南安市农技站采用瑞士先正达公司生产的“克无踪”除草剂,进行了早稻免耕直播与常规手插对比试验,旨在为大面积推广免耕直播技术提供科学依据,现将试验结果小结如下.  相似文献   

Guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) is being developed as a new commercial crop to be grown in arid and semiarid regions. Guayule stands are presently established using transplants; however, establishment by direct-seeding would reduce costs and make production more economical. A major difficulty in field establishment by direct-seeding is the variation in the quality of guayule seeds. Guayule seeds vary greatly in color, size, and weight, which are the attributes believed to be associated with the observed germination differences among and within seed lots. To determine the importance of these attributes, guayule seeds from different seed lots were separated by size (diameter) and color, each separation class was weighed and then seed quality determined by germination percentage and rate. X-ray analysis was used to distinguish filled from unfilled seeds, and this was related to the germination results. In six guayule breeding lines (N565, 11591, AZ-2, AZ-3, AZ-4, and AZ-5), the highest quality seeds were darker (opaque-black and gray), small to medium in diameter (1.4–1.6 mm), and were heavier (a greater proportion of filled seeds). Color appeared to be a more efficient separator for seed quality than seed size; however, separation by size may be acceptable on a large scale and still provide higher quality and more uniform seed lots.  相似文献   

油菜稻田直播播期与密度初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨二熟制油菜直播高产栽培技术,在永新进行了中稻田直播油菜的播期和密度试验,结果表明:中稻田油菜直播,随播期提早和密度增加,产量提高;同播期不同密度之间产量差异不明显,不同播期之间产量差异显著;播期与密度对千粒重影响不大,对每角粒数有一定影响,但差异不显著,各处理之间变幅在22.0~19.5粒/角之间。在永新县山区土壤肥力中等,农户投肥不充足情况下,以10月10日直播,一穴双株栽培方式产量最高。  相似文献   

针对直播稻用种量越来越大的情况,于2009年在沅江草尾镇进行了早晚稻直播不同类型品种用种量研究,初步摸索出了洞庭湖区双季稻直播适宜的用种量,其中早稻直播中熟常规品种适宜用种量为120~150 kg/hm2,中熟早杂品种适宜用种量为37.5~45 kg/hm2;晚稻直播常规中熟早稻品种适宜用种量为105~127.5 kg/hm2,晚稻直播中熟早杂品种适宜用种量为45~52.5 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

免耕直播稻优化播种量试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田间试验结果表明,免耕直播稻播种量以0.75-1kg/666.7m^2为宜。在播种量0.75-1.5kg/666.7m^2范围内.随播种量增加。产量下降,两者呈负相关,相关系数r=-0.95.回归方程Y=528.9-28.6x。  相似文献   

水稻免耕栽培技术是一项节本、减轻劳动强度、高效的轻简生产技术.2005年在闽侯县大湖乡双溪村的中稻区进行水稻免耕直播试验.试验结果表明:该项技术具有优势明显,可操作性强,推广潜力大、省钱、省工、省力等优点,现将试验结果总结如下:  相似文献   

亚洲直播稻栽培的研究与应用   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
邹应斌 《作物研究》2004,18(3):133-136
由于直播稻栽培能够减少劳力投入和降低生产成本,近年在许多亚洲国家已得到大面积推广应用.介绍了亚洲直播稻栽培的应用情况和需要研究的问题.指出直播稻中后期施氮,有利于增强群体光合效率和提高产量;苗期生长旺盛、茎秆粗壮、根分布深、叶片直立、抗旱耐涝和抗倒伏能力强的品种适合于作直播稻栽培.但是,植株密度对抑制杂草、病虫危害、收获指数及成熟期倒伏的影响有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

水稻直播栽培高产机理研究初报   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
顾掌根  王岳钧 《作物研究》2001,15(2):5-8,12
在前几年试验观察研究的基础上,1998-1999年设立水稻直播高产机理栽培试验。结果表明,直播比移栽对照增产,其增产机理在于:直播稻生育进程加快,分蘖早生快发,低节位分蘖成穗率高,易获得足够的穗数;群体结构协调,光合速率高,光合产物累积速度快;植株养分吸收能力、根系活力和抗倒能力增强。  相似文献   

介绍了棉花精准直播技术在洞庭湖区的研究与应用,并详细介绍了其栽培技术.实践表明进行棉花精准直播技术可节省人工45~75个/hm2,节省肥料20%左右,增产10%左右,提高投入产出效率24.1%左右.  相似文献   

根据国内外直播稻技术发展趋势,针对我国南方直播稻生产中存在的关键问题,研究提出水稻带耙田开沟培土机械水直播技术。该项技术具有种子“土中”发芽出苗、田间稻苗有序分布和生育以及农艺农机配套、工效肥效高等技术优势;明显提高直播稻的发芽出苗稳定性和成苗率,有效控制直播稻生育中期无效分蘖的发生,改善田间群体质量,促进深根壮秆,提高了直播稻的成穗率和穗型整齐度,增强了水稻后期的抗倒伏能力。在较大面积上示范应用,取得了显著的省工节本、增产增收效果和经济、社会、生态效益。  相似文献   

直播稻作为轻型栽培技术 ,具有省工、节本、高产、高效优势 ,深受广大农户特别是种粮大户的欢迎 ,已成为浙江省水稻栽培的重要方式。2000年全省直播稻面积达21.6万hm2,占全省水稻播种面积的13.5 % ,其中直播单季晚稻14.0万hm2。由于直播稻播种量少 ,水稻苗期空间大 ,干湿交替时间长 ,田间杂草种子多 ,繁殖快 ,常常因发生草害而减产 ,甚至因草荒而绝收。大面积生产实践表明 ,直播稻田的草害问题一直是影响直播稻普及推广的主要障碍因子之一。一、杂草发生特点1 .杂草种类据海宁市新仓镇调查观测 ,直播单季晚稻田杂草…  相似文献   

水稻-油菜复种免耕直播栽培技术要点   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
任泽民  邹应斌 《作物研究》2004,18(3):183-184
水稻、油菜是湖南省种植面积最大的作物.现有的种植方式是以翻耕土壤、育苗移栽为主,导致其生产的肥料用量多,劳动强度大,生产成本高,比较效益低.近年开展的有关水稻直播栽培技术、稻田免耕栽培技术和免耕直播栽培技术等研究与应用,稻田生产效益得到提高.免耕直播栽培技术是免耕技术与直播技术的进一步发展,具有明显的省工、节本、增效的特点.国内外已进行了大量的研究,并得到了广泛的应用.  相似文献   

水稻麦秸覆盖宽行机直播技术是指麦子收获后 ,板茬施肥 ,用2BG—6A“6改5”扩行条播机直播水稻 ,然后灌跑马水、化除和麦秸覆盖 ,秸秆任其腐熟还田 ,进行配套管理的一种高效简化可持续发展的新技术体系。该技术2001年在姜堰市沈高镇双徐农场示范2hm2,2002年在姜堰市高沙土地区推广应用333hm2,均取得明显实效。一、综合优势1.简化栽培 ,节本增效2001年在姜堰市沈高镇双徐农场示范点 ,平均单产618.7kg/667m2,产量接近常规移栽稻水平 ,但该技术不育秧、不栽秧、不需要秧田 ,大大降低生产成本。据测…  相似文献   

近年来,杂交棉种在长江流域大面积推广,确实为棉花单产提升了一个台阶.但由于杂交棉种制种工序复杂,投入大,因而种价较高,因此,棉农购种用量很少;播种时,基本上是一钵一籽,稍有不慎,就会出现缺苗断垄现象.究其原因,既有种子质量问题,也存在受天气不适、育苗操作技术不当等因素影响所致.如何采取有效措施,确保一播全苗,笔者介绍以下技术,供广大棉农参考.  相似文献   

随着农业产业化、市场化的发展 ,广大农民迫切要求水稻生产在高产、稳产的前提下 ,简化农艺 ,节省用工 ,降低成本 ,减轻劳动强度 ,提高劳动生产率 ,因此 ,水稻机械旱直播越来越被广大农民所接受。江苏省推广水稻机械旱直播已有10多年历史 ,常年种植面积稳定在3万hm2 左右 ,近两年又呈扩大趋势。江苏省南通市农林局和中国水稻研究所 ,自1998年开始 ,联合开展了带旋耕灭茬、覆土、镇压旱条播方法及其相匹配的机直播技术试验与示范推广。现将1998~2001年研究和示范结果进行总结 ,并结合机械旱直播稻的有关生育特点 ,提出一套高效栽培技术措施 …  相似文献   

水稻麦秸覆盖宽行机直播技术是指麦子收获后 ,板茬施肥 ,用2BG—6A“6改5”扩行条播机直播水稻 ,然后灌跑马水、化除和麦秸覆盖 ,秸秆任其腐熟还田 ,进行配套管理的一种高效简化可持续发展的新技术体系。该技术2001年在姜堰市沈高镇双徐农场示范2hm2,2002年在姜堰市高沙土地区推广应用333hm2,均取得明显实效。一、综合优势1.简化栽培 ,节本增效2001年在姜堰市沈高镇双徐农场示范点 ,平均单产618.7kg/667m2,产量接近常规移栽稻水平 ,但该技术不育秧、不栽秧、不需要秧田 ,大大降低生产成本。据测…  相似文献   

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