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Rice bran was found to effectively adsorb several organic compounds, such as dichloromethane, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, and benzene. Equilibrium adsorption isotherms conformed to the Freundlich type (log-log linear). The adsorption of dichloromethane and chloroform by rice bran was observed over the range of pH 1-11. Therefore, rice bran is applicable for treatment of wastewater over a wide pH range. Dichloromethane was successfully removed from water samples with an average removal efficiency of 70% after 60 min when rice bran was added to water samples containing from 0.006 to 100 mg/L dichloromethane. The removal of these organochlorine compounds and benzene by rice bran was attributed to the uptake by intracellular particles called spherosomes. Here, we report the results of a fundamental study of the efficiency of rice bran for removal of organochlorine compounds and benzene using a batch system on the laboratory scale, and describe elucidation of the mechanism of removal of these compounds by rice bran.  相似文献   

In this study, for the first time, we used the in vitro metallopeptidase model for the identification of a potential novel activity of defatted evening primrose seed extracts. Prepared extracts of different polarity (aqueous, 60% ethanolic, isopropanolic, and 30% isopropanolic) at concentrations of 1.5-100 microg/mL exhibited a significant and dose dependent inhibition of three tested enzymes. The 50% inhibition of enzymes activity showed that aminopeptidase N (APN) was the enzyme affected to the greatest extent with IC50 at the level of 2.8 microg/mL and 2.9 microg/mL for aqueous and 30% isopropanolic extracts, respectively. The activity of neutral endopeptidase (NEP) was quite strongly inhibited by the extracts as well. The HPLC-DAD analysis and bioguided fractionation led to the identification of four active compounds: (-)-epicatechin gallate, proanthocyanidin B3, oenothein B, and penta-O-galloyl-beta-D-glucose (PGG). Oenothein B has been shown previously to inhibit metallopeptidases. The three other compounds are known to inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), but they have not been previously reported to inhibit the NEP and APN activity. PGG and procyanidins with different degrees of polymerization, as the dominating compounds in O. paradoxa seeds, seemed to play a role in the crude extract activity.  相似文献   

苹果中有机氯农药残留的超声波去除条件优化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国是世界苹果第一生产大国,但中国苹果出口仅占世界贸易量的不足10%,其主要制约因素是安全性,其中农药残留是主要原因之一。论文采用响应曲面法对超声波去除苹果中有机氯农药残留的工艺条件(功率、时间、温度)及其交互作用进行了优化,并就超声波处理对苹果主要品质指标的影响进行了分析。结果表明:超声波去除苹果中有机氯农药残留的适宜工艺参数为:超声波功率为609.16 W,时间为70.46 min,温度为15.45℃,去除率可达到64.32%;超声波处理对苹果的硬度没有显著性影响;对苹果的总糖、总酸具有一定的显著性影响,但没有超出国家标准及主要出口国苹果标准的要求。超声波处理简单快速,能有效去除苹果中有机氯农药的残留,极大提高苹果的安全性,很容易和现有鲜果清洗、分级、打蜡生产线耦合链接,其产业化应用前景极为广阔。  相似文献   

柞蚕杂种F1代的食下量、蚕粪量、消化量均存在明显的杂种优势,面消化率几乎不存在杂种优势。柞蚕的茧重转换效率在17% ̄20%之间,茧层生产效率约2%,F1代表现明显的负向杂种优势。表明F1代全茧量、茧层量的提高是靠食下量的增加而实现的。结果同时表明,F1代雌雄间饲料效率各项因素的杂种优势率均为雄蚕大于雌蚕。  相似文献   

蓝藻处理机的设计及除藻效果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用压力破坏蓝藻细胞内存在气囊即伪空泡,使得蓝藻失去浮力,根据该原理研究设计了一种除藻机械。通过试验对新型蓝藻处理机械的除藻效果进行了验证,采用水质监测仪对叶绿素、浊度、含氧量等7项指标进行监测,蓝藻处理机工作1h后水体中的叶绿素含量、浊度、含氧量分别降低了45%、61%和50%,除藻效果显著。该机械可以作为蓝藻大面积爆发时的应急除藻设备。  相似文献   

Storage of wet egg homogenates at temperatures from -18 degrees to -28 degrees C was more suitable for long-term preservation than freeze-drying. Changes in residue levels of heptachlor epoxide, oxychlordane, dieldrin, hexachlorobenzene,p,p'-DDE, mirex, and PCBs were not significant over a 3-year period in fresh herring gull egg homogenates stored at -18 degrees to -28 degrees C. Compounds with gas chromatographic retention times shorter than hexachlorobenzene vaporized during freeze-drying at a rate proportional to their volatility. Evaporative losses of components with vapor pressures less than hexachlorobenzene did not occur in naturally contaminated herring gull eggs after storage at room temperature for up to 1 year. Higher losses of all compounds, up to 25% for p,p'-DDE, occurred in freeze-dried whole-body herring gull homogenates. Easily dehydrochlorinated compounds were rapidly degraded in freeze-dried chicken egg homogenate at room temperature: The half-life of p,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDD was about 20 days, and that of alpha- and gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane was much less than 16 days. About one-third of oxychlordane in herring gull eggs was lost in 1 year under these conditions, but none was lost after freeze-drying when the homogenate was stored at -18 degrees to -28 degrees C.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out using a soil perfusion apparatus for the removal of lignin from waste water. It was observed that when a medium (pH 7.0) with lignin having about 1200 color units was perfused through a soil column, perfusate contained only 250 to 300 color units after three days of perfusion and pH was reduced to less than 5.0 with 70 to 80% reduction in Total Organic Carbon (TOC). With a sterile soil column the color was not removed and there was no change in TOC content. When the medium was buffered at pH 7.0, there was no reduction in color units. When the pH of the perfusate reduced to less than 5.0, it was also observed that the nitrate content had increased considerably. These results indicated that due to microbial activity lignin molecules might have been biotransformed and adsorbed on the soil column at lower pH. The major group of microorganisms were also isolated from the soil and their significance is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Effects of food materials were investigated on removal of several kinds of thiols, sulfides, and disulfides, which arise from vegetables of Allium species during food preparation and eating. Methanethiol, propanethiol, and 2-propenethiol were captured by raw foods such as fruits, vegetables, and mushrooms or a mixture of their acetone powders and phenolic compounds. The odor of diallyl disulfide was remarkably reduced by kiwi fruit, spinach, cutting lettuce, parsley, basil, mushrooms, and, particularly, cow's milk, raw egg, boiled rice, and bovine serum albumin (BSA). This suggests that the removal of diallyl disulfide could be caused by a physical and chemical interaction between the disulfide and foods. Furthermore, milk and BSA captured propanethiol, 2-propenethiol, dipropyl sulfide, diallyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, and dipropyl disulfide very well. An enzymatic degradation of diallyl disulfide by spinach and asparagus was also observed. These results demonstrate that the deodorization with foods is achieved by multiple actions including physical and chemical interaction between volatile sulfur compounds and foods, enzymatic degradation of disulfides, and addition of thiols to polyphenolic compounds, catalyzed by polyphenol oxidases or peroxidases.  相似文献   

The influence of seed size and shape on their removal by water erosion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Under semiarid environments where surface runoff takes place, the role of water erosion in the removal of seeds and then in the plant establishment and distribution is unknown. Within the scientific literature, data about the size and shape of seeds exist, but little information can be found about the susceptibility of seeds to be removed by water erosion processes. These data are important not only from an eco-geomorphological point of view, but also for afforestation strategies in order to improve the selection of species to develop the recovery of vegetation on degraded environments. Eighty-three seed species were selected from Southeastern Spain. Variables related to size, such as weight (M), length (L), width (W) and height (H) of these seeds, were measured. From this information, other variables such as the surface (S), volume (V), density (D) and the ratio S/M were calculated. Seed shape was characterised by the Flatness Index (F.I.=L+W/2H) and the Eccentricity Index (E.I.=L/W). Laboratory rainfall simulation experiments at 55 mm h−1 during 25 min on 26×26 cm plots with slope angle equal to 11° were performed with five lots of 50 seeds of each species. Results demonstrated that size is the main factor explaining seed removal, whereas the shape becomes important only when the seeds are larger than 50 mg. Seeds for vegetation recovery planning should have a mass between 10 and 50 mg to avoid removal by water erosion.  相似文献   

根据制度变迁理论证明了种业向市场经济制度转变的必要性与可行性,得出种子行业制度变迁的方式为强制性、渐进式的供给主导型,为种业政策制定提供参考.  相似文献   

大花紫薇种子发芽特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用赤霉素(GA)、ABT6号生根粉和自来水(对照)对大花紫薇种子进行12h浸种,再将处理后的种子分别置于室温和25、30、35℃恒温箱内进行发芽试验。结果表明,大花紫薇种子发芽速度随温度升高而加快,发芽率随温度上升而提高,30℃是大花紫薇种子发芽的最佳温度;赤霉素对提高种子发芽率有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

In the absence of long term solutions for the management of swine manure, the present study proposes an emergency remedial measure aimed at reducing the eutrophic load of the supernatant of swine manure when discharge in the aquatic environment is unavoidable. Phosphate removal appears to be a temporary solution to the reduction of manure fertility for the aquatic environment. The efficiency of three phosphate precipitants, namely, alum (Al2(SO4)3), lime (Ca(OH)2), and zirconium tetrachloride (ZrCl4) was evaluated in 60 L experimental tanks. Alum yielded the best efficiency, both for the chemical precipitation of P and for algal growth potential reduction determined with the green alga Selenastrum capricornutum. Zirconium tetrachloride was also very active, but for a shorter period of time. Finally, lime was relatively less efficient.  相似文献   

A total of 444 sewage sludges, sampled from sewage treatment works in the U.K., were analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and the organochlorine insecticides γ-Hexachlorocyclohexane (γ-HCH), aldrin, dieldrin and endrin. PCB, γ-HCH and dieldrin were found to occur more frequently and at higher concentrations in sewage sludges than aldrin and endrin. In order to investigate the temporal variation of these compounds in sewage sludge, three sewage treatment works were sampled at monthly intervals over an 18 mo period. PCB, γ-HCH and dieldrin were again the most frequently detected compounds. Concentrations of aldrin and endrin were only sporadically detected. The results of a serial correlation analysis of these data indicated that some short term correlation of PCB and dieldrin concentrations above and below the mean value was evident. The data acquired in the course of this survey have been compared with the results of similar work conducted previously in the U.K. and other countries. The possible implications of the presence of persistent organochlorine compounds in sewage sludges which are disposed to the environment are discussed.  相似文献   

杂交水稻机械化种子生产技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
该文回顾分析了国内外杂交水稻制种技术的发展概况,提出中国杂交水稻种子生产技术经历了杂交水稻制种繁种的经验摸索和积累阶段(1973~1980年)、杂交水稻制(繁)种的技术提高和完善阶段(1981~1990年)和杂交水稻制(繁)种的超高产技术研究与推广阶段(1991~至今)等3个发展阶段;国外杂交水稻大面积推广应用与与制种技术研究还在进行之中。认为要提高中国杂交水稻种子质量和种子生产效益及种子生产技术竞争力,今后必须应用推广杂交水稻机械化种子生产技术。至今已进行了除草剂敏感基因导入父本法、抗除草剂基因导入母本法和稻壳颜色标记法的杂交水稻混播机械化制种技术;杂交水稻机械采粉贮粉与授粉制种技术;利用雌性不育系的机械制种技术等。其中杂交水稻混播机械化制种技术已获得小面积成功应用,其余方法还在试验与研究之中。因此,今后需要水稻育种家与农机专家密切合作,进一步深入开展杂交水稻机械化制种技术的研究及推广应用工作。  相似文献   

The maternal-fetal and neonatal transfers of polychlorinated dibenzo- p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured in the blood and milk of dams and in the blood of newborn and suckling calves. Calf blood toxic equivalent quantities (TEQs) were drastically increased by suckling. Blood concentrations of individual congeners were greater in suckling calves than in newborn calves, excluding octachlorodibenzo- p-dioxin (O 8CDD); O 8CDD did not readily transfer to milk but was readily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and remained in systemic circulation longer than other congeners. Congener concentrations in milk were correlated with maternal blood levels, and those in suckling calf blood were dependent on their concentrations in milk. These results suggest that neonatal calves absorb more lipophilic organochlorine compounds than prenatal fetuses, that those compounds that are transferred from dams to calves are associated not only with lipid transport but also with other carriers, and that the distribution of congeners is structure-dependent.  相似文献   

Freeze-dried beef samples were partially defatted with either petroleum ether, acetone, or ethyl ether before determination of protein efficiency ratio (PER) to study the extraction effects on the composition and protein nutritional quality of the extracted beef. Defatting a protein source, such as meat or a meat product, may often be necessary to produce a test diet that contains 10% protein and 8% fat. Amino acid, carnosine, anserine, creatine, creatinine, inosine, and proximate compositions were determined on the extracted samples. Resulting data were compared to the composition and PER data of the beef that had no solvent treatment. Although the chemical analysis data from the study showed some variation between the proteins and other nitrogenous components of the unextracted and the extracted beef, these variations were too small to affect the protein nutritional quality of the beef as measured by PER.  相似文献   

Among the several kinds of seed cakes, the cake made from rape seeds has been most widely employed for tobacco cultivation. Numerous investigations have been conducted by many workers, on the mineralization of organic nitrogen in rape seed cake applied to the soil and on the absorption of inorganic nitrogen degraded from the seed cake in soil by tobacco plants (8,9). However, little has been known about the organic nitrogen compounds which are generated through the process of decomposition of the seed cake. Recently, it has been believed that the plant roots are able to absorb the organic nitrogen compounds such as amino acids (10,11, 12). Therefore, it is considered that these organic nitrogen compounds produced by mineralization of the seed cake applied to the soil would have some effects upon the yield and quality of some crops such as tobacco plant with their physiological effects on plants. This paper deals with the changes in amino acids produced by the mineralization of rape seed cake in the soil.  相似文献   

To reduce the cost of biodiesel production, the feasibility of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim seed oil (ZBMSO) was studied to produce biodiesel. A methyl ester biodiesel was produced from ZBMSO using methanol, sulfuric acid, and potassium hydroxide in a two-stage process. The main variables that affect the process were investigated. The high level of free fatty acids in ZBMSO was reduced to < 1% by an acid-catalyzed (2% H2SO4) esterification with methanol to oil molar ratios of 20-25:1 for 1 h. A maximum yield of 96% of methyl esters in ZBMSO biodiesel was achieved using a 6.5:1 molar ratio of methanol to oil, 0.9% KOH (percent oil), and reaction time of 0.5 h at 55 degrees C. Further investigation has also been devoted to the assessment of some important fuel properties of ZBMSO biodiesel produced under the optimized conditions according to specifications for biodiesel as fuel in diesel engines. The fuel properties of the ZBMSO biodiesel obtained are similar to those of no. 0 petroleum diesel fuel, and most of the parameters comply with the limits established by specifications for biodiesel.  相似文献   

基于正交多项式回归试验的籽粒去皮关键参数建模分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
该文以甘蓝型油菜籽为试验材料,进行了小粒径农作物籽粒的碾搓法去皮的多因素多水平正交多项式回归试验。以未去皮率(P1)和粉末率(P2)为观测指标,分析了去皮装置的动齿螺旋角(β)、齿节距(t)、动齿盘转速(ω)和动定齿盘间隙(δ)等重要结构参数与观测指标的关系,得出了两者之间的回归方程数学模型,为小粒径籽粒去皮装置的优化设计打下了基础。  相似文献   

Beer bran was found to effectively adsorb several organic compounds, such as dichloromethane, chloroform, trichloroethylene, benzene, pretilachlor, and esprocarb. Equilibrium adsorption isotherms conformed to the Freundlich isotherm (log-log linear). Adsorption of these organic compounds by beer bran was observed in the pH range of 1-11. At equilibrium, the adsorption efficiency of beer bran for benzene, chloroform, and dichiloromethane was higher than that of activated carbon. The removal of these organic compounds by beer bran was attributed to the uptake by intracellular particles called spherosomes. The object of this work was to investigate several adsorbents for the effective removal of organic compounds from wastewater.  相似文献   

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