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麝香鼠俗名青根貂。是一种产香、肉、皮毛药用、保健化妆品高效经济动物。与麝鹿齐名,过去生产的中药保健品、化妆品所需的动物香料都是靠麝鹿分泌的麝香和灵猫分泌的灵猫香。现在麝鹿已成频于灭绝的动物,其麝香原料及产品已被禁用。灵猫不仅繁殖难、饲养难,灵猫香极少,且杂质较多,在应用范围上受到很多限制。而麝鼠香则自然而然地成频于枯竭的动物香料的重要补充。麝香鼠原产于北美洲,后引进原苏联和我国。  相似文献   

人工饲养麝香鼠及活体取香获成功最近从香料工业科学所传出信息、人工饲养麝香鼠、活体取香获得成功。麟香鼠属草食性经济动物,成年鼠作重1500克至2000克,雌鼠年产3-5胎,平均股产仔9.7只,全年产仔30—40只。雄鼠能分泌出一种乳白色粘液,是为麟鼠香。每只雄鼠年可取香5一7次,每次2.5—5克。据专家测定,麝鼠香是与天然麟香相似的一利香料,很适合作为化妆品的定香训。目前市场价,河北每克70元,上海、浙江80元,广东100元。此外,麟鼠香具有独特的降低心肌耗氧量的作用,对治疗冠心病有其独特功效。(林中)果树人工授粉器在招远研…  相似文献   

吐纳麝香(AHMT)属双环类萘满型麝香,其香韵与天然大环麝香较为接近。该产品是日用型香料,具有浓厚的粉香气息,香质优良,香气幽雅,留香持久,给人一种十分舒坦  相似文献   

中国是麝和麝香的主产国,在国际市场上又是麝香主要出口国,我国麝香的质量和出口量都居于世界第一位。麝是鹿科动物的一种,别名香獐子、獐鹿、山驴子等。它体形比鹿小,一般体重三十斤左右,体长七十至八十厘米,体高不到一米。毛深棕色,腹部毛色较淡。雌、雄麝都没有角。雄麝脐部有香腺,呈囊状,能分泌麝香。麝香有浓厚的香味,是名贵中药材。俗话说:“有麝自来香,不用大风扬”。  相似文献   

林麝,又名香獐、香子,属哺乳纲、偶蹄目、鹿科.动物学专家根据其体型大小及毛色分为三种:麝、马麝及林麝.麝香是我国传统的名贵药材和高级香料.养一只成年雄麝,年产麝香收入2000到3000元.  相似文献   

山东省曹县位湾镇青年农民王平德创办麝鼠养殖场,三年获利21万元,同时还把自己掌握的麝鼠高产繁育及活体取香技术,无私地传授给来自全国各地的500多名求富者,受到人们的赞誉。王平德今年35岁,高中毕业后为寻求致富门路,曾到广州、深圳打过工,后又搞生猪贩运...  相似文献   

我国是麝和麝香的主产国,在国际市场上又是麝香原料主要输出国,麝香的品质和产量都居世界第一位。麝别名香麝子、山驴子、獐鹿、香獐。麝体形比鹿小,一般体重二三十斤,身长七八十厘米。毛深棕色,腹部毛淡色,雌雄两性都没有角。雄性鼠蹊部有麝香腺,腺的大小随个体大小而异,呈囊状,香囊外毛短而细,呈花白色,稀疏,囊的外部中央有二小口,前边的为香囊口,后边的为尿道口,口外都有细毛一撮,囊内分泌麝香,有浓厚的香味。  相似文献   

麝香与麝上海动物园沈钧麝香闻名于世,它是雄麝腹部的香腺囊分泌的香腺,远古时代,人们就发现其独特的药用功效,《神农本草经肥它列为“上药”。《本草纲目》把它编入兽部,指出它的功效能“通诸窍,开经络,透肌骨”,主治伤寒、瘟疫、暑湿、气滞、疮伤等,常用的六神...  相似文献   

特畜养殖品种如梅花鹿、马鹿、小尾寒羊、肉狗、肉兔、小型猪、香猪、麝鼠、海狸鼠、果子狸、竹鼠、蛇、蛤蚧等在我国已经形成一定规模。梅花鹿、马鹿受国外市场冲击,使我国自产的鹿茸及其制品销售受阻。因此,不宜盲目发展。小型猪、香猪、麝鼠、海狸鼠、竹鼠等养殖品种由于前几年被炒种者炒作,挫伤了养殖者的养殖积极性,消费市场和加工相对滞后,全国存量逐渐减少,预计年养殖前景相对看好。果子狸属于国家保护动物,目前多为暂养,不宜大量发展。过去几年肉鸽一直看好,市场平稳,肉鸽养殖趋向稳中有升,  相似文献   

从10份麝鼠出血性肠炎病料中,分离到1株对麝鼠具有较强致病能力的强毒株。经电镜观察、理化特性、核酸型和血凝性试验,以及中和试验等系统鉴定,证明本病毒与副粘病毒科麻疹病毒属的CDV的特性基本相符,暂定为麝鼠瘟热病毒(MDV)。从而在国际上首次证实麝鼠亦是CDV的易感动物。  相似文献   

高山栲水提液对云南松种子发芽的化感效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解混交树种高山栲对云南松的化感作用,用高山栲各器官水提液对云南松种子的发芽进行处理。结果表明,高山栲鲜叶、枝干、树皮、树根,枯落叶水提液对云南松种子的发芽和芽的生长均有一定的影响。所有样品的水提液均表现出在高浓度下对云南松种子发芽和芽的生长有明显抑制作用,随着水提液浓度减小,抑制作用减弱、消失甚至转变为促进作用的规律;其中枝干和鲜叶水提液对云南松种子发芽和芽的生长作用强度最大;发芽效果不同指标对高山栲各器官水提液作用的敏感性次序是:鲜重>根长>发芽率>胚轴长。说明在营造云南松和高山栲混交林时,高山栲比例适当减小将有利于云南松的天然更新和生长。  相似文献   

The possible anti-inflammatory activity of the 90% ethanolic extract of Dalbergia sissoo leaves (DSELE) was studied in different models of inflammation in rats after oral administration at doses of 100, 300 and 1000 mg/kg. DSELE significantly inhibited carrageenin, kaolin and nystatin-induced paw oedema, as well as the weight of granuloma induced by a cotton pellet. It also inhibited dye leakage in acetic acid-induced vascular permeability test in mice. DSELE was devoid of ulcerogenic effect on the gastric mucosa of rats in acute and chronic tests. In acute toxicity studies, it was found to be safe up to 10.125 g/kg, p.o. in the rat. It was concluded that the D. sissoo leaf extract possessed significant anti-inflammatory activity (in acute, sub-acute and chronic models of inflammation) without any side effect on gastric mucosa.  相似文献   

Turnera ulmifolia is a plant popularly known in Brazil and South America as chanana. Some species of Turnera are widely used in folk medicine for different types of inflammatory diseases. In this study, the preventive intestinal antiinflammatory activity of a lyophilized infusion obtained from the aerial parts of T. ulmifolia was tested in the trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid (TNBS) model of rat colitis. The results obtained revealed that pretreatment to colitic rats with the extract, at 250 and 500 mg/kg, significantly attenuated the colonic damage induced by TNBS. This beneficial effect was associated with an improvement in the colonic oxidative status, since the infusion prevented the glutathione depletion that occurred as a consequence of the colonic inflammation. On the other hand, this antioxidant activity was confirmed in in vitro studies. In conclusion, the preventive effect exerted by the lyophilized infusion of T. ulmifolia in the TNBS model of rat colitis is probably related to its antioxidant properties, due to its flavonoids content.  相似文献   

The antiinflammatory effect of the aqueous leaf extract of Byrsocarpus coccineus was evaluated using the carrageenan and egg albumin induced rat paw edema, xylene induced mouse ear edema and formaldehyde induced arthritis inflammation tests. The extract administered orally at doses of 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg b.w produced a significant (P<0.05) dose dependent inhibition of edema formation in all four methods used. The results obtained suggest that the aqueous leaf extract of B. coccineus is endowed with effective antiinflammatory activity mediated via either inhibition of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) activity or cyclooxygenase cascade and by blocking the release of vasoactive substances (histamine, serotonin and kinins). These findings seem to justify the use of the plant in traditional African medicine in the treatment of inflammation, including arthritic conditions.  相似文献   

地处晋西北左云县五路山,总面积79.3km^2,系典型的黄土丘陵区,由于自然条件和人为因素影响,环境恶劣,因此进行生态林业建设已势在必行。文章详细论述了项目区坡面防护林工程、坡面生态工程、沟道防护林工程、道路防护林工程等工程的总体布局及造林设计并进行了效益预估。  相似文献   

以江西省行政区划图和各自然保护区相关资料为基础,基于GIS技术,从区域水平上对保护区空间分布格局进行了分析。结果表明:江西省已建立的保护区呈现出一定的聚集性,但部分保护区之间的空间连接度较差。因而,在今后的保护区建设过程中,应做好空间隔离度较大的保护区周围应选点工作,以提高区域森林植被及重点保护物种保护成效。  相似文献   

以天然冷杉精油为香原料,生产出复合薄荷型牙膏香精及其具有消炎,杀菌等保健性能的冷杉牙膏,其综合性能优良,产品质量达到国家标准GB8372-87要求,在某些性能上可与其它同类牙膏产品相媲美。  相似文献   

越南的林业   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
越南地理位置优越,气候适宜,土壤肥沃,有较优良的林木适生环境和较丰富的森林资源。但是由于60、70年代的战争破环和80年代以来的大面积森林砍伐,原始天然林已大面积减少。近年来越南把严格保护天然林,大力发展人工林作为林业的首要任务,使林业生产有了较大改观。本文主要介绍越南森林资源概况、自然保护区建设、造林以及林业机构等方面的情况。  相似文献   

Organic farming system of winter wheat was investigated in Solvakia over three years, 1995–1997. The system was carried out on a small scale (four plots of 50 m2). Neither pesticides nor inorganic fertilisers were applied. Effect of two treatments, ploughing and previous crop, on the community of pests and natural enemies was surveyed. There were two types of ploughing (shallow and deep) made in autumn before sowing. As previous crops, silage-maize and alfalfa were used each season. The effect of all factors was analysed by multivariate method, redundancy analysis (RDA) and Monte Carlo permutation to assess statistical significance. During three years, 37 taxons of pests and 27 taxons of natural enemies were recorded. The results of RDA showed that the community of insects (pests and natural enemies) was mainly influenced by temporal variation. The highest abundance of all insects was observed in 1996. The effect of the two treatments on the community of pests and natural enemies was less obvious. Pests were found to be significantly more influenced by ploughingthan by previous crop. Most of pests occurred more abundantly on plots with shallow ploughing and on plots after maize. Abundance of natural enemies were, however, significantly affected by previous crop. Majority of them were more abundant on plots after maize than after alfalfa. Ploughing had only marginally significant effect on natural enemies that were more abundant on shallow ploughed plots. Both ploughing and previous crop had only negligible effect on species diversity of natural enemies.  相似文献   

天然林的保护与管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对天然林的概念,世界天然林资源状况及分布,天然林保护的迫切性、保护措施及天然林管理与育林的新近发展,作了较系统的阐述.对天然林保护的现状,天然林减少状况及原因作了分析,并提出了天然林保护的三个发展趋势:扩大被保护森林,对生产性天然林进行可持续经营(包括制定标准与指标,法规及森林产品证书制等),改变木材供应的森林类型.  相似文献   

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