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犬肠套叠的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肠套叠是指部分肠管及其肠系膜套入邻近肠腔所致的一种绞窄性肠梗阻.犬肠套叠临床上较为常见,尤为幼犬发病率较高的急腹症之一.  相似文献   

肠套叠指一段肠管伴同肠系膜套入邻接的肠管内.导致局部血液循环障碍.造成瘀血和坏死的一种腹痛性疾病.以幼犬(2~5月龄)发病率最高,占80%以上。临床上主要见于前段肠管套入后段肠管.以空肠、回肠套入结肠最为多见。当肠管套入后.肠系膜常同时被套入,因而导致血液供应障碍.时间过久则导致局部坏死或穿孔.凹入的肠段也会使血管受压.使静脉血和淋巴液发生瘀积.造成肠壁肿胀、肠黏膜破裂出血。然而基层兽医常不能正确诊断犬肠套叠,结果往往贻误病情,甚至造成病犬死亡。为此,笔者对犬肠套叠的诊疗情况进行了探讨。  相似文献   

对患病犬进行临床检查,采用保守治疗不见效,剖腹探查确诊后,手术治疗1例空回肠交界处肠套叠的金毛寻回幼猎犬。对疑似犬肠套叠的病例,借助X射线和B超等设备确诊后,应及时采用手术治疗效果较好。同时,要有针对性地做好饲养管理方面的工作,早发现、早确诊、早治疗。术后加强护理,避免再次套叠,若犬再次发病后其成活率低。对该病进行手术治疗可以得到较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

对患病犬进行临床检查,采用保守治疗不见效,剖腹探查确诊后,手术治疗1例空回肠交界处肠套叠的金毛寻回幼猎犬.对疑似犬肠套叠的病例,借助X射线和B超等设备确诊后,应及时采用手术治疗效果较好.同时,要有针对性地做好饲养管理方面的工作,早发现、早确诊、早治疗.术后加强护理,避免再次套叠,若犬再次发病后其成活率低.对该病进行手术治疗可以得到较好的治疗效果.  相似文献   

肠梗阻和肠套叠都是犬较常见的疾病,但是肠梗阻继发肠套叠的病例并不多见,笔者在动物医院工作中遇见1例,经及时诊治而痊愈。  相似文献   

1发病情况1只2月龄病犬多日只采食熟红薯,于3日前开始呕吐,拒食,喜饮但饮量少,大便量少,粘稠浆红,喜暖处,尿少黄。观察病犬见其皮毛脏乱,精神沉郁,鼻干。体温41.4℃,腹部紧缩,敏感。听诊其呼吸稍促,小肠音剧烈;腹部触诊感之腹内有可移动性柱状物,触压敏感疼痛。根据以上表现,诊断为肠套叠。  相似文献   

肠套叠是指一段肠管及其附着的肠系膜部分套入或嵌入到邻近的一段肠腔内,形成双层肠壁重叠,形似香肠样的肠变位。幼龄犬发病较为普遍,最常发生肠套叠的部位是一段空肠套入到另一段空肠,空肠套入回肠,盲肠套入结肠,并且肠套叠常继发直肠脱。笔者在日常门诊活动中遇到一例肠套叠病例,由于诊治不及时致使造成肠管套叠部分严重坏死,手术切除后治愈,现将诊治过程叙述如下。  相似文献   

犬肠套叠的诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肠套叠指部分肠管及其肠系膜套入邻近肠腔,导致肠腔闭塞并引起消化机能障碍的疾病。犬肠套叠在临床上较为多见,是一岁以下特别2~4个月龄幼犬常见的急腹症之一,主要由过度运动和肠道的痉挛性收缩所致,并易继发犬细小病毒病、犬瘟热、肠炎等疾病。按照套叠发生部位大致可分为三种情况,即单纯性小肠套叠、结肠直肠套叠、大小肠套叠等。  相似文献   

犬肠套叠是一种临床上比较多见的疾病,指一段肠管伴随肠系膜套入邻接的肠管内,导致肠腔闭塞并引起消化机能障碍的疾病.多发部位是小肠向后套入结肠,也发生在空肠与回肠之间.  相似文献   

1发病情况2013年6月25日,一条2月左右大金毛,阴肛门部有4cm左右脱出物,来我诊所诊疗。  相似文献   

Esophageal intussusception in a dog   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

肠套叠是指一段肠管及其附着的肠系膜套入到邻近一段肠腔内的肠变位。犬的肠套叠较多见,尤其是2-6月龄的幼犬发病率较高。  相似文献   

A 21-month-old German shepherd crossbreed presented with a nine-month history of intermittent vomiting, anorexia and melaena interspersed with periods of clinical normality. Investigations suggested recurrent pancreatitis and the vomiting resolved with supportive therapy but recurred two weeks later. Abdominal radiographs revealed evidence of an intermittent abdominal mass which, on uitrasonography, had the typical appearance of an intussusception. At laparotomy, a gastroduodenal intussusception was found obstructing the pancreatic and bile duct outflows with perforation of the duodenal wail. The dog was euthanased. Postmortem examination and histology showed no obvious cause for the intussusception but confirmed pancreatic involvement. This is believed to be the first case of gastroduodenal intussusception reported in an animal.  相似文献   

An 18-year-old male miniature poodle had a chronic nonproductive cough. On radiographic examination, an opacification resembling a foreign body was noticed within the trachea at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra. When the trachea was examined endoscopically, a circumferential flap-like lesion was found. To differentiate the invagination from an annular mass, thoracic computed tomography (CT) of the trachea was performed. There was cranial displacement and invagination of a tracheal segment creating the flap-like lesion. Tracheal intussusception should be considered as a cause of an annular tracheal mass.  相似文献   

A case of chronic thallium toxicosis in a dog is described. The difficulties in diagnosis in the absence of a history of known ingestion of the agent are discussed and a method of increasing urinary thallium to detectable levels is described.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old male intact Staffordshire Bull terrier was referred for diabetic ketoacidosis. Abdominal ultrasonographic examination revealed a 5 cm × 2 cm intraluminal caecal mass-like structure. Exploratory laparotomy and typhlectomy were subsequently performed. Histopathology of the caecal mass-like structure was consistent with a caecal mucocoele, defined as a cystic dilation of the caecal lumen with stasis of mucus. This lesion has been previously described in humans, where it is termed an appendiceal mucocoele. The patient was euthanased 58 days post-operatively due to unrelated diabetic complications.  相似文献   

本病例采用了以中药治疗为主,对症治疗为辅的治疗原则,对该病例进行了为期一周的治疗,取得了较好的疗效,最终治愈。认为犬细小病毒病的治疗用以清热解毒类的药物为主的中药方剂,结合其他药物对症治疗,既经济又有良好的疗效。  相似文献   

皮质醇增多症又叫库欣综合征,是指肾上腺皮质分泌过量糖皮质激素(主要是皮质醇)所致。本病特点是老龄犬多于幼龄犬,雌性犬多于雄性犬。我院于2002年12月初先后接诊两个特异病例,经诊治无效于不久后死亡,2003年4月又发现一例,经查证和病理剖检最后确诊为犬皮质醇增多症。现将其临床特征和治疗方法做以下介绍,供大家参考。  相似文献   

A 21-month-old boxer dog was presented with clinical signs caused by nasopharyngeal obstruction. A mineralised mass in the nasopharynx was identified by radiography. Computed tomography allowed accurate anatomical localisation of the cystic lesion and identification of an ossified wall. Surgical removal of the mass by a ventral approach resulted in complete resolution of clinical signs. Histopathological examination strongly suggested that the cyst was derived from remnants of Rathke's pouch.  相似文献   

Diagnosis and treatment of Neospora caninum infection in a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neospora caninum, a protozoan organism, caused extensor rigidity of the pelvic limbs in a 12-week-old dog. Diagnosis was based on results of muscle biopsy, neuroelectrodiagnostics, serotesting, and cell culture. Indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) titer to N caninum was 1:800 at time of admission and 1:3,200 after 4 and 6 weeks. A reciprocal IFA titer of 50 to N caninum was also found in the CSF. Serotesting for T gondii was negative. Treatment with clindamycin followed by sulfadiazine and trimethoprim did not change the pelvic limb extensor rigidity, but other signs of minor neurologic dysfunction improved.  相似文献   

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