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A family of putative potassium channel genes in Drosophila   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  

A distinct potassium channel polypeptide encoded by the Drosophila eag locus.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Many of the signaling properties of neurons and other electrically excitable cells are determined by a diverse family of potassium channels. A number of genes that encode potassium channel polypeptides have been cloned from various organisms on the basis of their sequence similarity to the Drosophila Shaker (Sh) locus. As an alternative strategy, a molecular analysis of other Drosophila genes that were defined by mutations that perturb potassium channel function was undertaken. Sequence analysis of complementary DNA from the ether à go-go (eag) locus revealed that it encodes a structural component of potassium channels that is related to but is distinct from all identified potassium channel polypeptides.  相似文献   

FGF-dependent mechanosensory organ patterning in zebrafish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During development, organ primordia reorganize to form repeated functional units. In zebrafish (Danio rerio), mechanosensory organs called neuromasts are deposited at regular intervals by the migrating posterior lateral line (pLL) primordium. The pLL primordium is organized into polarized rosettes representing proto-neuromasts, each with a central atoh1a-positive focus of mechanosensory precursors. We show that rosettes form cyclically from a progenitor pool at the leading zone of the primordium as neuromasts are deposited from the trailing region. fgf3/10 signals localized to the leading zone are required for rosette formation, atoh1a expression, and primordium migration. We propose that the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) source controls primordium organization, which, in turn, regulates the periodicity of neuromast deposition. This previously unrecognized mechanism may be applicable to understanding segmentation and morphogenesis in other organ systems.  相似文献   

Potassium currents are crucial for the repolarization of electrically excitable membranes, a role that makes potassium channels a target for physiological modifications that alter synaptic efficacy. The Shaker locus of Drosophila is thought to encode a K+ channel. The sequence of two complementary DNA clones from the Shaker locus is reported here. The sequence predicts an integral membrane protein of 70,200 daltons containing seven potential membrane-spanning sequences. In addition, the predicted protein is homologous to the vertebrate sodium channel in a region previously proposed to be involved in the voltage-dependent activation of the Na+ channel. These results support the hypothesis that Shaker encodes a structural component of a voltage-dependent K+ channel and suggest a conserved mechanism for voltage activation.  相似文献   

Collections of nonredundant, full-length complementary DNA (cDNA) clones for each of the model organisms and humans will be important resources for studies of gene structure and function. We describe a general strategy for producing such collections and its implementation, which so far has generated a set of cDNAs corresponding to over 40% of the genes in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

A whole-genome assembly of Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report on the quality of a whole-genome assembly of Drosophila melanogaster and the nature of the computer algorithms that accomplished it. Three independent external data sources essentially agree with and support the assembly's sequence and ordering of contigs across the euchromatic portion of the genome. In addition, there are isolated contigs that we believe represent nonrepetitive pockets within the heterochromatin of the centromeres. Comparison with a previously sequenced 2.9- megabase region indicates that sequencing accuracy within nonrepetitive segments is greater than 99. 99% without manual curation. As such, this initial reconstruction of the Drosophila sequence should be of substantial value to the scientific community.  相似文献   

The deduced amino acid sequence of a Drosophila gene isolated with a vertebrate sodium channel complementary DNA probe revealed an organization virtually identical to the vertebrate sodium channel protein; four homologous domains containing all putative membrane-spanning regions are repeated in tandem with connecting linkers of various sizes. All areas of the protein presumed to be critical for channel function show high evolutionary conservation. These include those proposed to function in voltage-sensitive gating, inactivation, and ion selectivity. All 24 putative gating charges of the vertebrate protein are in identical positions in the Drosophila gene. Ten introns interrupt the coding regions of the four homology units; introns with positions conserved among homology units bracket a region hypothesized to be the selectivity filter for the channel. The Drosophila gene maps to the right arm of the second chromosome in region 60D-E. This position does not coincide with any known mutations that confer behavioral phenotypes, but is close to the seizure locus (60A-B), which has been hypothesized to code for a voltage-sensitive sodium channel.  相似文献   

Two distinct forms of consolidated associative memory are known in Drosophila: long-term memory and so-called anesthesia-resistant memory. Long-term memory is more stable, but unlike anesthesia-resistant memory, its formation requires protein synthesis. We show that flies induced to form long-term memory become more susceptible to extreme stress (such as desiccation). In contrast, induction of anesthesia-resistant memory had no detectable effect on desiccation resistance. This finding may help to explain why evolution has maintained anesthesia-resistant memory as another form of consolidated memory, distinct from long-term memory.  相似文献   

A genetic screen was designed in Drosophila to interrogate its genome for mutations sufficient to cause noninvasive tumors of the eye disc to invade neighboring or distant tissues. We found that cooperation between oncogenic RasV12 expression and inactivation of any one of a number of genes affecting cell polarity leads to metastatic behavior, including basement membrane degradation, loss of E-cadherin expression, migration, invasion, and secondary tumor formation. Inactivation of these cell polarity genes cannot drive metastatic behavior alone or in combination with other tumor-initiating alterations. These findings suggest that the oncogenic background of tissues makes a distinct contribution toward metastatic development.  相似文献   

Mechanical and thermal cues stimulate a specialized group of sensory neurons that terminate in the skin. Three members of the transient receptor potential (TRP) family of channels are expressed in subsets of these neurons and are activated at distinct physiological temperatures. Here, we describe the cloning and characterization of a novel thermosensitive TRP channel. TRPV3 has a unique threshold: It is activated at innocuous (warm) temperatures and shows an increased response at noxious temperatures. TRPV3 is specifically expressed in keratinocytes; hence, skin cells are capable of detecting heat via molecules similar to those in heat-sensing neurons.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive lethal mutant of Drosophila melanogaster was used to identify an essential cell cycle function that is necessary for the mitotic condensation of heterochromatic but not of euchromatic portions of the genome. This mutant is an allele at a locus (mus-101) identified earlier by the use of mutagen-sensitive mutants. The data suggest that the mutagen-sensitive and repair-defective phenotypes of viable mus-101 mutants result from a disruption in chromosome organization.  相似文献   

Mortality rates typically increase rapidly at the onset of aging but can decelerate at later ages. Reproduction increases the death rate in many organisms. To test the idea that a delayed impact of earlier reproduction contributes to both an increase in death rates and a later deceleration in mortality, the timing of the surplus mortality produced by an increased level of egg production was measured in female Drosophila. Reproduction produced a delayed wave of mortality, coincident with the sharp increase in death rates at the onset of aging and the subsequent deceleration of mortality. These results suggest that aging has evolved primarily because of the damaging effects of reproduction earlier in life, rather than because of mutations that have detrimental effects only at late ages.  相似文献   

The five members of the phytochrome photoreceptor family of Arabidopsis thaliana control morphogenesis differentially in response to light. Genetic analysis has identified a signaling pathway that is specifically activated by phytochrome A. A component in this pathway, SPA1 (for "suppressor of phyA-105"), functions in repression of photomorphogenesis and is required for normal photosensory specificity of phytochrome A. Molecular cloning of the SPA1 gene indicates that SPA1 is a WD (tryptophan-aspartic acid)-repeat protein that also shares sequence similarity with protein kinases. SPA1 can localize to the nucleus, suggesting a possible function in phytochrome A-specific regulation of gene expression.  相似文献   

Toward the realization of nanoscale device control, we report a molecular valve embedded in a membrane that can be opened by illumination with long-wavelength ultraviolet (366 nanometers) light and then resealed by visible irradiation. The valve consists of a channel protein, the mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL) from Escherichia coli, modified by attachment of synthetic compounds that undergo light-induced charge separation to reversibly open and close a 3-nanometer pore. The system is compatible with a classical encapsulation system, the liposome, and external photochemical control over transport through the channel is achieved.  相似文献   

Signal transduction through prion protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cellular prion protein PrPc is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored cell-surface protein whose biological function is unclear. We used the murine 1C11 neuronal differentiation model to search for PrPc-dependent signal transduction through antibody-mediated cross-linking. A caveolin-1-dependent coupling of PrPc to the tyrosine kinase Fyn was observed. Clathrin might also contribute to this coupling. The ability of the 1C11 cell line to trigger PrPc-dependent Fyn activation was restricted to its fully differentiated serotonergic or noradrenergic progenies. Moreover, the signaling activity of PrPc occurred mainly at neurites. Thus, PrPc may be a signal transduction protein.  相似文献   

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