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赵坤峰 《现代园艺》2014,(14):182-182
随着经济的发展以及城市化进程的加快,绿地的建设在城市中占据着越来越大的面积,为了确保城市绿地建设顺利进行,充分发挥城市园林的作用,使城市的环境更加舒适、美观和整洁,政府投入大量的人力物力,但是在绿地的建设和养护过程中,仍然存在着诸多问题,本文将针对绿地养护中存在的问题提出相应的应对措施以及施工技术做以浅议。  相似文献   

如何改善人居环境是21世纪世界各国共同关注的主题,党的十九大指出建设生态文明是中华民族永续发展的千年大计,创造舒适优美的绿化环境则是改善民生环境的关键,更是实现城市可持续发展的重要方面。城市园林绿地系统化养护管理是推动人居环境发展的必要前提和必要保证。主要介绍了城市园林绿地系统化养护管理的要求,分析了城市园林绿地管理工作开展过程中遇到的问题,提出了改善建议。  相似文献   

杨凌示范区是省级生态园林城市,对关中地区甚至西部地区的整个生态环境具有重要影响。针对杨凌绿地养护现状,在分析目前绿地养护管理薄弱环节的基础上,提出了及时补植、完善差别化管理、加强复层垂直绿化、加强系统化养护的衔接等改进对策,为杨凌示范区的绿地养护提出有益建议。  相似文献   

园林绿化工作是我国生态环境保护工作的重要组成部分。如今,随着可持续发展的理念深入人心,党中央、国务院对于生态环境保护工作越来越重视,因此园林绿化工作的重要性也在不断提升。在园林绿化工作中,关于园林绿地养护与管理是其"重头戏",也是其中的一个难点,值得我们进行讨论。所以笔者也专门对园林绿地养护与管理进行简要分析。  相似文献   

闫进喜 《花卉》2019,(10):172-172
本文针对公园绿地养护管理进行分析,结合当前实际状况,从公园绿地养护管理的意义与公园绿地养护管理措施方面深入研究与探索,主要在于更好的为公园绿地养护管理提供意见,以此促进公园绿地养护管理工作快速发展。  相似文献   

摘要:为有效地控制养护成本,从设计角度就如何合理选择配置园林植物、确保园林种植土壤质量、合理运用水体景观以及合理选用园林建筑材料等方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

谭月明 《花卉》2020,(2):59-60
道路绿化设计中,成本控制工作十分重要,在设计阶段加强养护成本控制,不仅可以提升道路绿化整体效益,还能推动绿化设计工作全面开展,基于此,本文从道路绿化设计原则谈起,就道路绿化设计中养护成本控制工作展开详细分析,希望能对当前的道路绿化设计工作带来一定帮助。  相似文献   

议绿地养护管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今园林绿地的发展不但数量多、类型全,而且分布广、质量高、达到了前所未有的水平。绿地苗木需要不间断地进行抚育、管理才能茁壮成长。俗话说":三分种、七分养"。绿地养护在城市绿化事业中的地位也越来越重要。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,社会文明也随着不断进步,人们的物质文化需求也在提高,而关乎到人们生活环境的城市园林绿地也得到了越来越多的市民注意,这就对城市园林绿地的养护工作提出了更高的要求。只有不断加强园林绿地的养护管理,才可以更好地发挥城市园林绿地的作用和价值。本文对于城市园林绿地的养护问题与完善措施进行了分析。  相似文献   

明振庄 《花卉》2019,(20):17-18
华南地区属于亚热带季风气候,植物资源丰富,园林植物种类多,其城市园林绿地的养护与北方有明显的不同。本文通过查阅文献、实地调研、综合分析等方法初步探讨了华南地区不同园林绿地的养护方法,以期能为园林养护工作者提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

上个世纪九十年代中期以来 ,柑桔由卖方市场转向买方市场 ,价格下滑 ,连年在低位徘徊 ,果园的管理也从精细转向粗放 ,从高投入转向低投入 ,造成果园病虫害严重 ,果品质量下降。柑桔生产已到保本微利甚至亏本经营的境地 ,许多高新技术和科研成果 难以推广 ,而消费者对果品质量要求又日益提高。因此 ,控制柑桔生产成本 ,研究和推广高效省力化的柑桔栽培技术已成当务之急。笔者近两年负责一个果场的生产 ,测算了柑桔生产的单位成本 ,同时 ,也调查了一些果场的生产成本和果品市场行情 ,发现有这样一种现象 ,即市场上高规格 (外观鲜艳 ,果形正常…  相似文献   

Social statistics indicate that the proportion of disabled people in the economically developed societies of the Western world is increasing. Thus more and more people are relying on special assistance and services. Environmental pollution and individual stress pose significant burdens to the majority of the constantly increasing urban population, especially the disabled, because they are dependent on suitable environments to serve their needs. These problems need to be remedied through planning and management. An empirical survey of the Isle of Mainau, located on Lake Constance in Southern Germany, shows that people with officially recognised disabilities feel stigmatised by green space that is specially designed for visitors with handicaps. People with lighter handicaps would like to have more attention and services rendered to them. ‘Standard users’, particularly those of higher income with better education, are reluctant to concede the entire island park's design and infrastructure to accommodate the needs of disabled visitors.  相似文献   

吴迪 《中国园艺文摘》2012,(5):111-112,F0002
城市空间的发展和活力,与其滨水景观空间上的生态环境、人性化设计及其艺术品位是密不可分的,因此,对其环境的改造是极其重要的。文章从城市滨水空间绿化设计的原则、应用、生态湿地等角度,论述滨水景观绿化设计的思想和方法,对滨水空间的绿化设计进行探索。  相似文献   

朱明会 《中国食用菌》2020,(1):83-85,89
为了控制香菇栽培成本,在对香菇栽培成本进行分析的基础上,采用了比较分析的方法,对香菇栽培的原材料成本、人工成本、能源成本、固定资产折旧费和土地租赁成本等进行了综合比较分析,并提出香菇栽培的总成本与栽培方式也有密切关系。香菇栽培成本的控制,要从技术手段和科学管控两方面入手综合考虑。研究结果对我国香菇栽培和产业发展具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Urban green space is important for residents’ well-being, improving their physical health, psychological well-being, social benefits, and life satisfaction. Residential quarter, a gated dwelling unit with one or several residential buildings and public infrastructures shared by all residents, is a common form of residence in densely populated cities. Residential quarter green space (RQGS) is conveniently accessible to all the residents. While existing studies have investigated many types of green spaces in cities, RQGS has been overlooked to some extent. To fill this gap, we asked three questions: 1) How often do residents use RQGS? 2) How does the RQGS use frequency contribute to residents’ life satisfaction? And 3) What factors may influence their RQGS use frequency? We surveyed 7326 respondents in 78 residential quarters in Beijing, China, and recorded main characteristics of green space in these residential quarters. We employed multinomial logistic regression analysis and multilevel mixed-effects logistic regression analysis. The results show that 84.7 % of the total respondents used RQGS at least once a week. Using RQGS at least once a week was associated with higher level of life satisfaction, which was on a scale of 1–10 where one means ‘not at all satisfied’ to ten means ‘completely satisfied’. Respondents using RQGS at least once a week were nearly 1.5 times more likely to rank life satisfaction at 8 (OR = 0.679, p < 0.01) and 9 (OR = 0.671, p < 0.01), and 1.3 times to rank at 10 (OR = 0.755, p < 0.05). Having an open space for multiple activities, a pavilion, or a shaded trail will greatly increase likelihood to use RQGS at least once a week. In addition, separating ground traffic and parking from public green space also contribute to attract more frequent users to green space in residential quarters. These findings contribute to our understanding of RQGS and would help to guide its design and management in the future.  相似文献   

Managing municipal green space for ecosystem services   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cities are the dominant form of human settlement. As centers of economic growth and population they are focal points of both ecological disturbance (through resource consumption and land conversion) and the provision of public goods. Ecosystem services provided by municipal forests and green space are positioned to address both these arenas. While technical means to mainstreaming this approach have grown, the importance municipal foresters’ departments place on pursuing this objective and their department's engagement in actions necessary for its realization is under-researched. I surveyed the membership of the Society for Municipal Arborists to address this gap. I found that municipal foresters perceived the management of municipal green space to enhance ecosystem services to be increasingly significant to the goals and actions of their departments. Survey respondents expected this role to grow in importance, matching or exceeding some traditional objectives of their profession. While most perceived traditional services such as tree planting and maintenance, and social outputs like beautification and enhancing public health to remain high departmental priorities; respondents rated managing municipal green space to produce ecosystem services such as enhanced energy and climate management, water quality and habitat and biodiversity as more important to their department than traditional objectives such as maintenance of property values and protection of power lines. As responsibility for the management of urban green space resides predominantly at the municipal level, the importance municipal foresters’ departments place on managing for ecosystem services is fundamental to advancing this strategy for the delivery of public goods in urban centers.  相似文献   

时代的发展,人们对生态环境要求的提高,合理利用城市空闲土地,加强城市街头绿地建设,是当前提高城市绿化覆盖率和绿化水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

A green city image of urban green spaces can provide positive benefits such as a stronger local identity, better socio-cultural ecosystem services, and ultimately the creation of a green city brand that attracts tourism and investment. This paper studies how urban green spaces can become a green brand that encompasses health-related elements. The health-related elements form part of the Green Brand Hexagon (GBH), as proposed in previous studies, and are tested with a sample of Hong Kong citizens (n = 301). The empirical results confirm the interrelation between these attributes and other GBH elements. The interrelation reveals a moderate association between the health-related elements and other green brand elements through regression model formulation. The findings suggest an extension of the health promotion value of the green spaces to the brand elements, focusing on the quality and the landscape aesthetic function of urban green spaces. While the effort of the public sector is highly recognized by the citizens, there should be an opportunity to thematize and brand the green city attributes to the public so that some of the problems of environmental gentrification and socio-environmental disconnection can be alleviated.  相似文献   

绿地是城市的有机组成部分,反映了城市的自然属性。城市绿地系统是指城市中具有一定数量和质量的各类绿地,通过有机联系形成生态环境整体功能,同时具有一定社会经济效益的有生命的基础设施体系。城市绿地系统的核心是绿地景观单元。人们对城市绿地系统的功能和作用的认识,反映了城市绿地研究和发展的水平,我们必须利用城市绿地改善城市环境质量,塑造城市景观,完善城市绿地系统。  相似文献   

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