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Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora (Ecc) is a causal agent of soft-rot diseases in a wide variety of plants. Here, we have isolated nonmotile mutants in Ecc by in vivo insertional mutagenesis using a transposon Tn5. The sequence disrupted by the Tn5 insertion in YMU1 and YMU5 mutants was highly homologous to that of flhC and flhD genes, respectively. They are involved in the initiation of the expression of flagellum-related genes in many gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella. With electron microscopy, the flhC and the flhD homolog mutants were shown to be aflagellate. Furthermore, the virulence of these mutants was greatly reduced in Chinese cabbage and potato compared to that of the parental strain. These results suggest that flagellar formation is required for the pathogenicity of Ecc. Received: November 5, 2002 / Accepted: December 2, 2002 Acknowledgments This research was supported in part by Grant-in-Aid (12052210) and by a grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan (13073).  相似文献   

A total of 88 strains of Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora (Ecc) isolated from various host plants in several geographic regions were screened for production of antibacterial substances using the same strains as indicators. Of the 88 strains, 72 produced antibacterial substances. One of these 72 strains, a Brazilian strain Ecc 32, produced an antibacterial substance active against all tested Ecc strains on TSA medium. The antibacterial spectrum of the compound from Ecc 32 strain was limited to closely related strains of soft-rot Erwinia species. Such a narrow spectrum of activity is typical of bacteriocins. The compound produced by Ecc 32 strain, however, was resistant to some enzymes and detergents. Moreover, the compound was heat-stable and active over a wide pH range. The physical characteristics of the compound were not in agreement with those of bacteriocin or carotovoricin.  相似文献   

It is well established that the pectinolytic bacteria Pectobacterium atrosepticum (Pca) and Dickeya spp. are causal organisms of blackleg in potato. In temperate climates, the role of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum (Pcc) in potato blackleg, however, is unclear. In different western and central European countries plants are frequently found with blackleg from which only Pcc can be isolated, but not Pca or Dickeya spp. Nevertheless, tubers vacuum-infiltrated with Pcc strains have so far never yielded blackleg-diseased plants in field experiments in temperate climates. In this study, it is shown that potato tubers, vacuum-infiltrated with a subgroup of Pcc strains isolated in Europe, and planted in two different soil types, can result in up to 50% blackleg diseased plants.  相似文献   

Severe rot was found at the base of leaves and stems of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. subsp. pekinensis) in Ibaraki Prefecture every year in early September from 2002 through 2004. The causal fungus was identified as Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitzpatrick. This is the first report of P. aphanidermatum on Chinese cabbage. A similar disease of Chinese cabbage caused by P. ultimum Trow var. ultimum is known as Pythium rot. We propose adding P. aphanidermatum as a new pathogen of this disease.  相似文献   

An enrichment microsphere immunoassay (MIA) was developed, based on the Luminex xMAP® technology, for the simultaneous (duplex) detection of Pectobacterium atrosepticum (former name Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica) (Pca) and Dickeya dianthicola (former name Erwinia chrysanthemi) (Dcd) in potato plant extracts. Target bacteria in the extracts were enriched for 48 h in a semi-selective broth containing polypectate under low oxygen conditions. Samples were subsequently incubated with antibody-coated colour-coded microspheres (beads) and with secondary antibodies conjugated with Alexa Fluor® 532, a reporter dye. Samples were analyzed with the Luminex analyzer, in which one laser identified each microsphere and another laser the reporter dye conjugated to the secondary antibodies. The assay required minimal sample preparation, could be completed in 1 h, was performed in 96 wells microtitreplates and required no wash steps. The limit of detection for the duplex enrichment MIA was 100–1000 cfu ml?1, which was a hundred times lower than of an enrichment-ELISA. Without enrichment, the sensitivity of MIA and ELISA was largely similar and ranged between 106 and 107 cells ml?1. No difference in sensitivity was found between a MIA in a single or duplex format. In a comparative test with non-infected potato plant extracts and extracts from plants infected with Pca or Dcd, results of the enrichment MIA correlated well with those of the enrichment ELISA and enrichment PCR. These results indicate that MIA can be reliably used for multiplex detection of soft rot Enterbacteriaceae in crude potato plant extracts. The technology is an attractive and cost-effective alternative to other detection methods, including ELISA.  相似文献   

为了提高口岸和基层实验室检疫和监测玉米细菌性枯萎病菌的准确性和工作效率,利用环介导恒温扩增技术(LAMP),根据内切葡聚糖酶(EGase)基因前导序列,设计2个内引物和2个外引物,对玉米细菌性枯萎病菌进行快速检测。结果表明,使用玉米细菌性枯萎病菌的近缘种或引致相似症状的病原菌菊欧文氏菌玉米致病变种Erwinia chrysanthemi pv.zeae、玉米内州萎蔫病菌Clavibacter michiganensis subsp.nebraskensis、燕麦假单胞菌Pseudomonas avenae、杓兰欧文氏菌Erwinia cypripedii检测其特异性,仅玉米细菌性枯萎病菌有扩增。LAMP检测灵敏度达到2 pg DNA,为普通PCR的100倍;与其它检测方法相比,LAMP方法检测时间短,效率高,不仅降低了设备投入,易于操作,而且具有较高的灵敏度和特异性,适合玉米细菌性枯萎病菌的现场检疫和大规模检测。  相似文献   

甘蔗赤条病是由燕麦食酸菌燕麦亚种(Acidovorax avenae subsp.avenae,Aaa)引起的一种世界性甘蔗细菌病害。为建立Aaa快速、灵敏的检测技术,根据该病菌16S~23S核糖体基因及其转录间隔区ITS分别设计2对特异性引物,建立Aaa巢式PCR检测方法。结果表明,建立的巢式PCR方法对Aaa标准菌株、水稻食酸菌A.oryzae具有特异性,可扩增出454 bp目的条带,对近缘种德氏食酸菌A.delafieldii及其它科属的红色雷夫松氏菌Leifsonia rubra和甘蔗宿根矮化病菌L.xyli subsp.xyli未扩增出任何条带。以感染Aaa的甘蔗叶片总DNA、含ITS靶标片段的质粒DNA标准品及Aaa标准菌液为模板,巢式PCR灵敏度最低检测限分别为10 fg/μL、10拷贝/μL和36 CFU/mL,是常规PCR灵敏度的1 000倍。应用巢式PCR和常规PCR对14份有赤条病症状的田间甘蔗叶片样品进行平行检测,阳性检出率分别为100.0%和28.6%,表明巢式PCR比常规PCR检测方法具有更高的灵敏度。本研究建立的巢式PCR方法适合于田间甘蔗赤条病害的分子检测与鉴定。  相似文献   

Polyphosphate kinase (PPK), encoded by the ppk gene, is a principal enzyme responsible for synthesis of inorganic polyphosphate (poly P) from ATP in many Gram-negative bacteria. In order to elucidate the functions of poly P in Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci 6605, an in-frame deletion mutant of the ppk gene (ppk) was constructed. The ppk mutant did not accumulate poly P, whereas the wild-type strain accumulated a large quantity. The mutant had reduced swarming motility, even though it retains swimming motility like the parental strain. The mutant exhibited increased sensitivity to prolonged incubation and environmental stresses, such as heat shock and oxidative stress and reduced exopolysaccharide (EPS) production compared to the wild-type. Northern blot analysis revealed that expression of the rpoS gene, encoding the stationary phase sigma factor RpoS, was reduced in ppk in the logarithmic phase, indicating that rpoS is regulated by the ppk gene. The poly P deficient mutant had significantly reduced ability to cause disease in its host tobacco plant and in planta growth of the mutant was also significantly reduced in host tobacco leaves as compared to the wild-type strain. Thus, our results suggest that poly P plays an important role in the virulence of P. syringae pv. tabaci 6605.  相似文献   

An early event correlated with the gene-for-gene hypersensitive response (HR) is the accumulation of active oxygen species (AOS), also known as the oxidative burst. We present data that genetically demonstrates that the oxidative burst is a downstream component of the RPS2- avrRpt2gene-for-gene signal cascade. An in planta AOS assay using the fluorescent probe 2′,7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) was modified for use with the Arabidopsis thaliana / Pseudomonas syringae pv.tomato (P. syringae pv. tomato) model system. An oxidative burst occurred between 8 and 15 hpi with avirulent P. syringae pv. tomato(avrRpt2), but not with virulent P. syringae pv. tomato. This burst preceded cell death and was not observed in the RPS2 Arabidopsis mutantsrps2-101C and rps2-201 inoculated with avirulent P. syringae pv. tomato. An HR-like response has been observed when plants undergoing a systemic acquired resistance (SAR) response are challenged with a normally virulent pathogen (manifestation stage of SAR), however an HR-like oxidative burst was not detected by the in planta AOS assay during this stage of SAR.  相似文献   

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