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American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) shows a reduced humoral response in dogs and levels of specific antibodies may therefore not be detected by indirect immunofluorescence. Although the sensitivity of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is higher than that of indirect immunofluorescence, the best antigen for the diagnosis of ATL in dogs has not been defined. The detection of IgG subclasses represents an alternative to increase the efficiency of the serological diagnosis. In Rio de Janeiro, sporotrichosis is the main differential diagnosis of ATL in dogs, and a sensitive, specific and little invasive method that permits the discrimination of the two diseases is desired. In the present study, 69 serum samples, 34 obtained from dogs with ATL and 35 from dogs with sporotrichosis, all of them with a confirmed etiological diagnosis, were tested. The samples were analyzed by ELISA using Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and L. (L.) chagasi antigens for the detection of anti-Leishmania IgG, IgG1 and IgG2. The use of L. (V.) braziliensis antigens for the detection of IgG and IgG2 yielded the best results. Using L. (L.) chagasi antigen, the sensitivity and specificity for the detection of IgG were 82.4% and 100%, respectively, whereas both sensitivity and specificity were 97.1% with the L. (V.) braziliensis antigen. No improvement in the performance of the test was observed when IgG2 was analyzed separately. The IgG1 assays presented low accuracy, irrespective of the antigen used: sensitivity and specificity of 58.8% and 60% for L. (V.) braziliensis and of 64.7% and 77.1% for L. (L.) chagasi, respectively. The present results suggest that IgG ELISA using the L. (V.) braziliensis shows the best performance for the diagnosis of ATL, permitting the discrimination between cases of ATL and sporotrichosis in dogs.  相似文献   

We report the first case of natural infection of a domestic female cat (Felis catus) by Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis in French Guiana. The infected animal had a cutaneous ulcer on the nose and nodules of different sizes in the ears. The diagnosis was confirmed by molecular analysis of cutaneous samples that detected the presence of Leishmania parasites and allowed identifying the Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis species. The discovery of a cat infected by L. (V.) braziliensis suggests the possibility that cats could be potential secondary reservoirs of Leishmania parasites in French Guiana. Thus, it would be important to investigate the possible epidemiological role of domestic cats in domestic foci of Leishmania in this region.  相似文献   

The Leishmania species present a genetic homology that ranges from 69 to 90%. Because of this homology, heterologous antigens have been used in the immunodiagnosis and vaccine development against Leishmania infections. In the current work, we describe the identification of species-specific and cross-reactive antigens among several New World Leishmania species, using symptomatic and asymptomatic naturally Leishmania chagasi-infected dog sera. Soluble antigens from five strains of New World Leishmania were separated by electrophoresis in SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted. Different proteins were uniquely recognized in the L. chagasi panel by either symptomatic or asymptomatic dog sera suggesting their use as markers for the progression of disease and diagnosis of the initial (sub-clinical) phase of the infection. Cross-reactive antigens were identified using heterologous antigenic panels (L. amazonensis strains PH8 and BH6, L. guyanensis and L. braziliensis). L. guyanensis panel showed the highest cross-reactivity against L. chagasi specific antibodies, suggesting that proteins from this extract might be suitable for the diagnosis of visceral canine leishmaniasis. Interestingly, the 51 and 97 kDa proteins of Leishmania were widely recognized (77.8% to 100%) among all antigenic panels tested, supporting their potential use for immunodiagnosis. Finally, we identified several leishmanial antigens that might be useful for routine diagnosis and seroepidemiological studies of the visceral canine leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Leishmania parasites cause a group of diseases collectively known as leishmaniases. The primary hosts of Leishmania are sylvatic mammals of several orders (Rodentia, Marsupialia, Carnivora, etc.). Under certain circumstances, particularly in peridomestic and domestic transmission foci, synanthropic and domestic animals can act as source of infection for phlebotomine sand fly vectors. Dogs have long been implicated as the main domestic reservoirs of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum, the aetiological agent of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis, and there exists an increasing trend to regard dogs as the main domestic reservoirs of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis, the most widespread aetiological agent of American tegumentary leishmaniasis. However, insights derived from recent research indicate that not dogs but humans are probably the most important domestic reservoirs of L. (V.) braziliensis. In the present article, the role of dogs as reservoirs of Leishmania parasites, with emphasis on L. (L.) infantum and L. (V.) braziliensis, is reviewed.  相似文献   

The efficacy of specific immunochemotherapy against Leishmania infantum infection in dog was studied. The effects on transmission of the disease, as well as the cellular and humoral immune response were examined. The treated animals showed a significant reduction in the infection rates that were detected in Phlebotomus perniciosus females fed on the dog. The humoral immune response, assayed with an indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT), did not show significant variations under the influence of the therapy. The characterisation of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) using flow cytometry indicated a significant increase in the proportion of T lymphocytes, especially of CD4/TcR(alpha)(beta)(+) and CD4/CD45RA(+) cells, without showing evidence for modifications in the other leukocyte subsets. Cellular lymphoproliferation studies indicated a lack of a specific response to soluble leishmanial antigen (SLA), but the non-specific lymphoproliferative capacity assayed with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) was maintained.  相似文献   

Leishmune vaccination covers a broader number of endemic areas of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) and therefore the development of new serological devices able to discriminate CVL from Leishmune vaccinees becomes an urgent need considering the post-vaccine seroconversion detected throughout conventional methodologies. Herein, we have described the establishment of a flow cytometry based methodology to detect anti-fixed L. (L.) chagasi promastigotes antibodies (FC-AFPA-IgG, FC-AFPA-IgG1 and FC-AFPA-IgG2) in sera samples from Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi infected dogs and Leishmune vaccinees. The results of FC-AFPA were reported along the sera titration curve (1:128-1:524,288), as percentage-of-positive-fluorescent-parasite (PPFP). The use of PPFP=20% as a cut-off edge to segregate negative and positive results at sera dilution 1:2048 revealed outstanding performance indexes that elect FC-AFPA-IgG and IgG2 (both detected by polyclonal FITC-labeled second step reagent) applicable to the serological diagnosis of CVL, with 100% of specificity for both IgG and IgG2 and 97 and 93% of sensitivity, respectively. Moreover, FC-AFPA-IgG, applied at sera dilution 1:2048, also appeared as a useful tool to discriminate L. chagasi infected dogs from Leishmune vaccinees, with 76% of specificity. Outstanding likelihood indexes further support the performance of FC-AFPA-IgG for exclusion diagnosis of CVL in Leishmune vaccinees. Analysis of FC-AFPA-IgG at sera dilution 1:8192 revealed the most outstanding indexes, demonstrating that besides the ability of PPFP 相似文献   

The technique of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) associated to hybridization was used to screen 123 samples collected from wild and synanthropic rodents captured in a cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis endemic area in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The detection of Leishmania spp in naturally infected rodents is of fundamental importance for incriminating them as possible reservoir hosts of the diseases in Minas Gerais. A total of 62 specimens belonging to wild (Thrichomys apereoides, Oryzomys subflavus, Galea spixii, Bolomys lasiurus and Wiedomys pyrrhorhinos) and synanthropic (R. rattus) rodent species were captured in different ecotopes. Blood and skin samples were submitted for PCR analyses followed by molecular hybridization with specific probes for the three Leishmania-species complexes. Fifteen samples were found positive after PCR-hybridization and identified as follows: nine belonging to the L. mexicana complex, three to the L. braziliensis complex and three to the L. donovani complex. Positive PCR results were found in 11 out of the 61 (18%) blood samples and in four out of the 62 (6.4%) skin fragments screened. R. rattus and T. apereoides were the most abundant species in the area also presenting high prevalence of natural infection. The presence of parasite DNA belonging to L. braziliensis, L. mexicana and L. donovani complexes was confirmed in several individuals of a rodent species, R. rattus. This work is the first report of the detection of L. (L.) chagasi in a naturally infected T. apereoides. The utility of filter paper as a substrate for PCR analyses and the efficacy of the procedure associated to the hybridization is emphasized.  相似文献   

Control of canine visceral leishmaniasis (VL) remains a difficult and serious problem mostly because there is no reliable and effective vaccine available to prevent this disease. A mixture of three recombinant leishmanial antigens (TSA, LeIF and LmSTI1) encoded by three genes highly conserved in the Leishmania genus have been shown to induce excellent protection against infection in both murine and simian models of cutaneous leishmaniasis. A human clinical trial with these antigens is currently underway. Because of the high degree of conservation, these antigens might be useful vaccine candidates for VL as well. In the present study, using the dog model of the visceral disease, we evaluated the immunogenicity of these three antigens formulated with two different adjuvants, MPL-SE and AdjuPrime. The results were compared with a whole parasite vaccine formulated with BCG as the adjuvant. In order to investigate if sensitization with the recombinant antigens would result in recognition of the corresponding native parasite antigens upon infection, the animals were exposed for four weeks after the termination of the immunization protocol with the recombinant antigens to a low number of L. chagasi promastigotes, an etiological agent of VL. Immune response was evaluated by quantitative ELISA in the animal sera before and after exposure to the viable parasites. Both antigen specific IgG1 and IgG2 antibody levels were measured. Immunization of dogs with the recombinant antigens formulated in either MPL-SE or AdjuPrime resulted in high antibody levels particularly to LmSTI1. In addition, this immunization although to low levels, resulted in the development of antibody response to the whole parasite lysate. Importantly, experimental exposure with low numbers of culture forms of L. chagasi promastigotes caused a clear boost in the immune response to both the recombinant antigens and the corresponding native molecules. The boost response was predominantly of the IgG2 isotype in animals primed with the recombinant antigens plus MPL-SE. In contrast, animals primed with the recombinant antigens formulated in AdjuPrime as well as animals vaccinated with crude antigen preparation responded with mixed IgG1/IgG2 isotypes. These results point to the possible use of this antigen cocktail formulated with the adjuvant MPL-SE in efficacy field trials against canine VL.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate if the presence of Trypanosoma caninum can lead to a confuse diagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL), we investigated the serological status of dogs infected by T. caninum and assessed the serological cross-reactivity with CVL. A set of 117 serum samples from dogs infected by T. caninum, Leishmania chagasi and not infected dogs (n = 39 in each group) was tested using commercial kits – indirect immunofluorescence (IFI-LVC), ELISA (EIE-LVC) and immunochromatographic test (DPP) – and in house tests with T. caninum (IIF-Tc and ELISA-Tc) and L. chagasi antigens (IIF-Lc and ELISA-Lc). IIF-Tc and ELISA-Tc presented sensitivity of 64.1% and 94.9% and specificity of 23.1% and 35.9%, respectively. The sensitivity of the IFI-LVC, EIE-LVC and DPP tests was 100% and the specificity was 70.5%, 68% and 97.5% respectively. The concordance between the tests was considered as satisfactory. The specificities of IFI-LVC, EIE-LVC and DPP were higher when the group Tc was excluded, with significant values for IFI-LVC (χ2 = 4.36, P-value = 0.036), thus suggesting that the infection by T. caninum can confuse the diagnosis of CVL.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the coinfection of Leishmania sp. with Toxoplasma gondii, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) in a population of cats from an endemic area for zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis. An overall 66/302 (21.85%) cats were found positive for Leishmania sp., with infection determined by direct parasitological examination in 30/302 (9.93%), by serology in 46/302 (15.23%) and by both in 10/302 (3.31%) cats. Real time PCR followed by amplicon sequencing successfully confirmed Leishmania infantum (syn Leishmania chagasi) infection. Out of the Leishmania infected cats, coinfection with FIV was observed in 12/66 (18.18%), with T. gondii in 17/66 (25.75%) and with both agents in 5/66 (7.58%) cats. FeLV was found only in a single adult cat with no Leishmania infection. A positive association was observed in coinfection of Leishmania and FIV (p<0.0001), but not with T. gondii (p>0.05). In conclusion, cats living in endemic areas of visceral leishmaniasis are significantly more likely to be coinfected with FIV, which may present confounding clinical signs and therefore cats in such areas should be always carefully screened for coinfections.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Canine leishmaniasis (CanL) is a common cause of epistaxis in dogs residing in endemic areas. The pathogenesis of CanL-associated epistaxis has not been fully explored because of the limited number of cases reported so far. HYPOTHESIS: Epistaxis in CanL could be attributed to more than 1 pathomechanism such as hemostatic dysfunction, biochemical abnormalities, chronic rhinitis, and coinfections occurring in various combinations. ANIMALS: Fifty-one dogs with natural CanL. METHODS: The allocation of 51 dogs in this cross-sectional study was based on the presence (n = 24) or absence (n = 27) of epistaxis. The potential associations among epistaxis and concurrent infections (Ehrlichia canis, Bartonella spp., and Aspergillus spp.), biochemical and hemostatic abnormalities, and nasal histopathology were investigated. RESULTS: Hypergammaglobulinemia (P= .044), increased serum viscosity (P= .038), decreased platelet aggregation response to collagen (P= .042), and nasal mucosa ulceration (P= .039) were more common in the dogs with epistaxis than in those without epistaxis. The other significant differences between the 2 groups involved total serum protein (P= .029) and gamma-globulin (P= .013) concentrations, which were higher, and the percentage platelet aggregation to collagen, which was lower (P= .012) in the epistaxis dogs. CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: CanL-associated epistaxis appears to be the result of multiple and variable pathogenetic factors such as thrombocytopathy, hyperglobulinemia-induced serum hyperviscosity, and nasal mucosa ulceration.  相似文献   

The vectorial competence of the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus is discussed in relation to the epidemiology of canine visceral leishmaniasis, taking into account its strict association with dogs and the low indices of natural infection presented by its known vector, the phlebotomine sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis. In order to evaluate natural infection by Leishmania chagasi and the infectivity of these parasites in the tick, 39 specimens (6 females, 11 males and 22 nymphs) of R. sanguineus were removed from 21 dogs showing diverse symptoms of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (ZVL). Six ticks (15.4%) gave positive results for the genus Leishmania using the PCR technique. To determine the infectivity of the parasites, 36 hamsters were inoculated orally and peritoneally with macerates of ticks removed from nine dogs symptomatic for visceral leishmaniasis. After 6 months the hamsters were sacrificed and necropsied. Serum was removed for IFAT, as well as spleen and liver fragments to make imprint smears and for PCR. Eight (88.9%) of these dogs presented ticks that were infective for 14 hamsters (41.2%), 12 (85.7%) of them infected peritoneally and two (14.3%) orally. PCR revealed 27 smears (40.9%) to be positive, 20 (62.5%) of them infected peritoneally and seven (20.6%) orally. IFAT showed 14 positive animals (41.2%). Based on these findings, we suggest that the vectorial capacity of R. sanguineus for L. chagasi should be evaluated further, opening new perspectives in the epidemiology of ZVL.  相似文献   

White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) have recently emerged as a source of Mycobacterium bovis infection for cattle within North America. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antibody response of M. bovis-infected deer to crude mycobacterial antigens. Deer were experimentally inoculated with M. bovis strain 1315 either by intratonsilar instillation or by exposure to M. bovis-infected (i.e., in contact) deer. To determine the time course of the response, including the effects of antigen administration for comparative cervical skin testing, serum was collected periodically and evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for immunoglobulin (i.e., IgG heavy and light chains) reactivity to mycobacterial antigens. The reactivity to M. bovis purified protein derivative (PPDb) exceeded (P < 0.05) the reactivity to M. avium PPD (PPDa) only after in vivo administration of PPDa and PPDb for comparative cervical testing of the infected deer. The mean immunoglobulin response, as measured by ELISA, of intratonsilar-inoculated deer to a proteinase K-digested whole-cell sonicate (WCS-PK) of M. bovis strain 1315 exceeded (P < 0.05) the mean of the prechallenge responses to this antigen at approximately 1 month after inoculation and throughout the remainder of the study (i.e., approximately 11 months). This response also exceeded (P < 0.05) that of the uninfected deer. Although this is encouraging, further studies are necessary to validate the use of the proteinase K-digested M. bovis antigens in the antibody-based assays of tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Aiming to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment of canine visceral leishmaniasis, to verify the occurrence of a possible disease relapse, and to search for the presence of the parasites after the end of the treatment, seven dogs naturally infected by Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi were used. The dogs were subjected to a treatment with 75 mg/kg meglumine antimoniate subcutaneously every 12 h for 21 days, and followed-up for a period of 6 months. During the whole experimental period the animals wore deltamethrin collars and were kept in a screened kennel to avoid reinfection. Lymph node and bone marrow aspiration biopsy was carried out to search for the parasite at seven moments: before the treatment, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days after the start of the treatment. After the end of the experiment all dogs were humanely euthanized. Then, spleen and liver "imprints" and in vitro cultures were carried out to search for amastigote forms of the parasite. During the treatment all animals presented remission of symptoms. However, two dogs were observed to present new symptoms in the course of the experiment. At the end of the experiment, the presence of amastigote forms of the parasite was evidenced in five of the seven dogs. This enabled us to conclude that the treatment promoted clinical cure but did not eliminate the parasites completely.  相似文献   

The role of anti-leishmanial immune response underlying the susceptibility/resistance during canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) has been recognized throughout ex vivo and in vitro investigations. Recently, we demonstrated that immunoglobulin levels (Igs), as well as the parasite load are relevant hallmarks of distinct clinical status of CVL. To further characterize and upgrade the background on this issue, herein, we have evaluated, in Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi naturally infected dogs, the relationship between tissue parasitism (skin, bone marrow, spleen, liver and lymph node), the CVL clinical status (asymptomatic (AD), with no suggestive signs of the disease; oligosymptomatic (OD), with maximum three clinical signs-opaque bristles; localized alopecia and moderate loss of weight; symptomatic (SD), serologically positive with severe clinical signs of visceral leishmaniasis), and the humoral immunological profile of anti-Leishmania immunoglobulins (IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgM, IgA and IgE). Our major statistically significant findings revealed distinct patterns of tissue parasite density within L. chagasi-infected dogs despite their clinical status, pointing out the spleen and skin as the most relevant sites of high parasitism during ongoing CVL. Parasite density of bone marrow and spleen were the most reliable parasitological markers to decode the clinical status of CVL. Moreover, the parasite density of bone marrow better correlates with most anti-Leishmania Igs reactivity. Additionally, a prognostic hallmark for canine visceral leishmaniasis was found, highlighting strong correlation between IgG1 and asymptomatic disease, but with IgA, IgE and IgG2 displaying better association with symptomatic disease. The new aspects of this study highlighted pioneer findings that correlated the degree of tissue parasite density (low (LP), medium (MP) and high (HP) parasitism) with distinct patterns of anti-Leishmania Igs reactivity. In this scope, our data re-enforce the anti-Leishmania IgG but with IgA reactivity as the better marker for overall tissue parasitism. The association between clinical status, Ig profile and the tissue parasitism support a novel investigation on the impact of humoral immune response and susceptibility/resistance mechanism during ongoing CVL.  相似文献   

Lymphoma is a common hematopoietic neoplasm of dogs. A definitive diagnosis typically requires the collection of samples via fine-needle aspirate or biopsy. A unique case of canine renal T-cell lymphoma diagnosed using urine sediment microscopy with flow cytometry and PCR for Antigen Receptor Rearrangement (PARR) is presented. A fresh urine sample was collected via a urinary catheter and immediately prepared for cytologic examination, flow cytometry, and PARR. The flow cytometric study revealed that 83% of the cells were large CD3+CD8+ T cells, while PARR identified a clonally rearranged T-cell receptor gene, supporting the flow cytometry findings. Despite supportive care, the patient progressed to anuric renal failure and was humanely euthanized. A necropsy was performed, and tissues from the upper and lower urinary tracts were collected. Histologically, the right and left kidneys were infiltrated by a neoplastic round cell population effacing the cortex and medulla. Immunohistochemistry for the T- and B-cell antigens CD3 and CD20, respectively, revealed that the neoplastic population within the kidney demonstrated diffuse, strong, membranous to intracytoplasmic CD3 expression while lacking CD20 expression. These results confirmed the diagnosis of renal T-cell lymphoma. This is the first known report of canine lymphoma diagnosed using either urine flow cytometry or clonality testing. Therefore, in select cases, urine flow cytometry and/or PARR are feasible to perform on urine-derived cells as a quick and cost-effective means to aid in the diagnosis of urinary tract lymphoma.  相似文献   

用犬细小病毒(CPV)灭活抗原4次免疫SPF产蛋鸡,PEG沉淀法制备蛋黄抗体(IgY),IgY产量达到56mg/枚鸡蛋,纯度达到88%。Western blot分析表明,IgY抗体与CPV主要蛋白均发生反应。首次免疫后7周,IgY的ELISA抗体滴度达到1∶512 000,中和效价达到1∶6 400,稳定的抗体水平可持续到43周。本研究为IgY应用于犬细小病毒病的免疫治疗和诊断奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Larvae of Oestrus ovis (Diptera: Oestridae) are ubiquitous parasites of nasal and sinusal cavities of sheep and goats. According to the chronobiology of O. ovis infections in Sardinia and the seasonal pattern of the IgG response, the optimal period to investigate the relationships between O. ovis larval populations and intensity of local and systemic IgG antibody responses was mid-July in the summer season. Sarda x Lacaune ewes (n=186), divided into three ram-families were used in the study. Systemic and local IgG responses were measured by ELISA tests using second stage larval crude extracts (L2CE) and L2 (L2SGC) and L3 (L3SGC) salivary gland contents as coating antigens. The number of larval instars, larval length of L1, L2 and L3 larvae, and larval weight of L2 and L3 larvae were individually recorded after ewe necropsy. Negative correlations among larval establishment and/or larval development on the one hand and intensity of local or systemic IgG responses on the other hand were found in two out of three studied ram-families.  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis by Leishmania infantum in the Mediterranean Basin constitutes an important problem in both human and veterinary medicine. Based in both the importance of canids as reservoirs for the human disease and the fact that the canine disease may be an excellent model for the human condition, the present work has been conducted to analyze clinical and immune mechanisms associated with canine experimental leishmaniasis. Six-month-old mixed-breed dogs were intravenously infected with L. infantum promastigotes and the infection course was monitored along a 343 days-period. On day 75 post-infection (p.i.), amastigotes were observed in the lymph nodes of all dogs. The analysis of the humoral response against total L. infantum antigens by both ELISA and Western blotting evidenced a correlation between the levels of IgG isotypes (IgG1 and IgG2) and disease progression. It was observed that in those animals showing either a regressive or an oligosymptomatic form of the disease, the anti-Leishmania IgG1 antibodies were undetectable whereas those animals developing active disease showed high levels of anti-Leishmania IgG1 antibodies. Additionally, the time-course of antibody production against L. infantum recombinant antigens in the experimentally infected dogs has been analyzed. The present data suggest that reactivity against the heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) may be used as diagnostic marker of early steps of infection, and that the appearance of anti-histone antibodies is associated with progression of infection to disease status.  相似文献   

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