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作物氮、磷、钾利用相关性状的QTL定位研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
选择和培育养分高效的作物品种,结合合理的耕作方式是解决土壤养分缺乏、肥料资源短缺和农业生态恶化等问题的有效途径。作物养分吸收利用等相关性状受微效多基因控制,易于产生基因与基因,基因与环境的互作,难以通过传统的育种手段提高作物养分的吸收和利用效率。然而,数量性状座位(Quantitative Traits Loci,QTL)的定位分析为作物的养分效率的数量性状遗传学研究和高效品种的选育提供了有效的手段和途径。本文主要对近年来国内外利用分子标记对作物养分吸收利用相关性状进行QTL定位的研究结果进行综述。  相似文献   

根系是植物对养分最敏感的部位,直接与养分接触,参与养分的吸收过程,在养分胁迫(缺乏或毒害)下最先引起反应。植物在低氮、低磷、低钾和元素中毒胁迫下,其形态和生理上都发生一定的变化。综述了养分缺乏和元素毒害胁迫下植物根系形态的变化、生理反应、分子生物学基础及其与养分吸收效率和对元素毒害的抗性的关系。  相似文献   

镁和磷是植物生长所必需的营养元素,当前镁营养缺乏和磷利用效率低已成为限制我国种植业绿色发展的关键养分管理问题。镁、磷养分供应不能满足作物生育期的养分需求,导致作物产量下降和品质降低,在南方酸性土壤中表现尤为明显。镁-磷营养间存在着复杂的交互作用,在肥料中,镁-磷互作影响镁、磷养分在肥料中的生物有效性;在土壤中,镁-磷互作影响镁、磷养分的固定与释放;在作物生长过程中,镁-磷互作促进了作物对镁、磷养分高效吸收和利用,提高作物产量并改善作物品质。综上所述,镁和磷在肥料-土壤-作物系统中存在着不同类型的交互作用,需要系统地认知和理解二者在肥料、土壤和作物中的交互过程及作用机制,为绿色高效肥料产品创新设计和农田养分高效管理与利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

植物营养生物学研究方向探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
植物营养生物学是重点研究植物活化、吸收、转运与利用养分的生理、分子及遗传机制的科学。在过去的30年,我国植物营养生物学研究取得了长足的发展,但从国家自然科学基金资助情况分析,与相关学科相比,近10多年来植物营养生物学总体研究力量相对薄弱,缺乏新一代领军人才。一些研究更接近于“纯”植物生物学,与植物营养应用研究出现脱节,对农业绿色发展及化肥产业升级的支撑不够。植物营养生物学研究者应该重视与作物育种、耕作栽培、生态环境、植物保护及化肥产业的合作,跟踪这些领域的研究现状及生产中面临的技术需求,围绕这些领域的技术“瓶颈”开展植物营养基础研究,在提供解决途径的同时创新植物营养生物学机理,从而丰富植物营养学理论。在研究内容上,建议重视控制养分响应度的生理与遗传机制,养分信号与环境信号互作,养分×土壤×管理互作及其对根系生长的影响,养分供应与抗生物胁迫,高产高效的植物营养生理学基础,特种作物的营养机理,化肥产品升级的生物学途径等方向的研究。  相似文献   

孙波  廖红  苏彦华  许卫锋  蒋瑀霁 《土壤》2015,47(2):210-219
根际是养分进入作物系统的门户,也是土壤-根系-微生物相互作用的微域。根际界面过程决定了氮磷养分的供应强度和有效性,最终影响了氮磷养分的利用效率和作物生产力。近年来,国内外在揭示农田土壤-根系-微生物系统中不同界面的养分转化、吸收和运输机制方面取得了一些新进展。在不同时空尺度上分析了影响土壤氮磷转化微生物组成的影响因子;研究了丛枝菌根系统形成的信号机制及其对氮磷吸收的基因调控机制;从信号网络、根系质子分泌和根构型的角度系统揭示了作物根系应对根际环境氮磷养分供应的形态和生理响应机制。未来针对根际氮磷高效利用问题,需要深入研究土壤-根系-微生物不同界面的协同机制和调控原理,在根际微域和土壤团聚体尺度开展微生物食物网及其关键功能微生物分布格局和演替规律的研究;揭示根构型对根系–微生物协同结构和功能的影响,研究养分缺乏条件下根内质子分泌和关键转运蛋白对根系生长和养分吸收的调控机制;针对粮食作物,研究根系-微生物对话中已知信号物质(如独脚金内酯和N-酰基高丝氨酸内酯)和新的信号物质(小RNA)的网络作用机制及其对多养分协同代谢的影响;最后,针对不同气候、土壤、作物类型区,提出提高氮磷利用效率的根际生物调控途径和措施。  相似文献   

作物对氮素养分高效吸收的根系形态学研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文综述了近年来与作物对氮素养分高效吸收有关的根系形态学研究情况,简要比较了解释氮索供应诱导作物根系形态变化的几种观点,着重阐述了用氮素诱导碳水化合物定向分配来解释根系变化的合理性和意义,并提出了根系研究在水分、养分效率和植物营养遗传研究中的展望。  相似文献   

水、氮供应和土壤空间所引起的根系生理特性变化   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:24  
在限制根系生长的胁迫条件下.,研究了补充和不补充供应水、氮对玉米根系生理特性及养分吸收的影响。结果表明.,正常生长条件下.,水、氮供应促进了根系生长.,增加了根系吸收总面积、活跃吸收面积和TTC还原量.,促进了根系对养分的吸收.,从而提高了产量.;限制根系生长.,水分的作用与正常条件下相同.,氮素的作用则受控于土壤水分。补充灌水增强了氮肥作用.,供氮促进了根系生长.,改善了根系生理特性.,减少了限制根系生长所引起的不良影响.;不补充灌水限制了氮肥作用的发挥.,供氮导致了根系生物量和生理特性下降.,加重了限制根系生长的不良影响。  相似文献   

生物质炭改良土壤及对作物效应的研究进展   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
生物质炭是作物秸秆等有机物质在限制供氧的条件下加热而成。生物质炭具有养分含量丰富、碱性和高稳定性等特点,因此可以降低土壤酸度,有效截留土壤养分,并在一定程度上促进养分吸收而提高作物产量。本文主要综述了生物质炭制备的影响因素及其施用后对土壤理化性质、作物生长发育和养分吸收等方面的影响。由于生物质炭在国内外的研究仍处于起步阶段,研究过程中所采取的方法、所用不同来源的生物质炭以及研究的具体对象等不尽相同,研究的结果显示生物质炭在某些方面的作用仍存在不同结论。目前,生物质炭的研究多集中在表面宏观现象上,对其深入的机理研究仍较欠缺,因此,需要科技工作者的进一步探索,文章最后阐述了未来对该领域研究的一些观点。  相似文献   

明晰华北寒旱区主栽作物的氮、磷养分利用效果,能够发挥作物生态适生性与养分高效性优势,是作物充分利用区域自然-社会资源进行生产配置技术创新的理论依据。在河北省张北县砂质栗钙土农田,采用交叉式种植方法,设计了包括马铃薯、亚麻、谷子、莜麦、甜菜等5种作物的轮作试验,研究在轮作条件下华北寒旱区主栽作物的养分利用效果。结果表明, 5种作物间生物产量相差1.17~2.34倍,甜菜最高(10 291 kg·hm~(-2)),莜麦次之,亚麻最低(4 393kg·hm~(-2)),作物间产量差异性显著;5种作物氮、磷携出量分别相差1.03~2.10倍、1.00~1.92倍,甜菜氮素携出量最高(199 kg·hm~(-2)),莜麦磷素携出量最高(29 kg·hm~(-2)),亚麻氮、磷携出量均最低(分别为95 kg·hm~(-2)、15 kg·hm~(-2));氮、磷养分生物学效率分别在43.82~53.11 kg·kg~(-1)、287.60~574.88 kg·kg~(-1),其中甜菜氮、磷养分生物学效率最高; 5种作物氮、磷产投比变化在0.50~1.65、0.34~1.83,莜麦氮、磷产投比最高。在华北寒旱区,作物种类是引起作物产量、氮磷携出量及氮磷养分生物学效率差异的主要因素,茬口对诸性状的影响不明显。甜菜是对氮、磷吸收高效利用的高产作物,莜麦是对农田供给氮、磷高效利用的作物;马铃薯作为甜菜的前茬、甜菜作为莜麦的前茬更有利于提高作物产量。  相似文献   

植物对水分胁迫适应性的生理机理已相继在水稻、小麦、玉米、高梁等作物中得以报道。然而,有关这些性状的遗传控制及其在与逆境下作物生产的关系却了解甚少,由此阻碍了抗性遗传改良的进展。随着基因定位、基因组图谱、基因转移等分子生物学技术的发展,对植物抗逆性状进行分子剖析成为可能。本文综述了主要禾谷类作物对水分胁迫的抗性生理及遗传研究上的最新进展,讨论了植物抗性遗传改良的发展前景。  相似文献   

【目的】选育氮高效的小麦品种,可有效提高氮素利用效率和生产效率,对环境安全至关重要。本文分析了小麦氮代谢相关性状的遗传效应,为小麦氮高效品种选育提供理论依据。【方法】选用7个小麦品种及其组配的12个杂交组合,进行田间盆栽试验。设置3个氮水平,利用基因型与环境互作的加性-显性遗传模型,对氮代谢相关的10个性状进行遗传与相关性分析。【结果】株高、开花期和成熟期单茎干物重、开花期氮素积累量、籽粒氮素积累量和氮素吸收总量主要受加性效应控制,花后氮素同化量受显性×环境互作效应影响较大,氮素利用效率、氮素生理效率以加性×环境互作效应为主。10个性状狭义遗传力总体不高(平均值为0.56),广义遗传力总体较高(平均值为0.881)。互作广义遗传力均达到1%显著水平,表明不同的氮水平对遗传表达有较大影响。氮素利用效率、氮素生理效率和开花期氮素积累量的互作狭义遗传力较大,表明不同氮水平对这些性状的选择效果不同。通过加性效应预测值得出,亲本DK138和JN10的氮素利用效率和氮素生理效率的加性效应为显著正效应。大多数组合的显性主效应与不同氮水平下的显性×环境互作效应在方向上不尽一致,表明小麦氮高效杂交后代的选择宜考虑特定的氮水平条件。显性效应预测值表明,组合JN10×W9903的氮素生理效率显性效应值最大且达到显著水平,是氮素生理效率较高的组合。相关分析表明,两两性状间以加性遗传相关为主。氮素生理效率与株高呈加性正相关关系,达到10%显著水平。除株高和谷氨酰胺合成酶活性外,氮素利用效率与其他性状间以显性环境互作相关为主。氮素利用效率与氮素生理效率之间的显性×环境互作相关系数达到10%显著水平。氮素利用率与氮素生理效率的表现型和基因型相关系数为正值且达1%显著水平。【结论】通过性状分析表明,株高在一定程度上可以作为氮素生理效率的间接选择性状,氮素利用效率与氮素生理效率这两个性状进行协同改良。品种DK138和JN10可作为亲本以提高后代的氮素利用效率和氮素生理效率。杂交组合LM14×W9903表现出良好的后代选育利用潜力。  相似文献   

植物营养分子遗传研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
过去10年间,在植物矿质养分吸收利用与养分胁迫诱导调节机理分于生物学方面的研究进展使我们对植物营养分子遗传背景有了新的了解。本文对有关养分转运子基因克隆,养分胁迫诱导调节机理,应用分子标记技术研究养分吸收利用遗传背景等方而的研究进展及方法作一介绍。  相似文献   

Crop drought tolerance improvement is one of the most challenging objectives of plant breeding programs. Developing an efficient screening technology and access to genetic variation for the traits contributing toward drought tolerance are major steps in this direction. To go in this quest, an experiment was conducted under controlled condition in a greenhouse. Nine Kabuli chickpea genotypes were grown under well-watered condition (85–90% field capacity (FC)) until start of flowering. Then, the following water treatments were imposed: well-watered, intermediate (55–60% FC), and severe (25–30% FC) drought stress. Physiological and agronomical traits were compared under different water treatments. Drought stress and genotypes interaction was significant in all measured traits, indicating that various genotypes responded differently to drought stress. Among measured traits, electrolyte leakage, stomatal conductance, yield components, and harvest index exhibited the highest variations. Yield components and stomatal conductance showed maximum reduction under drought stress and in susceptible known genotype, ILC3279, reduction reached up to 95%. Principal component analysis indicated that relative water content, photochemical efficiency of photosystem II, and stomatal conductance are the physiological traits with greater contribution toward drought tolerance. Therefore, these traits should be evaluated ahead of many other traits in making selections for drought-tolerant chickpea genotypes.  相似文献   

In the 21st century, nutrient efficient plants will play a major role in increasing crop yields compared to the 20th century, mainly due to limited land and water resources available for crop production, higher cost of inorganic fertilizer inputs, declining trends in crop yields globally, and increasing environmental concerns. Furthermore, at least 60% of the world's arable lands have mineral deficiencies or elemental toxicity problems, and on such soils fertilizers and lime amendments are essential for achieving improved crop yields. Fertilizer inputs are increasing cost of production of farmers, and there is a major concern for environmental pollution due to excess fertilizer inputs. Higher demands for food and fiber by increasing world populations further enhance the importance of nutrient efficient cultivars that are also higher producers. Nutrient efficient plants are defined as those plants, which produce higher yields per unit of nutrient, applied or absorbed than other plants (standards) under similar agroecological conditions. During the last three decades, much research has been conducted to identify and/or breed nutrient efficient plant species or genotypes/cultivars within species and to further understand the mechanisms of nutrient efficiency in crop plants. However, success in releasing nutrient efficient cultivars has been limited. The main reasons for limited success are that the genetics of plant responses to nutrients and plant interactions with environmental variables are not well understood. Complexity of genes involved in nutrient use efficiency for macro and micronutrients and limited collaborative efforts between breeders, soil scientists, physiologists, and agronomists to evaluate nutrient efficiency issues on a holistic basis have hampered progress in this area. Hence, during the 21st century agricultural scientists have tremendous challenges, as well as opportunities, to develop nutrient efficient crop plants and to develop best management practices that increase the plant efficiency for utilization of applied fertilizers. During the 20th century, breeding for nutritional traits has been proposed as a strategy to improve the efficiency of fertilizer use or to obtain higher yields in low input agricultural systems. This strategy should continue to receive top priority during the 21st century for developing nutrient efficient crop genotypes. This paper over views the importance of nutrient efficient plants in increasing crop yields in modern agriculture. Further, definitions and available methods of calculating nutrient use efficiency, mechanisms for nutrient uptake and use efficiency, role of crops in nutrient use efficiency under biotic and abiotic stresses and breeding strategies to improve nutrient use efficiency in crop plants have been discussed.  相似文献   

The review aims at visualizing and strengthening approximation of current strategies in plant breeding, plant nutrition, and molecular biology. Innovations in new breeding strategies on quantitative traits are based on the development of functional DNA markers. This requires knowledge on robust physiological key reactions or parameters in view of the desired agronomic trait. To understand the significance of adaptive molecular‐physiological factors for the expression of agronomic traits in quantitative terms, systems analyses have to demonstrate the phenotypic effect of differential gene activities. The logistic to advance in applied systems biology is currently being strongly discussed. In the present contribution, identification of target cells, which are important for agronomic traits, is stressed as a key for future modeling and virtual experimentation. Integration of target cells in systems analysis should allow to link top‐down approaches, that start at the whole‐plant level, with bottom‐up approaches, that come from the molecular level. To illustrate the importance of adaptive cell reprogramming for agronomic traits, reprogramming of rhizodermic cells to trichoblasts is pointed out in its role for nutrient efficiency (NE). The nature of molecular factors, which may serve as functional markers in breeding, is discussed in view of future marker developments.  相似文献   


Improvement of agricultural water use efficiency is of major concern with drought problems being one of the most important factors limiting grain production worldwide. Effective management of water for crop production in water-scarce areas requires efficient approaches. Increasing crop water use efficiency and drought tolerance by genetic improvement and physiological regulation may be a means to achieve efficient and effective use of water. A limited water supply inhibits the photosynthesis of plants, causes changes of chlorophyll contents and components and damage to photosynthetic apparatus. It also inhibits photochemical activities and decreases the activities of enzymes in plants. Water stress is one of the important factors inhibiting the growth and photosynthetic abilities of plants through disturbing the balance between the production of reactive oxygen species and the antioxidant defence, causing accumulation of reactive oxygen species which induce oxidative stress to proteins, membrane lipids and other cellular components. A number of approaches are being used to enhance water use efficiency and to minimize the detrimental effect of water stress in crop plants. Proper plant nutrition is a good strategy to enhance water use efficiency and productivity in crop plants. Plant nutrients play a very important role in enhancing water use efficiency under limited water supply. In this paper we discuss the possible effective techniques to improve water use efficiency and some macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium), micronutrients (zinc, boron, iron, manganese, molybdenum and chloride), and silicon (a beneficial nutrient) in detail to show how these nutrients play their role in enhancing water use efficiency in crop plant.  相似文献   

集约化互作体系植物根系高效获取土壤养分的策略与机制   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
【目的】植物根系的形态与生理变化是植物从土壤中高效获取养分资源的重要机制,由相同物种或不同物种组成的互作体系中植物根系对养分的吸收利用受相邻植物竞争的强烈影响,阐明互作体系不同竞争条件下植物根系获取养分的策略并揭示其作用机制,这是基于根系觅食行为探讨养分高效利用的根际调控途径与技术措施的重要理论基础。主要进展根系属性的互补性有利于降低根系间对养分的竞争。根系构型的互补性,例如深根系与浅根系植物互作,促进个体植株对土壤剖面不同深度养分的吸收利用;由根系可塑性介导的水平方向上根系空间分布的互补性,提高了植物根系对同一土层不同空间位点土壤养分的挖掘;个体植株根系形态属性与相邻植物根际生理过程的互补性促进根系对不同形态养分的利用。互作体系根系获取养分的策略具有高度互补性,这有助于提高整个作物系统的养分利用效率,进而提高生产力。根系空间生态位的分离 (包括垂直与水平方向) 以及根际生物化学特征生态位的分离,是驱动互作体系根系高效获取养分资源的主要机制。合理的根层调控可以提高植物根系挖掘土壤养分的能力;优化互作体系物种的搭配能充分发挥根的互作效能,提高养分利用的生物潜力。问题与展望今后应进一步针对集约化高投入作物体系,通过管理根层养分供应和物种间的互作效应,强化根际养分信号的调控作用,调节根系形态与生理特性,降低种间竞争,增强种间互利,以最大化根系和根际的生物学潜力,提高养分利用效率和作物产量,为实现以节肥增效为核心的可持续集约化作物生产提供重要的调控策略与途径。  相似文献   

Nitrogen efficiency is a complex trait. Identification of secondary plant traits correlating with N efficiency would facilitate the breeding for N‐efficient cultivars. Sixteen tropical maize cultivars differing in grain yield at low N supply (N efficiency) under field conditions in Zimbabwe exhibited a significant negative correlation between N efficiency and leaf senescence during grain filling. The same cultivars were studied for leaf senescence under N deficiency in a short‐term nutrient‐solution experiment. Leaf chlorophyll contents as estimated by SPAD values and photosynthesis rates were used as measures for leaf senescence. Cultivars differed both in SPAD values and photosynthesis rates of the older leaves during N deprivation. Significant negative correlations were found between SPAD values, photosynthesis rates in the nutrient‐solution experiment, and leaf‐senescence scores in the field experiments, and positive correlations were found between photosynthesis rates and grain yield under low‐N conditions in the field. Relationships between physiological root parameters, which were also investigated in the nutrient‐solution experiment, and N uptake or grain yield of the cultivars in the field could not be established. It is concluded, that the assessment of the capacity of a genotype to maintain a higher photosynthetic capacity of older leaves during N deficiency–induced senescence at the seedling stage is a suitable selection parameter for the N efficiency of tropical maize cultivars.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in nutrient efficiency may be attributed to two multifactorial components: (i) genotypes may differ in the efficiency with which the nutrients in the plant are utilized to produce yield (utilization efficiency) and/or (ii) they may differ in their effectiveness in absorbing nutrients from the soil (uptake efficiency). This contribution surveys major aspects of physiological and morphological factors affecting N-and P-efficiency. The potential importance of the various factors is discussed and exemplified mainly by own experimental work.  相似文献   

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