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Samples taken at various points along the processing line in 2 rendering plants showed that post-processing contamination occurs almost immediately after termination of the heat process in the percolator and surge bin. Further contamination occurs at each processing stage. In plant A 12.5% of the samples collected from material leaving the surge bin, 36% of the samples of product after it has passed the milling stage and 61% of samples collected from the stored product were found to be contaminated with salmonellas. In plant B the results were 15%, 40% and 69% respectively. Heavy contamination of product left overnight in percolators and surge bins, which are not cleaned routinely, was considered an important source of early post-processing contamination. The ecology was found to be similar at both plants despite the fact that in one plant the uncooked and cooked areas were separated completely, whilst this was not the case in the other plant. None of the air samples collected yielded salmonellas, while nearly all the insect samples collected in the rendering plants yielded salmonellas.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Fifty livers from normal slaughter cattle were examined for surface contamination by Salmonella immediately after evisceration and again after inspection. Salmonella were isolated from 32% at evisceration and from 82% after inspection. Numbers of Salmonella present were low at evisceration, and rose after inspection. In only one liver was the parenchyma infected. The sources of the Salmonella were probably the contents of the gastrointestinal tract and the mesenteric lymph nodes, both of which may show high prevalence of infection in cattle which have been held before slaughter. It was concluded that edible offal should be separated from the viscera at evisceration and inspected by personnel who are not involved with the alimentary tract.  相似文献   

Diseases of bones and diseases affecting bone are frequently related to breed, age, and limb involvement. The following checklist of diseases which may result in lameness are presented as a summation of the disease conditions likely to result in lameness in dog.  相似文献   

应用正常及去盲肠成年白来航公鸡各20只,比较了鱼粉、豆饼、菜籽饼、棉仁饼的氨基酸利用率。结果表明:鱼粉和棉仁饼的17种氨基酸的表观及真利用率在两组问差异不显著;豆饼必需氨基酸表观氨基酸利用率中有6种氨基酸两组间差异显著成极显著,真利用率中只有2种氨基酸两组间差异显著;菜籽饼必需氨基酸表观氨基酸利用率有2种氨基酸两组间差异显著,真利用率两组问差异不显著。从鸡的正常生理角度考虑,作者认为:用正常试验鸡并以氨基酸真利用率为指标,更能客观地反映常用蛋白质饲料的氨基酸利用率。  相似文献   

用二次回归正交设计研究了全玉米-豆饼饲粮的粗蛋白(CP)水平(x_1)和豆饼(占饲粮蛋白%)比例(x_2)对3周龄断奶至8周龄的仔猪日增重(ADG)、饲料利用率(F/G)、腹泻指数(DI)、血清脲素氮(SUN)和木糖吸收率的影响。除木糖吸收率外(随CP和SBM增加,木糖吸收率下降),其余指标的二次回归方程均达显著或极显著水平。方程如下:分析表明,在CP16~24%下,调整豆饼比例可使仔猪保持相近的生长速度和饲料利用率;高蛋白腹泻的实质是过敏性腹泻;当腹泻指数高到77时,日增重和饲料利用率下降。推荐3周龄断奶仔猪玉米-豆饼饲粮中适宜蛋白水平为24%,豆饼比例为60%。  相似文献   

<正> 前言 蛋白质饲料不足,是影响养猪生产的原因之一。然而,据1982年统计,我省年产棉、菜籽饼共4.7亿公斤,但饲用量不到5%。其原因之一是,含有毒物,蛋白质质差和适口性低,用于养猪仅能得到低下的饲养效果。 据报告:用棉饼和菜饼或加上大豆饼配合饲用,可限其毒物于安全水平和改进氨基酸的平衡性(1961年Abrams;1982年Hodson等);补充限制性氨基酸是提高“两饼”饲效的有效方法,也有增加采食量的作用  相似文献   

采用系统分组法设六套配方,通过饲养试验、病理学检验、残毒分析综合评定了肉仔鸡日粮中应用亚麻饼和菜籽饼的效果。结果表明:肉仔鸡日粮中配入含氢氰酸52.85ppm 的亚麻饼,0—4周龄以10%为宜,13%或16%获较好增重和饲料利用;5—10周龄以10%或13%配入均可获满意饲养效果,以16%配入,虽小肠的出血性病变稍重,肝脏残留少量氢氰酸,仍可获较好增重和饲料利用。亚麻饼和菜籽饼(含硫葡萄糖甙0.36%)以2∶1配比合用时,10+5%和12+6%两配合组均可获满意饲养效果;以14+7%%配入,虽见小肠瘀点、瘀斑鸡增多,肝脏残留少量氢氰酸,且肌肉、肾、肝脏残留较多异硫氰酸盐和(口恶)唑烷硫酮,试鸡仍可获较好增重和饲料增重比。亚麻饼与菜籽饼以2∶1配比合用较亚麻饼单独配入多用饼料5个百分点,可获近似饲养效果,心脏病变鸡数稍增,小肠病变稍重,肌肉、肾、肝脏残留异硫氰酸盐和(口恶)唑烷硫酮,残留量不影响产品食用。  相似文献   

不同质量豆饼、粕的饲喂效果及评估质量的化学指标   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文就不同质量豆饼、豆粕饲喂肉仔鸡和产蛋鸡的效果以及评定豆饼、豆粕质量的化学指标进行研究。试验结果表明:生豆粕和过熟豆粕分别使21日龄肉仔鸡的增重较正常豆粕组低159和211g,饲料转换率差0.4和0.43(kg/kg)。饲喂生豆饼的母鸡与饲喂正常豆饼母鸡的产蛋率相差20%(51.8对72.2%);蛋重相差1.8克(54.7对56.5克);饲料转换率差1.21(3.94对2.73);试验期末母鸡体重相差489克(1483对1792克),饲喂生豆饼的母鸡处于减重状态。对豆饼、豆粕质量化学指标的评估表明:豆饼、粕化学指标与生产性能之间关系密切。添加适量赖氨酸有助于克服过熟豆饼和豆粕的不利影响。  相似文献   

本实验选用9只装有瘤胃、十二指肠和回肠瘘管的生长羯羊 ,随机分为3组 ,分别饲喂以玉米为基础的豆饼型、亚麻饼型和血粉型3种不同氮源日粮 ,以Cr2O3 为食糜标记物测定3种日粮下绵羊消化道不同部位的食糜流通量和进入十二指肠的各种氨基酸的流通量与组成。然后 ,在每种日粮下按3×3拉丁方试验设计 ,并按“递减法”由十二指肠瘘管灌注不同氨基酸。在豆饼日粮下分为减色氨酸(Trp)组、减蛋氨酸(Met)组和全量组 ;在亚麻饼日粮下分为减赖氨酸(Lys)组、减精氨酸(Arg)组和全量组 ;在血粉日粮下分为减精氨酸(Arg)组、减蛋氨酸(Met)组和全量组。测定灌注不同氨基酸对绵羊氮平衡、日增量、血浆尿素氮(PUN)和血浆游离氨基酸(FAA)浓度的影响。试验结果表明 :饲喂不同氮源日粮对绵羊瘤胃食糜流通速率(Kp)无显著影响(P=0.11) ,血粉日粮的瘤胃Kp 比豆饼日粮和亚麻饼日粮高。进入十二指肠食糜的总氮和非氨氮(NAN)在3种日粮间无显著差异(P>0.05) ;十二指肠食糜中微生物氮(MN)流通量差异不显著(P=0.72) ,其中饲喂亚麻饼日粮下绵羊十二指肠食糜中的微生物氮流量和微生物氮占非氨氮比(MN/NAN)最高(分别为7.48g/d和55.71 %) ;豆饼日粮次之 ,血粉日粮最低(39.23 %)。饲喂血粉日粮的绵羊十二指肠食糜中氨基酸总量高于豆饼和亚麻  相似文献   

2只从市场收购的野生小灵猫急性发病死亡,病变为肝肿大、坏死、心内外膜出血、肠炎、肠外膜有出血斑点。经实验室检查,分离到1株致病力强的鼠伤寒沙门氏菌,抗原模式为1,4,5,12:1;1,2药敏试验结果表明对多种药物具有较强耐药性。  相似文献   

山羊肉的生产与营养价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘相模 《四川草原》1997,(2):57-59,61
产肉是山羊的主要性能。世界的山羊增长率虽然比其它反刍家畜快,但山羊肉仍不能满足日益增长的人口的需要,我国也不例外。因此特别需要加快山羊肉生产的发展。我国山羊肉的生产是分散在农村的。在生产山羊肉时,需要注意山羊的胴体重。总的可食率和总的有商品价值率。了解山羊肉的营养价值才能更好地发展和利用山羊肉。山羊肉是一种高蛋白、低能量的食品。山羊肉蛋白质中的各种必需氨基酸含量充足,其含量占氨基酸总量的一半左右。与理想蛋白质所含的必需氨基酸相比,有四种氨基酸含量接近理想蛋白,其余的也都相差不大。蛋白质的生物价虽不如黄牛,但比水牛高。山羊脂肪的沉积主要在内脏,皮下脂肪比较少。肉中所含的脂肪酸,以不饱和脂肪酸为多,不饱和脂肪酸对人的营养有好处。亚油酸是人体摄入能量所必需的。山羊肉的胆固醇含量也较低。肌肉中Ca的含量比牛肉少,而P的含量却比牛肉多,特别是小肠中的P含量几乎是牛的五倍。维生素B1和B2的含量山羊肉也比牛肉高  相似文献   

Aflatoxin B1 was detected in 23 of 55 Australian feedstuffs known to be either water damaged or visibly mouldy. The highest contamination was 0.7 mg/kg of feed and the mean concentration 0.14 mg/kg. Of 36 feedstuffs purchased from local manufacturers, only a peanut meal contained aflatoxin B1 (0.5 mg/kg).
Eleven feedstuffs were associated with field outbreaks of animal disease and 7 of these contained aflatoxin. However, the level of aflatoxin contamination was insufficient to account for the described disease symptoms.  相似文献   

In Kenya, protein supplements for use in pig feed manufacturing are usually in short supply. The available supplements are expensive. Blood, a by-product of livestock processing, is readily available and it can be processed into blood meal. Normally, blood from small slaughterhouses is wasted and adds to environmental pollution. Some pig farmers collect blood from these small slaughterhouses and cook it before feeding it to pigs. Fermentation in molasses has also been suggested as an alternative processing method. The objective of this experiment was to compare the value of cooked dried blood meal (CDBM) and fermented dried blood meal (FDBM) as protein supplements for growing pigs. The results indicated that both methods of processing could be applied by small-scale farmers. However, fermentation of blood is superior to cooking because FDBM supported a higher performance than CDBM when they supplied equal N levels especially at higher levels of N supply.  相似文献   

玉米、豆粕中胆碱生物学效价的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用肉仔鸡进行为期1周(8~14日龄)的生长反应试验 ,用标准曲线及斜率比法测定了玉米、豆粕中胆碱生物学效价。按单因子试验设计 ,用艾维因商品代8日龄肉仔鸡160只 ,随机分为10个处理组 ,每组4个重复、每个重复4只鸡。通过在玉米淀粉酪蛋白纯合饲粮中分别添加胆碱(由氯化胆碱提供)0、300、600和900mg/kg,作出生长反应曲线。用玉米分别占42.21 %、72.24 %的两个玉米半纯合饲粮和豆粕比例分别为16.50 %、24.83 %的两个豆粕半纯合饲粮饲喂肉仔鸡 ,测出玉米和豆粕中胆碱生物学效价分别为57.47 %和45.97 %。用两个玉米 +豆粕混合日粮作加性效应检验 ,证明玉米、豆粕中胆碱生物学效价可加性良好  相似文献   

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