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玫瑰瘿长尾小蜂( Torymus bedeguaris )为中国新记录种, 是玫瑰犁瘿蜂的主要天敌之一, 单寄生, 其生活史与玫瑰犁瘿蜂吻合性极好, 寄生率最高可达94.0%, 平均寄生率为78.6%; 在兰州一年发生2代, 以老熟幼虫在玫瑰犁瘿蜂虫瘿内越冬, 5月中旬越冬代成虫羽化, 7月中旬第一代成虫羽化, 雄虫先于雌虫羽化, 雌雄比为2.2∶1。  相似文献   

大灰象虫是福建省柑桔类果树的重要害虫之一,此虫在福州、閩侯地区,一年发生一代,少数二年完成一代。以成虫及幼虫在土中越冬。越冬成虫于3月底开始出土活动,取食新梢嫩叶及幼果。4月中旬为发生盛期并开始产卵,产卵期长达69—111天。卵期在4—6月間为7—12天,7—8月間为5—6天。4月下旬幼虫开始孵化,7月中旬以前孵出的幼虫,当年10月底开始羽化,羽化成虫在蛹室中越冬,翌年春暖出土;7月下旬以后孵出的幼虫,当年职幼虫在土室内越冬,幼虫期长372—400天,直到第二年9—10月間才化蛹、羽化,并以成虫越冬,第三年春暖出土。成虫食性复杂,不同食料植物对其寿命、产卵量、产卵期有很大影响。生活在桃树上成虫寿命最长,产卵数量也最多。防治方法,采取胶环捕杀或人工震落捕杀成虫收效很大。药剂方面,可噴射50%敌百虫400倍液或6%可湿性六六六及25%DDT乳剂混合液(1:1:200)效果甚好。  相似文献   

荔枝叶瘿蚊(Mayetiolasp.)是国内近几年发现的一种荔枝新梢害虫,在广州地区一年发生6代,以幼虫在被害叶片的虫瘿内越冬,每年2月中下旬,在虫瘿内发育至高龄的越冬幼虫离瘿坠入土中化蛹,3月中下旬羽化出土并交尾产卵,成虫产卵于嫩叶背面,孵化后幼虫侵入叶肉并发育形成疱状突起的虫瘿。被害叶片虫瘿累累,影响光合作用,最终引致叶片干枯,提早脱落,树势衰退。严重时新梢受害率达80%以上。果园荫蔽,通风透光性差的受害重。同一植株靠近地面或内膛荫枝的叶片受害率高;同一年份中,春梢比秋梢受害重,而夏梢、冬梢受害轻;偏施氮肥,荔枝叶片组织柔软,…  相似文献   

杜品 《植物保护》2005,31(6):73-75
杉针黄叶甲在甘南林区1年发生1代,以老熟幼虫在云杉树冠下30~50 cm的土壤内越冬,成虫危害云杉当年生针叶,幼虫危害苗木及幼树根系,活动隐蔽。危害最严重的时期为成虫期,其次为幼虫期。成虫喜阳光,上午11∶00至16∶00为活动高峰期,有假死性,具有3~5 m短距离飞翔能力。幼虫喜阴湿,干燥土壤内虫口密度小。紫果云杉较青海云杉和粗枝云杉受害重,阳坡比阴坡虫口密度大,树冠南面较北面虫口密度大。用50%甲基异柳磷乳剂和25%增效辛硫磷乳油800~1 200倍液喷雾,防效达90%以上。  相似文献   

银杏白痣姹刺蛾的生物学及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白痣姹刺蛾是银杏的主要害虫之一.在雨水多,温度大的情况下,枝叶生长茂密的早实丰产银杏树受害特别严重.该虫在桂林地区一年发生二代,以老熟幼虫在枝叶上越冬.低龄幼虫呈乳黄色,多在叶片正面上取食.成虫具有强趋光性.人工捕杀低龄幼虫、灯光诱杀成虫和药剂喷杀幼虫,可有效地控制其为害.  相似文献   

双斑锦天牛[Acalolepta sublusca(Thomson)]在常山县危害大叶黄杨,1年发生1代,以老熟幼虫在受害植株蛀道中越冬,4月上旬至6月中旬化蛹,5月上旬至7月上旬成虫羽化,5月上旬雌成虫开始产卵,5月中旬幼虫孵化,11月幼虫停止取食进入越冬。根据其生活习性提出了综合防治措施,取得了较好的防治效果。  相似文献   

在安徽省淮北地区,暗黑金龟子Holotrichia parallela Motsehulsky和铜绿金龟子Anomala corpulenta MotschuIsky 1年发生1代,一般以三龄幼虫越冬;大黑金龟子Holotrichia oblita Faldermann两年发生1代,以成虫和三龄幼虫交替越冬。三种金龟子相同虫态(龄、期)在地下的垂直分布基本一致。3月下旬至4月上旬,铜绿、大黑金龟子越冬幼虫上升为害,而暗黑金龟子越冬幼虫则停留在越冬土室内直至化蛹。大黑金龟子成虫羽化后蛰伏至翌年4月,然后出土;另两种成虫羽化后于当年5月下旬开始出土。从成虫出土后至三龄幼虫下蛰前,群体分布在浅土层。幼虫为害夏季作物,并在下蛰前为害秋播小麦。土温决定了幼、成虫春季的上升和秋季的下蛰。群体在浅土层活动期,土壤湿度是群体升降的主要因素。土壤结构、寄主植物成熟期和幼虫龄期均能影响群体的垂直分布。暗黑金龟子从三龄幼虫下蛰至羽化成虫上升,这期间群体垂直分布不变,呈正态分布。  相似文献   

香梨茎蜂严重危害库尔勒香梨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈尚进 《植物保护》2000,26(5):52-52
香梨茎蜂 (JanuspiriodorusYangsp .n .)成虫产卵时锯断新梢 ,幼虫钻蛀嫩枝 ,造成大量香梨新梢断枝枯萎 ,幼树受害更为严重 ,一般单株新梢受害率 10 %~ 6 0 % ,最高可达 10 0 %。该蜂在新疆库尔勒市 1年发生 1代 ,除严重危害驰名中外的库尔勒香梨外 ,还  相似文献   

陈吉忠  徐速 《植物保护》1987,13(5):13-15
栗实象Curculio davidi Fairmaire是我国华北、华中栗产区的主要蛀果害虫,果实受害率一般在20—50%之间,个别产区高达90%。受害果在贮运期间常发霉腐烂,丧失食用价值与发芽能力。此虫成虫体长2.6—3.7毫米(形态特征见图)在湖北省2年发生1代,以老熟幼虫在地下筑土室越冬。调查发现在栗苞堆积期约有10—15%的老熟幼虫相继脱果入土,在栗果堆积处和贮运场所越冬。本试验选用52%磷化铝片剂熏蒸24小时(栗苞21克/m3、栗果18g/m3);和栗苞堆积期采用“潜所诱杀”措施,达到了控制或减轻该虫为害的效果。  相似文献   

乔旭 《中国生物防治》2011,27(2):280-283
广肩小蜂Eurytoma sp.是花椒波瘿蚊Asphondylia zanthoxyli bu & Zheng的重要寄生天敌.广肩小蜂1年发生3代,以蛹在花椒波瘿蚊为害形成的虫瘿内越冬.第2年花椒发芽后在4月中旬越冬代成虫羽化;第1代成虫6月上旬羽化;第2代成虫8月上旬羽化.成虫产卵于花椒波瘿蚊幼虫为害后形成的虫瘿内;孵化后外寄生于花椒波瘿蚊幼虫,将寄主幼虫吃光后化蛹.越冬代寄生率达48.39%,第2年花椒发芽前剪除虫瘿枝可有效保护广肩小蜂种群数量.  相似文献   

为研究棉铃虫成虫寄主偏好性和幼虫取食后生存表现之间的关系,明确两者在决定寄主过程中的作用,我们测定了交配后的棉铃虫雌成虫对16种植物(棉花、玉米、大豆、花生、番茄、辣椒、茄子、烟草、黄瓜、胡萝卜、西芹、杨树、月季、菠菜、包菜、大葱)的产卵偏好性和幼虫取食这些植物嫩叶后的存活和发育情况。棉铃虫雌成虫选择在烟草、茄子、棉花、胡萝卜、番茄、辣椒、玉米、西芹、大豆和花生等10种植物上产卵,但只有取食西芹、烟草、番茄、大豆、棉花和胡萝卜等6种植物叶片的初孵幼虫能够完成幼虫阶段的生长发育、化蛹并羽化,且取食植物嫩叶的幼虫的存活率、发育历期、蛹期和蛹重均差于取食人工饲料的幼虫。以上结果表明,棉铃虫雌成虫产卵寄主与其幼虫取食寄主之间存在并非一一对应的关系,幼虫的生存表现限定了棉铃虫的寄主范围。  相似文献   

对入侵杂草豚草的天敌昆虫——外来广聚萤叶甲幼虫取食豚草不同部位叶片后的存活情况进行了观察;对不同日龄幼虫和成虫的生长速率和食物利用效率进行了测定。幼虫取食上部叶片的累计死亡率显著高于下部叶片,但与中部叶片无显著差异。广聚萤叶甲幼虫鲜重在6日龄前成倍增长,之后趋于平稳;各日龄幼虫的近似消化率均很高(〉80%),并随幼虫龄期增大而逐渐降低,但到10日龄时又有所升高;幼虫对食物的转化率与近似消化率之间未表现出常见的反比关系;幼虫取食的相对表现(相对生长率、相对取食率和相对代谢率)呈现早期高于晚期的变化格局。初羽化成虫(4d内)的取食量明显较高,之后基本保持平稳。  相似文献   

One- or two-day-old larvae ofSynclera univocalis Wlk. (Pyralidae: Lepidoptera) were found mostly (83%) on young leaves of jujube (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk. var.Umran) trees; in 67% of the cases the interveinal area of the tender leaves was folded. As the larvae grew older, the sides of the leaf were folded and the larvae fed within them. The leaf was turned inward by 71% of the larvae, while the rest turned the leaf outward. In 99% of the cases only one larva was found per leaf; very rarely were larvae of two different species of webbers found on the same leaf. The occurrence of the larvae was greatest at a tree height of 1.5-2 m. The distribution of the pest in the orchard was random. The percentage of adults on leaves was significantly higher than on webs, branches, the ground, or hovering. The maximum number of adults counted was at 13.00 hours.  相似文献   

The rose scale Aulacaspis rosae has proven to be extremely difficult to control. For some years Hamburg flower producers have reported an increase in infestations in greenhouse grown rose crops. So far no pest management program, including natural, mechanical and chemical methods, have provided effective control. The rose scale feeds on parenchyma plant sap and is mainly found on the woody parts of roses. Under greenhouse conditions several generations may appear in a single year. Contact insecticides do not penetrate the protective covering of the scale insects and are most effective when applied on young larvae stages which are not protected by the shield-like cover yet. However due to long hatching periods the occurance of larvae overlaps with the hatching of the following generation. The outcome of this is a continuous presence of newly emerged larvae on the plants. Resulting in that pesticides need to be frequently applied which is both time consuming and impractical for the gardeners. Another problem is the limited coverage of the infested plant parts when pesticides get sprayed. The scale insects are well protected by both the leafage of the roses and also they tend to crowd together and stack in layers making it harder for contact pesticides to be effective. Systemic insecticides may be effective only on those scales infesting the leaves or those that are actively producing honeydew and showed no sufficient efficacy in practical usage against the rose scale. By searching for an adequate pest management method, linseed oil was tested as an alternative application agent. Linseed oil is a drying oil and polymerizes into a solid form by reacting with oxygen in air. Treatments on permanent rose crops infested by rose scales could decrease the occurance of larvae in a knock-down effect. Newly emerged larvae could be kept sustainably on a low infestation level. The results are showing a promising pest control with good efficacy.  相似文献   

双齿锤角叶蜂(Odontocimbex svenhediniMalaise)是近年发生于甘肃天水刺五加(Acanthopanax senticosus)的一种食叶新害虫,其寄主刺五加是首次报道。该虫1年发生1代,翌年4月上旬越冬预蛹开始化蛹,4月中旬成虫羽化,下旬开始产卵,卵产于叶背面或正面主脉周围叶表皮下,卵期9~11 d;幼虫食叶为害,共5龄,6月上旬至7月中旬为猖獗为害期,6月下旬幼虫开始老熟,老熟幼虫于寄主或周围非寄主植物枝条结茧越夏越冬。5月中下旬3龄前幼虫期,用25%灭幼脲悬浮剂1 500倍液,防效达95%以上。用3%高渗苯氧威乳油或1.8%阿维菌素乳油5 000 倍液,防治3龄后幼虫,防效达92%以上。  相似文献   

1988年在北京田间小区放虫实验结果表明:在具有4片叶的豚草幼苗期,每株上释放2头1龄条纹叶(虫甲)幼虫控制效果最佳,到幼虫发育成熟时,控制效果可达95.7%,豚草幼苗期是较为有利的控制时期。处于营养生长期的豚草每株保留10片叶,其上有5.4头成虫时,在24天内对豚草的控制效果可达81.2%。每株放5.4头成虫的小区,次年的豚草植株数比未放虫的小区减少89.1%。成虫控制豚草的效果随密度的增加而增加,随时间的延长而呈直线性上升,每日控制率是一个常数,此常数在本研究中为0.067%/天/头。在较高.密度下,未发现成虫有取食干扰现象。利用模糊综合评判方法评价控制效果,具有综合性、灵活性和实用性,并具有生态学上可解释的意义。  相似文献   

二化螟在茭白上的钻蛀行为及其防治方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了二化螟在茭白植株上的转移、钻蛀和产卵行为以及取食选择性,并根据其行为特性,制订合理的药剂喷施方法.结果表明,二化螟90%以上的卵产在茭白的叶片上,其余部分产在叶鞘上.产卵的主要叶位是心叶、倒一叶和倒二叶.超过50%的卵块集中在叶片距叶枕0~60cm的部位.幼虫孵化后,蚁螟蛀入的部位一般在叶枕以下的叶鞘内侧,多集中于倒四、倒五叶鞘.2龄后开始钻蛀内侧叶鞘,并蛀入茭白茎的内芯,二化螟幼虫在茭白植株上通常从叶片转移到叶鞘进行钻蛀危害.幼虫嗜食茭白茎部,其次为茭白果肉和叶鞘,对叶片几乎不取食.使用叶鞘喷施杀虫可达到对茭白进行全株喷雾同样的防治效果,并可节省40%~50%的用药量,经济和生态效益十分明显.  相似文献   

茶黄蓟马的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茶黄蓟马(Scirtothrips dorsalis Hoods)是江西茶园茶树(Camellia sinensis)叶片上的重要刺吸性害虫。通过室内饲养和野外调查该虫在南昌地区的生物学特性。调查结果表明:该虫在江西黄马茶园1年发生8~10代,主要以成虫和少数若虫越冬。以若虫越冬的个体3月中旬开始羽化;以成虫越冬的个体4月上旬开始产卵。4月中旬茶园始见初孵若虫。11月出现的成虫和少数若虫进入越冬。成若虫喜食嫩芽和幼叶,导致叶片组织坏死。在22~30℃条件下,温度对茶黄蓟马发育历期有显著影响,随着温度升高,卵期、若虫期和成虫寿命都逐渐缩短,卵期8~3.83 d,若虫期15~7.4 d,成虫寿命26.92~16.9 d。  相似文献   

In December 2009, numerous adults and larvae of the nipa palm hispid Octodonta nipae (Maulik) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) were found for the first time on the island of Cyprus, in unopened young leaves of Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman palm species. All infested palms of this species evinced serious decline with all young leaves showing signs of attack, but the beetles and larvae themselves were found only in fronds from the central shoot.  相似文献   

The effects ofCitrus reticulata Blanco (tangerine) foliage age on larval survival and performance of the lappet mothStreblote panda Hübner (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), a polyphagous Mediterranean species, were studied. Larvae were reared under controlled laboratory conditions on young and mature excised leaves of tangerine. Survival, duration of development, and post-ingestive indices of larval growth were determined. Mature leaves significantly reduced survivorship of early instar larvae. Larvae which were fed on mature leaves grew more slowly and were less efficient at utilizing plant biomass and nitrogen than larvae fed on young leaves. Growth rates were 30% higher on young leaves, overall efficiency of conversion of ingested food was greater also, as consequence of an increase of 46% in the assimilation efficiencies, whereas the efficiency of conversion of digested matter into larval biomass was similar in both food treatments. The rate of consumption of biomass was higher in mature leaves, but that of nitrogen was similar, indicating that mature leaves restricted growth primarily by restricting the efficiency of utilizing this nutrient. The nitrogen utilization efficiency was reduced more than 20%, and the relative accumulation rate of nitrogen was suppressed 30% for larvae on mature leaves, which may explain the protracted development time of larvae fed on mature leaves. Survival was consistently higher when larvae were fed with young leaves although no differences were found for mature larvae or pupae. No differences were found in pupal mass (a fecundity correlate) between food treatments. Our results confirm the bibliographic records ofCitrus spp. like host plants ofS. panda in Spain, but also suggest that much variation must be expected in the temporal and spatial incidence of this insect, depending upon the cultivated species, associated plant phenology and management techniques employed in the culture. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Aug. 28, 2005.  相似文献   

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