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Fire resistance of thick wood-based boards   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thick wood-based boards are used as construction materials for walls and floors in Japan. In this study, fire resistance tests (ISO 834-1) and cone calorimeter tests (ISO 5660-1) were conducted for thick plywood, particleboard, and medium density fiberboard with sample thicknesses of about 28–30mm, and their suitabilities for quasi-fireproof or fire-preventive structures were evaluated. In the ISO 834-1 fire resistance test, the heat-shielding performance (insulation criterion) for walls was evaluated and the results showed that the larger the apparent density of a woodbased board, the higher its insulation performance. The insulation performance of thick wood-based boards in the fire resistance test could be forecast from the results of the cone calorimeter test, especially when the second peak of heat release rate appeared. In the cone calorimeter tests, the surface layer density of the plywood, particleboard, and medium density fiberboard was the dominant parameter for the time to ignition and initial heat release rate. These results indicate that thick wood-based board is a suitable fire-preventive construction material. Part of this study was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Architectural Institute of Japan, Hokkaido, Japan, August 2004  相似文献   

A research project supported by the Japan Wood Working Machinery Association has been conducted since 1999 to examine the feasibility of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) composite glulam beams reinforced with Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Franco) lamination. This study, part of the project, was concerned with the strength properties of timber joints composed of composite glulams using newly developed structural steel connectors. Two types of beam were prepared: 10 plies (inner 6 plies sugi, outer 4 plies Douglas fir) and 8 plies (inner 4 plies sugi, outer 4 plies Douglas fir). Two types of structural steel connector, Haratec and Standard, were used for joining the beam with a post or a girder. The relation between load and deformation of the joints was represented as a typical nonlinear curve. Initial stiffness and maximum load of the joint composed of the composite glulam were in the range between those of sugi and Douglas fir. Strength properties of the joints varied with three variables: type of connector, depth of the glulams, and the type of joint. Thus, the allowable loads for the connectors should be determined for each combination of these variables.  相似文献   

那斌  周定国 《木材工业》2002,16(3):15-18
研制了一种刨花板用阻燃酚醛树脂胶 ,并对制板工艺进行了优化。经测定 ,制成的刨花板的物理力学性能达到刨花板国家标准 GB/ T4 897- 92中 A类板优等品的性能指标要求 ;氧指数值达到热固性树脂装饰层压板标准 GB7911.6 -87规定的要求 (>37)  相似文献   

Pine resistance to low- to moderate-intensity fire arises from traits (namely related to tissue insulation from heat) that enable tree survival. Predictive models of the likelihood of tree mortality after fire are quite valuable to assist decision-making after wildfire and to plan prescribed burning. Data and models pertaining to the survival of European pines following fire are reviewed. The type and quality of the current information on fire resistance of the various European species is quite variable. Data from low-intensity fire experiments or regimes is comparatively abundant for Pinus pinaster and Pinus sylvestris, while tree survival after wildfire has been modelled for Pinus pinea and Pinus halepensis. P. pinaster and P. pinea, and Pinus canariensis in special, are better equipped to survive fire, but low-intensity fire is tolerated even by species often referred to as fire-sensitive (P. halepensis and Pinus radiata). The relative fire resistance of European pine species is assessed on the basis of (i) morphological and experimental data, and (ii) mortality modelling that considers fire behaviour. Limitations of these approaches to rate fire resistance are discussed, and the current knowledge gaps are indicated.  相似文献   

Fire, climatic variability, and grazing by large herbivores have historically limited woody vegetation in the tallgrass prairie region of North America to gallery forests in protected areas along rivers and streams. Fire, in particular, has been a strong selective pressure against woody vegetation. Consequently, we expect that dominant tree species in these forests have developed mechanisms for tolerating periodic surface fires. Susceptibility of trees to fire damage depends in part on key properties of bark which influence heat transfer to the vascular cambium, including thickness, density, and moisture content. An historical (1983) survey of Konza Prairie Biological Station in northeast Kansas, USA indicated that gallery forests were co-dominated by Quercus macrocarpa and Quercus muehlenbergii, while Celtis occidentalis occurred as an important sub-dominant species. Populus deltoides, Gleditsia triacanthos, and Juniperus virginiana were relatively uncommon. To test the hypothesis that historically dominant gallery forest tree species are more resistant to fire damage than uncommon species, fire was applied to the bark of 10 individuals of each of these six species under conditions mimicking surface fires (400 °C for 120 s). Maximum temperature at the vascular cambium, bark thickness, bark moisture content, and bark density were measured. Trees were considered fire-resistant if the vascular cambium temperature remained below the thermal cell death threshold, 60 °C, throughout the treatment. Using logistic regression, bark thickness was found to be a significant predictor of lethal cambium temperatures (P = 0.002), while neither bark density nor moisture content were significantly related to lethal cambium temperature (P = 0.279 and P = 0.131, respectively). Across species, a minimum bark thickness of approximately 8.6 mm was necessary to maintain the vascular cambium temperature below 60 °C. Trees that produce thick bark quickly in juvenile size classes (P. deltoides, Q. macrocarpa, and Q. muehlenbergii) experienced lower temperatures at the vascular cambium than those which do not develop thick bark with increasing diameter (C. occidentalis, G. triacanthos, and J. virginiana). Ranking these tree species by either the DBH or age needed to develop the minimum protective bark thickness largely agreed with ranking based on historical relative importance. As fire frequency and intensity decrease in remnant tallgrass prairie of North America as a result of habitat fragmentation, fire suppression, and changing land management, fire-sensitive species may increase in relative importance in gallery forests because of increased juvenile survival.  相似文献   

The effects of seasoning treatment for fresh sugi wood meal on the mycelial growth of shiitake was investi-gated. The mycelial growth of shiitake in sugi wood meal increased to the same level as that in extract-free sugi wood meal on the 12th day and to approximately 70% of that in konara wood meal on the 28th day of the seasoning treatment. A drastic decrease in extracts of fresh sugi wood meal occurred during the early stage of treatment, and the neutral fraction of methanol extracts decreased to less than 2%. The drainage of sugi wood meal media significantly increased during the later stage of treatment. No changes in the chemical components of sugi wood meal were detected during the seasoning treatment. The mycelial growth of shiitake in the fully seasoned sugi wood meal, which was prepared for commercial mushroom cultivation, was at almost the same level as that in the extract-free sugi wood meal. All of the seasoned sugi wood meals contained a neutral fraction of less than 1%. These results suggested that seasoning treatment can promote mycelial growth of shiitake in sugi wood meal by eliminating inhibitors and improving the physical properties of sugi wood.Part of this paper was presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Tokyo, April 1999  相似文献   

曾凤云  郝力 《林业科技》1998,23(2):30-32
森林泡沫灭火枪是以轻型泵为动力,将森林泡沫剂与水混合后迅速变成泡沫。直接用于灭火的喷泡工具,主要由接口、接头、喷嘴、枪体等部分组成。野外灭火试验表明,该枪灭火效果较好。  相似文献   

引入高分子量、高支化度以及端基为尿素的高支化聚脲(HBPU)用于低摩尔比脲醛树脂(UF)改性,利用HBPU与游离甲醛的反应以及与UF组分的共缩聚反应实现树脂耐水性能的提升和人造板甲醛释放量的降低,有效平衡胶合性能和甲醛释放量之间的矛盾。在无溶剂、无催化剂条件下,通过尿素(U)与三(2-氨基乙基)胺(TAEA)的脱氨缩合反应,一步合成了具有尿素端基的HBPU,并对HBPU的分子量分布和结构进行了表征。使用HBPU水溶液,采用UF合成反应后期加入和共混2种方法对UF进行改性,通过胶合板性能测试以及甲醛释放量测定,考察了HBPU添加量和添加方式的影响。凝胶渗透色谱和碳-13核磁共振分析表明,通过本研究的合成方法可以获得具有高分子量、高支化度、尿素为端基且水溶性良好的HBPU,并且随着U与TAEA摩尔比的提高,更多尿素封端产物形成。电喷雾电离质谱对改性树脂的分析结果表明,HBPU不仅与UF中的一部分游离甲醛发生羟甲基化反应,同时与UF组分反应生成了部分共缩聚产物。胶合板性能测试结果表明,共混以及反应后期加入HBPU两种方式得到的改性树脂耐水性能均显著提升。同时,使用添加5%HBPU改性树脂制备...  相似文献   

层次分析法在防火林带树种选择上的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
应用多目标决策的层次分析法对防火林带树种选择问题进行了分析探讨,建立了最优抗火性能层次分析结构模型,确定木荷为最优树种,同时也可利用竹柏、格氏栲、青冈栎等树种优化防火林带结构。  相似文献   

为了改善热固性树脂装饰层压板(HPL)的阻燃性能,采用有机磷化合物作为阻燃剂,对HPL底层纸浸渍用酚醛树脂胶进行了改性处理,研究了阻燃剂类型和用量的影响.结果表明:有机磷化合物作为反应型阻燃剂的效果略好.作为添加型阻燃剂时,增加其用量能显著提高装饰板的阻燃性能;当用量大于7%时,装饰板的阻燃性能可达到极难燃级.  相似文献   

The development of oriented fiberboards made from kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) and their suitability as a construction material has been investigated. Three different types of boards consisting of five layers with individual orientations were prepared using a combination of low molecular weight and high molecular weight phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin for impregnation and adhesion purposes. Additional boards with the same structure were prepared using high molecular weight PF resin only. The mechanical properties of the boards have been examined as well as their resistance against fungal decay and termite attack. All kenaf fiberboards showed elevated mechanical properties compared with medium-density fiberboard made from wood fibers, and showed increased decay and termite resistance. Differences in the decay and termite resistance between the board types were caused by the presence of the low molecular weight PF resin for the impregnation of the fibers. No significant difference was found for the mechanical properties. The effect of the PF resin for impregnation was much clearer in fungal decay resistance than for termite resistance; however, fiber orientation had no effect on both decay and termite resistance of the specimens.  相似文献   

CK—2耐磨树脂提高实木地板表面耐磨性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实木地板是一种优良的室内地面装修材料 ,但天然木材表面耐磨性较低 ,CK- 2耐磨树脂是一种新研制的化工涂料 ,专用于实木地板表面做保护层。试验证明 ,使用 CK- 2耐磨树脂涂刷的实木地板比普通实木地板表面耐磨提高了 3~ 4倍  相似文献   

在竹胶合板的胶膜纸生产中,油酸主要是作为一种脱膜剂使用的,而它对胶粘剂的表面活化作用却少有研究,以致在生产中,油酸的加量缺乏科学、合理的根据.油酸分子结构的两亲性,使它具备了作为表面活性剂的基本条件.这项研究通过不同的油酸加量,对胶粘剂的浸渍特性和胶膜纸上胶量所产生的不同影响,以及油酸和乙醇施加效果的比较,证明了油酸对PF树脂胶粘剂具有表面活化作用.根据试验结果分析,在PF树脂胶粘剂中加入0.4%~0.8%的油酸是比较适宜的,而加量为0.4%时,胶膜纸的上胶量达到最大值.此项研究仅对油酸对半醇溶性的PF树脂胶粘剂的表面活化作用作了初步探讨,其表面活化作用的机理尚待进一步研究.  相似文献   

依据化学组成成分及降低游离甲醛含量的作用机理不同,将脲醛树脂胶黏剂用添加剂分为有机添加剂、纳米材料及无机矿物质添加剂,综述了脲醛树脂用添加剂的研究与应用进展。  相似文献   

为推动现代木结构建筑在国内的发展,分析了木结构建筑耐火的关键性,重点介绍了近二十年来国内外在木结构建筑耐火模拟测试、建筑及其结构耐火极限试验、防火材料应用和软木制品的保温隔热检测与耐火应用等方面的研究进展及成果。在学习和借鉴的基础上,通过总结国外研究成果和经验,提出目前国内在木结构建筑耐火研究方面尚存在的一些问题,与国外相比研究工作的薄弱环节。建议在国内外已有的木结构建筑相关标准规范基础上,加强国内在木结构建筑防火研究的理论基础工作,尤其是模拟试验研究,为木结构建筑的耐火性能评估奠定基础。同时,强调软木材料自身特性,提出在木结构建筑构件及其连接节点处使用软木材料覆面,在保证实用性的基础上,还起到绝缘、隔热、装饰的作用,进一步提高木构件的防火性能,从而提高建筑整体的耐火性。通过上述分析,以期为我国现代木结构建筑防火优化设计提供有益参考。  相似文献   

将生物乙醇木质素与自合成的聚酰胺多胺环氧氯丙烷(PAE)树脂进行接枝共聚改性大豆蛋白,制备环保型胶合板用胶黏剂,并通过单因素试验确定了木质素种类、木质素与PAE质量比、木质素与PAE树脂反应时间、大豆蛋白添加量等工艺条件对大豆蛋白胶黏剂胶合强度的影响。结果表明:当选用生物乙醇木质素与PAE进行接枝共聚、木质素与PAE质量配比为1∶4、反应时间为30 min、大豆蛋白添加量为50%(以木质素-PAE总质量而言)时,制得的三层胶合板湿胶合强度(1.03 MPa)可达到GB/T 9846—2015Ι类杨木胶合板的指标要求。  相似文献   

采用1%NH_4Cl和0.5%的H_3PO_4、草酸、酒石酸、甲酸构成的双组分固化体系加入F/(U M)摩尔比1.01~1.03的UMF树脂,可以降低树脂的pH值,提高固化速度,改善预压性能;用该双组分固化剂体系,加入F/(U M)摩尔比1.01的UMF树脂胶,实验室压制的杨木三合板、杂木三合板和工厂生产规模压制的椴木-杨木-椴木三合板、杂木三合板均符合E_0级胶合板国家标准的要求。  相似文献   

[目的]为探明胶合木-钢夹板螺栓连接的动力性能和抗震性能,确保连接件在车辆、机械振动等动力荷载下的可靠性.[方法]针对胶合木-钢夹板螺栓连接的构造特点,考虑胶合木厚度和螺栓直径之比(厚径比)、螺栓顺纹间距、螺栓并列和错列布置方式等参数的影响,设计制作了4类13组共39个胶合木-钢夹板螺栓连接件,在低周反复荷载作用下进行...  相似文献   

建筑刨花板阻燃处理新工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以未经阻燃处理的刨花板素板为原料,用三种不同阻燃处理方法进行处理,处理后刨花板的阻燃性能有了一定提高,且对其相应的物理力学性能影响不大,甲醛释放量也有所降低.本试验以板材的氧指数为突破点,运用正交试验的极差和方差分析得到最佳的阻燃处理工艺.  相似文献   

This study focused on the relationship between stress level and the fire resistance of structural lumber. The 210 samples were prepared from 15-year-old trees of Acacia mangium from the Forest Estate Plantation, Indonesia. Specimens were 20 ® × 20 (T) × 500mm (L) and were air-dried. Sixty samples were tested under four-point bending stress to obtain the modulus of elasticity (MOE) and the modulus of rupture (MOR) for classifying the stress grades of the remaining 150 samples. The tests were performed using a four-point load bending position at various stress level while the specimens were exposed to fire along the shear-free region. Time to failure was affected by the stress levels in an exponential trend. Despite changes in stress level, charring rate, and time to failure, the critical stress of a member from the same species was similar. The fire performance under applied load could be predicted by using simplified fire-testing methods. The developed testing apparatus is valid for evaluating the small-scale fire resistant behavior of structural lumber in bending.  相似文献   

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