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Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) is an infectious disease of cattle with a worldwide distribution. Herd-level prevalence varies among European Union (EU) member states, and prevalence information facilitates decision-making and monitoring of progress in control and eradication programmes. The primary objective of the present study was to address significant knowledge gaps regarding herd BVD seroprevalence (based on pooled sera) and control on Irish farms, including vaccine usage.


Preliminary validation of an indirect BVD antibody ELISA test (Svanova, Biotech AB, Uppsala, Sweden) using pooled sera was a novel and important aspect of the present study. Serum pools were constructed from serum samples of known seropositivity and pools were analysed using the same test in laboratory replicates. The output from this indirect ELISA was expressed as a percentage positivity (PP) value. Results were used to guide selection of a proposed cut-off (PCO) PP. This indirect ELISA was applied to randomly constructed within-herd serum pools, in a cross-sectional study of a stratified random sample of 1,171 Irish dairy and beef cow herds in 2009, for which vaccination status was determined by telephone survey. The herd-level prevalence of BVD in Ireland (percentage positive herds) was estimated in non-vaccinating herds, where herds were classified positive when herd pool result exceeded PCO PP. Vaccinated herds were excluded because of the potential impact of vaccination on herd classification status. Comparison of herd-level classification was conducted in a subset of 111 non-vaccinating dairy herds using the same ELISA on bulk milk tank (BMT) samples. Associations between possible risk factors (herd size (quartiles)) and herd-level prevalence were determined using chi-squared analysis.


Receiver Operating Characteristics Analysis of replicate results in the preliminary validation study yielded an optimal cut-off PP (Proposed Cut-off percentage positivity - PCO PP) of 7.58%. This PCO PP gave a relative sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of 98.57% and 100% respectively, relative to the use of the ELISA on individual sera, and was chosen as the optimal cut-off since it resulted in maximization of the prevalence independent Youden’s Index.The herd-level BVD prevalence in non-vaccinating herds was 98.7% (95% CI - 98.3-99.5%) in the cross-sectional study with no significant difference between dairy and beef herds (98.3% vs 98.8%, respectively, p = 0.595).An agreement of 95.4% was found on Kappa analysis of herd serological classification when bulk milk and serum pool results were compared in non-vaccinating herds. 19.2 percent of farmers used BVDV vaccine; 81% of vaccinated herds were dairy. A significant association was found between seroprevalence (quartiles) and herd size (quartiles) (p < 0.01), though no association was found between herd size (quartiles) and herd-level classification based on PCO (p = 0.548).


The results from this study indicate that the true herd-level seroprevalence to Bovine Virus Diarrhoea (BVD) virus in Ireland is approaching 100%. The results of the present study will assist with national policy development, particularly with respect to the national BVD eradication programme which commenced recently.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1996, we screened 18,931 calves in 128 beef herds located in five US states for persistent bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection. Of these, 76 herds were randomly selected from the client database of collaborating veterinary practices, and 52 herds were suspected by the collaborating veterinarians to have BVDV infection based on history or clinical signs. Serum was obtained from each calf in the cooperating herds prior to 4 months of age and tested for the presence of BVDV by microtiter virus isolation. Information about each of the herds (including management practices, vaccination history, and breeding- and calving-season production measures) were collected by the collaborating veterinarians using standardized questionnaires. A total of 56 BVDV-positive calves in 13 herds were identified on initial screening. Ten (19%) of the BVDV-suspect herds and three (4%) of the randomly selected herds had > or = 1 BVDV-positive calf at initial screening. Multiple BVDV-positive calves were identified in 10 of those 13 herds. Follow-up information was obtained for 54 of the 56 positive calves. Ten out of 54 (18%) died prior to weaning, and 1 (2%) was sold because of unusually poor growth. Thirty-three out of 54 (61%) of the initially positive calves remained BVDV positive at 6 months of age - confirming persistent-infection (PI) status. Dams of 45 of the 56 positive calves were tested, with 3 (7%) identified as positive - indicating most PI calves were products of acute dam infection during gestation. The proportion of cows that were pregnant at the fall 1995 pregnancy examination was 5% lower in herds with PI calves born during the 1996 calving season than in randomly selected herds without PI calves. Most of the calves we identified with persistent BVDV infections survived to weaning, and could provide a constant source of virus to the herd throughout the breeding season and early gestation.  相似文献   



Infection with bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) causes a wide range of disease manifestations, including respiratory disease and abortion, with world-wide distribution. The primary objective of the present study was to describe aspects of BHV-1 infection and control on Irish farms, including herd-level seroprevalence (based on pooled sera) and vaccine usage.


The characteristics of a diagnostic indirect BHV-1 antibody ELISA test when used on serum pools were evaluated using laboratory replicates for use in the seroprevalence study. The output from this indirect ELISA was expressed as a percentage positivity (PP) value. A proposed cut off (PCO) PP was applied in a cross-sectional study of a stratified random sample of 1,175 Irish dairy and beef cattle herds in 2009, using serum pools, to estimate herd seroprevalence. The study was observational, based primarily on the analysis of existing samples, and only aggregated results were reported. For these reasons, ethical approval was not required. Bulk milk samples from a subset of 111 dairy herds were analysed using the same ELISA. Information regarding vaccine usage was determined in a telephone survey.


A PCO PP of 7.88% was determined to give 97.1% sensitivity and 100% specificity relative to the use of the ELISA on individual sera giving maximization of the prevalence independent Youden''s index, on receiver operating characteristics analysis of replicate results. The herd-level BHV-1 seroprevalence was 74.9% (95% CI - 69.9%-79.8%), with no significant difference between dairy and beef herds. 95.5% agreement in herd classification was found between bulk milk and serum pools. Only 1.8 percent of farmers used BHV-1 marker vaccine, 80% of which was live while 75% of vaccinated herds were dairy.A significant association was found between herd size (quartiles) and seroprevalence (quartiles).


The results from this study indicate BHV-1 infection is endemic, although BHV-1 vaccines are rarely used, in the cattle population in Ireland.  相似文献   

A survey of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infection was carried out from June 2001 to July 2002 in a non-vaccinated beef cattle population from the livestock region of Yucatan, Mexico, to assess seroprevalence and identify risk factors related to seroprevalence. The aim was also to estimate the intra-herd correlation (re) and design effect (D) of BVDV seropositivity. Cattle were selected by a two-stage cluster sampling. Blood samples were collected from 560 animals originating from 40 herds. Sera were tested for antibodies against BVDV using an indirect ELISA test. The sensitivity and specificity of the test was 97.9 and 99.7%, respectively. Risk factors regarding the herd and each animal sampled were recorded through a personal interview at the time of blood sampling. Twenty-four of the 40 herds had at least one seropositive animal. The animal true seroprevalence was estimated as 14%. The marginal logistic regression model used to describe the data found a significant (p < 0.05) association of herd size–cow-origin interaction. The interaction was due to a higher risk of seropositivity in the category of herds with ≤100 animals and purchased cows (OR = 1) as compared to herds with ≤100 animals and cows born in the farm (OR = 0.23). Seropositivity between cows purchased and cows born in the farm was similar for herd sizes of 101–196 and >196 animals. The re and D values were 0.17 ± 0.05 and 3.16 ± 0.57, respectively.  相似文献   

Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBRV) are important viral diseases around the world. The objective of this study was to estimate the incidence of seroconversion to BVDV and IBRV and to identify associated risk factors in dairy herds of Michoacan, Mexico. The longitudinal study included 62 herds and ran from December 2001 to November 2002. The total number of animals enrolled and completing the study were 392 and 342 animals for BVDV and 925 and 899 animals for IBRV. Animals were tested monthly for 12 months, for the presence of antibodies. Risk factors were: herd size (2–9, 10–25 and 26–55 animals), herd serostatus (seropositive or seronegative, only for IBRV), age group of the animal (6 to 12, 13 to 24, 25 to 48 and > 48 months) and animal origin (born in farm, purchased). The cumulative incidences for BVDV and IBRV were 16.4% and 3.4%, respectively; whereas, the incidence density rates for BVDV and IBRV were 15.9 and 2.9 per 1000 animal-months at risk, respectively. Seroconversion curves were statistically different for age group for BVDV and IBRV and for herd status for IBR. The relatively high incidence of seroconversion for BVDV suggests that a successful control programme should be oriented towards the identification and elimination of the PI animals and towards avoiding the introduction of PI cattle to the farm. The scenario of IBRV is favourable to implement a programme directed to reduce the number of new seropositive herds.  相似文献   

To support a voluntary disease control program, this study aimed to develop an integrated scoring system for the risk assessment of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infection in dairy herds in Northern Italy. Sixty-two dairy herds were classified according to their BVDV serological status. Farmers were interviewed using a questionnaire on potential BVDV risk factors. Scores were used to define risk levels for factors related to (1) BVDV introduction (through livestock trade, attendance of animals at shows/exhibitions and grazing common pasture), (2) within-herd spread of BVDV and (3) the results of initial serological testing. The calculated odds ratios were significant for all categories, except for livestock trade. The application of the screening test, the questionnaire and the related risk assessment showed this to be a practical approach to predicting BVDV herd status.  相似文献   

Infection of cattle with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVD virus) is common throughout the world(1) and the prevalence of neutralising antibodies to the virus reported from surveys ranges from about 40% to 90%(2)(3)(4). The first isolation of BVD virus in New Zealand was reported in 1967(5) and, since that time, evidence of widespread infection in dairy cattle has been presented(6). Whilst the diseases associated with BVD viral infection have been well recognised in dairy herds, there has been a belief that infection of beef herds is less common. Based on this belief has been the fear that the growth of the dairy beef industry could lead to the introduction of BVD virus into an essentially naive beef population with disastrous results such as those reported by MacNeil and van der Oord(7). We decided therefore to sample beef cattle submitted to abattoirs throughout New Zealand for serological evidence of prior exposure to BVD virus.  相似文献   

Our objective in this cross-sectional study was to determine the seroprevalence in 1996 of commercial dairy herds in central Chile positive to bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus, by the detection of antibodies in bulk-tank milk samples. Samples were obtained from 501 dairy farms ( approximately 50,000 cows) from the Metropolitan, VI, VII and VIII regions of Chile. An indirect ELISA was used to detect BVD antibodies. An absorbance (A450) > or = 0.55 was considered positive. The apparent proportion of positive herds ranged from 71.2 to 83% by region and did not differ by region. We concluded that exposure to BVD was widely distributed in the central area of Chile in 1996.  相似文献   

Infection of bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV), a lentivirus, is thought to sporadically occur throughout the world, but seroepidemiological surveys concerning the incidence of BIV are limited and have not been undertaken in Korea. A total of 266 sera from different twenty dairy (Holstein) and twenty-six Korean native beef (Hanwoo) farms of the south-western part of Korea was analyzed for the presence of anti-BIV antibodies by Western blotting. Thirty five percent and 33% of dairy and beef cattle, respectively, were BIV-seropositive. By nested polymerase chain reaction, it was confirmed that these seropositive cows had provirus in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells. To demonstrate the correlation with BIV and bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection, these sera were also analyzed for anti-BLV antibodies by immunodiffusion test, resulting in high prevalence of BLV infection but relatively a few dual infections. We report herein the first serological detection of antibodies to BIV in Korea.  相似文献   

Bulk milk for the presence of antibodies against bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) from 38 industrial dairy cattle herds complexes with 250-3000 Holstein dairy cows in suburb of Mashhad-Iran was tested. None of the herds were vaccinated against BVDV. Commercial indirect ELISA-kit for the detection of specific antibodies was used. The result could be read visually where the optical density (OD) was measured at 450 nm. The percent positivity (PP) values >or=7 and <7 interpreted positive and negative, respectively. According to this study the apparent and the true prevalence of BVDV antibody-positive herds was 89.47 and 93.98%, respectively. The range of PP was 1.59-107.66 among the herds. The OD in 52.63% bulk milk of the herds was very high. It is concluded that exposure to BVD virus was widely distributed in the dairy cattle herds in suburb of Mashhad-Iran.  相似文献   

Bovine-leukosis virus (BLV; also termed ‘bovine-leukemia virus’) is a retrovirus that primarily affects lymphoid tissue of dairy and beef cattle. Our objective was to investigate the association between BLV infection and annual value of production (AVP) on dairy herds within the United States, as part of the USDA National Animal Health Monitoring System’s 1996 dairy study. 1006 herds (in 20 states) with at least 30 dairy cows were interviewed during 1996. The agar-gel immunodiffusion test was used to detect serum antibodies to BLV. 10–40 cows from each herd were tested and each tested cow was classified as negative or positive based on results of a single test.

A multivariable regression model was used with the 976 herds with complete data for analysis. When compared to herds with no test-positive cows, herds with test-positive cows produced 218 kg per cow (i.e. 3%) less milk. The average reduction in AVP was $ 59 per cow for test-positive herds relative to test-negative herds. For the dairy industry as a whole, BLV seropositivity was associated with loss to producers of $ 285 million and $ 240 million for consumers. Most of this $ 525 million industry loss was due to reduced milk production in test-positive herds.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) and bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) was studied in a population of small dairy herds that had not been vaccinated. Bulk tank milk samples of 186 herds in Thailand were collected four times between 2002 and 2004. Serum samples from individual animals in 11 herds were also taken on three occasions. The prevalence of BHV-1 in the 186 herds was 61% in 2002, decreasing to 48% in 2004 and for BVDV was 91% in 2002, decreasing to 72% in 2004. A BVDV antigen-positive calf was found in one of the 11 herds, and animals in this herd and three other herds seroconverted to a recently described atypical BVDV strain (HoBi). This study showed a significantly decreasing prevalence for both BHV-1 and BVDV due to a self-clearance process. Further studies are needed to find out how the atypical BVDV strain entered the cattle population.  相似文献   

An epidemiological survey on prevalence distribution of antibodies to BVDV was carried out in dairy cattle herds during 1995-1996 in northern Italy. A total of 704 serum samples from 29 non-vaccinated herds reported to have reproductive problems were tested for serum neutralising antibodies. In each herd, sampling was based on the stratification by age into five classes (< 6 months old calves, 6-12 months old calves, pregnant heifers, uniparous, pluriparous). Overall, 53.3% of samples were serologically positive, with the lowest ratio in 6-12 months old calves (37.9%) and the highest in pluriparous cows (71.2%).  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a worldwide spreading pestivirus affecting cattle and other ruminants; however, there have been few reports on...  相似文献   

Q fever was studied on a large agricultural farm in northern Moravia, Czech Republic. Antibodies to Coxiella burnetii were ascertained by a complement fixation test. Titre of 8 or higher was considered as positive. The seroprevalences in cows (each cow was examined only once immediately after drying-off during a one-year period) from 14 different herds was between 4 to 19%. No significant correlation between seroprevalence levels and fertility characteristics in the cow herds was found. Of a total of 17 samples of milk from 17 randomly-selected cows with antibody titres of 8 to 32, one strain of Coxiella burnetii was isolated. In heifers (n = 339) and beef bulls (n = 210) no antibodies to C. burnetii were found. In cattle from the farm investigated, latent Q fever did not represent any health problem.  相似文献   

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