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Abstract In Sri Lanka, there is a great potential for the development of culture-based fisheries because of the availability of around 12 000 non-perennial reservoirs in the dry zone (<187 cm annual rainfall) of the island. These reservoirs fill during the north-east monsoonal period in October to December and almost completely dry up during August to October. As these non-perennial reservoirs are highly productive, hatchery-reared fish fingerlings can be stocked to develop culture-based fisheries during the water retention period of 7–9 months. The present study was conducted in 32 non-perennial reservoirs in five administrative districts in Sri Lanka. These reservoirs were stocked with fingerlings of Indian (catla Catla catla Hamilton and rohu Labeo rohita Hamilton) and Chinese (bighead carp Aristichthys nobilis Richardson) major carps, common carp Cyprinus carpio L., genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) strain of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and post-larvae of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii De Man, at three different species combinations and overall stocking densities (SD) ranging from 218 to 3902 fingerlings ha−1, during the 2002–2003 culture cycle. Of the 32 reservoirs stocked, reliable data on harvest were obtained from 25 reservoirs. Fish yield ranged from 53 to 1801 kg ha−1 and the yields of non-perennial reservoirs in southern region were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those in the northern region. Naturally-recruited snakehead species contributed the catches in northern reservoirs. Fish yield was curvilinearly related to reservoir area (P < 0.05), and a negative second order relationship was evident between SD and yield (P < 0.05). Chlorophyll-a and fish yield exhibited a positive second order relationship (P < 0.01). Bighead carp yield impacted positively on the total yield (P < 0.05), whereas snakehead yield impact was negative. Bighead carp, common carp and rohu appear suitable for poly-culture in non-perennial reservoirs. GIFT strain O. niloticus had the lowest specific growth rate among stocked species and freshwater prawn had a low return.  相似文献   

The relationships between surface area, stocking density and fish yield in 40 small reservoirs in India between 1994 and 1999 were examined. A significant positive correlation (r = 0.6) was found between stocking density and fish yield. Area was negatively correlated with stocking density (r = ?0.57) and fish yield (r = ?0.62), but its correlation with efficiency of stocking was not significant for all the size groups of small reservoirs.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in 20 reservoirs, ranging in size from 4 to 30 ha, in the mountainous, northern region of Vietnam, in ThaiNguyen and YenBai provinces, over two growth cycles in 2002/03 and 2003/04. The reservoirs are leased by farmers for fishery activities from the provincial administration, and the trials were managed by the lessee farmers. Three species combinations in ratios (by fingerling weight) of grass carp: silver carp: bighead carp: common carp: mrigal 1:2:1:1:3 (A), 1:3:1:1:2 (B) and 1:2:1:1:2 (C) were used as seed stock. The overall mean yield of stocked fish in 2002/03 and 2003/04 growth cycles in reservoirs in ThaiNguyen and YenBai provinces was 165 (±21) and 190 (39), and 287 (±22) and 325 (±24) kg ha?1 respectively. The yield in reservoirs in both provinces, in both growth cycles and irrespective of the species combinations, increased in relation to stocking density. In reservoirs in ThaiNguyen Province, the species combination B gave the lowest yield (both growth cycles and overall), and differed significantly (P<0.05) from combinations A and C. The stocking efficiency (ratio of the yield of stocked fish in kg ha?1 to the weight of the stocked fish in kg ha?1) in reservoirs in ThaiNguyen Province ranged from 2.9 to 5.1 over the two growth cycles and that in YenBai from 2.8 to 3.9. There was no discernible trend between growth cycles and/or between species combinations. The major cost incurred was for fingerling procurement. In all instances, a net profit was accrued. The mean (±standard error (SE)) net profit ha?1 (in 103VN dong; approximately 15 500 VND=1 US$) was 885 (±270) and 864 (±214), and 1322 (±176) and 1600 (±150) for the growth cycles 2002/03 and 2003/04 for reservoirs in ThaiNguyen and YenBai provinces respectively. Between the two growth cycles, the net profit increased in eight and three reservoirs from YenBai and ThaiNguyen, respectively, the maximum increase being recorded in Khuan Gio (165%) and Dong Man (39%) reservoirs.  相似文献   

Tropical reservoirs are primarily constructed for irrigation, generation of hydroelectricity and water supply schemes. Development of inland fisheries is a secondary use of most reservoirs. In Sri Lanka, most reservoirs are scattered in the rural areas of the country so that investigation of the fisheries of individual reservoirs with a view to developing management plans is prohibitive. The present study was instigated to explore the possibilities of developing suitable yield predictive models, which can be used in developing management strategies for the Sri Lankan reservoirs. The study was carried out in 11 perennial reservoirs of Sri Lanka. Basic limnological parameters (conductivity, dissolved phosphorus, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a [chl a] content and alkalinity) were determined in each of these reservoirs. Daily data on fish catch and fishing effort were collected in each reservoir. Data on catchment areas (CA), reservoir area (RA) and reservoir capacity (RC) were obtained from the irrigation and survey departments. It is evident that chl a is positively influenced by nutrients (dissolved phosphorus and total phosphorus), morphoedaphic indices derived as alkalinity to mean depth (MEIa) and conductivity to mean depth (MEIc) ratios and CA/RC ratios. MEIa and MEIc are also positively influenced by CA/RC ratios. All these morphological and edaphic parameters were found to positively influence fish yield in reservoirs. As fishing intensity (FI) is also a major determinant of fish yields, fish yield was better accounted by multiple regression models in which FI and individual morphological and edaphic parameters were used as independent variables. Of these multiple regression relationships, the best predictive power for fish yield (Y in kg ha?1 yr?1) was found by Y=18.9+6.78 FI+0.0073 CA/RC where FI is expressed as boat‐days ha?1 yr?1 and CA and RC are in km2 and km3, respectively. In this relationship, FI and CA/RC account for about 68% of the variation in fish yield.  相似文献   

Culture-based fisheries (CBF) are increasingly accepted as strategies for enhancing inland fisheries, especially in tropical Asia. In Sri Lanka, CBF development in irrigation reservoirs has gained momentum due to concerted efforts of government fisheries authorities for inland fisheries enhancement. In the present study, production trends of five irrigation reservoirs of Sri Lanka before and after the introduction of CBF were investigated and apparently optimal CBF yields were not realised. Hence, the stochastic frontier production function (SFPF) was employed to quantify technical efficiencies (TE) of CBF. For each reservoir, annual averages of input data from 2005 to 2018 (14 years) were used in the TE analysis. Hence, total sample size for estimation of SFPF was 70. Although CBF production gradually increased in all five reservoirs from 2005 to 2018, there were substantial variations of total fish production across the reservoirs. The SFPF indicated that CBF production could be further increased through more efficient management of inputs (i.e. number of fishers, mean number of fishing days per year and stocking density).  相似文献   

In this paper the results of a study conducted on the culture‐based fisheries in small (ranging from 2 to 160 ha), farmer‐managed reservoirs in YenBai and ThaiNguyen Provinces in the northern highland region of Vietnam, for the production cycles of 1997/98, 98/99 and 99/00 are presented. The small reservoirs are leased to small farmers by the provincial authorities for fishery activities, and all lessees adopt culture‐based fisheries when fingerlings of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and mrigal (Cirrihinus mrigala) are stocked between March and mid‐April each year and harvested, using large seine nets, after approximately 11–12 months. The mean yields from reservoirs in YenBai and ThaiNguyen Provinces in 97/98, 98/99 and 99/00 production cycles were 251, 332 and 253, and 331, 372 and 210 kg ha?1 respectively. There were major differences in the fish productivity in the reservoirs in the two Provinces, and in a reservoir between culture cycles. The stocking strategies appeared to be rather ad hoc, being determined by the availability of seed stock and the financial status of the lessees. Accordingly, there was no apparent consistent trend in the improvement of yields from the culture‐based fishery practice throughout the growth cycles. The fish yields in reservoirs in each Province were significantly related to reservoir area (exponentially) and to mean weight of stocked fish and conductivity (logarithmically). Of the stocked fish, the highest returns were obtained with mrigal and bighead carp, which collectively contributed > 50% to the harvest. The return from common carp was the lowest. The mean growth rate of grass carp (2.7 g day?1), followed by bighead carp (2.0 g day?1) was the highest in reservoirs in YenBai Province, bighead carp (4.0 g day?1) followed by grass carp (3.2 g day?1) was the highest in ThaiNguyen Province. The seed stocked on average accounted for 65% and 48% of the total operating costs in YenBai and ThaiNguyen Provinces, and the mean cost:benefit ratio of the culture‐based fishery in the two Provinces was 0.35 and 0.37 respectively. The culture‐based fishery on average contributed about 28% to the gross income of a farmer lessee.  相似文献   

Abstract  Changes in the zooplankton community structure in relation to fishery practices in Lake Donghu, Wuhan, China were examined. The number of Protozoa species increased slightly, whereas the number of rotifers and crustaceans decreased from the 1960s to the 1990s. The total annual average densities of zooplankton increased 15–20 times in the 1990s compared with the 1960s. This increase was largely attributed to Protozoa, which contributed 93.4% by number of the total zooplankton density in 1991. Cladoceran densities decreased markedly from 1987. Changes in densities of rotifers and copepods were not evident. Trends in zooplankton biomass were similar to density. Large changes in zooplankton community structure coincided with markedly changes in concentration of chlorophyll a and transparency in Lake Donghu in 1987. The year 1987 seems to be the threshold year when the zooplankton community structure changed considerably. These changes were related to continuously increasing fish stock biomass in the lake. It was suggested that fish stocking and fish biomass should be a better managed for improvement of the quality of the lake's environment.  相似文献   

为了提高养殖南美白对虾的单产水平,采用梯度设计法和回归分析法研究了放养密度和日投饲率对养殖南美白对虾单产的影响.结果 表明,新疆北疆地区南美白对虾单产(Y)与放养密度(SD)呈极显著二次曲线关系Y=-0.0461SD2+ 11.204SD-78.959(R2=0.9707)(F>Fn01),当地南美白对虾最佳放养密度为...  相似文献   

养殖密度和温度对白斑狗鱼在设施养殖中生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
黄宁宇 《水产学报》2006,30(1):76-80
研究了养殖密度和温度对白斑狗鱼稚鱼在设施养殖中生长的影响。经过30d的养殖试验发现养殖密度和温度对白斑狗鱼稚鱼在设施养殖中的摄食和生长都有显著影响。日增重、特定增长率、生长效率、摄食效率随密度的增大而减小,净增重24ind·m-3和16ind·m-3密度组最高;随着温度的升高,日增重、特定增长率、生长效率均呈现先升高后下降的趋势,其中24℃组生长最快,摄食效率则随温度的升高而增大。特定生长率与密度之间存在显著直线回归关系,其回归方程为SGR=7.30-0.122SD(r2=0.9927);养殖温度和特定增长率之间存在显著二次函数关系,其回归方程为SGR=-0.047T2 2.169T-19.56(r2=0.8342),当温度为23.1℃时,白斑狗鱼的特定增长率最大为5.544,表明白斑狗鱼最适生长水温应在23~24℃。白斑狗鱼尽管是凶猛性鱼类,但只要控制好一定的养殖密度和水温,进行设施养殖是可行的。  相似文献   

Despite the growing popularity of culture-based fisheries (CBFs) associated with village irrigation systems (VISs) in Sri Lanka, there is less knowledge about factors that influence productivity levels. CBFs compete with rice for access to water in the VIS, so maximizing the efficiency of CBFs is essential to ensure that the limited water resources are used most effectively. To address this, primary data from 325 fish farming groups were used to estimate a stochastic translog production frontier. Technical efficiency in these irrigation systems was found to be generally low, and substantially lower than that of other aquaculture production systems in other Asian countries. This suggests that production can be increased substantially with better management using existing technology and resources. Removing subsidies, improving consultation with extension officials and improving water user rights – in particular, the introduction of a transferable community quota system – were found to be key means for improving efficiency.  相似文献   

The impact of tilapia stocking on fisheries production in Lake Metztitlán was determined through progression analysis of modes obtained from (Gaussian) kernel density estimators (KDEs) of size frequency distributions of juvenile tilapia stocked after a period of total desiccation. The relationship between the allometric index of four cohorts and water temperature and variation in the volume of the basin was analysed. The use of KDEs was found to be a useful technique for the recognition and progression analysis of modes. The reasons for the low yields from the tilapia fishery of Lake Metztitlán are poor growth rate, low water temperature, which is manifest in low allometric indices, and the use of small mesh size nets. Yields can be sustained by improving fishery management; otherwise it is necessary to continue stocking.  相似文献   

Land-use patterns in the catchment areas of Sri Lankan reservoirs, which were quantified using Geographical Information Systems (GIS), were used to develop quantitative models for yield prediction. The validity of these models was evaluated through the application to five reservoirs that were not used in the development of the models, and by comparing with the actual fish yield data of these reservoirs collected by an independent body. The robustness of the predictive models developed was tested by principal component analysis (PCA) on limnological characteristics, land-use patterns of the catchments and fish yields. The predicted fish yields in five Sri Lankan reservoirs, using the empirical models based on the ratios of forest cover and/or shrub cover to reservoir capacity or reservoir area were in close agreement with the observed fish yields. The scores of PCA ordination of productivity-related limnological parameters and those of land-use patterns were linearly related to fish yields. The relationship between the PCA scores of limnological characteristics and land-use types had the appropriate algebraic form, which substantiates the influence of the limnological factors and land-use types on reservoir fish yields. It is suggested that the relatively high predictive power of the models developed on the basis of GIS methodologies can be used for more accurate assessment of reservoir fisheries. The study supports the importance and the need for an integrated management strategy for the whole watershed to enhance fish yields.  相似文献   

养殖密度影响鱼类福利是鱼类生理生态学、福利学和种群生态学研究中的关键问题,已受到各国学者的关注。文章综述了养殖密度影响鱼类福利的主要研究进展,讨论了鱼类死亡率、生长、摄食以及应激反应等福利指标随养殖密度变化的规律及其描述方法;在此基础上,对鱼类福利指标随不同放养密度变化规律的研究以及应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

对虾池的放养密度对浮游生物群落的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
卢静 《水产学报》2000,24(3):240-246
于1998年7 ̄9月在山东海阳养虾场运用陆基围隔实验生态学方法,研究了对虾与罗非鱼在五种放养密度下浮游生物群落的变动情况。结果表明;可能浮游动物的摄食对浮游植物产生影响,二者数量的消长在大多数围隔都呈负相关;纤毛虫的数量与浮游植物的总生物量呈负相关;随着养殖密度的增加,浮游植物生物量减少,而浮游动物却有所增加,前者的优势类群由硅藻变为甲藻、蓝藻和隐藻。后者的在组成中镖水蚤数量减少而剑水蚤、无节幼体、轮虫和原生动物等小型种类有所增加;纤毛虫在高密度围隔中大量繁殖,说明水质已逐渐恶化。  相似文献   

分别进行水温和密度对大鳞鲃(Barbus capito)幼鱼的生长影响实验,旨在探索大鳞鲃适宜的放养密度和生长温度。水温实验设计为6个梯度值15℃、18℃、21℃、24℃、27℃、30℃,幼鱼初始体重为9~12 g,投喂75 d后,结果得出:在水温15~27℃时,随着温度的升高,终末体重会逐渐增加,27℃时最大值为(44.47±9.54)g,水温达到30℃时,终末体重开始下降。24℃、27℃和30℃组体重增长无显著差异,但温度达到30℃时,体重变异系数最大,为(29.82±11.36)%。密度实验设计为4个梯度值20 ind/m3、15 ind/m3、10 ind/m3、5 ind/m3,幼鱼初始体重为0.6~0.7 g,投喂60 d后,结果得出:随着放养密度的下降,体重增长的速度越快。体重、特定增长率、日增重变化在密度为5 ind/m3时最高,密度10 ind/m3与15 ind/m3没有显著差异,达到20 ind/m3时会显著下降。综合考虑,大鳞鲃适宜的养殖温度在24~27℃,静水池塘的放养密度建议在15 ind/m3左右。  相似文献   

将体长为(3.59±0.26)cm的凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)按1 800尾.m-3、1 500尾.m-3和1 200尾.m-3的密度分别饲养在注水0.3 m3的圆形玻璃纤维桶(容量为0.5 m3)中30 d,检测了基本水质因子、对虾肝胰腺和肌肉组织中的酚氧化酶(PO)活力、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力、抗菌活力(Ua)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)活力、体质量增长和成活率,研究了不同放养密度对凡纳滨对虾稚虾免疫指标及生长的影响。统计分析发现,试验过程中水体理化因子均在适宜范围,各处理间水质因子的差异不显著;对虾的PO活力、Ua和AKP活力均随着密度的增加而降低,SOD活力则反之;对虾的体质量增长、体质量特定增长率和成活率随着密度的增加而降低,成活率差异显著(P〈0.05)。结果表明,凡纳滨对虾(体长〈4.8 cm或体质量〈1.2 g)在密度为1 200~1 800尾.m-3时,密度胁迫可明显影响其免疫指标和生长。  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of family, stocking density, and their interaction on mortality, growth rate, and size dispersal in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius, 1,440 juveniles from six full‐sib families were exposed to three stocking densities, that is, low stocking density (LD), middle stocking density (MD), and high stocking density (HD), and reared for 10 months in sea‐based suspended cages. The results demonstrated significant family effects on cumulative mortality rate (CMR); specific growth rate for test diameter (SGR for TD); specific growth rate for body weight (SGR for BW); coefficient of variation for body weight at the 10th month (CV for BW10); and significant stocking density effects on SGR for TD, SGR for BW, and CV for BW10. Statistically significant family by stocking density interaction was only found in SGR for TD. A certain degree of family‐ranking inversions occurred in SGR for TD. The present study provides evidence for the existence of family by stocking density interaction on the growth rate of test diameter in the family selection for S. intermedius. More attention should be paid to this interaction effect to select correct parents in S. intermedius.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the success of stocking fingerlings of Indian major carps ‐Gibelion catla (Hamilton), Labeo rohita Hamilton and Cirrhinus mrigala Hamilton – to enhance fish yield in 58 small reservoirs in Odisha State, India. Fish stocking and yield data were collected from State Fisheries Department, Odisha. The relationships between area, stocking density and fish yield of different size groups of reservoirs were assessed using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). Fish yield increased significantly (p < 0.05, t‐test) from 204 kg/ha/year in 2012–13 to 323 kg/ha/year in 2013–14 due to adoption of CBF. The corresponding per capita fish production increased from 398 kg fisher?1 year?1 to 702 kg fisher?1 year?1 benefitting more than 8,000 fisher households. Reservoirs in the size group 100–500 ha showed the highest response of fish yield with respect to stocking of fingerlings. The size of fingerlings at stocking and area of the reservoir had greater impact on enhancing fish yield. Stocking had a profound positive impact on fish yield. This study forms a baseline evaluation of the impact of stocking on small tropical reservoirs in India. It also recommends management measures and discusses issues, and the way forward for sustainable fisheries enhancement in small tropical reservoirs in eastern India.  相似文献   

The sutchi catfish, Pangasius sutchi (Fowler 1937) was grown at 10 stocking densities in cages suspended in a river‐fed channel during the summer of 2000. Catfish fingerlings (mean length 9.1–9.7 cm and mean weight 5.9–6.7 g) were stocked at densities of 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140 and 150 fish m?3. After 150 days, growth and yield parameters were studied and a simple economic analysis was carried out to calculate profitability. The mean gross yield ranged from 15.6±0.27 to 34.5±0.44 kg m?3 and the net yield ranged from 15.2±0.22 to 33.5±0.36 kg m?3 and showed significant variations (P<0.05). The mean weights of fish at harvest were inversely related to stocking density. Both gross and net yields were significantly different and were directly influenced by stocking density but the specific growth rate, survival rate and feed conversion rate were unaffected. Higher stocking density resulted in higher yield per unit of production cost and lower cost per unit of yield. The net revenue increased positively with increasing stocking density. A density of 150 fish m?3 produced the best production and farm economics among the densities tested in this experiment.  相似文献   

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