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吉林省水稻低温冷害发生特征与防御措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统地分析和阐述了吉林省水稻冷害发生原因、特点,依据吉林省水稻生产气候环境、水稻冷害发生规律和栽培特点,采取科学有效的措施,预防和控制水稻冷害灾害,在水稻冷害灾害年,将稻谷产量损失控制到最低程度.  相似文献   

为了研究吉林省水稻低温冷害时空演变规律,采用水稻生长发育和产量形成气象影响模式,判定吉林省1961—2018年水稻障碍型和延迟型冷害,利用数理统计方法分析水稻低温冷害时空变化特征。结果表明:1961—2018年吉林省水稻障碍型和延迟型低温冷害发生站数比呈降低趋势,障碍型低温冷害主要以轻度冷害为主,中度次之,重度最少。重度延迟型冷害发生站数比高于轻度和中度冷害。障碍型冷害发生站数比在1981—1990年最高,延迟型冷害发生站数比在1971—1980年最高。吉林省水稻障碍型低温冷害发生频率呈由西向东逐渐升高的趋势,20世纪90年代之后,冷害主要分布在东部。延迟型冷害发生频率也由西向东逐渐上升,但轻度和中度冷害主要集中分布在中西部,重度冷害主要集中在东部。研究成果可为吉林省合理搭配不同熟性的水稻品种,充分利用热量资源,抵御低温冷害提供保障。  相似文献   

低温胁迫对黑龙江省芽期水稻幼苗死苗率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙焱 《种子世界》2013,(3):27-29
冷害在水稻生产中是导致水稻减产的最大非生物灾害之一。黑龙江省属寒地气候,低温冷害发生频繁,每3~5年便会发生一次冷害。近年损失最大的冷害发生在2002年,导致水稻大面积减产,因为黑龙江是最大的水稻商品粮生产基地,所以这种大面积冷害的发生对水稻商品粮的生产影响巨大。选育耐冷性强的水稻品种是黑龙江省水稻育种的主要目标,在选育耐低温水稻品种的过程中,亲本的选择极为重要,  相似文献   

1冷害的发生及对水稻生育的影响 呼兰区低温冷害常发生于六七月份。6月份发生的冷害主要为延迟型冷害,该期水稻正处于生长分蘖期,属营养生长阶段,出现低温冷害常造成水稻生长缓慢、生育延迟。据调查,2006年6月呼兰区连续数日低温、多雨、寡照,造成水稻长势不足,生长量小,分蘖数目少,生育期拖后。  相似文献   

水稻是否优质高产,与水稻所处环境的温度存在一定的相关性,寒冷稻作区水稻冷害防治是实现水稻稳产和高产的关键。常见水稻的低温冷害有3种类型,分别是延迟型冷害、障碍型冷害和混合型冷害。主要分析了延迟型冷害和障碍型冷害及其防御技术。  相似文献   

<正>低温冷害会造成早稻无法或重新播种而推迟栽插,晚稻和迟熟中稻形成大量空壳"翘穗头",损失惨重,应引起足够重视。随着全球气候变暖,一些人放松了对水稻低温冷害的警惕,事实表明,近些年水稻低温冷害不是减少了,相反,在有的年份和个别地方发生更频繁,危害更大。一、低温冷害的种类  相似文献   

低温冷害是宁夏水稻生产中的一个主要灾害之一,严重影响宁夏区水稻产量的稳定增长。根据气象资料表明,每间隔3~4年就可能发生一次冷害。事实证明也如此。早在1976年,由于低温冷害使当年水稻产量只有2865kg/hm^2,减产1.5亿kg,1979年、1982年以及2000年以来,冷害不同程度的危害造成减产的事例也很多。如2004年青铜峡灵新村的21.3hm^2秀优57水稻和利通区金银滩镇西滩村、陈袁滩乡杨滩村的大面积吉引86-11直播稻,遭受不同程度低温冷害损失惨重。  相似文献   

低温冷害影响水稻生理功能变化,如光合作用、呼吸作用、矿质养分吸收、膜脂过氧化以及抗氧化系统。本研究一方面详细介绍了低温胁迫下,光合作用、呼吸作用、矿质养分吸收、膜脂过氧化以及抗氧化系统变化机制,着重分析了低温胁迫下,水稻体内脱水蛋白、酶蛋白、活性氧、内源激素以及细胞膜脂肪酸组分的变化相关生理机制;另一方面,从冷害调控角度出发,较全面地综述了外源植物生长调节剂在水稻冷害调控方面研究概况,提出中国在水稻冷害研究领域的未来发展方向与新趋势,进而为今后水稻冷害相关研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在我国无论南方北方,单季稻双季稻,常年都有不同类型,不同程度的冷害发生。为了防止冷害,除改革育秧栽培技术外,提高品种耐冷性已成为许多国家水稻育种越来越重视的课题。但要成功地培育耐冷水稻良种,首先就要有不同来源的耐冷遗传授体,而耐冷鉴定方  相似文献   

寒地稻区是我国最重要的粳稻生产区,对保障国家粮食安全起到重要作用。但是寒地稻区每年受低温冷害影响,水稻减产幅度较大。从秧苗素质、栽插密度、施肥和灌溉方式等4方面来分析当前寒地水稻栽培存在问题,并结合寒地水稻生育期短、需活动积温少、易发生低温冷害的现状,提出应对措施及未来发展与研究方向。以期为寒地水稻创建高产、稳产栽培技术体系提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

Cold water irrigation and growth in low temperature phytotron are two commonly used methods to evaluate cold tolerance of rice at the seedling stage and the cold sensitive seedlings exhibit different injury symptoms, respectively. However, so far no one has systematically dissected the differences of cold tolerance at seedling stage in rice under the two cold environments. We used a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross of a cold-tolerant japonica cultivar, Lijiangxintuanheigu and a cold sensitive indica cultivar, Sanhuangzhan-2 for this study. The cold sensitive seedlings exhibited leaf yellowing after cold water irrigation and leaf rolling during growth in the low temperature phytotron. Leaf yellowing and leaf rolling in RILs was significantly correlated, but the correlation coefficient was low. A total of four quantitative trait locus (QTLs) on chromosomes 1, 6, 9 and 12 were detected using leaf yellowing and percent seedling survival as indicators of cold tolerance after cold water irrigation, while five QTLs on chromosomes 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 were detected using leaf rolling and percent seedling survival as indicators of cold tolerance during growth in the low temperature phytotron. The two QTLs, qCTS-9 and qCTS-12 were detected using different evaluation indicators under the two cold environments. Our results suggest that rice cold tolerance mechanisms at the seedling stage differ between the two environments, but the detection of common QTL implies the existence of overlap in the metabolic pathways for cold tolerance. The two common QTLs have potential value in rice breeding.  相似文献   

不同生育期水稻耐冷性的鉴定及耐冷性差异的生理机制   总被引:38,自引:4,他引:38  
以粳稻9516、H45、武育粳、转PEPC基因水稻、Kitaake、苏沪香粳,籼稻扬稻6号、香籼、IR64,培矮64S以及杂交稻粤优938、汕优63、X07S/紫徽100、两优培九等14个水稻品种为材料,分别鉴定了芽期(胚根1 cm, 胚芽0.5 cm)、苗期(三叶)和孕穗期的耐冷性,同时选取南京对水稻播种敏感的自然低温条件,进行低温鉴定。结果表明,芽期存活率、苗期的枯死率和孕穗期结实率均为可靠的水稻耐冷性鉴定指标。进一步从叶片的光合速率、PSⅡ光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、脂肪酸组分、活性氧指标(丙二醛,过氧化氢和超氧阴离子和抗氧化物质(抗坏血酸和谷胱甘肽)的变化等方面,研究耐冷性不同的水稻的耐冷生理机制。表明耐冷的水稻品种武育粳含较多的不饱和脂肪酸,在低温逆境下,膜的流动性愈大,低温对其伤害愈小;对杂交稻汕优63而言,其叶内抵御逆境的保护系统抗坏血酸和谷胱甘肽的循环被较大地激活,特别是谷胱甘肽再生的高速运转,与不耐冷的品种香籼相比,汕优63叶内的过氧化物质累积较少,其耐冷性表现中等。看来水稻叶片维持高的脂肪酸不饱和指数和谷胱甘肽的周转循环能力是水稻耐冷的重要特征。  相似文献   

磷营养对水稻不同耐冷品种光合特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王国莉  郭振飞 《作物学报》2007,33(8):1385-1389
以不同磷水平的营养液培养水稻幼苗,比较研究了低温处理后耐冷性不同品种光合特性的变化。低温下2个品种的水稻叶片的叶绿素含量、光合速率、Fv/Fm和qp均降低,冷敏感品种比耐冷品种的降低幅度更大。与缺磷和正常磷水平培养的材料相比,高磷培养的材料在低温下具有较高的叶绿素含量、光合速率、Fv/Fm和qp;缺磷培养的材料在低温下叶绿素含量、光合速率、Fv/Fm和qp下降加剧,耐冷品种的NPQ升高,但冷敏感品种的NPQ变化不大。磷营养水平对冷敏感品种光合作用的影响比对耐冷品种更明显,通过体外施磷,可以提高水稻的耐冷性。  相似文献   

余丽萍 《中国农学通报》2015,31(29):168-173
应用衢州市1960—2012 年日气象观测资料,针对早稻苗期出现低温冷害灾害,从气象因子入手,建立定量评估模型,分析较严重的早稻春季低温冷害年大气环流背景,为提高春季低温冷害预报和预警水平,应对春季低温冷害对早稻构成的严重威胁。采用主分量分析法确定主分量及表达式,建立综合评价指标模型,计算出综合评价指标,并且对历年综合指标进行了评价。应用NCEP 1°×1° 500 hPa、850 hPa 资料,分析了较严重春季低温冷害年的大气环流背景。结果表明:从1960—1997 年春季低温冷害发生频率3~4 年出现一次,强度为1987—1997 年最强,2000 年以后,春季低温发生次数甚少。1987年、1993 年、1996 年、2010 年出现了较严重的早稻春季低温冷害,相对应的气候异常。综合评价指标和早稻产量相关密切,能客观地反映低温冷害的风险程度。较严重的早稻春季低温冷害年4 月上中旬亚欧地区呈径向型环流,使冷空气活动频繁南下,导致长江中下游地区气温偏低,而副热带高压强度强,南支槽、西南暖湿气流活跃,造成长江中下游地区持续阴雨天气。西风带、副热带、热带系统的有利配置,是造成早稻春季低温冷害发生的大气环流背景。  相似文献   

Asymmetric warming and frequent temperature extremes are the consequences of climate change that are affecting crop growth and productivity over the globe while heat stress at early filling stage is of serious concern for the early-season rice in double cropping rice system of South China. In present study we assessed different short-term water management strategies to cope with the high temperature at early filling stage in rice. Water was applied as flood irrigation at two various depths i.e., 4–5 cm (I1) and 5–10 cm (I2) during 9:00–18:00 and then drained off at 18:00 as well as applied over-head during different time spans i.e., over-head sprinkle irrigation during 11:00–12:00, 13:00–14:00 and 14:00–15:00 at 60–80% relative humidity (RH) at early filling stage and regarded as S1, S2 and S3, respectively. A control was maintained with the maintenance of 1 cm water layer as normal farmer practice of this region. A fragrant rice cultivar, ‘Yuxiangyouzhan’ in early March (regarded as early season rice) in both 2014–15 and the effectiveness of different water management strategies were measured by estimating physio-biochemical responses, photosynthesis, yield and quality of rice exposed to high temperature stress at early filling stage. Our results showed that water treatments lowered lipid peroxidation (in terms of reduced malondialdehyde (MDA) contents) whilst proline and protein contents were affected differently. The water treatments also regulated the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), nevertheless, improved plant photosynthesis and gas exchange, rice yield and quality attributes considerably by lowering severity of canopy temperatures than control (CK). On average, both flood and sprinkler water application were proved effective against high temperature stress, nonetheless, flood irrigated treatments were remained more effective than sprinkler which provided 26.58 and 43.63% higher grain yields in 2014–15, respectively than CK. On average, 5.58 and 11.92% higher grain yields were recorded in flood irrigation than sprinkler irrigation whereas among individual water application treatments, I1 was noted as the most effective regarding grain yield of rice (26.76 and 49.35% higher yield than CK) in both years which suggests that maintenance of 4–5 cm water layer might be helpful for the rice to withstand against high temperature stress at post heading and/or early filling stage in early-season rice production in South China.  相似文献   

New Rice for Africa (NERICA) is a general name for interspecific rice varieties derived from a cross between the high‐yielding Asian rice (Oryza sativa L.) between locally adapted African rice (Oryza glaberrima Steud.). Eight NERICAs were evaluated for cold tolerance (CT) at the reproductive stage and compared with their O. sativa parents and three Japanese standard rice varieties over 3 years. Cold tolerance was evaluated based on the filled grain ratio (FGR) after cold water irrigation. The FGR was greatly reduced by cold water irrigation. NERICA 1, 2 and 7 had higher FGR (51.9–57.9 %), while NERICA 6, 15 and 16 had lower FGR (6.2–14.5 %). NERICA 1, 2 and 7 were less affected by cold stress, with a 31 % mean reduction in FGR, while NERICA 6, 15 and 16 were greatly affected, with their FGRs being reduced by more than 80 %. NERICA 3 and 4 were moderately affected by cold stress, with about 45 % reduction rate in FGR. FGR significantly influenced the grain weights of the varieties with strong positive correlations (r = 0.83–0.91; P < 0.001), and thus, similar trends in grain weights were observed. Grain weights were reduced by 61.7–96.4 % under cold stress. NERICA 1, 2 and 7 showed significantly better performance than NERICA 3 and 4, while NERICA 6, 15 and 16 performed poorly under cold water irrigation. The Japanese varieties Koshihikari (very tolerant) and Ozora (moderately tolerant) were more affected by cold water irrigation than NERICA 1, 2 and 7. On the basis of the mean reduction rate (%) in FGR under cold stress, the varieties were classified as follows: NERICA 1, 2 and 7 as tolerant; NERICA 3 and 4 as moderately tolerant; and NERICA 6, 15 and 16 as susceptible to cold stress. However, NERICA 7 grain yields were lower under cold stress due to both greatly reduced number of panicles per plant and number of spikelets per panicle. Therefore, NERICA 1 and 2 are suitable candidates for production in the highland regions of East Africa and should be promoted for production.  相似文献   

分蘖和乳熟期控制灌溉对水稻生长和产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了合理的制定水稻控灌灌溉制度,开展了单生育期内水分控制灌溉对水稻生长影响的试验研究。在水稻分蘖(FN)和乳熟期(RS)分别以土壤饱和含水量的80%(FN1,RS1)和90%(FN2,RS2)作为灌溉下限进行控制灌溉。结果表明:与常规浅湿灌溉相比,生育期水分控制灌溉可以减少该生育期内灌水次数和灌水量,控制灌溉停止后,分蘖期处理水稻需水出现补偿效应,乳熟期则不明显;控制灌溉不利于水稻株高生长,有利于增加每穗粒数和每穗实粒数,对千粒重影响不明显;控制灌溉节水效应显著,但同时减产作用也十分明显,FN1、FN2、RS1和RS2处理分别节水21.1%,16.2%,29.4%和18.1%,减产27.8%,26.8%,29.5%和19.2%;分蘖期控制灌溉减产作用大于节水作用,灌溉水利用效率(IWUE)显著下降,较对照处理降低8.5%~12.7%,乳熟期控制灌溉IWUE和对照差异不显著。因此,从生产角度来讲,当灌溉水水资源匮乏需要控制灌溉时,为了提高IWUE,宜在乳熟期适当控灌,而分蘖期不宜控制灌溉。  相似文献   

不同栽培和灌溉方式对冷浸田障碍因子及水稻产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了消减冷浸型中低产田长期浸渍、泥温低、结构差、还原性物质毒害、有效养分低等障碍因子,通过田间小区试验和动态取样与室内测定,研究了不同栽培和灌溉方式对冷浸田障碍因子及水稻产量的影响。结果表明:与常规灌溉方式比较,起垄栽培结合湿润灌溉方式增加了晴朗天气条件下冷浸田土壤温度,土壤气相比例提高3 倍,土壤液相比例减少20%,土壤活性还原物质含量降低了21.9%,土壤细菌数和微生物活性分别提高128.7%和3.8%,土壤排水通气性增强,还原性物质毒害减轻,土壤有效养分提升,为微生物活动创造了优良的条件,最终使早稻增产10.8%。起垄栽培结合湿润灌溉方式是适合于冷浸田早稻增产的农水管理措施。  相似文献   

Recent studies on chilling tolerance mechanisms in maize revealed a significant positive correlation between genotypic chilling tolerance and chilling‐induced accumulation of the stress hormone abscisic acid (ABA) under controlled growth chamber conditions. Based on this and other results, the hypothesis was developed that chilling tolerance in maize is related to the ability to accumulate large amounts of ABA rapidly, as a protection against chilling injury. The objective of the present study was to test this hypothesis under field conditions during natural cold weather periods in spring, which often cause severe chilling injury in maize fields. In two experiments at two locations in Europe with contrasting climates, eight maize genotypes with different genotypic chilling tolerance were cultivated in spring in the field according to agronomic practice for maize. Before and at the end of cold weather periods, ABA levels and water contents were determined in the third leaves. It was found that chilling‐tolerant genotypes accumulated higher amounts of ABA during the chilling period than chilling‐sensitive genotypes. A significant positive correlation between chilling tolerance and the levels of ABA in the leaves was found. These results support the above‐mentioned hypothesis. In contrast to earlier studies performed under growth chamber conditions, the water content in chilled leaves was mostly higher than in non‐chilled leaves. The increase in ABA is therefore not attributable to chilling‐induced water deficit, but probably to the low temperature itself.  相似文献   

分蘖期控制灌溉对土温及水稻干物质积累等的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了研究超级稻在双季稻区分蘖时期的最佳控水模式,2014年在华南农业大学农场以超级稻玉香油占为试材进行大田试验。在水稻分蘖数达到不同的2个阶段分别设置2个水分梯度处理,记录了控制灌溉期间土壤温度的变化,研究了其对干物质积累动态、LAI变化动态、光合特性以及成穗率和最终产量等的影响。结果表明:分蘖期控制灌溉(0~20 cm土层平均土壤相对含水率为(60±5)%能够扩大土壤5 cm深度日温差,减少拔节前干物质积累,提高拔节期净光合速率和生育后期叶面积指数,优化干物质积累动态,最终提高了W1和W2处理的成穗率与产量。因此,在玉香油占分蘖期控制0~20 cm土层平均土壤相对含水率为(60±5)%,能够达到节水高效栽培的目的。  相似文献   

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