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松枯梢病是一种发病广、危害大、历史久的世界性病害。我国1980年开始研究此病,其症状有枯叶、枯梢、丛枝、根腐、软枝等,其病原Diplodia pinea对松枯梢病的研究,今后将在衰退病理论的指导下,进一步进行。并可能利用计算机模型化来区分该病的诱导、激发、促进因素等各致病因素的作用。  相似文献   

姜凤丽 《浙江林业科技》1992,12(2):24-28,23
松枯梢病(Diplodia Pinea)除为害国外松外,还危害日本赤松、乔松、黑松等。病菌主要侵染松梢,被害部位密生黑色子实体。菌丝生长的适宜温度为20~30℃,最适温度是25℃,适宜pH值为5~7,最适pH值为6;病菌对碳源的利用以蔗糖、葡萄糖为最佳,山梨糖最差;对氮源的利用以牛肉浸膏、蛋白胨最佳,尿素最差;分生孢子萌发的适宜温度为15~30℃,最适温度为25~30℃。室内抑菌试验表明,75%百菌清、70%托布津、65%代森锌、20%三环唑各1000倍均有100%的抑菌效果。  相似文献   

樟子松枯梢病的侵染发生规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在辽宁省章古台 ,松枯梢病 Sphaeropsis sapinea主要发生在樟子松 Pinussylvestrisvar.mongolica苗木和中老龄树木上 ,树龄越大 ,病害越重。病菌孢子在整个生长季节均能放散与传播 ,降雨节律和降雨量直接影响到孢子的扩散期、高峰期和数量。降雨量大的年份 ,孢子放散数量多 ,病害发生重。人工接种树木发现 ,从新梢伸长至针叶发育完全期间 ,病菌无需伤口即可直接侵入当年新梢并使之枯萎。病菌的侵入时期主要在 5月下旬至 6月下旬 ,此间也是化学防治的最佳时期。野外自然条件下 ,病害自 7月份开始发生 ,8月中下旬发展最快 ,1 0月份停止。樟子松是最易感染松枯梢病的树种之一。  相似文献   

衡山县国外松枯梢病调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
衡山县国外松枯梢病调查罗鸣高,周建良,贺正兴(衡山县林业局)(湖南省林业专科学校)(湖南省林科所)1984年,经湖南省林业厅批准,衡山县列为全省国外松丰产林基地之一。县林业局组织技术力量对全县的土壤、植被、树种资源等进行了综合考察,认真分析了衡山自然...  相似文献   

松枯梢病病原菌研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
松树枯梢病是一种世界性病害,寄主范围广,危害重,严重威胁林业生产及生态安全.该病病原菌组成多样,存在基因型的分化.该文对松枯梢病的病原菌多样性、病原菌生物学特性和致病性等方面的研究进展做一综述,藉以为我国松枯梢病的研究提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

樟子松枯梢病的侵染发生规律   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在辽宁省章古台,松枯梢病Sphaeropsis sapinea主要发生在樟子松Pinus sylvestrisvar.mongolica苗木和中老龄树木上,树龄越大,病害越重。病菌孢子在整个生长季节均能放散与传播,降雨节律和降雨量直接影响到放散数量多,病害发生重。人工接种树木发现,从新梢伸长至针叶发育完全期间,病菌无需伤口即可直接侵入当梢并使之枯萎。病菌的侵入时期主要在5月下旬至6月下旬,此间也是  相似文献   

松枯梢病的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

国外松枯梢病防治试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对国外松枯梢病作施硼和药剂防治试验,晶体硼砂30克/株的效果最好,平均防治效果80.4%,其次是2;2:100波尔多液为76.5%,40%多菌灵400倍液为59.3%,70%甲基托布津400倍液为59%,营林措施防治效果为65.8%-66.2%。  相似文献   

吉林省的松枯梢病   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自1995年以来,我省长春、吉林等地林区或市区的部分樟子松(Pinussylvestrisvar.mongolica)、油松(P.tableformis)和红松(P.koraiensis)的针叶、枝梢发生枯死现象。两年来,除了对这些树种上的其他病虫害进行诊断鉴定外。笔者疑为某些病状极有可能是松枯梢病所致。为此,从1997年3月下旬起,在长春市净月潭,以10天间隔定期取样,进行镜检和培养观察。于7月下旬开始,在受害部位出现大量子实体,经鉴定证实,确为松枯梢病。此病病原为松色二泡菌(Diplodiapinea(Desm.)Kickx],属球壳菌目,球壳孢科,色二抱属。分生抱子器…  相似文献   

In pine forests damaged by pine wilt disease, in western Japan, the effect of protection regimes of pine trees on the stand dynamics were examined in the following four stands: (1) lightly damaged stand (age 30–40 years) with no procedure in operation for protecting pine trees; (2) severely damaged stand (age 30–40 years) with no procedure in place for protecting pine trees; (3) severely damaged stand (age 50 years) with a selective cutting of infected trees; (4) severely damaged stand (age 30–40 years) with a selective cutting of infected trees. All the stands had been abandoned before the pine wilt disease damage. The understory structure of the severely damaged stand with no protection procedure was similar to that of the lightly damaged stand. Frequent invasion by tree species and acceleration in the growth of understory trees occurred after the dieback in the selective cutting stand. These results suggest that a deficiency in the canopy layer caused by the dieback resulted in low disturbance intensity in the early stages after the dieback, but the selective cutting increased the intensity by the reduction in the understory as well as the canopy layer. The intensity of the disturbance in the selective cutting stands was larger in the younger stand because it had a higher density of selectively cut pine trees. The different stand structure of pine forests occurred after the dieback because the intensity of the disturbance varied as a result of the selective cutting operation and the stand age.  相似文献   

Research conducted on shoot dieback of lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta, during the early 1980's in west Scotland is summarised. The dieback symptoms and their stages of development are described. Ramichloridium pini de Hoog and Rahman was regularly isolated from bark and xylem tissue of dieased shoots. Artificial inoculations established that this fungus was the cause of the disease.  相似文献   

樟子松枯梢病的防治研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
樟子松移植苗枯梢病Sphaeropsis sapinea可以通过药剂有效地进行防治。移植前以50%多菌灵wp500倍液浸苗;在人工林中,内吸性杀菌剂-甲基托布津、多菌灵为首选药剂;在树木新梢生长停止期和展叶中期(辽西北为6月初和6月中旬),70%甲基托布津wp 1000倍液或50%多菌灵wp 500倍液防治2次。保护性杀菌剂-百菌清效果不佳。适时的卫生伐对该病有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

为了评价人工剪梢防治微红梢斑螟对松树生长的影响,分别在当年5月份和7月份对微红梢斑螟危害过的马尾松、湿地松幼林实施人工剪梢防治微红梢斑螟幼虫.结果表明:人工剪梢防治微红梢斑螟对松树生长的影响与剪梢时间和树种有关.人工剪梢防治对马尾松、湿地松地径生长均有一定的促进作用,其中5月份剪梢的马尾松地径增长最明显,达14.87%...  相似文献   

在四川云南松切梢小蠹发生有代表性的云南松林中采用漏斗状诱捕器和饵木堆在切梢小蠹梢转干高峰期 ,在目测踏查无切梢小蠹发生危害和切梢小蠹发生危害轻两种不同发生程度的云南松林分中使用漏斗状诱捕器和饵木堆两种方法对切梢小蠹是否发生、发生危害程度能进行有效的监测 ,两种方式的监测有效率均达 10 0 %。在无切梢小蠹发生危害和切梢小蠹发生危害轻的两种云南松林分中诱捕器监测准确率分别达 70 %和 6 0 %以上 ,监测有效半径为 30m ,安置方式为每 35m× 35m置漏斗状诱捕器 3套 ;饵木监测准确率分别达 80 %和 70 %以上 ,监测有效半径为 2 0m ,安置方式为每 30m× 30m置饵木堆 3堆 ,每堆 12根饵木按 #字型排立。两种方式的监测效果均高于人工目测踏查法  相似文献   

An outbreak of a new and severe disease was observed in Eucalyptus plantations of Bahia state, Brazil. An Ascomycota fungus has been frequently associated with the main symptoms of the disease namely leaf spot, branch cankers, shoot blight, defoliation, and dieback. Based on morphological characteristics, phylogenetic analysis (ITS and TEF-1α genes), and pathogenicity test on Eucalyptus plants, Pseudoplagiostoma eucalypti was identified as the causal agent of the disease. Although P. eucalytpi has been known from in Brazil since 1998, this is the first report of it causing severe disease and die-back on Eucalyptus spp. and we also record new symptoms associated with the pathogen.  相似文献   

在长春净月潭林场应用信息化合物监测了纵坑切梢小蠹发生区、发生期和发生量,结果表明:诱捕器监测准确率达100%;在试验林分的虫口密度范围内,信息化合物的诱集量与林分被害程度呈正相关关系;纵坑切梢小蠹在净月潭于4月上旬开始扬飞,第1次高峰期出现在4月末5月初,第2次高峰期出现在5月中旬,至6月中下旬为扬飞末期。  相似文献   

The susceptibility of jack pine, Pinus banksiana Lamb., to damage by the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi (Peck) and the eastern pine shoot borer, Eucosma gloriola Heinrich, was examined over a three-year period (1994–1996) in a 400-family genetic test near New Liskeard, Ontario. Of the 7180 trees examined, white pine weevil damaged 1041 and eastern pine shoot borer damaged 1913 trees, yielding damage frequencies of 14.5% and 26.6%, respectively. Thirty families of jack pine never sustained weevil damage during the study period, while only one family escaped damage by the shoot borer. The expected, and observed, damage rates were significantly different for the weevil, but not for the shoot borer. There was no discernible spatial pattern in the incidence of shoot damage by either insect species, based on the geographic location of the parent trees. The data suggest that there is a basis for pursuing further studies to evaluate genetic resistance in tree improvement programs.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the physiological condition of wood influenced patterns of colonization by mould and sapstain fungi. The extent of fungal defacement on sawn pine lumber Pinus nigra var. maritima that had been killed by gamma‐irradiation was compared with the defacement on untreated, still living timber that had been aged for up to 16 weeks prior to being sawn. All the sawn lumber was exposed to the natural inoculum of sapstain and mould fungi in a working sawmill environment over a 4‐week period. The results indicated that the pattern of fungal defacement differed markedly in dead or aged wood compared with untreated wood. Mould fungi were most prevalent on the dead irradiated wood, whereas sapstain fungi dominated the freshly sawn lumber which was still living. The differences appear to be independent of wood moisture content and may be related to the production of inhibitory compounds by living cells in wood as it becomes senescent and dies.  相似文献   

Cultural factors affecting in vitro shoot and subsequent plantlet formation of slash pine (Pinus elliotti Engelm.) cotyledons were investigated. Basal media composition, N6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) concentration and exposure time significantly influenced bud induction in cotyledons cultured under a continuous photoperiod of 35–40 mol m–2 s–1 at 24 ± 1 °C. The largest number of adventitious shoots was obtained after 28 days exposure to 66 M BAP-supplemented modified Gresshoff and Doy 1 (GD1) medium. Relatively high frequencies of large shoots were obtained after a 14-day exposure to 22 M BAP-supplemented Brown and Lawrence (BL) or 66 M BAP-supplemented GD1. Adventitious shoots derived from 21- or 28-day exposures to BAP developed more slowly and were smaller in size than those derived from a 14-day exposure to the cytokinin. Shoot differentiation and subsequent growth were also influenced by basal media, media concentration, and presence of activated charcoal in the medium. The percentage of cotyledons forming shoots was highest on half-strength GD1 medium containing activated charcoal. Rooting was achieved in vitro under a continuous photoperiod of 60–70 mol M–2 S–1. Roots were formed when excised shoots were planted on GD 1/2 medium supplemented with 2.68 M 1–1 a-napthaleneacetic acid (NAA) with or without BAP for 14 days. The proposed technique of slash pine propagation using cotyledon explants can produce up to 100 seedlings per embryo.  相似文献   

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