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14只2岁非洲黑舵鸟(4公10母)按公母比例1:2-3分成4个繁殖组合,对产蛋、受精、孵化情况进行观察分析。结果显示,每只母舵鸟年平均产蛋量为55.2枚,最高为73枚,最低为39枚。4个组合鸟群之间种蛋的受精率存在显著的差异(P<0.01),I组的受精率最高,为59.6%;Ⅳ组的受精率最低,仅8.9%。各组的受精蛋孵化率差异不显著(P>0.05),平均受精蛋孵化率达到92.6%。受精率较低的原因为公鸟年龄小,没有完全达到性成熟。  相似文献   

家蚕滞育卵长期保存的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
调查了不同温度保存的9个原种及2对杂交种的滞育性及多元醇量的变化,对长期保存卵进行了养蚕试验。结果表明:5℃保存卵在产卵100日后滞育开始解除,150日左右孵化率达到最高峰,200日后急剧下降。不同品种间无明显差异。1℃保存卵在产卵后180日左右开始解除滞育,原种在200-300日之间孵化率最高,300日后显著降低,而杂交种产卵后450日孵化率仍在80%以上。-1.5℃保存卵在产卵后500日仍呈滞育状态,但转入5℃保存80日后可获得孵化能力,到产卵后700日孵化率大致在60%左右。不同温度保存卵滞育的解除,与卵内山梨醇及甘油量的减少呈相同趋势。养蚕结果表明,用1℃保存410日以及-1.5℃保存700日的杂交种,除孵化率比当年生产的冷藏浸酸种低外,其它饲育成绩无明显差异。  相似文献   

不同消毒方法对外购种蛋孵化率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将448枚种蛋随机分成4组,采用碘溶液、新洁尔灭溶液和高锰酸钾溶液浸泡种蛋为试验组,未浸泡消毒液种蛋为对照组。结果表明:碘溶液浸泡种蛋孵化率比对照组提高了17.1%,差异极显著(P<0.01);新洁尔灭溶液浸泡种蛋孵化率比对照组提高了13.4%,差异显著(P<0.05);高锰酸钾溶液浸泡种蛋孵化率比对照组差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)成为濒危种在自然界中已日趋减少,而且在人工饲养条件下,丹顶鹤的繁殖普遍存在的问题是卵的受精率低,有些鹤虽然已具有适宜的饲养环境,饲料和光照等条件,但产的卵仍然不受精或受精率很低。比较可行的措施是采用人工授精技术。 70年代人工授精技术应用于鹤类繁殖在国外获得成功。1977年美国国际鹤类基金会Archibala.G. 对丹顶鹤进行人工授精实验,卵的受精率为87%(Archibala.G.1987)。1982年日本多摩动物公园对白枕鹤进行人工授精实验,所产的12枚卵中有4枚受精,受精率为33%。1983年进行人工授精实验,产卵8枚,其中3枚受精,受精率37.5%(东京  相似文献   

藏雪鸡卵人工孵化试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对从野外采集的13枚藏雪鸡卵进行种卵品质检测,并采用电孵化机人工孵化。结果测得藏雪鸡卵的平均大小为纵径62.9±0.52mm,横径43.4±0.09mm;试验一组7枚卵(已野外孵化了17天),卵重平均为58.8±1.46g,试验二组6枚卵为62.8±2.17g;卵壳厚度平均为0.55±0.04mm,其重量平均为6.73±0.46g;雏鸡出壳重量平均为45.33±1.59g。对藏雪鸡卵孵化,温度控制在37.5-38℃间,湿度保持在55%-64%范围内,整个孵化期卵减重率达21%,人工孵化率为83.3%,受精率为92.3%,孵化期27d。  相似文献   

人工饲养环境下斑鳖产卵规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斑鳖目前仅在中国和越南的动物园中有4只存活个体,为了拯救这一物种,中国的苏州动物园和长沙动物园开展了斑鳖联合繁育项目。在2008~2011年对斑鳖的产卵时间、产卵窝数、产卵数量和卵的重量、直径等进行了测量。结果表明,雌性斑鳖在夜间产卵,有护卵行为。每年可产卵2—4窝,首次产卵在5月底或6月中旬,最晚在7月中旬结束。产卵间隔变化较大,最短的为12d,最长的达到36d,平均18.4±8.3d。每窝产卵数45~70枚,平均为60.3±7.5枚,年产卵总数在100~200枚之间,年度之间波动很大,在1~136枚之间。卯的重量在19.0-21.5g之间,平均20.1±0.7g;卵的直径在31.5~34.4mm之间,平均为32.6±0.7mm。产卵次数、窝卵数、卯重和大小都会受到运输或环境变化的影响。以上结果表明,目前提供的环境条件和饲养管理符合斑鳖的繁殖要求,但是管理中要注意减少运输应激和环境的改变。  相似文献   

鸡卵母细胞体外受精的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究的目的旨在利用体外受精方法生产鸡及进行鸡胚胎移植研究。以期通过此路径的顺利实现来生产转基因鸡。试验结果显示:母鸡产蛋后的30-40min内有72%的卵排出在卵巢囊内,此时收集卵子较为适宜。在44只体外受精的受体母鸡中,有28只产蛋,产蛋率为63.63%(软壳蛋7枚)。其中产出受精蛋8枚,受精率28.57%。孵化后有6枚发育,发育率25.00%;在28只蛋中有3枚出雏,出雏率为10.71%。尽管孵化率低,但是在8枚受精卵中有3枚孵出小鸡。说明这一路径是可行的,该试验结果为转基因鸡的生产提供了有效的依据。  相似文献   

选取存放4d的皖西白鹅种蛋5866枚,随机分为3组,在其他孵化条件相同的情况下,分别设定不同的孵化温度。结果表明:第1组受精蛋孵化率平均为75.30%,第2组平均为74.25%,第3组平均为62.85%,第1组与第2组受精蛋孵化率差异不显著,第3组受精蛋孵化率分别与第1组、第2组受精蛋孵化率均差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

潮州市红山林场粤东孔雀园自1997年开始至今共入孵种孔雀蛋22000多个,平均受精率为78%,入孵5日照受精蛋的出雏率为90%,健雏率为95%,种蛋破损率为0.2%。现将经多年实践总结出的一套蓝孔雀的人工孵化经验简单介绍如下。  相似文献   

高原条件下藏鸡人工孵化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对高原地区藏鸡种蛋进行了4组人工孵化试验,测定不同的孵化温度和相对湿度对胚胎发育、受精蛋孵化率及健雏率的影响。试验结果表明:林芝地区藏鸡种蛋在不同的人工孵化温度、湿度条件下,受精蛋孵化率和健雏率均存在着一定的差异。通过对比筛选出孵化的最佳条件:孵化温度在1~6d为37.68C,7~14d为37.65C,15~20d为37.56C,21d为37.48C;相对湿度1~6d为54%~56%,7~14d为61%~63%,15~20d为64%~65%,21d为63.8%。其受精蛋孵化率可达88.9%,健雏率达97.0%。  相似文献   

(1) This research was carried out to investigate changes in egg production and hatchability as influenced by age and breeding season of 10 trios (two females, one male) of ostrich (Struthio camellus) during 1998 to 2002. (2) Breeding season affected number of eggs laid per female per season, average egg weight, length of laying period and clutch sequence. (3) The number of eggs laid per female per season was 25 in the first breeding season and 57 by the fifth breeding season. The laying period lasted 169 d in the first season whereas it was 210 d by the fifth season. The breeding season became longer year by year. (4) The number of clutches was two in the first season, three in the second and 4 in the later breeding seasons: the mean interval between cycles was 9 to 10.6 d and the mean number of eggs in one cycle varied from 12 to 14.4. (5) The breeding season affected the hatchability of fertile eggs, chick weight at hatching, hatchability of total eggs, fertility, malpositioned embryos, deformed chicks and assisted chicks during hatching. The first 4 variables increased and the last three decreased, with each breeding season. (6) Weight loss of eggs and length of incubation were unaffected by the breeding season. Hatchability which was 64.3% in the first season increased progressively and reached 73.1% in the fifth breeding season.  相似文献   

1. From 1992 to 2003, selected (S) and control lines (C) of the laying Brown Tsaiya duck (Anas platyrhynchos) were simultaneously maintained under the same standardised conditions of feeding and management. 2. The selection objective was to increase the number of fertile eggs after a single artificial insemination (AI) with pooled Muscovy semen. From generations G1 to G11, 2452 and 2022 female ducks, in S and C lines, respectively, were measured and recorded. In the S line, the percentage selected varied between 20.2 and 34.3% in females and between 7.2 and 20.8% in males. 3. Selection for number of fertile eggs had a correlated effect of increasing the parameter tau of the logistic curves which fitted the daily variations (d 2 to 15) in fertility or hatchability on the basis of eggs set. The differences S-C for the estimates of the times of half maximal fertility and hatchability increased by 0.41 and 0.37 d per generation between G1 and G11, respectively. 4. The highest increases of fertility per day rates after a single AI were observed between d 5 and 11. Moreover, in the selected line, fertility rate was higher than, or equal to, 90% in d 2 from G8. The same tendencies were observed for the changes in the evolution of hatchability on the basis of eggs set. 5. Selection increased fertility and hatchability according to the egg set rates, especially for d 2 to 8 after AI. Hatchability of fertile eggs was not impaired, confirming that selection for one AI per week was possible in this strain of laying ducks.  相似文献   

该试验选用鸡的人工授精种蛋940枚及自然交配种蛋960枚,做了鸡的人工授精与自然资本种蛋孵化试验,结果表明:鸡人工授精后6d内种蛋受精率平均为94.5%,7d后,受经极显著降低;人工授精后的种蛋受经及入孵种蛋孵化率均极显著高于自然交配组,两两者的受精种蛋孵化率无明显差异;另外,在试验过程中,还研究了种蛋贮存时间与化结果的关系,发现种蛋贮存期越短,孵化效果越好,贮存期最长不应超过7d。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters and inbreeding effect on the fertility, embryo mortality and hatchability traits in the Zatorska goose covered by the animal genetic resources conservation program. The material for this study contains information about results of hatching of 18 863 eggs from 721 dams and 168 sires, laid between 1998–2015. Genetic parameters were estimated based on the threshold animal model by the use of Restricted Maximum Likelihood and Gibbs sampling. The percentage of fertilized eggs ranged yearly between 37–80%. The percentage of embryo mortality was very low, ranging between 4.63–23.73%. The percentage of the hatched goslings from the total number of analyzed eggs was on average 33.18%, and 53.72% from fertilized eggs. On average based on both methods, the heritability estimates of the fertility, embryo mortality and hatchability reached 0.36, 0.07, 0.24 for males and 0.44, 0.11, 0.32 for females. The genetic trend had increasing tendency for fertility and hatchability and was stable for embryo mortality for both sexes. The obtained result shows that the Zatorska goose can be still maintained in the reserves of the local gene pool according to current rules and use in the local market as a breed with good reproductive potential.  相似文献   

Duck plague virus (DPV) was transmitted vertically in muscovy, pekin, and mallard ducks that were persistently infected with the LA-SD-73, MSN-WI-77, or CO-WI-73 isolates of DPV. The effects of vertical transmission on the fertility and hatchability of eggs laid by DPV carrier ducks varied with the DPV isolate and duck species. Fertility was reduced significantly only in eggs laid by MSN-WI-77 virus carrier pekin and muscovy ducks. The hatchability of eggs laid by DPV carrier mallards and muscovies was significantly reduced from that of uninfected control ducks. All ducklings tested that hatched from eggs laid by DPV carrier waterfowl shed DPV in the feces. The DPV carrier ducklings shed DPV in small amounts. Vertical transmission of DPV in domestic flocks can lower fertility and hatchability. In wild waterfowl, vertical transmission may be a means of virus perpetuation from generation to generation.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the effects of poppy seed meal (PSM) on the egg production and hatching of quail. Two experiments were undertaken. In the first experiment, 240 quail, reared under the same conditions, were divided into four groups of 60 birds each (which were, in turn, subdivided into four subgroups of 15 each for experimental replicates). The first, second, and third experimental groups were fed ratios containing 5%, 15%, and 25% PSM, respectively, over 12 weeks. The control group received no PSM. Feed and water were supplied ad libitum and artificial light was provided for 16 h a day. During the first experiment, egg production, egg weight, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were measured. In the second experiment, 240 female and 48 male quail were divided into four groups, as in the preceding experiment, and the birds were housed in cages at a ratio of one male to five females. The diets and their presentation to the quails were the same as in the preceding experiment. The results of the two experiments showed that the addition of PSM to the feed ratios increased egg production, feed consumption, and feed conversion per kg of eggs and per dozen eggs. However, PSM addition at all percentages significantly reduced (P<0.001) hatchability, mainly because of increased infertility and embryonic deaths.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether fertilisation of Bobwhite quail could be secured by artificial insemination. After this proved to be feasible, the period between insemination and the onset of laying fertile eggs, the time during which fertile eggs were laid and levels of fertility and hatchability of eggs obtained from hens inseminated at weekly intervals over an extended period of time were determined.

Semen was collected from Bobwhite quail males by simultaneously applying pressure to both the left and right sides of the vent without prior stimulation. Upon collection, the semen was diluted with 0.9 per cent saline solution to prevent dehydration. Semen volume measurements were made with a tuberculin syringe to which was attached a piece of graduated, fine‐bore plastic tubing. Females were artificially inseminated by placing the diluted semen in the posterior opening of the everted oviduct.

Mean duration of fertility of the eggs from six trials, two of which utilised only a single insemination, one of which was the final insemination of a series of weekly inseminations and three of which utilised two inseminations within a period of 24 hr, was 9.3 days. Percentage fertility of eggs improved considerably after the first trial probably due to improvement of technique and gain in experience. Average fertility of eggs for the six trials was 64–9 per cent.

The average time interval between insemination and the appearance of the first fertile egg was 3.4 days. Peak fertility was reached by the fourth day following insemination.

Fertility of eggs averaged 62.2 ±3.5 per cent and their hatchability averaged 77.2 ±1.4 per cent over a period of 31 weekly inseminations. These values were comparable to 60.2 per cent fertility and 78.9 per cent hatchability which were obtained from natural matings.  相似文献   

1. The numbers of spermatozoa found in the perivitelline layer (perivitelline spermatozoa) of hens' eggs during a 14-d period after insemination were found to be log-dose dependent (r = 0.99) on the quantities of spermatozoa inseminated intravaginally in these hens (50, 100, 200 or 400 million/female). 2. Highly significant correlations were also observed between the perivitelline spermatozoa and the proportion of uterovaginal sperm-storage tubules containing spermatozoa on day 14 after insemination. 3. These data confirm that the number of perivitelline spermatozoa in eggs laid on day 2 after artificial insemination (AI) are highly correlated with the mean percentages of fertility of its duration over a 14-d or 24-d period. As a consequence, eggs laid by the 10% highest or the 10% lowest females primarily classified on the basis of this variable exhibited on average 99% or 49.7% fertility, respectively, over a two-week period after AI.  相似文献   

1. Genetic parameters of reproductive traits were estimated in a population of common duck, in purebreeding and crossbreeding (with Muscovies) insemination systems. A total of 989 females were studied over three generations as well as 4025 purebred offspring and 4,125 male mule offspring. 2. Traits studied were age at first egg, total number of eggs laid until the age of 48 weeks, fertility and hatchability rates in pure and crossbreds, weight at 6 and 30 weeks of age, average egg weight and body weight of the male mule ducks at 6 weeks of age. 3. Heritability estimates were found to be medium range for reproductive traits (0.15 to 0.47). Heritability value for fertility or hatchability in crossbreds was twice as high as in purebreds (0.32 vs 0.15 for fertility; 0.36 vs 0.16 for hatchability). 4. Fertility in purebreeding and in crossbreeding were two different traits (r(g) = 0.49) while hatchability displayed a high genetic correlation between breeding systems (r(g) = 0.88). 5. Genetic correlations with number of hatched mule ducks were medium or high and favourable. Genetic correlations between reproductive traits and weights were low (< 0.36), the most related trait being the body weight of the male mule duck at 6 weeks of age.  相似文献   

Semen obtained from Rhode Island Red males was stored for 3 and 24 h in fresh and freeze‐dried diluent. Fertility and hatchability of eggs laid from the 2nd to 8th d inclusive after a single insemination was tested with hens of proven fertility. The fertilising power of diluted semen after storage did not differ significantly from the undiluted control, but the hatchability of the fertile eggs was significantly reduced after 24 h storage in the freeze‐dried diluent.  相似文献   

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