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Tropical Animal Health and Production - Theileria annulata infection (tropical theileriosis) is a disease of serious economic importance in Morocco. Epidemiological and vaccination studies have...  相似文献   

An outbreak of tropical theileriosis (T. annulata infection) is reported in artificial insemination Holstein bulls in Kabul (Afghanistan). The diagnostic work at the Central Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory is described and the treatment given and results obtained by the Kabul Animal Health Clinic are reported. This case report constitutes the first account of the disease in Afghanistan where diagnostic confirmation has been made from material sent to internatinational reference centres.  相似文献   

A total of 280 dogs in Ankara and vicinity were examined from November 2000 through December 2001 by the PetChek antigen ELISA and polycarbonate filter-acid phosphatase histochemical staining techniques for Dirofilaria immitis infection. Dirofilaria immitis (heartworm) infection was found in 26 dogs (9.3%), all of which were kept always outdoors and non prophylacted by their owners. The distribution of heartworm infected dogs was not uniform. Infection with D. immitis was correlated with differences in age and sex. But, no significant association was found.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using sonicated purified Theileria annulata piroplasms was compared with an indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) during a vaccination trial in cattle to test different doses and passage numbers of an attenuated T. annulata-infected lymphoblastoid cell-line, and also with Giemsa-stained blood smears during an epidemiological field study of tropical theileriosis in Morocco. The sensitivities of both the ELISA (0.56) and the IFAT using T. annulata piroplasm antigen (0.56) were lower than the IFAT using schizont antigen (0.94) for detecting serum antibodies from 18 cattle immunised 38 days previously with cell-line. The ELISA was, however, the most sensitive test after 180 days (0.50 compared with 0.06 for the piroplasm IFAT and 0.39 for the schizont IFAT), and each test detected antibodies in all sera after challenge with live T. annulata sporozoites. There were minor differences in the ability of blood smear examinations and the ELISA to detect infected and uninfected cattle in the field study at the start and end of the disease season. Initially, the sensitivity and specificity of blood smears were both 0.96 and for the ELISA were 0.83 and 0.86, whereas at the end of the season sensitivity and specificity of blood smears were 0.96 and 0.86 and for the ELISA were 0.95 and 0.94. The specificity of the ELISA was affected by the presence of calves with colostral antibodies, and if these were disregarded the specificities before and after the season were 0.94 and 1.00.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Bovine tropical theileriosis is of high incidence in calves below 2 months old in India. TheTheileria cell culture vaccine evolved by the Punjab Agricultural...  相似文献   

The present study was designed to assess the deleterious effects of bovine tropical theileriosis on the cardiovascular system and the consequent myocardial involvement in young calves. Myocardial effects in parasitic diseases are often neglected. Hemolytic anemia, associated secondary hypoxia, and vasculitis are cardinal features of bovine theileriosis. In the present study, electrocardiogram (ECG) alongside serum cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and creatinine phosphokinase-myocardial band (CPK-MB) concentrations were analyzed in infected, treated, and control groups of young calves. Non-significant alterations were noticed in ECG. However, certain signs like sinus tachycardia, first-degree AV block, atrial premature complex, left atrial hypertrophy, and right atrial hypertrophy were found on consistent basis in infected calves. A significant increase in the serum concentration levels of cTnI and CPK-MB was noticed in infected calves followed by significant fall in both these biomarkers post treatment. cTnI and CPK-MB can definitely be used as myocardial markers in theileriosis-affected animals.  相似文献   

Eighteen seven to 21-day-old crossbred (Bos taurus cross Bos indicus) calves were allocated to four groups (A to D). Groups A and B each consisted of six calves and groups C and D three calves each. Each calf in groups A, B and C was inoculated with ground-up tick supernate (GUTS) equivalent to two infected acini prepared from Theileria annulata-infected Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum. Each calf in group A was also given a single intramuscular injection of buparvaquone, 2.5 mg kg-1 bodyweight simultaneously with GUTS, whereas each calf in group B was given a single intramuscular injection of long-acting oxytetracycline, 20 mg kg-1 bodyweight following inoculation of GUTS. In calves of group A clinicopathological reactions were negligible, whereas in calves of group B mild to severe reactions were observed resulting in the death of three of the six calves. All the calves of group C (infected, untreated controls) died of acute theileriosis. All the surviving calves of groups A and B withstood a lethal homologous challenge given on day 30 after immunisation, indicating no difference in the immune status of the surviving calves of the two groups. Group D, challenge control, all calves died of theileriosis within 18 days of challenge.  相似文献   

Killed Corynebacterium parvum was used as an adjuvant for the production of non-specific resistance against Theileria annulata in cattle. Groups of cross-bred (Bos indicus X Bos taurus) calves were administered C. parvum adjuvant subcutaneously and were then challenged with T. annulata-infected ticks on 45, 60 or 90 days later. The challenge caused mild reactions in the protected calves. None of the 10 immunized calves died due to theileriosis, whereas all three paris of susceptible control calves died due to theileriosis. It appears from this pilot study that cattle can be protected non-specifically with C parvum adjuvant against T. annulata.  相似文献   

Thirty buffaloes naturally infected with Theileria annulata and 10 parasitologically free controls were used to determine the potential clinical, haematological and therapeutic impact of tropical theileriosis in Egypt. The clinical signs in the infected buffaloes were pyrexia (40.5-41.5 degrees C), enlargement of superficial lymph nodes, slight nasal and ocular discharges, salivation, anaemia and respiratory distress. Eye lesions also were recorded. There was a significant decrease in erythrocyte counts and haemoglobin content and a significant decrease in total leucocyte counts in infected buffaloes compared to controls. Early treatment with buparvaquone was 100% effective in eliminating the protozoan parasites from the blood and lymph nodes and led to an improvement in the clinical state whereas treatment in the later stages of the disease whilst eliminating the parasites failed to improve the clinical condition of the animal.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Amongst the piroplasmoses of livestock in China, the commonest theilerioses are caused byTheileria annulata, T. sergenti andT. mutans. Research carried out...  相似文献   

The presence of Eimeria spp. oocysts in fecal samples collected from 1,108 broiler houses in six regions, representing about 12% of all broiler farms in Turkey, was studied using the modified McMaster method. The age of the chickens in the 1,108 pens varied from 1 to 50 days. Oocysts were found in 602 (54.3%) of these broiler houses, and the mean OPG (oocysts per gram of feces) in those samples was 36,498.7 (50–952,000). No indication of clinical coccidiosis or other clinically evident infection or wide mortality was encountered in any of the pens studied. Further study showed that the age of the chickens, the occurrence of diarrhea on the houses and the density of broiler breeding in the area correlated with subclinical coccidiosis prevalence.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of tropical theileriosis was performed on 12 farms in the Doukkala region of Morocco during 1990. Adult Hyalomma detritum detritum were collected between March and early October and a peak in numbers was observed at the end of June. Nineteen percent (24/127) were infected with Theileria species and, amongst these, over 50% had five or more sporoblasts in their salivary glands (range 1-151). Hyalomma d detritum larvae and nymphs were found on cattle between September and early December with the highest numbers in late October. The prevalence of T. annulata piroplasm carriers at the beginning of the year was 48.5% (47 positive out of 97) and there were 14 new infections during the disease season (March to September) of which five developed into clinical cases. The incidence rates of new infection and clinical disease were 0.156 and 0.056 per animal-season, respectively. Differences were observed between age categories of cattle in both tick and parasite infections. A significantly lower number of adult H.d. detritum were collected from calves than from adult cattle. The prevalences of piroplasm carriers before the disease season were 0%, 36% and 76%, respectively, in (a) calves which had been born since the previous disease season, (b) calves born before then and (c) adults. However, the incidence rates of infection and disease for uninfected animals in the two categories of calves were approximately the same: 0.299 and 0.378 new infections, and 0.085 and 0.126 clinical cases per animal-season for (a) and (b), respectively. The date predicted for the appearance of adult H.d. detritum, based on published tick development times and local temperature records, was within 2 weeks of the study visit when the highest number of adults were collected from cattle. However, the date predicted for the appearance of larvae was 6 weeks earlier than the observed peak populations and may indicate that H.d. detritum delays either egg laying in the summer or larval host searching in the autumn.  相似文献   

We conducted a cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence and species of gastro-intestinal helminths and haemoparasites in 100 chickens kept under extensive management systems in Ghana, West Africa. All the examined chickens (100%) were infected with gastro-intestinal helminths; a total of 18 species were detected. The species and their prevalences were: Acuaria hamulosa (25%), Allodapa suctoria (20%), Ascaridia galli (24%), Capillaria spp. (60%), Choanotaenia infundibulum (13%), Gongylonema ingluvicola (62%), Heterakis gallinarum (31%), H. isolonche (16%), Hymenolepis spp. (66%), Raillietina cesticillus (12%), R. echinobothrida (81%), R. tetragona (59%), Strongyloides avium (2%), Subulura strongylina (10%), Tetrameres fissispina (58%), Trichostronygylus tenuis (2%), and finally one unidentified acanthocephalan (1%) and one unidentified trematode (1%). Thirty-five per cent of the chickens were infected with the haemoparasites Aegyptinella pullorum and Plasmodium juxtanucleare (prevalences 9% and 27%, respectively). Association between chicken sex and prevalences was not significant. An over-dispersed distribution was seen for most of the helminth species.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of 4 isolates of turkey-origin reovirus (NC/SEP-R44/03, NC/98, TX/98, and NC/85) and 1 chicken-origin reovirus (1733) was examined by infecting specific pathogen free (SPF) poults. These turkey-origin reovirus (TRV) isolates were collected from turkey flocks experiencing poult enteritis and are genetically distinct from previously reported avian reoviruses. Microscopic examination of the tissues collected from the TRV-infected poults revealed different degrees of bursal atrophy characterized by lymphoid depletion and increased fibroplasia between the bursal follicles. To understand the relationship between virus spread and replication, and the induction of lesions, immunohistochemical staining (IHC) for viral antigen, in situ hybridization (ISH) for the detection of viral RNA, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay for the detection of apoptosis in affected tissues was performed. Both IHC and ISH revealed viral antigen and RNA in the surface epithelial cells of the bursa, in macrophages in the interstitium of the bursa and, to lesser degree, in splenic red pulp macrophages and intestinal epithelial cells. Increased apoptosis of bursal lymphocytes and macrophages was observed at 2 and 5 days postinoculation. No lesions were found in tissues from poults inoculated with the virulent chicken-origin strain, however viral antigen was detected in the bursa and the intestine. Although all TRVs studied displayed similar tissue tropism, there were substantial differences in the severity of the lesions produced. Poults inoculated with NC/SEP-R44/03 or NC/98 had moderate to severe bursal atrophy, whereas poults inoculated with TX/98 or NC/85 presented a mild to moderate bursal lymphoid depletion. The lymphoid depletion observed in the bursa appears to be the effect of an indirectly induced apoptosis and would most likely result in immune dysfunction in poults infected with TRV.  相似文献   

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