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兔豆状囊尾蚴的体外培养研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了观察兔豆状囊尾蚴的体外发育情况及头节的详细结构,用不同浓度的猪胆汁和兔胆汁对兔豆状尾蚴进行培养,并对培养后的形态进行了观察。结果表明,在不同浓度和不同来源的胆汁、生理盐水中,豆状囊尾蚴的头节翻出率、存活时间各不相同,最快3 min,且随时间延长,翻出率越高。其中以兔胆汁的效果较好。在不同浓度兔胆汁中培养20 min头节翻出率均为100%,而在不同浓度猪胆汁中培养20 min头节翻出率分别为83%、67%、67%、50%、33%。培养后的豆状囊尾蚴在体外存活时间最长可达36 h。翻出头节的囊尾蚴可清晰看到头节、颈节、原始体节和囊泡四部分。  相似文献   

兔豆状囊尾蚴的压片技术及染色方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了详细观察豆状囊尾蚴头节的形态结构,通过屠宰检验或病兔剖检采集的豆状囊尾蚴的囊泡,制作压片后用不同的染色方法进行了比较.结果表明,制作豆状囊尾蚴头节压片的关键是载玻片要洁净、干燥,从囊泡中取出的头节应完整无损,并尽量除去黏附在头节上的囊液.将带有头节的结节放在载玻片的中部,再在其上放一载玻片,两手在载玻片的两端均匀用力挤压,待结节全部展开即可.为了观察头节的正面结构,在压制玻片前,应用手术刀片除去原始颈节与体节部分.通过常用的几种单染色和复染色法对压片进行染色,证明单染色更有利于详细的观察头节的结构,而且几种单染色之间有互补染色效果.  相似文献   

<正>猪囊尾蚴病又叫猪囊虫病,为人畜共患性寄生虫病,对养猪业影响很大,人因食用患病猪肉而感染发病。我国的东北地区特别是黑龙江省为该病的高发区,每年造成数十亿元的经济损失。1病原猪囊尾蚴,为外观呈椭圆形的囊泡状,大小为6~10mm×mm。头节上有4个吸盘,头节最前面的顶突上有两圈角质小钩,它主要寄生于横纹肌和心肌,但当虫体感染量大时,在大脑、眼、内脏器官及皮下脂肪中也常有寄生。寄  相似文献   

<正>1病因棘球蚴病(包虫病)是细粒棘球绦虫的幼虫阶段,即棘球蚴寄生于藏绵羊肝脏、肺脏等组织器官而引起的一种寄生虫病。该病是一种人畜共患疾病。细粒棘球绦虫虫体长2~6 mm,由一个头节和3~4个节片组成。头节有顶突和四个吸盘,顶突有2列小钩。棘球蚴呈囊包状,大小不一,小的有豌豆粒大,大的有小孩的头大。2感染途经狗是细粒棘球绦虫的终末宿主,人误食含细粒棘球绦虫虫卵的食物或饮水时,同样会感染棘  相似文献   

猪细颈囊尾蚴病,俗称“热食泡”。是一种寄生在狗小肠内泡状带绦虫的幼虫。由于猪吃了含有泡状带绦虫卵孕节片的猪粪所污染的饲料或饮水被感染,多寄生于猪的大网膜、肠系膜或肝、肺等脏器组织上,形成囊泡状,囊壁乳白色,内含透明液体,囊泡体由黄豆到苹果大或更大,肉眼可见囊泡内的头节。本病是猪的一种常见、多发的寄生虫病,我省流行普遍。据1979年县屠宰场调查统计,猪细颈囊尾蚴的侵袭率占屠宰总数69%以上;黄明公社张下山大队1980年屠宰300余头肥猪  相似文献   

终末宿主:犬。寄生部位:小肠。中间宿主:牛、猪、人。寄生部位:肝、肺。1种的形态结构描述细粒棘球绦虫由头、颈和3~4个体节组成。头节较小,上有四个圆形的吸盘,头节的吻突上有两圈小钩,小钩的数量为28~50个,小钩的大小不等,前排小钩较大,后排小钩较小。颈节后一节为未成熟节,之后为成熟节片。成节内有睾丸(平均18)个;生殖孔开口于节片一侧中央部的稍后方,距节片后缘0.372~0.512(平均0.432)mm处;卵巢呈蹄铁形;雄茎囊呈梨形。最后的一节为孕节,孕节内其它生殖器客都消失,只剩下充满虫卵的子宫,子宫有7~24个侧枝,子宫内含的卵数为367~1104(平均594.6)个。  相似文献   

本研究旨在观察豆状囊尾蚴在不同状态下的超微结构。从肉联厂屠宰检验采取豆状囊尾蚴,直接剪破囊泡从中取出豆状囊尾蚴;或用含10%胆汁生理盐水培养囊尾蚴,待其从囊泡中翻出后,用扫描电镜观察和记录。位于囊泡内的头节,从其顶端观察,顶突呈伞状,皮肌柱连接小钩覆盖于头节的前端。从侧面观察,一排有鹿角样的小钩附着于顶突。4个吸盘呈洞穴状位于顶突之后分布在头节的四周。原始颈节较宽,体节较细,表面均有许多皱褶。培养后的豆状囊尾蚴可明显区分为头节、颈节、体节和囊泡区,顶突上的皮肌柱收缩,鹿角样的小钩向周围伸展,吸盘也发生环形和纵形收缩,颈节的环状收缩和体节的纵行收缩均明显可辨。豆状囊尾蚴处于不同状态时,其超微结构明显不同。  相似文献   

正羊片形吸虫是主要寄生在羊的肝脏胆管中,呈扁平片状,灰红褐色,大小为(21~41)mm×(9~14)mm。成虫在羊的胆管内排除大量的虫卵,卵随胆汁进入消化道,由粪便排出体外,在适宜条件下孵出毛蚴,进入水中,遇中间宿主(淡水螺丝)时,钻入其体内,发育为胞蚴、雷呦和尾蚴,尾蚴自螺体逸出后,附着在水草上形成具有感染性的囊呦,羊吃了这些水草后,幼虫  相似文献   

猪囊虫是人的有钩绦虫的幼虫。囊虫虫体外观为长圆形、黄豆粒大、白色半透明的囊状水疱,囊内充满透明的液体,在囊膜上可见1个绿豆大的白色头节。猪囊虫寄生于猪的肌肉内,以舌肌、咬肌、咽喉部肌肉、腰肌、心脏等处较常见,严重时全身肌肉以及肝、肺、脑及脂肪内也能发现。  相似文献   

獭兔豆状囊尾蚴病的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兔豆状囊尾蚴病是由豆状带绦虫(Taenia pisi-formis)的中绦期豆状囊尾蚴(Cysticercus pisiformis)寄生于兔的肝脏、肠系膜和腹腔内引起的疾病,因其囊泡形如豌豆而得名。成虫豆状带绦虫寄生于犬、猫科动物小肠内,乳白色,体长60~200cm,最大宽度4.8mm,有200~400个节片。头节为小  相似文献   

目的将染色制片的两种莫尼茨绦虫进行生殖器官形态学观察与比较。方法采用苏木素染色法,将采集的绵羊莫尼茨绦虫染色制片,将其分类为贝氏莫尼茨绦虫和扩展莫尼茨绦虫后,分别各选取10条进行形态结构测量与比较,同时对两种绦虫的节间腺进行了对比观察与测量。结果两种莫尼茨绦虫的卵巢在幼节的前段,距头节25~45mm处开始形成雏形,卵巢的退化在距头节1029-1217mm后的孕节前段消失;而睾丸的形成在距头节285-320mm后的幼节末段处,睾丸的退化则在距头节751mm后的成节后段及距头节1281mm后的孕节前段消失。结论观察结果说明,莫尼茨绦虫雌性生殖器官的发育早于雄性生殖器官的发育。对扩展莫尼茨绦虫节间腺的观察发现,有的绦虫的节间腺呈一排分布,也有的呈两排分布,还有个别绦虫无节间腺分布。  相似文献   

采用Sephadex G-200层析技术纯化猪囊尾蚴头节抗原,用纯化抗原包被ELISA板,建立间接ELISA方法。通过各种条件优化,最终确定最佳试验条件为:抗原最适包被量为30mg/L;血清稀释度为1∶800;血清最佳反应时间为60min。结果表明,该方法具有较好的稳定性和重复性,可用于分泌抗猪囊尾蚴头节单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株的筛选。  相似文献   

In humans, pancreatic hyperechogenicity and duct dilation are reported as normal aging changes. Similar changes have been reported with pancreatitis in the cat. We attempted to determine if aging changes occur in the ultrasound appearance of the normal feline pancreas. The pancreas of 84 normal (based on history, physical exam, biochemical profile, and feline trypsin-like immunoreactivity and pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity concentrations) cats of varying ages was scanned. Pancreatic width at the left limb and body, pancreatic duct diameter at left limb and body, and pancreatic echogenicity compared with liver and surrounding fat were noted and compared with age and body weight. Lower and upper limits of the 95% reference intervals for pancreatic left limb width were 2.6 and 9.5 mm, and 3.5 and 8.5 mm for the pancreatic body width. There was no significant difference in pancreatic width between the left limb and body. Lower and upper limits of the 95% reference interval for the diameter of the pancreatic duct at the left limb and body were similar, and were 0.65 and 2.5 mm. There was a weak but significant linear correlation between pancreatic duct diameter and age, with increasing pancreatic duct diameter with increasing age. There was no correlation of pancreatic width with age, and no correlation of pancreatic echogenicity with age or body weight. Based on this study, feline pancreatic size and echogenicity do not change with age. Pancreatic duct diameter increases slightly with age and should not be used as a sole indicator of pancreatitis in the geriatric cat.  相似文献   

Forty-seven wild brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) collected from the urban area of Milan (Italy) were screened for Capillaria hepatica liver infection. The liver of each rat was grossly and histologically examined for the presence of C. hepatica adults, eggs and typical C. hepatica induced lesions. In 17 rats (36%) liver lesions consistent with C. hepatica infection were detected. Grossly, white-yellow nodules of 1-5 mm in diameter were present, either scattered on the liver surface or localized in a single lobe. Histologically, granulomatous liver lesions associated with eggs and/or worms were observed. The degree of gross liver involvement was moderate in most of the positive cases (71%). About 30 cases of C. hepatica infection in humans have been documented world-wide, most of which are reported in children from 1 to 5 years of age. Our results suggest that the potential transmission of C. hepatica to children in the study area should be considered an important health issue.  相似文献   

A 4-year old, male intact, captive-bred chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) was presented due to progressive exophthalmos of the right eye over a 5-month period. Ophthalmic examination revealed exophthalmos with dorsal displacement of the right globe. Retropulsion was decreased and a fluctuant, subcutaneous mass could be palpated posterior and dorsal to the central aspect of the zygomatic bone. Transdermal ultrasonography revealed a fluid-filled mass consistent with a cyst located within the ventral right orbit. Computed tomography demonstrated dorsal displacement of the globe, lateral displacement of the zygomatic arch, and numerous mineral-dense foci within the lumen of the cyst. The cyst was removed en bloc by ventral transpalpebral orbitotomy. Histopathology revealed a single capsulated cyst with multiple invaginated protoscolices, characterized by a prominent scolex with refractile hooklets, suckers, and abundant calcareous corpuscles consistent with a Taenia coenurus. Exophthalmos resolved with surgical therapy and there was no evidence of recurrence or postoperative complications over a period of 2 years. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first reported case of an orbital cyst of parasitic origin in a chinchilla.  相似文献   

The procedure of countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis in the diagnosis of Taenia hydatigena cysticercosis in goats was carried out for antemortem diagnosis of T. hydatigena cysticercosis in experimentally and naturally infected goats. The antigens of cyst fluid, scolex and membrane of T. hydatigena metacestodes were purified and compared. The sensitivity of the test in experimentally and naturally infected goats was 57.1 and 52.5%, respectively, whereas its specificity using antisera raised against T. solium cysticercosis, hydatid cyst and Fasciola gigantica was 66.7 and 83.4% with partially purified and fractionated antigens, respectively. Of all three antigens, the cyst fluid antigen was found to be most reactive. The test could be employed for antemortem diagnosis of T. hydatigena cysticercosis using purified antigen.  相似文献   

A 10‐year‐old intact male Yorkshire Terrier was referred for investigation of a large raised and nonpainful corneal lesion oculus dexter. Clinical examination revealed a pale, translucent corneal mass, which occupied half of the corneal surface and measured 11 mm × 11 mm × 13 mm. The mass was removed by superficial keratectomy and equine amniotic membrane (AM) was transplanted into the large corneal defect to cover the wound and provide tectonic support for the remaining cornea. The mass was histologically confirmed as a corneal epithelial inclusion cyst. There was no evidence of recurrence or complication at the surgical site 100 days postoperatively. Corneal epithelial inclusion cysts are uncommon in dogs. Although superficial keratectomy is the recommended treatment for corneal inclusion cyst, the combination of superficial keratectomy and AM transplantation had to be considered as an alternative for repair of large corneal defects. This is the first case report of the combined application of AM and superficial keratectomy to successfully treat a corneal inclusion cyst in a dog.  相似文献   

An unknown gene, SLC10, was cloned by spliced leader-based polymerase chain reaction from Taenia solium. The full length of SLC10 was found to be 635 bp, encoding an 18.223 kDa protein. ELISA results showed that none of 70 normal and 75 cysticercosis sera samples reacted with purified recombinant SLC10 protein. Using an immunohistochemical method, it was revealed that the native SLC10 protein distributed extensively in inner cyst walls but not in the scolex in Cysticercus cellulosae. Together with predicted results, it is suggested that the SLC10 protein is a non-secretory structural protein, which is not involved in induction of the host's immune reactions against infection at least at the larval stage.  相似文献   

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