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Exploitation of wildlife for meat in the tropics (‘bushmeat’) is a critical threat for biodiversity, particularly in Africa. Here, we investigate the importance of protected areas (National Parks and other forest parks) as sources for the trade by exploring patterns in pricing and condition of bushmeat carcasses. We surveyed carcass prices in a large sample of trading points (87 markets surveyed, over a 35,000 km2 area) in Cameroon and Nigeria in the Cross–Sanaga region of West Africa. We assessed evidence for national parks as the source of animals traded as bushmeat. The study area included rural and urban centers (Calabar, Nigeria, and Douala, Cameroon) close to important protected areas: the Cross River National Park in Nigeria, and Korup National Park in Cameroon. Both parks host very high species diversity, including a range of endemics. Prices increased with distance from national park boundaries, particularly in Cameroon, where parks may be less depleted than in Nigeria. There was evidence that trading points closer to parks were more likely to function as wholesalers, with meat moving onto further trading points, rather than being sold to the end consumer. Carcasses were more often smoked (a treatment aimed at preservation) if they were not sold to their final consumers; smoking was also commoner at larger trading points. Prices were higher close to the road network, where opportunities for further trade were more available. We consider how wildlife harvests in and around protected areas may be managed to minimize depletion of animal populations, and if protected areas may, on the principle of marine no-take zones, be sustainable sources for regulated harvests.  相似文献   

We studied the relationship between plant and soil animal communities by geostatistical analysis in a piedmont forest close to Novorossiysk (Southern Russia). Vegetation on the slope of a hill was an oak-ash-hornbeam forest, while the vegetation on the foot of the hill was a maple-ash-hornbeam forest. Two plots were studied each including both slope and foot habitats. On every plot samples collected formed a grid of 10 × 5 units with a 5 m distance between them. Soil macroinvertebrates were hand-sorted from the samples, and several soil parameters (soil, pebble, and litter mass, soil moisture) were measured.The analysis did not reveal coincidence between the boundaries of plant and soil animal communities on the bend of the hill. Soil animal communities of the plots were dominated by woodlice, diplopods, and insect larvae, reaching an abundance of 680–990 individuals m2 throughout the plots. Number of taxonomic groups per sample and overall animal abundance in the bend were the highest in both plots, whilst these parameters on the slope were the lowest. Variograms and maps of spatial distribution indicated that the boundary between soil animal communities was situated further up on the slope than the vegetation boundary. The size of the animal community was smaller than the size of plots sampled, what probably explained the lack of coincidence between the boundaries. There was a significant correlation between distribution of litter mass and parameters of soil animal communities, which was modulated by depth of soil layer and soil moisture. Soil parameters were more important for explaining boundaries between soil animal communities than plant communities in the forest considered.  相似文献   

Protected areas are considered fundamental to the preservation of nature. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has standardized categories for protected areas designation, which are intended to represent varying levels of regulatory protection. We evaluate whether the present assignment of protected areas to IUCN categories corresponds to the expected gradient of naturalness in a globally consistent manner. Our proxy of naturalness was a global map of human influence known as Human Footprint (HF). Higher HF values represent less intact natural areas. Our final sample of protected areas included 21,186 IUCN-designated sites that were ?1 km2. We used multiple linear regression to test for the effect of IUCN categories on mean HF while accounting for biome and protected area size.The present assignment of protected areas to IUCN categories does not correspond to the expected gradient of naturalness. We observed that IUCN Category Ia areas have higher HF than expected and Category VI protected areas have unexpectedly low HF; Category VI protected areas also are generally larger than protected areas of other categories. Reporting of area protected in different IUCN categories is one measure of progress towards meeting commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity, yet because IUCN categories are not interpreted consistently across the globe, this is not a reliable metric. Further, despite the social, economic and ecological importance of protected areas with a very low HF, our results suggest that the availability of such areas within the global protected areas network is very limited.  相似文献   

Amphibians are an important and imperiled component of biodiversity. In this study we analyze the efficacy of Italian reserve network for protecting multiple amphibian species in a climate change scenario, considering both nationally designated areas and Natura 2000 sites. Our approach is based on ensemble niche modeling estimate of potential range shift under two carbon emission scenarios (A1FI and B1) and two dispersal assumptions. The predicted distributions were used to perform gap and irreplaceability analyses. Our findings show that the current Italian reserve network incompletely represents current amphibian diversity and its geographic pattern. The combination of the nationally designated protected areas and the Natura 2000 sites improves current representation of amphibians, but conservation targets based on geographic range extent are achieved for only 40% of species. Under the future scenarios, Natura 2000 sites become a crucial component of the protected areas system. Nonetheless, we predict that climate change decreases for many species the amount of suitable range falling into reserves, regardless of our assumptions about dispersal. We identify some currently unprotected areas that have high irreplaceability scores for species conservation and that maintain their importance under all the future scenarios we considered. We recommend designation of new reserves in these areas to help guarantee long-term amphibian conservation.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Mining areas are low-quality habitats for macro- and microorganisms’ development, mainly due to the degradation of the soil quality by metal pollution. The...  相似文献   

Karst areas in Kampot Province, southwest Cambodia, have suffered relatively recent soil erosion and partial infilling of caves by the eroded sediment. This soil loss is most pronounced in localities that have been a focus of human activity, such as along pedestrian and vehicular access routes and in areas subject to vegetation clearing and agricultural activity, but it also occurs more widely across the hillslopes. In comparable karst environments elsewhere in Cambodia and neighbouring countries erosion is similarly evident in areas that have been subject to intensive human use, but in contrast to Kampot it is absent from the broader landscape. The soil degradation in the Kampot karst seems to require disturbance of the natural vegetation cover which stabilizes the soil cover in the other karsts, probably during the latter half of the 20th century. No major changes in deliberate land‐use at the study sites that might have triggered this erosion have been identified. However, this part of Cambodia was subject to heavy aerial bombardment between 1965 and 1973, and the karst hills and their caves were a particular focus of military activity. This bombing in turn facilitated ascent of the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime which drove virtually the entire population into a subsistence rural existence, and then further armed conflict prior to that regime's overthrow, both of which are likely to have generated additional environmental damage. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in biodiversity may disrupt the ecological functions performed by species assemblages. Hence, we urgently need to examine the implications of biodiversity loss not only in terms of species conservation but also in terms of sustainability of ecosystem services. The ability of protected areas to maintain local species richness has been clearly demonstrated. However, preserving goods and services provided by ecosystems requires not only the conservation of species richness but also the conservation of the most ‘original’ species, i.e. the ones with the highest average rarity of their attributes which are likely to perform some unique functions in ecosystems. We proposed a new conservation of biological originality (CBO) index as well as associated randomization tests to quantify the ability of protected areas to maintain viable populations for the most original species. As an application, we used long-term fisheries data collected in the Bonifacio Strait Natural Reserve (BSNR) to determine the species which benefited from the protection reinforcement in 1999. We also estimated a set of 14 ecomorphological functional traits on the 37 fish species caught in the BSNR and we obtained a functional originality value for each species. As a result, we found that functional originality was significantly protected in the fish assemblage of the BSNR: species with the most original functional trait combinations became more abundant after 1999. Our finding suggests that protecting most original species is an insurance against functional diversity erosion in the BSNR. More generally, our new index can be used to test whether protected areas may protect preferentially the most original species and whether restorative management promotes the reestablishment of the most original species with particular habitat requirements.  相似文献   

The formation of soil organic matter (SOM) has been proposed to depend on fragmentation of biomass after cell death. However, this is hard to mimic in laboratory experiments showing the process directly. We used heavy metal contamination in order to provide an environment in which one Streptomyces strain, the heavy metal resistant S. mirabilis P16B‐1, could survive while the sensitive strain S. lividans TK24 was expected to die and disintegrate; the necromass fragments would then contribute to SOM formation. Both strains were grown for 30 d in sterile mesocosms containing either highly metal‐contaminated soil from a former uranium‐mining site in Ronneburg, Germany, or control soil from a municipal park, Jena, Germany. The fate and morphology of living and dead bacterial biomass (necromass) was observed using scanning electron microscopy. Attachment of soil particles to the intact mycelium as well as decay of dead biomass was observed. Dead bacterial biomass was identified in form of patchy fragments while the superordinate filamentous structure of the hyphae was still visible and obviously stabilized in soil. The fate of cytosolic compounds was followed using the example of a nickel‐containing superoxide dismutase (NiSOD) which was found to be released after death of cells grown in liquid soil‐extract medium. Activity of the enzyme was proven for concentrated media supernatant by a gel‐based qualitative activity assay. This indicates that NiSOD remains active in soil after cell death. Hence, bacterial cell death results in the release of cytosolic compounds, e.g., intact proteins, as well as the formation of residual cell‐envelope fragments contributing to SOM formation.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of slope aspect and position on microbial biomass C (MBC) and some hydrolytic enzyme activities involved in soil N, P, and S cycles in a rangeland ecosystem of west central Iran. Soil samples were collected from three slope positions (summit, backslope, and footslope) of contiguous north- and south-facing slopes. Results indicated higher silt and clay content, soil organic C (SOC), total N (TN), and C/N ratio on the north-facing slope. Furthermore, MBC, alkaline phosphomonoesterase (ALP), acid phosphomonoesterase (ACP), arylsulfatase (ARS), urease (URS), L-asparaginase (LAS), and L-glutaminase (LGL) activities were greater by 46.1, 65.9, 58.6, 59.6, 52.6, 62.8, and 65.7%, respectively, on the north-facing slope compared to the south-facing one. Higher ratios of enzyme activities to MBC were observed on the north-facing slope. In contrast, per cent of inorganic N and microbial quotient were greater on the south-facing slope. The activity of ALP, ACP, ARS along with SOC, TN, and MBC values decreased from summit to footslope. Overall, our findings indicate that north-facing slope and summit position support greater microbial biomass and hydrolytic diversity.  相似文献   

Traditional Mediterranean rainfed cereal/fallow systems are being replaced by cereal monoculture due to land-use pressure. Food or forage legumes in rotation with cereals are an alternative sustainable cropping system. Complex cropping systems can only be assessed by long-term trials. This 11-year rainfed barley-based rotation trial in northern Syria assessed rotation effects on yields of barley and legumes, with particular emphasis on the management of vetch. The mean order of barley grain yields from the rotations was: vetch for hay, vetch for grazing > fallow = medic = vetch for seed > lentil, and continuous barley. Straw yields followed a similar pattern. Nitrogen (60 kg ha?1) increased grain (39%) and straw (65%) yields. The N fertilization of barley had no carryover effect on the alternative legume crops. Although there were no significant differences in seed or straw yield between lentil and vetch, seasonal rainfall influenced overall yields. Total biomass yields were in the order of vetch, medic and lentil. There is a compelling case for annual vetch paired with barley in rotations for the Mediterranean region. Thus, barley/vetch rotations can potentially enhance barley yields and improve soil quality, and provide valuable fodder for small ruminants as well in the region's agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa Duch. cvs. Everest, Elsanta) were grown in a tunnel covered with two films, which were distinguished in their ultraviolet transparency, as well as under open-field conditions. One applied film was not transparent for UVB radiation, and the second film transmitted 70% of UVB radiation. During the present study, the nutritional value and quality parameters of the fruits were evaluated. Strawberries were UV-unresponsive in view of the content of ascorbic acid and sum parameters like total anthocyanins and antioxidant capacity measured with TEAC (trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity), ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) and total phenols. These parameters were mainly affected by sampling date and cultivar. However, HPLC analysis showed that individual phenolics were affected in the absence of UV radiation. The content of the anthocyanin cyanidin 3-glucoside and the flavonols quercetin 3-glucuronide and kaempferol 3-glucoside was decreased in the fruits grown under UV blocking film compared to open-field grown strawberries. By means of the UV transparent film the content of the mentioned flavonoids could be enhanced up to similar amounts like in open-field grown strawberries. All other phenolics were not consistently affected by UV radiation. This result was independent of cultivar.  相似文献   



This study aimed at investigating correlations between heavy metal concentrations in mosses and modelled deposition values as well as other site-specific and regional characteristics to determine which factors primarily affect cadmium, lead and mercury concentrations in mosses. The resulting relationships could potentially be used to enhance the spatial resolution of heavy metal deposition maps across Europe.

Materials and methods

Modelled heavy metal deposition data and data on the concentration of heavy metals in naturally growing mosses were integrated into a geographic information system and analysed by means of bivariate rank correlation analysis and multivariate decision trees. Modelled deposition data were validated annually with deposition measurements at up to 63 EMEP measurement stations within the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP), and mosses were collected at up to 7,000 sites at 5-year intervals between 1990 and 2005.

Results and discussion

Moderate to high correlations were found between cadmium and lead concentrations in mosses and modelled atmospheric deposition of these metals: Spearman rank correlation coefficients were between 0.62 and 0.67, and 0.67 and 0.73 for cadmium and lead, respectively (p?<?0.001). Multivariate decision tree analyses showed that cadmium and lead concentrations in mosses were primarily determined by the atmospheric deposition of these metals, followed by emissions of the metals. Low to very low correlations were observed between mercury concentrations in mosses and modelled atmospheric deposition of mercury. According to the multivariate analyses, spatial variations of the mercury concentration in mosses was primarily associated with the sampled moss species and not with the modelled deposition, but regional differences in the atmospheric chemistry of mercury and corresponding interactions with the moss may also be involved.


At least for cadmium and lead, concentrations in mosses are a valuable tool in determining and mapping the spatial variation in atmospheric deposition across Europe at a high spatial resolution. For mercury, more studies are needed to elucidate interactions of different chemical species with the moss.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to propose a reliable method to verify the geographical origin of meat, establishing the influence of soil and water on its isotopic and elemental composition. Thus, beef meat, soil, and water samples were collected from three major cattle-producing regions of Argentina (Buenos Aires, Córdoba, and Entre Ríos). Multielemental composition was determined on these three matrices by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), δ(13)C and δ(15)N by isotope-ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS), and the (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratio by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS). Soil and drinking water samples could be characterized and clearly differentiated by combining the isotopic ratios and elements, demonstrating differences in geology and climatic conditions of three regions. Similarly, meat originating at each sampling area was characterized and differentiated using only five key variables (Rb, Ca/Sr, δ(13)C, δ(15)N, and (87)Sr/(86)Sr). Generalized procrustes analysis (GPA), using the three studied matrices (soil, water, and meat) shows consensus between them and clear differences between studied areas. Furthermore, canonical correlation analysis (CCA) demonstrates significant correlation between the chemical-isotopic profile of meat with those corresponding to both soil and water (r(2) = 0.93, p < 0.001; and r(2) = 0.83, p < 0.001, respectively). So far, there are clear coincidences between the meat fingerprint and those from soil/water where cattle grew, presenting a good method to establish beef provenance. To the authors' knowledge this is the first report linking the influence of soil and water all together on the composition of beef, presenting the basis for the authentication of Argentinean beef, which could be extended to meat from different provenances.  相似文献   

The following parameters were measured on seven field plots at 3 sites which had been under organic farming for different periods of time: mineral nitrogen (N min) contents, in situ net nitrogen mineralization (N net), soil microbial biomass carbon (C mic), and nitrogen (N mic) contents, and extractable organic N contents. The measurements were conducted every three weeks from spring 1995/1996 to autumn 1997. The objective was to test whether, under organic farming: 1) temporal fluctuations of Nmic contents over the course of the year are indicative for a source‐and‐sink function for plant‐available N of the soil microbial biomass, and 2) temporal variations in Nmic content can be related with in situ Nnet or plant N uptake. Nmin contents gradually increased after ploughing in autumn until late winter. During intensive plant growth in spring, values rapidly declined. In situ Nnet fluctuated only moderately and reached high values during intensive plant growth (May—July) as well as after soil cultivation in autumn. The Cmic and Nmic contents generally were low in winter, increased in spring and reached maxima in late spring or summer. In spring, the increase in Cmic contents preceded the increase in Nmic contents, resulting in elevated Cmic:Nmic ratios until shooting of winter wheat. This corresponds to an uptake of available soil nitrogen by the plants at the expense of soil micro‐organisms. The subsequent increase in Nmic contents, coinciding with high plant N uptake rates, indicates an enhanced, plant‐induced N mobilization at that time. Possible mobilization mechanisms are discussed. Soil microbial biomass exerted a source‐and‐sink function for extractable organic N on some of the field plots. Estimates of in situ Nnet measurements were neither correlated significantly with soil microbial biomass N, Nmic flux, Nmic turnover, nor with plant N uptake. Lower Nmic turnover rates on 41 years versus 3 years organically managed fields indicate a stabilizing effect of organic farming on soil microflora.  相似文献   

Major changes to the extent and quality of farmland habitats, brought by the intensification of agricultural practice, are thought to be the main factors driving declines in a suite of farmland bird species in Europe. Recent changes in agricultural techniques have also contributed to widespread soil degradation, arising from increased soil exposure to erosion forces, declining soil organic content and increasing soil compaction. Although soils have a fundamental influence on ecosystem properties, the implications of soil degradation for farmland biodiversity have received little attention. In this study, we measure the influence of soil conditions on the distribution of a declining insectivorous farmland bird, the yellow wagtail Motacilla flava, relative to other habitat features in arable fields. Soil penetrability was found to have a significant influence on the abundance of territorial yellow wagtails at the field scale, together with crop type. Other measured habitat features had little effect on territory abundance, including soil organic content, crop height (within preferred crop types), field boundary habitats and availability of bare ground. Monitoring of invertebrate abundance across 20 cereal fields revealed a significant influence of both soil penetrability and soil organic content on aerial invertebrate capture rates. This relationship was strongest during the latter part of the breeding season, implying that settling yellow wagtails could use soil penetrability as a predictive indicator of prey abundance during the chick-rearing period. The strong relationship between yellow wagtails and soil penetrability suggests a potential causative link between soil degradation and population decline. The role of soils in determining abundance patterns and population declines of other farmland species may have been overlooked in previous studies.  相似文献   

In India, conservation of biodiversity goes hand in hand with human welfare, as millions of people live adjacent or within protected areas and depend upon forests products. The high density and biomass requirements of these households could result in the degradation of forests and loss of biodiversity. We assessed the collection of forest products among households in five sites in the Western and Eastern Ghats of peninsular India: the Kogar region of the Central Western Ghats, the Bandipur and Sigur regions of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, the Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve of the southern Western Ghats and Similipal Tiger Reserve of the northern Eastern Ghats, and tested whether extraction pressure on forests was associated with the proportion of agricultural households, wage labour and population density. We also examined whether data on loss of cover as stated by the State of the Forest Reports was supported by field data. The regions differed in land use: Kogar, KMTR and Similipal were primarily agricultural regions, whereas households engaged in wage labour or in running small businesses were predominant in Sigur and Bandipur. Fuel-wood was collected ubiquitously for household use in all sites, used mainly for domestic requirements and secondarily for generating income. Green leaves for making fertilizer and fodder were collected for household use and did not enter the market. Cattle manure for the global organic coffee industry was a major forest product in Bandipur and Sigur. Extraction pressure on forests was positively associated with the availability of wage labour and was negatively with the proportion of agricultural households. Data from official sources seem inadequate to measure forest degradation in protected forests. Accurate estimation of forest condition through field assessments and remote sensing, and understanding the socio-economic variables associated with forest loss and degradation are needed for the sustainable management of Indian protected areas.  相似文献   

Social learning is gaining popularity as a tool for understanding and designing interactions between experts and farming communities to enhance the uptake of sustainable and innovative farming practices. To date, the literature has mainly focused on the technical role scientists and researchers play in social learning, as sources of or co‐producers of knowledge. Social learning, however, implies a dynamic between the creation of knowledge (what can be done) and the creation of meaning (what is considered worth doing). This paper addresses this research gap by exploring the roles that “expert” actors and their narratives perform in meaning‐creation. I argue that a sustainable soil management community of practice is emerging in England and discuss the dynamics of farmer participation in this community. I further argue that members of this community use scientific “experts” and narratives to inspire, justify and legitimise sustainable soil management as a valid way of being a “good farmer.” This paper thus stresses the role that scientific or “expert” actors and narratives play in communities of practice as contributors to meaning‐creation inherent to social learning. How soil degradation will be addressed is as much a technical question, a question of what can be done, as a question of meaning, a question of what land managers consider worthwhile doing. The scientific community thus needs to work with the farming community not only to co‐produce technical solutions, but also to co‐produce shared visions of agrarian futures which put soils at their heart.  相似文献   

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