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Turloughs are karst wetland ecosystems that are virtually unique to Ireland. Flooding annually in autumn through springs and fissures in the underlying limestone and draining in the springtime, often through the same fissures or swallow-holes, they have been described as ‘temporal ecotones’. Over 300 have been documented. They are priority habitats in the EU Habitats Directive and support a variety of wet grassland and fen type vegetation. Though the vegetation has been recorded and mapped for over 80 turloughs, records for invertebrates are more sporadic. Characteristic species include some aquatic species-often benefiting from the absence of fish-, and many wetland terrestrial species, including carabid beetles that are rare on a European scale. Due to their shallow nature and the full vegetation cover of the basin, turloughs can host internationally significant numbers of visiting winter wildfowl, particularly whooper swans. The variety of plant and invertebrate communities between turloughs is primarily due to different hydrogeomorphological characteristics, but also depends on the range of grazing practices on turloughs. Since these often vary within a turlough basin, this helps maintain within-turlough biodiversity. The main threat to turloughs in the past was drainage, but pollution by nutrients is also now potentially detrimental. However, a more recent and important threat may be the cessation of farming within turloughs. As potentially threatened wetlands of European importance, turloughs require a full inventory of their biodiversity and the factors affecting it. The collation here of all literature concerning turloughs will provide a basis for an integrated approach to future research on turloughs that is essential for a full understanding of these complex ecosystems.  相似文献   

Leaching of physically interactive ions in soils - Model development and calibration - A deterministic approach is presented in order to describe vertical leaching of physically interactive cations (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+). Model calibration with undisturbed and disturbed Eutric Gleysol columns under quasi-stationary conditions shows good agreement between measured and simulated concentration profiles. Interaction with the soil matrix is measured on the base of exchange isotherms (Beckett, 1964). Gapon coefficients are derived directly from the slope of the Q/I relationships. In the case of non-linearity of the exchange isotherms it is necessary to use Gapon coefficients, variable in time and space. KCl application induces K+ fixation in every case, which can be described by a simple diffusion approach. Leaching phenomena in one of the undisturbed columns can only be explained on the base of a dual pore system.  相似文献   

A Spatially Differenciating Method for Computing High Resolution Maps of Soil Loss by Rain Wash - Fundamental Principles of the dUSLE The theoretical basis of a procedure to compute maps of the soil loss is presented. This procedure allows to estimate soil loss on a large scale (1:5000) for planning specific protection measures. The procedure uses the Universal Soil Loss Equation combined with a digital terrain model that consists of a triangulated, irregular network. In this way not only slope but also the influence of increasing soil loss down slope and the slope morphology are taken into account. Also, slope morphology is considered along the slope as well as across the slope. Therefore the procedure is called differentiating Universal Soil Loss Equation dUSLE. With the dUSLE it is possible to combine high resolution with high automatisation and reasonable computation time. The application of the USLE has the advantage of easy use and availability of data. Furthermore, most parts of the USLE have been adapted to and verified for German conditions in recent years. In part 2 the integration of the equations presented in the digital terrain model will be described. In a third part the application of the dUSLE in land reconsolidation and farmers extension service will be presented.  相似文献   

Crambe abyssinica Hochst. ex R.E. Fries (n = 45) is an industrial oilseed crop that is high in erucic acid. It is most closely related to C. hispanica L. (n = 30) and C. glabrata DC. (n = 15), although the latter species is most often included in the synonymy of C. hispanica. The species complex extends throughout the Mediterranean region, Ethiopia and East Africa. Crambe abyssinica is endemic to Ethiopia, C. glabrata to Spain, Portugal and Morocco, and C. hispanica is distributed in the Mediterranean region and Middle East. The present study compared genetic relationships among C. abyssinica, C. hispanica and C. glabrata and attempted a taxonomic separation of them using traditional morphological traits, agronomic and seed quality data, chromosome number, and various molecular data sets including nuclear-DNA based RAPD data, chloroplast (cpDNA) restriction site data and ITS sequence data for the internal transcribed spacer region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. The three species can be distinguished most reliably by chromosome number. Accessions could generally, but not always, be distinguished morphologically by plant branching pattern, fruit articulation and colour, leaf pubescence and leaf shape. cpDNA restriction site data and ITS sequence data, two relatively conserved DNA data sets, supported the recognition of C. glabrata as a distinct species separate from the C. hispanica/C. abyssinica accessions. Within the latter group, both RAPD data and field evaluation data revealed greater amounts of genetic variation in C. hispanica compared with accessions of C. abyssinica, with the latter included as a subset of C. hispanica. Crambe glabrata was genetically distinct for all data sets and warrants separate species status.  相似文献   

Aqueous Aluminum Species in Acidic Forest Soils - Influence of Water Pathways and Solubility Equilibria In the seepage of three typical Black Forest soils (Haplic Podzol, Dystric Cambisol, Dystric Planosol) the fractions ‘Labile-Monomeric Al’, ‘Stabile-Monomeric Al’ and ‘Acid-soluble Al’ were analyzed. Activities of aqueous Al species and saturation indices (SI) with respect to various Al-bearing minerals were calculated from ‘Labile-Monomeric Al’, using the computer program WATEQF. Al-mobilization/immobilization processes were evaluated by means of AI/CI molar ratios. With 1.5 mg/L in average, the Altotal concentrations are relatively low in all studied soils. In the O-horizon leachates, 70 to 80% of aqueous Al occur as ‘Stabile-Monomeric’ and ‘Acid-soluble’ forms mainly consisting of organo-complexes. This portion decreases in the mineral soil to 35% in the podzol and the planosol as well as to 10% in the Cambisol. Simultaneously, Al3+ increases to 40% (planosol), 50 (podzol), and 70% (cambisol). In all horizons, 5 to 15% of Altotal are covered by Al-fluoride-complexes, whereas Al-sulfate-complexes are insignificant. With 5 to 10% monomeric Al-OH-ions play a role only in the subsoil. Aluminum is strongly mobilized in the upper mineral horizons of all studied soils. In the planosol and the cambisol, Al is immobilized in the subsoil. In the subsoil of the podzol, in contrast, Al reveals further mobilization due to a distinct internal production of HNO3 and H2SO4 as a consequence of mineralization of organic matter. In the podzol, rapid percolation in macropores is crucial for Al dynamics, whereas in the planosol the temporal variation of the perched water table. Leachates from all O-horizons and upper mineral horizons as well as from the planosol subsoil are undersaturated with respect to the solubility of all mineral phases considered. With SI > O imogolite appears to be a permanently stable mineral in the subsoils of both podzol and cambisol. There is evidence for the Al(OH)3 interlayer of Al-chlorites controlling Al dynamics in the subsoil of the podzol. Al(OH)SO4 type minerals are not likely to regulate aqueous Al activities in any of the studied soils.  相似文献   

Characterization of former sedimentation conditions of freshwater and brackish marshes in Lower Saxony on the basis of ecological diatom groups Eighteen soils ranked as freshwater and brackish marshes in surveys were examined for their diatom flora. In 9 cases it was possible to reconstruct the former sedimentation conditions. According to the findings. 4 of 6 freshwater marshes had sedimented under marine-estuarine and estuarine or marine conditions. For the brackish marshes brackish to marine sedimentation environments were inferred. Brackish to marine sedimentation conditions were, therefore, not restricted to soils now indicated as marine marshes on surveys.  相似文献   

The determination of aggregate stability - a comparison of methods The mechanical load bearing capacity and strength of aggregates against external forces can be described and quantified by indirect test (wet sieving method) and direct tests (e.g. crushing test, direct shear test). With the mean of the crushing test and the direct shear test in the shear box it is possible to achieve definite stresses, with which the influence of pore water pressure on soil stability can be explained by the occurence of water menisci forces. It is also possible to proof the pore water pressure dependent increase of strain by the particle reorientation during the process of aggregation. By the method of wet sieving, however, the summarized effect of hydraulic and mechanical processes can be described qualitatively only. A definite relation to single processes is therefore not possible.  相似文献   

Turnover of nitrogen of different plant material in the soil in pot and field trials In pot and field trials, effects of various plant materials like green rape, sugar beet leaves, potato foliage, straw of wheat, maize, or field beans, on the turnover of N in the soil (mineralization, Nmin-concentrations, NO3-leaching) and on yield and N uptake by some crops was tested in relation to mineral N fertilizer application. In both experiments, widely corresponding results were obtained: Irrespective of the N contents of the plant material, biological immobilization of N always was combined with beginning mineralization (pot trial: decrease of NO3 leaching in late fall). Green rape (C/N = 12/1) showed already after 4 weeks in the field trial a marked net mineralization (Nmin) of 20–30% of the added nitrogen which was quantitatively reflected in higher removals of N. Beet leaves (C/N = 20/1) were decomposed at a much slower rate in combination with an increase in N removals of subsequent crops by 6-20 % depending on the rate of mineral fertilizer application. All types of straw (CM = 57-8611) and potato foliage (CM = 73/1) caused a marked biological immobilization of N which resulted in reduced N removals depending on turnover rate (potato foliage: fast, wheat straw: slow) and N contents of the organic material. Different plant residues (straw, leaves) were applicated on a harvested field with cereal to test comparatively one part of the total value of different preceding crops; at onset of vegetation the Nmin-contents in soil, depending on the climatic conditions during the non-growing season for mineralization, were analyzed.  相似文献   

Material balances of agricultural soil - A method for early recognition of soil alterations For agricultural soils of a lowland region in Switzerland the input and output of the elements nitrogen, phosphorus, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead were measured over two years. In spite of the fact that the emission standards are met there is a slow and steady increase of the P, Cu, Zn and Pb concentrations found in the plough layer. In accordance with the principle of prevention the metabolism of the soil should be controlled on a large scale in such a way that this concentration increase can be substantially reduced within decades. With the available analytical methods the observed concentration increases in the soil are clearly detectable only after decades. Regional annual material balancing of the relevant anthropogenic processes (farming, private households, industry and trade), however, allows early detection of small changes in concentration. Consequently, a soil protection strategy which obeys the principle of early prevention should be completed by regional material balances.  相似文献   

A Computer-aided Measuring and Evaluation Method for the Determination of the Hydraulic Conductivity in the Unsaturated State according to the Evaporation Method Multiple methods for the determination of the unsaturated flow depend on the water content or the soil-moisture tension have been published by so far. Their major drawback is the large consumption of time for the measuring and/or for the evaluation. The here presented combination of devices for the application of the evaporation method including its software permit a faster determination of parameters and a presentation in an analytic mode.  相似文献   

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