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Bacterial leaf spot disease of hemp was observed in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan in 1982 and characterized by necrotic lesions ca. 1–2 mm diameter on leaves with a yellow halo 2–3 mm wide. In this report, we describe the pathological, physiological and genetic properties of the causal bacterium. Our results indicated that this bacterium is identical with Xanthomonas campestris pv. cannabis reported in Romania.  相似文献   

In October 2010, a bacterial disease produced flecks and spots on leaves of Chinese cabbage, cabbage and Japanese radish in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. The symptoms started on the abaxial surface of leaves as angular, water-soaked flecks of 1–2 mm in diameter with a yellow halo of 3–4 mm width. These flecks then became visible on both leaf surfaces, enlarged and coalesced into large blight lesions. The symptoms were similar to bacterial leaf spot caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola. The bacterium isolated from leaf lesions formed a white colony and produced polysaccharides on YP agar. The isolates were identified as P. syringae group by LOPAT tests and the 16S rDNA sequence. Moreover, the results of pathogenicity on cruciferous plants, bacteriological characteristics, rep-PCR and the sequences of rpoD and gyrB showed that the isolates should be identified as P. cannabina pv. alisalensis (recently transferred from P. syringae pv. alisalensis). This is the first report of P. cannabina pv. alisalensis isolated from diseased crucifers in Japan.  相似文献   

辣椒细菌性疮痂病病原菌分类、检测及综合防治研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辣椒细菌性疮痂病是一种世界性分布的细菌性病害,该病能引起辣椒严重的产量损失和品质下降。国外特别是美国对该病害研究较早且较深入,国内相关研究几乎是空白。本文主要围绕病原菌的分类、检测和病害综合防治等研究进展做一概述。  相似文献   

Strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vignicola (Xcv), isolated from cowpea leaves with blight or minute pustules and collected from various geographic areas, were selected on the basis of pathological and physiological features. All strains were analyzed for genotypic markers by two methods: ribotyping with EcoRI endonuclease, and RFLP analysis with a plasmid probe (pthB) containing a gene required for pathogenicity from Xanthomonas campestris pv. manihotis. Ribotyping revealed a unique pattern for all the strains that corresponded to the previously described ribotype rRNA7. Based on polymorphism detected by pthB among Xcv strains, nine haplotypes were defined. The observed genetic variation was independent of the geographic origin of the strains and of pathogenic variation. Some haplotypes were widely distributed, whereas others were localized. In some cases, we could differentiate strains isolated from blight symptoms and pustules according to haplotypic composition. However, in most cases, no significant differences were observed. Our results and the previous pathogenic and biochemical characterizations suggest that the strains isolated from leaves with blight symptoms or minute pustules belong to the same pathovar. We provide information on pathogen diversity that can be used to identify and characterize resistant germplasm.  相似文献   

A total of 93 isolates of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli was collected from five countries over a wide range of altitude (500–2320 m above sea level) in eastern Africa. Collections were made from a range of cultivars of the common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris ), including known sources of resistance, as well as from wild alternative but symptomless hosts including Senna ( Cassia ) hirsuta and Digitaria scalarum . From these, 30 isolates were selected for detailed characterization. Although variation was found in parameters including phage type, the production of brown pigment in culture media and in-vitro growth rate, there was little consistent relationship between these characters and pathogenic variation.
Studies of pathogenic variation among the 30 isolates on 20 genotypes of P. vulgaris revealed quantitative host non-specific differences (aggressiveness). On tepary bean ( P. acutifolius ), however, the 30 isolates interacted differentially with the genotypes and eight distinct physiologic races of X . c . pv. phaseoli were defined, suggestive of an underlying gene-for-gene relationship.
Despite this apparent gene-for-gene interaction, resistance to common bacterial blight in P. vulgaris , derived from earlier use of P. acutifolius , has apparently remained non-specific and essentially durable. It is suggested that, since levels of resistance already available within P. vulgaris provide adequate protection, bean breeders should resist the temptation to incorporate new complete resistance from P. acutifolius as it would risk destabilizing the host–bacterium relationship by introducing race-specific resistance that is more likely to prove transient in agriculture.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and X. campestris pv. phaseoli var. fuscans, the causal agents of the common and fuscous bacterial blight of beans, appear to be phenotypically identical except that the latter can produce a melanin-like pigment in culture. Ten isolates of X. campestris pv. phaseoli and 12 isolates of X. campestris pv. phaseoli var. fuscans were examined using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The average genome sizes for X. campestris pv. phaseoli and X. campestris pv. phaseoli var. fuscans were 3850.6±48.9 and 3584.3±68.1kb respectively. The genetic relatedness of the isolates was determined from macrorestriction patterns generated using XbaI. Cluster analysis indicated that the non-fuscous and fuscous strains are distinct. RFLP results, based on the highly conserved hrp genes and a pectate lyase gene from Xanthomonas, also indicated that the two bacteria are genetically different. The results obtained in this study suggest that this pathovar can be segregated into two subgroups under a recently proposed reclassification of the Xanthomonas genus.  相似文献   

Genetic variability of partial resistance to bacterial leaf streak was investigated in hexaploid winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum. ), using 16 parental genotypes and 48 pure lines (F10) derived from a composite cross programme. Two experiments were undertaken in a controlled growth chamber. Seeds of all genotypes were grown under controlled conditions using a randomized block design with three replications. Each replication consisted of a row of 20 seedlings of each parent and pure line. An Iranian strain of bacterial leaf streak was used for the inoculation of 12-day-old seedlings. In a third experiment, eight genotypes from parents and F10 pure lines representing a large variability for partial resistance were inoculated with four other Iranian strains of bacterial leaf streak. A large genetic variability was observed amongst the 64 genotypes for partial resistance to the disease. Partial resistance heritability estimates were rather high (70%), indicating that the resistance factors may be transmitted by crossing. Amongst all genotypes investigated, 'DC2-30-N2' and 'IBPT-66' displayed the highest partial resistance to the disease. Significant correlations between strains in the third experiment show that a genotype resistant or susceptible to one strain will have similar reactions with other strains. No significant genetic gain was observed for partial resistance in the best pure line of the 48 lines studied, when compared with the best parental line. Increasing the number of pure lines is likely to result in the identification of genotypes that might prove to be more resistant.  相似文献   

A RAPD PCR-based method was used to differentiate between isolates of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli var. fuscans. Using random primer OP-G11, a single, high intensity band of 820 bp was amplified from DNAs of all X. c. pv. phaseoli var. fuscans isolates, while multiple amplification products of varying sizes were generated from X. c. pv. phaseoli DNAs. Whereas RAPD PCR differentiation gave an unambiguous result in under 4 h, standard differentiation by recording the production of a brown pigment by X. c. pv. phaseoli var. fuscans isolates took up to 7 days and showed variation both between isolates and between media. The unequivocal nature of the RAPD PCR method was demonstrated when isolate 408, originally classified as X. c. pv. phaseoli var. fuscans, failed to produce the 820 bp band typical of X. c. pv. phaseoli var. fuscans isolates, and after also failing to produce a brown pigment, was re-classified as X. c. pv. phaseoli.  相似文献   

Temporary hay and silage fields with a high proportion of perennial or Italian ryegrass ( Loliumperenne and L. multiflorum ) in Ayrshire, Dumfriesshire, Lanarkshire, West Perthshire and Stirlingshire were surveyed in mid-summer in 1979 and 1980 for the presence of bacterial wilt. The preliminary survey in 1979 showed that the disease was present in approximately half of the fields in the area. A quantitative survey of 24 fields in 1980 revealed the disease in 71% of these fields at densities between 100 and 380,000 symptom-bearing tillers per hectare. Most disease was found in ryegrass, but occasionally diseased plants of cocksfoot ( Dactylis glomerata ) and timothy ( Phleum pratense ) were found. Tall and meadow fescue ( Festuca arundinacea and F. pratensis ) were also susceptible to infection in the laboratory (cut leaf and root dip inoculations). Ryegrass cultivars varied in their susceptibility to laboratory inoculation. Cultures of Xanthomanas campestris pv graminis showed no loss of virulence following freeze-drying and revival.  相似文献   

Twenty strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) were isolated from two major crucifer-growing valleys, Chitwan and Kathmandu in Nepal and characterized by biochemical and pathogenicity tests. Strains were homogeneous in bacteriological characteristics. The ability of a strain to induce high or low disease severity index (DSI) on three host plants, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower, was interpreted as virulence. Strains that were associated with high or low virulence were significantly different (P>0.05). No relationship between virulence and biochemical characteristics was observed.  相似文献   

Carry-over of inoculum of X.c. pv. campestris in the soil from one cropping season to the next was studied in field experiments over three years. These studies were supported by laboratory and greenhouse experiments on quantitative assessment of bacteria by bioassay using the Most Probable Number technique, and on recovery rates of bacteria from the soil. The mean recovery rate from artificially infested soil was 58%. Extinction of X.c. pv. campestris in soil infested with infected plant debris proceeded exponentially and extinction rates depended on temperature, as did the decomposition of plant debris. In replicated field plots, over three years, infection foci of black rot disease were established. At harvest time, all plants were chopped and resulting plant debris was rotovated into the soil. The resulting soil infestation was sampled and showed clear infestation foci reflecting the original infection foci of the crop. These infestation foci decreased with time and disappeared after the winter. Follow-up crops remained virtually uninfected. The results show that in The Netherlands good crop and soil management impedes survival of inoculum from one year to the next, so that cabbage can be grown continuously. Polyetic carry-over of inoculum by debris in the soil can be avoided in The Netherlands.  相似文献   

The bacterium Xanthomonas translucens pv. undulosa (Xtu) causes bacterial leaf streak (BLS) on wheat and other small grains. Several triticale accessions were reported to possess high levels of resistance to wheat Xtu strains. In this study, a worldwide collection of triticale accessions as well as the major North Dakota hard red spring and durum wheat cultivars were evaluated for reaction to two local Xtu strains. All wheat cultivars showed a susceptible reaction but a wide range of reactions was observed among triticale accessions. Out of the 502 accessions tested, 45 and 10 accessions were resistant to the two virulent strains BLS‐LB10 and BLS‐P3, respectively, with five accessions, PI 428736, PI 428854, PI 428913, PI 542545 and PI 587229, being highly resistant to both strains. Statistical analysis showed significant difference among the accessions, strains, and the accession by strain interaction (< 0.001). Bacterial population growth in resistant triticale was significantly slower than that in susceptible triticale. Molecular cytogenetic characterization in four representative triticale accessions confirmed the hexaploid level of the species and the presence of 12 or 14 rye chromosomes. The triticale accessions identified are valuable materials for developing wheat germplasm with high levels of BLS resistance.  相似文献   

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