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陈冲  孙丕海  王全军 《水产科学》2011,30(10):641-643
将在大连地区繁育的平均壳长2.2cm的皱纹盘鲍苗种运至福建省莆田市海域进行海上越冬,使用底面积为350mm×550mm、层间距150mm的7层专用养鲍笼,养殖密度25~80枚/层,饵料为盐渍海带、鲜紫菜、鲜海带苗。经5个月饲育,鲍苗平均壳长增长1.94cm,成活率达94.5%,效果明显优于北方沿海的室内越冬及海上越冬。  相似文献   

采用皱纹盘鲍大连群体与盘鲍日本群体进行杂交育苗试验和鲍苗种生产。结果表明,皱纹盘鲍和盘鲍正、反交组合的受精率和孵化率均低于两亲本自交组,而其苗种成活率高于两亲本自交组(提高达20%以上);皱纹盘鲍和盘鲍的正、反交组合鲍苗的生长情况是,其平均壳长明显高于两亲本自交组鲍苗的平均壳长,最长达2.01 cm ;皱纹盘鲍与盘鲍作为亲本进行鲍苗种生产,经160 d培育,共培育出鲍苗种2020.75万只(平均壳长2.01 cm ),鲍出苗量平均4345.7只/m2。通过鲍种内杂交的育种方法,可以达到改良和优化鲍种质的目的。  相似文献   

我们于2003年承担了山东省科技厅下达的“海珍品(皱纹盘鲍、刺参)生态养殖技术研究”项目。经三年的实践研究,试验面积10333米2,鲍苗经过三年的养殖,成活率达88.3%,平均壳长94.8毫米,平均体重113.4克,平均产量2003.4克/米2;参苗共放了两茬,每茬养殖时间是18个月,成活率达92.5%,  相似文献   

潮间带垒石蒙网养鲍技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1994年4月~1995年10月,在4个岩礁区共设置136个石垛,放养壳长1.3~3.0cm鲍苗55.1万只,进行潮间带垒石蒙网养鲍试验。对场址选择、放养密度、规格、投饵方法等进行了研究。结果:产商品鲍19.254t,平均亩产1397.8kg,平均壳长6.81cm,平均个体重39g,成活率89.6%,实现产值693.144万元、利润352.81万元。专家鉴定认为,养殖方式为国内首创,技术水平属世界先进。  相似文献   

福建沿海皱纹盘鲍人工育苗技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在福建沿海,皱纹盘鲍秋季人工育苗效果明显优于春季育苗.采取异地引进亲鲍、用面积1 m2的透明塑料薄膜培养硅藻饵料并用于采苗,薄膜投放密度14片/m2,担轮幼体布池密度10×104~15×104个/m2等技术措施,匍匐幼体平均采集密度200~300个/片,稚鲍的前期培育时间可延长至44 d,剥离规格达4.64 mm;稚鲍剥离至池底水泥板上进行继续培育,培育密度2000~2500个/m2,至壳长10 mm时成活率可达79%;平均单位面积出苗量1200个/m2.  相似文献   

选用皱纹盘鲍(♀)与日本盘鲍(♂)进行杂交育种,培育生长快、色泽鲜艳、活力强、抗逆性强杂交鲍苗.从2003年4月20日进行苗种培育,当年11月份鲍苗壳长20mm以上的超过50%,表现出明显的生长优势.  相似文献   

厚壳贻贝人工繁殖技术的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)是我国贻贝的主要养殖品种,其苗种主要依靠天然苗种和半人工采苗获得。2006年浙江海洋学院于嵊泗县石柱育苗厂,首次突破了厚壳贻贝规模化全人工繁殖和稚贝海区中间培育技术。研究结果表明,厚壳贻贝亲贝通过室内强化培养,经人工催产可获得成熟受精卵,受精率可达95%。在水温16℃时,受精卵在受精后25min出现第一极体,受精后39h50min发育至直线绞合幼虫期,胚胎孵化率达92%,在水温15.8~21℃的条件下,经39d室内人工培育,获平均壳长0.694mm的附着稚贝1304.7×104ind;附着稚贝经102d海区中间培育,获平均壳长13.95mm的稚贝404.46×104ind,海区保苗成活率达31%。该研究结果为今后厚壳贻贝大规模苗种生产奠定了重要理论和技术基础。  相似文献   

福建省平潭县上井海珍品鲍养殖场,承担了上级下达的黑鲍示范育苗与养成技术项目,通过精心培育和科学管理,从2003-2004年,年均培育黑鲍苗种1.5 cm和 0.3 cm左右各100万粒以上,年均养成成品鲍3-4 cm和 5-6 cm分别为30万粒和50万粒,成活率达80%以上, 取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。现将养殖技术介绍  相似文献   

2004—2006年对经中间培育的青蛤苗种进行滩涂和围塘养殖研究。研究结果:(1)滩涂养殖成活率达75%,养殖12个月平均壳长2.43cm,平均体重9.19 g,4—5月份壳长增长速度较快,6—8月份体重增长速度较快;(2)围塘养殖成活率达80.1%,养殖12个月平均壳长达2.45?,平均体重达9.53 g,3—5月份壳长增长速度较快,6—8月份体重增长速度较快。  相似文献   

根据鲍生长特性,采用低碳、环保的高密度聚乙烯材料研制了新型高密度竖排式鲍养殖箱,进行了养殖密度等的研究,并在产量、成本、占用面积等方面与传统鲍养殖设施进行比较。结果表明,在新型鲍养殖箱中,平均壳长1.5 cm的鲍苗最适放养密度为500粒/箱,养至70 g,成鲍可养密度为375粒/箱,成活率75%,产量比传统养殖笼提高37%。与现有两种传统养殖方式(以养殖笼为主)相比,新型鲍养殖箱具有水体交换好、操作简单、效率高(节省劳力84%以上)、养殖成本低、节省养殖海域面积等优点。  相似文献   

The study investigated the growth performance of abalone from juvenile to marketable size in a commercial-scale recirculating aquaculture system. The rearing system consisted of 12 raceways (4.0 × 0.8 × 0.6 m) with a protein skimmer and a submerged biofilter for juveniles and 10 raceways (6.6 × 1.3 × 0.6 m) with a protein skimmer and a trickling biofilter for on-growing. Sea mustard (Undaria pinnatifida) and kelp (Laminaria japonica) were fed to the abalone. The total weight of abalone in the recirculating aquaculture system at the juvenile stage increased from 22.0 kg (average shell length 24.5 mm) to 75.5 kg (average shell length 42.5 mm) after 180 days. Feed conversion ratios increased slightly from 13.7 for the first 90 days to 16.3 thereafter. The shell growth rate of juvenile abalone between 24.5 mm and 34.8 mm was 3.4 mm month−1, while for juveniles between 34.8 mm and 42.5 mm it was 2.6 mm month−1. The total weight of abalone in the recirculating aquaculture system for the on-growing stage increased from 100.0 kg (average shell length 44.0 mm) to 433.3 kg (average shell length 72.7 mm) after 570 days. The feed conversion ratios for the first 173 days, the next 320 days, and the last 570 days were 19.6, 22.1, and 24.8, respectively. The growth rate of the average shell length during the on-growing period was 1.5 mm month−1. Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) concentrations were stabilized below 0.12 mg l−1 in the juvenile recirculating system and 0.14 mg l−1 in the on-growing recirculating system after conditioning of the biofilters.  相似文献   

The aquaculture industry of small abalone Haliotis diversicolor in southern China is now close to collapse because of high mortality at the grow-out stage. To examine if survival and growth (shell length increase) could be improved by cross breeding among populations, a 3 × 3 complete diallel cross was conducted among three populations from Japan (A), Taiwan (B) and Vietnam (C). Performances in growth rate and survival at early juvenile, later juvenile and grow-out stages were compared among the six reciprocal cross lines and three parental lines. Magnitude of heterosis for survival and growth varied among cross lines in the three growing stages. As to mid-parent heterosis, H AB was significantly ( P <0.01) higher than H AC and H BC at all three growing stages for both growth and survival, and all mid-parent heterosis fell between the two corresponding single-parent heterosis. H AB was 6.84% for shell length and 69.09% for survival at Day 420. Our results of high survival heterosis in line AB and line BA show that crossbreeding between different populations can benefit the small abalone breeding programs and the industry.  相似文献   

During winter months, a novel overwintering mode of transferring juvenile abalones to open seawaters in southern China rather than keeping them in closed land-based nursery systems in northern China is a popular practice. The initial size, stocking density and sorting are among the first considerations when establishing an abalone culture system. This study aimed to investigate the effects of these factors on the growth of juvenile Pacific abalone, Haliotis discus hannai Ino, during overwintering. Juvenile abalones were reared in multi-tier basket form for overwintering in open seawaters in southern China for 106 days. The daily growth rates (DGRs) in the shell length of all experimental groups ranged from 67.08 to 135.75 μm day−1, while the specific growth rates (SGRs) were 0.2447–0.3259% day−1. Variance analysis indicated that both DGRs and SGRs in shell length were significantly affected by the initial body size and stocking density. Furthermore, the effects of stocking density on DGRs and SGRs varied with the initial size. However, sorting abalones according to their initial sizes may not be necessary in practice as sorting did not alter growth significantly at all densities in this study. Factors potentially affecting abalone growth such as genetic control and intraspecific competition were discussed.  相似文献   

2008年~2009年,对波纹巴非蛤人工繁殖、胚胎发育、幼体开口饵料、幼虫变态附着和稚贝培育技术等进行研究,人工育苗获得成功。结果表明,在自然水温29.6℃~23℃,盐度28~34,pH值7.8~8.4,溶解氧4~7mg/L的生境下,受精卵约17h发育成"D"形幼虫,第6~7d,幼虫个体大小180μm×165μm(壳长×壳高),开始变态附着。经约80d人工培育,共获得壳长3.4mm~15mm的波纹巴非蛤稚贝21.6万粒。  相似文献   

虾夷扇贝天然苗种中间育成技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然海区采集的虾夷扇贝苗种比人工苗种晚2个月,为了实现当年采苗,当年培育成3 cm以上增养殖用苗种,2006—2008年,就虾夷扇贝中间育成技术开展了试验研究。育成密度为90~110个/层,密度对中间育成率影响不显著。密度为70~90个/层,平均壳高达到3.28 cm,群体组成中≥3 cm个体比例为83.33%;密度为120~130个/层,平均壳高3.08 cm,群体组成中≥3 cm个体比例为61%;密度为160~170个/层,平均壳高2.77 cm,群体组成中≥3 cm个体比例仅为22%,密度对苗种生长影响显著。分苗时间早晚对苗种生长有一定影响,分苗时间早,天然苗可充分利用7-8月快速生长期快速生长,提高3 cm以上个体的育成率。中间育成期间的水温对育成率有一定影响,23℃以上水温持续时间较长时,育成率下降。  相似文献   

在水温15.8~24.7℃下,将小规格(壳长为1.03±0.02 cm)和中规格(壳长为1.57±0.03 cm)绿盘鲍(GS-02-003-2018)(皱纹盘鲍Haliotis discus hannai Ino♀×绿鲍H.fulgens♂)稚鲍分成A、B、C和D 4个组,饲养在240 mm×170 mm×285 m...  相似文献   

Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai Ino) aquaculture is a thriving industry in China. This study describes a novel submerged cage culture system for abalone rearing in Fujian, South China. The cage consisted of five vertical slots that were oriented perpendicular to the flow of water. The slots were separated by six vertically connected plastic plates for abalone attachment and shelter at the bottom of the cage. Experiment 1 was designed to determine the appropriate stocking density at the start of the abalone sea‐based production cycle. Eight‐month‐old hatchery reared and size‐graded juveniles were transferred to the sea‐based culture system. For different stocking densities, shell length of juveniles obtained in this novel culture system on 2, 3.5 and 5 months, respectively, was compared with shell lengths obtained in a traditionally multi‐tier basket culture system. In Experiment 2, daily growth rates (DGRs) in shell length and biomass in terms of wet weight of 2‐year‐old abalones reared in cage and tiered basket culture systems were compared over a 6‐month period. Results of Experiment 1 showed that growth of abalone in the cage culture system is density‐dependent; the mean final shell length of juveniles obtained was 6.7–15.9% higher than in tiered baskets system even at the same initial stocking density. In Experiment 2, DGRs in shell length of 53.83–78.38 μm day?1 obtained in cage system were significantly higher than that in tiered baskets (< 0.01). And in terms of wet weight biomass, it was 1.48–3.01 times higher in the cage system compared with the traditional system. Abalone survival was more than 87.5% in both culture systems in both experiments. Advantages of the newly established cage culture system included better growth performance of the animals reared and potential improvement of rearing conditions, such as improved water flow velocity and dissolved oxygen.  相似文献   

Commercial abalone culture is carried out using flow‐through systems with a high water volume exchange in Baja California, Mexico. The objective of this work was to compare the growth rate and survival of red abalone cultured in two systems. Flow through (daily water exchange rate of 800%) and recirculating systems consisted of a 250 L fibreglass tank and constant aeration, but biofiltration in the recirculating system was provided with a 28 L (1 ft3) bubble‐washed bead filter. Water variables were measured either daily (dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH and salinity) or three times a week (total ammonia nitrogen, nitrate‐nitrogen, nitrite‐nitrogen and alkalinity). Shell length was measured every 2 weeks for 18 weeks. Only the alkalinity and pH were significantly different due to the addition of sodium bicarbonate to the recirculating system. Abalone growth rate was 26.1 ± 15.96 μm day?1 in the recirculating systems and 22.21 ± 18.69 μm day–1 in the flow‐through systems. The final survival was 78.74% in the recirculating systems and 71.82% in the flow‐through systems. Significant differences in the final size and survival of the abalones were found between systems (P<0.05). Therefore, recirculating aquaculture systems is a feasible alternative for juvenile red abalone culture.  相似文献   

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