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Thirteen adult indigenous chickens from Oodi, Kgatleng district, Botswana, were examined for helminth parasites. Two species of nematodes, Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinarum, and species of the cestode genus Raillietina, were recovered. A. galli and H. gallinarum were the most commonly seen parasites. The nematode A. galli occurred concurrently with Raillietina spp.  相似文献   

A serological survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of antibodies to Newcastle disease virus in apparently healthy and unvaccinated adult indigenous chickens. Haemagglutination inhibiting antibodies to Newcastle disease virus were found in the sera of 51 out of 89 (57.3%) chickens sampled.  相似文献   

During the period March to September 2000, a study was conducted in Oodi village, Kgatleng District, Botswana, to investigate the seasonal fluctuation of internal, external and blood parasites of donkeys. Twelve adult donkeys were randomly selected from a farmer with a herd of 15 donkeys. Monthly visits were made to the farmer when the donkeys were examined for parasites. The only ectoparasites recovered from the donkeys were instars of various tick species. The most prevalent tick was Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi (98.4%), followed by Amblyomma hebraeum and Hyalomma species. The only haemoparasite seen on microscopy was Babesia equi at low parasitaemia in 26.8% of the donkeys. However, no clinical babesiosis was evident. Coprological examination showed the presence of strongyle eggs in moderate numbers. Very low numbers of coccidia oocysts were found in the faecal samples. High tick numbers and worm egg counts coincided with the warm, wet months in contrast to the low numbers recovered during the cold, dry months. An interview conducted by the authors indicated that donkeys were nutritionally marginalised by owners. Supplementary feeding was therefore recommended, especially during the winter months when grazing is poor.  相似文献   

Sera from nine out of 30 (30.0%) apparently healthy unvaccinated indigenous (Tswana) chickens had precipitating antibodies to infectious bursal disease (IBD) virus using the agar gel precipitation test. Similarly, sera from 11 out of 49 (22.4%) chickens of exotic breeds with no history of vaccination against IBD were positive for antibodies against the virus.  相似文献   

Chickens raised under village production systems are exposed to a wide variety of pathogens, and current or previous infections may affect their susceptibility to further infections with another parasite, and/or can alter the manifestation of each infection. It is possible that co-infections may be as important as environmental risk factors. However, in cross-sectional studies, where the timing of infection is unknown, apparent associations between infections may be observed due to parasites sharing common risk factors. This study measured antibody titres to 3 viral (Newcastle disease, Marek's disease and infectious bursal disease) and 2 bacterial (Pasteurella multocida and Salmonella) diseases, and the infection prevalence of 3 families of endo- and ecto-parasites (Ascaridida, Eimeria and lice) in 1056 village chickens from two geographically distinct populations in Ethiopia. Samples were collected during 4 cross-sectional surveys, each approximately 6 months apart. Constrained ordination, a technique for analysis of ecological community data, was used to explore this complex dataset and enabled potential relationships to be uncovered and tested despite the different measurements used for the different parasites. It was found that only a small proportion of variation in the data could be explained by the risk factors measured. Very few birds (9/1280) were found to be seropositive to Newcastle disease. Positive relationships were identified between Pasteurella and Salmonella titres; and between Marek's disease and parasitic infections, and these two groups of diseases were correlated with females and males, respectively. This may suggest differences in the way that the immune systems of male and female chickens interact with these parasites. In conclusion, we find that a number of infectious pathogens and their interactions are likely to impact village chicken health and production. Control of these infections is likely to be of importance in future development planning.  相似文献   

The mean flock size was ten chickens per rural farmer. Antibodies to Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae were detected in 57.88% and 67.33% of the chicken sera respectively.  相似文献   

Mwale and Masika 2009 Ethno-veterinary control of parasites, management and role of village chickens in rural households of Centane district in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Tropical Animal Health and Production. Village chickens contribute significantly towards rural livelihood in the African continent through the provision of animal protein, income and socio-cultural uses. However, village chickens are susceptible to parasite infestation. Due to limitations of using western drugs to control these parasites, farmers resort to the use of ethno-veterinary medicine (EVM). However, there is dearth of information on EVM use in chickens. Therefore, the objective of the current study was to document various EVM practices used in controlling gastro-intestinal parasites in village chickens. Stratified random sampling was used to select 62 chicken farmers that were interviewed using a structured questionnaire About 70 and 96.7% of farmers provided housing and water for their chickens respectively whereas the rest did not. The chief role of chickens was meat provision (91.7%). Most households (86%) reported parasite problems in chickens, particularly gastro-intestinal parasites. Eighty-three percent of the interviewed respondents use medicinal plants to control both internal and external parasites in chickens. Use of plants increased with parasite incidences (r=0.347; P<0.01). Mainly gastro-intestinal parasites were problematic and were largely controlled by medicinal plants. Further research on pharmacological properties, safety and efficacy of these plants is important for improved chicken productivity and hence rural livelihood.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - A total of 153 communal farmers in four agro-ecological regions of Botswana were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The aims of the survey were to...  相似文献   

Seroprevalences to three infectious agents were studied in rural poultry farms in three different ecological regions in Benin. Of 260 sera, 65% were seropositive for Newcastle disease virus, 10% for Salmonella pullorum and 62% for Mycoplasma gallisepticum.  相似文献   

Summary The productivity of a population of scavenging village chickens in Sri Lanka has been assessed, and the scavenging feed resource base has been measured and analysed. The laying period lasted 34 ± 13 days and the batch size was about 20 eggs. The households ate 71% of the egg production. The mean egg weight was 48 g and the mean size of a set of eggs was 9·4. The hatching percentage was 67 ± 32 and the liveweight at 70 days averaged 313 g with a range of 142 to 492, by which time 65% of the chicks hatched had died. The age at first lay averaged 211 days when the pullets weighed 1,160 g. The broody period lasted from 3 weeks to 4 months depending on whether the hen hatched eggs, and for how long she tended the brood. The laying hens were actively scavenging for most of the daylight hours. The average amount of scavenged feed per household flock per day was 550 g dry weight with a proximate composition of 9·4% crude protein, 9·2% ether extract and 5·4% crude fibre. More than 70% of the feed intake was household refuse (27% cooked rice, 30% coconut residue, 8% broken rice and 36% other scraps). The remainder was from the environment (13% grass shoots, 8% small metazoans and 7% paddy rice). Proximate analyses of crop contents, household refuse and its major components were carried out. Dietary Ca and P levels were low in the village, as were plasma levels of these minerals. On a balanced commercial diet plasma Ca was still lower than that of hybrid commercial chickens. Suggestions are made for improving the productivity of the scavenging system with no requirement for inputs, and with inputs.
Recurso Base Para Pollos Escarbadores De Villorrio En Sri Lanka
Resumen Se estudió la productividad de una población de pollos escarbadores en Sri Lanka y la base alimenticia se analizó. El período de postura duró 34 ± 13 dias y el grupo de unidades fue de aproximadamente 20 huevos. El consumo familiar fue de 71% de la producción. El peso promedio de las unidades fue de 48 g y el tamaño promedio de un juego de huevos fue 9·4. El porcentaje de eclosión de los mismos fue de 67 ± 32 y el peso vivo a los 70 días promedió 313 g con valores extremos de 142 a 492, con un porcentaje de mortalidad a esa edad de 65%. Le edad de postura promedió 211 dias, cuando las pollonas pesaron 1160 g. El periodo de empolle fluctuó entre 3 semanas y 4 meses dependiendo de si había enclosión de huevos, o de si la gallina (s) se encluecaban. Las gallinas escarbaban constantemente durante las horas de la mañana y tarde. El promedio de alimento tomado por grupo familiar de aves fue de 550 g peso seco con una composición aproximada de 9·4% de proteina cruda, 9·2% extracto de ether y 5·4% de fibra cruda. Más de 70% de la ingestion de alimento provino de desechos de cocina (27% arroz cocinado, 30% residuos de coco, 8% arroz partido y 36% otros residuos). El resto provino de pasto, metazoas, y 7% arroz pady. El análisis reveló niveles bajos de Ca y P en el alimento y en el plasma. Bajo una dieta comercial balanceada, los niveles de calcio plasmético fueron todavia bajos, en comparación a aquellos de hibridos comerciales. Se hacen recomendaciones para mejorar la productividad de estas aves criollas con insumos y sin ellos.

Base Des Ressources Alimentaires Des Poulets Villageois Eleves Sur Dechets Menagers Au Sri Lanka
Résumé La productivité d'une population de volailles villaqueoises se nourrissant sur les déchets ménagers au Sri Lanka a été déterminée. La base de leurs ressources alimentaires à partir de ces déchets a été mesurée et analysée. La période de ponte a duré 34 ± 13 jours et le volume a été de l'ordre de 20 oeufs. Les propriétaires ont consommé 71 p. 100 de cette production. Le poids moyen des oeufs était de 48 q et leur dimension de 9,4. Le pourcentage d'éclosion a été de 67 ± 32 et le poids vif à 70 jours de 313 g en moyenne, avec une fourchette de 142 à 492 grammes. A cette époque, 65 p. 100 des poulets couvés étaient morts. L'âge moyen à la première ponte était de 211 jours au moment où les poulettes atteignaient 1 160 q. La période de couvaison a duré de 3 semaines à 4 mois, selon que la poule pondait ou non et selon le temps passé à couver par la poule. Les pondeuses recherchaient leur nourriture très activement sur les déchets ménagers pendant le jour.La quantité moyenne de nourriture de chaque troupe individualisée par propriétaire était de 550 g, exprimée en poids sec. Sa composition approximative était la suivante: 9,4 p. 100 de protéines brutes, 9,2 p.100 d'extrait éthéré et 5,4 p. 100 de cellulose. Plus de 70 p. 100 de la prise alimentaire provenait de déchets ménagers (27 p. 100 de riz cuit, 30 p. 100 de résidu de noix de coco, 8 p. 100 de brisures de riz et 36 p. 100 d'autres restes de cuisine. Le reliquat venait de l'environnement avec 13 p. 100 de pousses d'herbe. 8 p. 100 de petits métazoaires et 7 p. 100 de riz paddy. Les auteurs ont procédé à des analyses approchées de la composition des végétaux, des refus ménagers et de leurs principaux composants. Les taux de Ca et P des rations étaient faibles dans les villages, tout comme les teneurs plasmatiques de ces minéraux. Mais, pour un régime commercial équilibré, le calcium plasmatique était encore plus bas que celui des volailles hybrides du commerce. Des suggestions sont faites pour accroître la productivité du système d'alimentation à partir des déchets ménagers avec ou sans besoins d'intrants complémentaires.

Serum samples from 20 out of 180 (11.1%) apparently healthy Nigerian indigenous chickens were negative for antibodies against chicken anaemia virus using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Of the 160 positive sera (88.9%), 12 (7.5%) had titres ranging from 1500-3000, 46 (28.8%) had titres from 3000-5000 while 102 (63.8%) had titres between 5000-11000. The overall mean titre value was 5845 +/- 2402. This appears to be evidence of a natural outbreak of the infection since the chickens had no history of vaccination against any poultry disease.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to assess the performance of indigenous chickens under extensive system in southern Nyanza, Kenya. The study was carried out in two phases in Komolorume and Kawere villages in Rongo and Rachuonyo districts, respectively. The first phase was a cross-sectional study in 81 farms selected by cluster sampling to get the overview of the indigenous chicken production. A four-month prospective longitudinal study in 60 farms randomly selected from the previous 81 farms followed. Mean flock sizes per household were 20 and 18 birds in Komolorume and Kawere, respectively. Overall mean flock size was 19 birds ranging from 1to 64. The mean clutch size, egg weight and hatchability were 12 eggs, 48 g and 81% respectively in Komolorume and 10 eggs, 45 g and 70%, respectively, in Kawere. The chick survival rates to the age of eight weeks were 13% and 10% in Komolorume and Kawere, respectively. Mean live weights for cocks and hens were 2096 g and 1599 g in Komolorume and 2071 g and 1482 g in Kawere, respectively. The mean household cock to hen ratio was 2:5 and 2:4 for Komolorume and Kawere, respectively. The mean chick to grower to adult ratio per household was 8: 6:6 in Komolorume and 8:4:6 in Kawere. Clutch sizes and hatchability rates were significantly higher in Komolorume village (P?<?0.5). The productivity of the indigenous chickens was shown to be low compared to that of the improved chickens in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

A total of 210 chicken samples, from seven strains, were genotyped using 20 microsatellite loci of which 16 are recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization. The genetic variability and divergence of four Thai indigenous strains and three commercial lines were assessed to generate baseline information for conservation, promotion, and make sustainable utilization of indigenous chicken resources in Thailand. A total of 227 alleles were distributed ranging from six (MCW 111) to 16 (MCW 183 and LEI 166) alleles per locus. The highest (0.81) and lowest (0.77) average of expected heterozygosities were observed in indigenous chicken (Dang) and commercial layer (Isa Brown), respectively. All microsatellite loci were in the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, except for MCW111 and ADL372 in the Isa Brown line. The subpopulation division coefficient (F ST ) was strong with the value of 0.183 indicating the genetic differentiation among the studied groups. Four genetic clusters were detected: the first group consisted of layers (Isa Brown and White Leghorn); the second group was broiler; the third group consisted of non-black feather indigenous chicken (Chee, Dang, and Leung Hang Khoa); and the fourth group was black feather indigenous chicken (Pradu Hang Dam). The results of this study also suggested that Pradu Hang Dam is suitable to be developed as a meat type chicken due to lower genetic distance between Pradu Hang Dam and broiler.  相似文献   

防城区的大部分地区 ,群众养鸡仍以散养为主 ,规模多在 3 0羽 /户左右。散养既提高其肉质风味 ,又可降低饲养成本 ,但饲养管理水平和防疫水平跟不上 ,死亡较多。为了提高散养鸡的成活率 ,发掘放牧散养的优势 ,我们进行农户养鸡现状调查 ,以便总结经验指导农村散养鸡生产 ,增加农民收入 ,提高农户养鸡积极性。1 调查方法本次调查选择了防城区 5个乡共 1 5个村 ,每村调查 1 0个养鸡户 ,共调查 1 50户 ,调查内容包括 2 0 0 2年鸡饲养数、损失数、病死数、活鸡市场价格等 ,同时调查了 8户规模较大的围栏养鸡户。2 调查结果本次调查结果见表 1…  相似文献   

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