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供试的小麦条锈菌每一个中国生理小种都可以侵染多个非小麦属植物的种和属,并表现出与在小麦上相类似的寄生专化性。同一生理小种的寄生性,因供试植物的属,种或种内材料的不同而有差异。小麦条锈菌生理小种在小麦品种水平上的寄生范围,与在非小麦属植物属种水平上的寄生范围有关。  相似文献   

小麦锈菌AFLP分子标记技术体系的建立   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以小麦条锈菌、杆锈菌、叶锈菌的夏孢子为材料,通过DNA提取、酶切、PCR扩增、凝胶电泳等系列程序摸索和优化,建立了锈菌的AFLP分子标记体系如下: 40μl酶切体系中采用了EcoRI、TrulI各5U,37℃3h,65℃3h双酶切4μl 100ng/μl的DNA; 然后加入10μl连接混合液22℃连接3h,16℃10h; 连接产物5μl,10μMEcoRI、10μMTru1I预扩引物各1.5μl,PCR反应液25μl,ddH2O 17μl进行预扩;预扩产物稀释20倍后取5μl,50ng/μl EcoRI、Tru1I选扩引物各1μl,PCR反应液10μl,ddH2O 3μl体系进行选择性扩增,为小麦锈病和其他真菌性病害的分子标记克隆及抗病育种的辅助选择提供了有力工具。  相似文献   

YS型小麦温敏不育基因的RAPD标记   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取温敏小麦不育系A3314与Silverstar杂交组合的F2高可育和高不育单株构建基因池,利用500对随机引物对其进行多态性分析,同时对其反应体系和扩增条件进行优化。试验结果表明,在25μL反应体系中使用50 ng的模板DNA,2 mmol/L Mg2 ,0.2 mmol/L dNTPS,0.2μmol/L引物,1 UTaq酶;反应条件为94℃预变性5 min,然后进行94℃变性45 s,37℃结合45 s,72℃延伸90 s,40个循环后,再72℃延伸10 min,小麦RAPD扩增效果较好;S310750为小麦温敏不育基因的连锁标记。  相似文献   

小麦株高近等基因系的RAPD标记研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用RAPD技术, 以4个小麦株高近等基因系(分别含有rht、 Rht1、 Rht2、 Rht3基因)为材料, 筛选了296个单一随机引物(10个核苷酸)。 发现25个引物的扩增产物在近等基因 系间表现出特异性。 在6次重复试验中, 有18个引物的特异扩增片段不能重复, 6个引物 可以重复2~3次, 唯有OPAM01在全部试验中均能稳定重复, 其特异扩增  相似文献   

小麦光敏雄性不育基因的遗传分析及RAPD标记   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对小麦光敏雄性不育系A31与恢复系1376杂交所得的F2分离群体育性的分析研究表明,F2分离群体共582株的平均结实率为42.16%,变异范围为0~86.67%,由于受异源胞质的影响,F2群体中可育株平均自交结实率低于恢复系1376的平均结实率。经卡方测验表明,F2群体的育性分离符合一对基因的分离比例,所以,A31光敏育性可能由一对  相似文献   

小麦株高近等基因系的RAPD标记研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用RAPD技术,以4个小麦株市基因近等基因系(分别含有rht、Rht1、Rht2、Rht3)为材料,对296个单一随机引物(10个核苷酸)进行了筛选。发现25个引我的扩增产物的近等基因系间表现出特异性,在6次重复试验中,有18个引物的特异护增片段不能重复,6个引物可以重复2-3资,唯有OPAM01在全部试验中均能稳定重复,其特异扩增版段OPAM011860可以作为rht基因的RAPD标记。  相似文献   

小麦抗条锈基因Yr6分子标记初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李勇  牛永春 《华北农学报》2007,22(4):189-192
小麦抗条锈基因Yr6在我国小麦育种中应用很少,寻找该基因的分子标记将有助于促进该基因的合理利用。将Yr6与其他有效的抗条锈基因相结合可以拓宽品种的抗病谱,延长育成品种的使用年限。本研究中,共用653条RAPD引物和小麦7B染色体上的36对SSR引物对Yr6的近等基因系进行了DNA多态性分析,对PCR产物具有多态性的SSR引物进一步检测了Yr6基因的2个载体品种。结果共有93条RAPD引物(占总数的14.2%)和5对SSR引物(占总数的13.9%)在抗病近等基因系Yr6/6×Avocet S和感病材料Avocet S间稳定扩增出了差异条带,其中SSR标记Xwmc76和Xwmc276在Yr6基因的载体品种Heines Kolben和Heines Peko中检测出了与Yr6/6×Avocet S中相同、而与感病亲本Avocet S中不同的多态性扩增条带,说明这2个SSR标记可能与Yr6基因连锁。  相似文献   

条锈菌诱导的小麦bZIP转录因子基因的克隆及表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张毅  夏宁  张岗  郭军  黄丽丽  康振生 《作物学报》2010,36(7):1221-1225
采用电子克隆和RT-PCR方法,从条锈菌诱导的小麦品种水源11的cDNA中分离到一个编码bZIP转录因子基因的cDNA序列,暂被命名为TabZIP。TabZIP包含一个完整的1 071 bp的开放阅读框,编码356个氨基酸,具有典型的bZIP保守结构域;与水稻、玉米、拟南芥等植物bZIP蛋白的氨基酸序列相似性较高;TabZIP基因在小麦根中的表达量丰富,而在茎和叶中表达量很小;在小麦与条锈菌非亲和组合中,TabZIP基因高水平表达,而在亲和组合中没有明显的变化;防卫相关激素乙烯、茉莉酸也可诱导该基因的快速上调表达,表明TabZIP可能通过乙烯、茉莉酸信号途径介导小麦对条锈病的防御反应。  相似文献   

小麦抗病种质贵农775中抗白粉病基因的RAPD标记   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
运用RAPD技术,采用分离群体分组分析法(BSA)进行了小麦种质贵农775抗白粉病基因连锁的分子标记研究,其中有一个引物S2018在抗病亲本贵农775和抗病材料中扩增出了特异的DNA片段,而在感病材料和感病亲本丰产3号中没有扩增出同样的DNA片段。此片段长度约为880 bp。用F2分离群体(106株植株)进行遗传连锁性分析,引物S20188  相似文献   

One-hundred-and-forty-one wheat cultivars were tested at the seedling stage using up to 16 yellow rust isolates of diverse origin. Sixty-five resistance spectra were observed, including 20 spectra defined by differential cultivars with specific genes for resistance to Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici . Yr1 , Yr2 , Yr3 , Yr4 , Yr6 , Yr9 , Yr15 , Yr17 , Yr25 , Yr32 , and several additional sources of resistance were recognized. The resistance spectra were often conferred by Yr -genes and resistance factors with an unresolved genetic basis. All cultivars carried resistance and 27 had resistance for which no fully compatible isolate was detected. Yr15 was detected in four cultivars, a resistance from wild Emmer not previously reported in commercial wheat. There was no indication of Yr5 , Yr7 , Yr8 , Yr10 and Yr24 in any cultivar. Most cultivars were also investigated in field nurseries using up to nine isolates of Danish origin. Fifty-six cultivars displayed high or very high levels of resistance to any isolate in the field, and 18 of these showed full compatibility at the seedling stage to at least one isolate, i.e. revealing components of adult plant resistance.  相似文献   

The use of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici pathotypes virulent or avirulent with respect to both Yr6 and a previously undescribed source of resistance, designated YrA, allowed the recognition of the corresponding host resistance genes m a range of Australian and exotic spring wheats. The phenotypes conferred by the YrA resistance varied when exposed to contrasting light intensities in the post-inoculation phase. The implications of the results in international studies of host resistance to P. striiformis f. sp. tritici are discussed.  相似文献   

为明确‘西农291’抗条锈性的遗传基础。对‘西农291’在温室和田间进行多个小麦条锈菌小种的抗条锈鉴定;采用常规杂交方法,将‘西农291’分别与感病品种‘铭贤169’与AvS杂交,构建其F1、F2遗传群体,用小麦条锈菌小种CYR32进行温室抗条锈性鉴定、混合小种(CYR32:CYR33≈1:1)进行田间抗条锈性鉴定。结果表明,在温室条件下,‘西农291’在苗期对条锈菌CYR32与CYR33表现高度感病、成株期对CYR32、CYR33、Su11-4及Su11-7表现高度抗条锈性;田间混合小种接种诱发发病(陕西杨凌)和自然发病(甘肃天水)抗条锈性鉴定均表明‘西农291’在成株期高度抗条锈病。群体抗条锈性鉴定结果表明‘西农291’与感病品种铭贤169和AvS杂交的F2群体的抗:感分离比例均符合3R:1S的理论比例。以上结果说明‘西农291’具有非小种专化性的、广谱抗性的成株期抗条锈性;对CYR32的成株抗条锈性受1对显性基因控制。  相似文献   

抗锈小麦新品系89144接种锈菌后SA含量升高,同时CAT活性降低,H2O2含量升高,SOD活性升高,在不抗锈品种甘麦8号接种锈菌后SA含量也有升高,但并不伴随有CAT活性下降和SOD活性升高以及H2O2含量的升高.推测SA为CAT过氧化活性提供一个电子的过程中SA的量必须达到一定的阈值,并且与CAT的时序调节相配合.据SA结合态和游离态含量的变化  相似文献   

Barley genotypes Hor 1428, Hor 2926, Hor 3209, BBA 2890, Abyssinian 14, Grannelose Zweizeilige, and Stauffers Obersulzer are resistant to all races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei so far detected in the U.S.A. Heils Franken, Cambrinus, Astrix, Emir, Hiproly, Varunda, Trumpf,Mazurka, Bigo, BBA 2890, and I 5 are resistant to some races and susceptible to others. Previous studies showed that Hor 1428, Hor 2926, Hor 3209, Abyssinian 14, Stauffers Obersulzer, I 5, Heils Franken, Emir, Astrix, Hiproly, Varunda, and Trumpf each have two genes, and BBA 2890, Grannelose Zweizeilige, Cambrinus, Mazurka, Bigo, and BBA 809 each have a single genefor resistance. To determine the genes in specific genotypes and their relationships, all possible crosses were made among the 18 genotypes. Seedlings of parents and F2 progeny were tested under controlledconditions for resistance to selected races that were avirulent on both parents. Based on segregation within the individual crosses to selected races, at least 26 of 30 genes detected in the 18 genotypes were different. Allelic and linkage relationships of some of the genes were determined. The genetic information should be useful for understanding the host-pathogen interactions and for control of stripe rust using resistance.  相似文献   

山西省不同生态区小麦叶锈菌毒性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用已知抗叶锈病基因的小麦近等基因系 (或单基因系 )作鉴别寄主 ,监测来自山西省 3个不同小麦生态区 11个县 (市 )的 92份叶锈标样。在发现的 2 7个致病类型 (毒性基因组合 )中 ,TRK ,TRT ,PHT ,THT出现频率分别为 19 6% ,9 8% ,6 5 % ,6 5 % ,为优势致病类型。对叶锈菌群体毒性基因频率分析结果表明 ,毒性基因V19,V2 4 ,V38的出现频率较低 ,分别为5 4 % ,16 5 %和 0 ,其对应的抗性基因可视为山西省小麦叶锈菌的有效抗病基因  相似文献   

L. H. M. Broers 《Euphytica》1989,44(3):273-282
Summary Partial resistance (PR) in wheat to wheat leaf rust (Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici) is characterized by a slow epidemic build-up despite a susceptible infection type. Two greenhouse tests and two field tests, in which 11 spring wheat cultivars were exposed to five wheat leaf rust races, revealed some indication for race-specificity of PR.In the greenhouse, the expression of PR was highly dependent on the environment. Significant cultivar-race interactions in the first experiment were lost in the second experiment probably due to cultivar-environment and cultivar-race-environment interactions.In the polycyclic field tests several factors played a role in explaining the inconsistency of the cultivar-race interactions, such as differences in initial inoculum, genotypic differences in earliness, interplot interference or environmental conditions.One cultivar-race combination showed a significant but small interaction towards susceptibility in both field experiments. The interaction was probably too small to detect in the monocyclic greenhouse tests. The results do not conflict with the idea that a gene-for-gene relationship could exist between PR-genes in the host and genes in the pathogen.Some problems with regard to the selection of PR in wheat to wheat leaf rust are discussed.  相似文献   

The resistance to yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei) of 500 advanced barley lines from the ICARDA/CIMMYT breeding programme in Mexico was evaluated on seedlings in the greenhouse and on adult plants in the field. A high frequency of advanced lines (85.8%) showed a susceptible reaction (infection type ≥ 7) on seedlings after inoculation with isolate Mex-1, representing a Mexican variant of race 24. This indicates the absence of effective hypersensitive resistance. In addition, the same advanced lines showed a large variation in disease severity in the field, ranging from 0 to 95%. More than 76% of the advanced lines with a susceptible reaction in the seedling stage demonstrated low disease severity (10% or less in the adult plant). Consequently, these advanced lines possess high levels of quantitative resistance. Two aspects in the ICARDA/CIMMYT barley breeding programme may explain the large number of advanced lines with high levels of quantitative resistance. First, a recurrent selection approach is applied when advanced (F5) lines reaching homozygosity are intercrossed. Second, low levels of disease are accepted in the selection process instead of selecting the ultimate green plant. Both aspects combined allow the accumulation of quantitative resistance. Certain cultivars released from South-American national programmes in the late 1970s and early 1980s in Peru (UNA-80), Bolivia (IBTA 80) and Ecuador (Teran) are still resistant, demonstrating the durable nature of quantitative resistance to yellow rust.  相似文献   

2013年从黑龙江省小麦生产区分离纯化57个单袍子堆小麦白粉菌菌株,用犯份小麦白粉病菌鉴别寄主进行毒力测定。结果表明,黑龙江省不同来源小麦白粉病菌群体具有相同的毒力结构,毒性基因V7,V8,V17,V19,VT a,V3c,V3f,V3e,VSa和VI+2+9的毒性频率均达80%以上,为黑龙江省小麦白粉菌的主要毒性基因;而Pm18(Ic),Pm21,Pm2+6,Pm5+6,Pm2+MLD5个抗性基因(或基因组合)抗90%以上的菌株,为黑龙江省有效杭白粉病基因(或基因组合)。研究结果可为小麦白粉病的抗病育种及杭病品种合理布局等方面提供参考。  相似文献   

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