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重金属Cu Pb Zn Cr Cd在土壤中的形态分布和转化   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
采用室外小区隔离实验方法,研究了外源可溶性重金属进入水稻土土壤(乌栅土)后的形态分布及其形态随时间的转化。结果表明,外源可溶性重金属进入土壤后迅速向各个形态转化,可溶态重金属的浓度进入土壤后迅速下降;交换态和碳酸盐态重金属浓度先微弱上升,然后迅速下降,铁锰氧化态重金属浓度先上升,在烤田期达到最大值,然后迅速下降,成熟期时又微弱上升,有机态重金属浓度不断上升,残渣态重金属变化不大。  相似文献   

白世强  卢升高 《土壤通报》2007,38(3):544-548
对洛阳城市不同功能区表土中的Pb含量与化学形态以及工业和交通对土壤Pb污染的影响进行了研究,结果表明洛阳城市表土中Pb的含量分别为工业区(126.94mg kg-1)>城市道路(77.44mg kg-1)>居民区(59.76mg kg-1)>郊区农用地(52.39mg kg-1)>公园(41.43mg kg-1)>高校校园(36.49 mg kg-1)。工业区周围的土壤Pb含量随与工业区距离的增加而下降,应用地积累指数评价,洛阳城市土壤Pb污染处于轻度到中度污染之间,其中工业区和城区道路地积累指数较高,这些区域的土壤已受到Pb的较强污染。公路和铁路沿线两侧土壤中Pb含量分布也随距离的增加而下降,交通沿线两侧最大的Pb浓度在主导风向一侧10米附近。城市土壤Pb的化学形态以残余态和铁锰氧化物结合态为主,各形态比例为残余志>铁锰氧化物结合态>碳酸盐结合态>有机结合态。  相似文献   

施污土壤与污泥中Cu、Pb、Cd、Zn的形态分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
污泥中的重金属元素是限制其大规模农田利用的重要因素。施污土壤和污泥中重金属的形态研究可以用来评价土壤中重金属的生物有效性以及它们在土壤中的移动性。用修正BCR三步连续提取法进行分步提取研究了污水污泥和施污后的西红柿地土壤中Cu、Pb、Cd、Zn的形态分布状况。施用污泥堆肥10t hm-2后的土壤中Cu、Pb、Cd、Zn的全量与各种形态含量无明显增加,Cu、Pb、Zn含量远低于国家土壤环境质量标准。土壤中Cu的各种形态分布关系是:残渣态>可还原态=可氧化态>可交换态和弱酸溶解态,Cu在土壤中的存在是以最稳定的残渣态为主。堆肥污泥与干化污泥相比,残渣态Cu的比例明显增加。土壤中Pb的各种形态分布关系是以残渣态和可还原态为主,但可氧化态的分布比例最小。土壤中Cd的可交换态、可还原态和残渣态各占据相等的含量,但可氧化态Cd的含量几乎为零。Zn在土壤中的各种形态分布关系是:可交换态和弱酸溶解态>可氧化态>可还原态>残渣态,Zn在土壤中的存在是以最易迁移的可交换态和弱酸溶解态为主。这些金属元素在土壤中的相对稳定性顺序为:Cu>Pb>Cd>Zn。Zn在土壤中的移动性要远高于Cu。  相似文献   

污灌土壤中Pb,Cd形态的研究   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
运用顺序提取法研究了一些污灌区土壤中Pb,Cd的化学形态分布及影响因素。石灰性污灌土壤0-20cm土层中,Pb,Cd主要以碳酸盐结合态和硫化物残渣态存在,其次是有机结合态,交换态和吸附态较少。0-20cm土层中,Pb的吸附态>交换态,而Cd则相反。影响Pb,Cd形态分布的主要因素有PH,有机质含量,腐殖酸组成和碳酸钙会含量等。西安污灌区土壤中的Cd明显增加,且主要为有机结合态,碳酸盐结合态则相对减  相似文献   

砂姜黑土中重金属Cu、Cd、Zn形态分布与土壤酶活性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用小麦农田取样,对土壤中的重金属运用连续提取方法,研究了皖北砂姜黑土中Cu、Cd、Zn的化学形态特征及其与四种土壤酶(过氧化氢酶、脲酶、蔗糖酶、中性磷酸酶)活性间的关系。结果表明:在砂姜黑土中,残留态Cu、Cd、Zn在总量中所占比例很高,交换态、有机态、碳酸盐结合态含量明显低于残留态。在三种元素中,Zn的化学形态变化趋势最为一致,表现为残留态>碳酸盐结合态>铁锰结合态>有机态>交换态;砂姜黑土中交换态Cu、Cd、Zn对脲酶活性有显著抑制作用,有机态Cu、Cd、Zn对过氧化氢酶表现为一定程度的促进作用。因此,在砂姜黑土壤中,把交换态Cu、Cd、Zn和脲酶以及中性磷酸酶的活性共同作为评价土壤Cu、Cd、Zn污染程度的主要生化指标是可行的。  相似文献   

重金属Cd、Zn、Cu和Pb复合污染对土壤生物活性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过野外土样采集及室内培养试验(25℃),研究了云南东川铜矿区土壤酶和微生物特征,以及模拟重金属Cd、Zn、Cu、Pb复合污染对土壤微生物和酶活性的影响。结果表明,矿区土壤(距矿口0~800 m)重金属污染严重,Pb、Cd、Zn、Cu全量和有效含量是对照土壤(距矿口10 000 m)的3.7~141.0倍和2.2~773.2倍;距矿口越近,土壤有机质、有效氮、有效磷和速效钾含量及土壤pH亦越低,土壤酶活性和土壤微生物数量、微生物生物量碳和氮受到的抑制程度也显著增强。与对照土壤相比,距矿口0~800 m的土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶、酸性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶和脱氢酶活性分别降低25.5%~47.3%、22.6%~74.2%、30.9%~83.1%、16.7%~69.1%和34.6%~92.3%;细菌、放线菌和真菌数量分别较对照下降30.5%~80.1%、8.1%~49.9%和3.3%~8.3%。土壤酶中的酸性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶,土壤微生物中的细菌对重金属污染较为敏感。恒温(25℃)培养试验中,低量的Cd、Zn、Cu、Pb复合污染刺激了土壤酶活性和细菌、真菌、放线菌、微生物生物量碳和氮的数量,但高量的Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd复合污染使土壤酶活性、细菌、真菌、放线菌、微生物生物量碳和氮均显著下降。重金属Cd、Zn、Cu、Pb之间存在着一定的协同或拮抗作用,Cd、Zn、Cu和Pb之间在微生物生物量碳和氮上表现出明显的协同效应,Pb与Cd、Zn、Cu对细菌数量的复合效应机制为拮抗效应,Cd、Zn、Cu和Pb对真菌数量和放线菌数量的复合效应机制表现为协同效应和拮抗效应并存。  相似文献   

为了解土壤在Pb、Cd单一以及复合污染条件下红薯对Pb、Cd的吸收和积累规律,通过盆栽试验对红薯地上部和地下部的生物量和重金属含量进行测定,分析了单一及复合污染土壤中重金属Pb、Cd形态分布特点。结果表明,相对于对照,较低浓度的Pb、Cd能显著促进红薯的生长(P〈0.05),Pb超过50mg.kg-1、Cd超过3mg.kg-1时,红薯生长受到显著抑制(P〈0.05),Cd是影响红薯生长的主要因素;随着试验处理浓度的升高,红薯体内重金属含量也随之升高,二者之间存在极显著的相关性(P〈0.01),Pb、Cd共存对红薯吸收累积Pb、Cd具有明显的交互作用,Pb促进Cd向地上部转移,Cd促进Pb在地下部积累。根际土壤中Pb、Cd以可交换态与碳酸盐结合态为主,二者均占总量的55以上,在复合污染条件下,Pb浓度为50mg.kg-1时其活性系数显著高于其他Pb处理(P〈0.05),并在很大程度上促进有效态Cd含量的增加。  相似文献   

采用添加外源重金属和室内培养的方法,研究了Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn对1个酸性耕作土壤中脲酶、蛋白酶和过氧化物酶活性的影响。Cu添加浓度为50、100、200、400、600mg·kg^-1,Cd添加浓度为1、5、10、15、20mg·kg^-1,Pb添加浓度为100、300、500、800、1200mg·kg^-1,Zn添加浓度为50、100、200、400、800mg·kg^-1。结果表明,Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn对脲酶以抑制作用为主,4种重金属对酶毒性大小依次为Cu〉Cd〉Zn≥Pb,但在培养末期抑制作用都趋于减弱。Ph、Cu、Cd、Zn在前17d的培养中使蛋白酶酶活性急剧降低,以后蛋白酶活性维持在此较低水平上。短时间内(3d)Zn对过氧化物酶具有强烈的抑制作用,但总体看来4种重金属对过氧化物酶活性的影响均较小。上述结果表明,脲酶对农田土壤Cu污染具有指示作用,蛋白酶对农田土壤4种重金属污染都具有指示作用,过氧化物酶仅对土壤Zn的短期污染具有指示作用。  相似文献   

信息技术产业的发展,带给人们生活便利和享受的同时也产生了新的环境问题———电子垃圾。电子垃圾具有资源再生性和潜在环境污染性的双重特点。它不仅具有金、铜、铝、银等多种贵金属以及塑料的回收利用的价值,还含有铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯和多溴联苯醚等大量有害物质[1]。如果回收利用处置不当或者任意丢弃,则将成为重要的环境污染源而危害生态和人体健康及生命安全[2]。农田重金属污染在环境中难以降解并具有持久性,可通过食物链在动植物体内积累,从而对生物和人体健康构成威胁。长江三角洲某典型区拥有中国最大废旧金属回收产业,并具有完整的工业产业链。链的起端是源于20世纪70年代末的废旧拆解业,终端为电机、轴承等  相似文献   

以安庆市菜子湖不同退耕还湖年限(3 a,5 a,7 a,9 a,11 a,21 a)的湿地、仍耕油菜地和原始湿地土壤为研究对象,研究不同退耕年限下湿地土壤重金属Cu和Zn的各赋存形态变化特征。结果表明:退耕后湿地土壤Tot-Zn和Tot-Cu含量随退耕年限增加而呈增加趋势;土壤Cu和Zn的各赋存形态分布比率不同,但均以残渣态含量为主,残渣态Cu、Zn分别占总含量的42.55%~62.40%和40.75%~71.18%;土壤Cu和Zn各赋存形态含量大小的顺序分别为:残渣态(RES-Cu:10.11~19.86 mg kg-1)>有机结合态(OM-Cu:4.40~12.07 mg kg-1)>铁锰氧化态(RED-Cu:2.24~6.94 mg kg-1)>碳酸盐结合态(CARB-Cu:0.65~1.99 mg kg-1)>可交换态(EXC-Cu:0.03~0.41 mg kg-1)和残渣态(RES-Zn:12.79~27.71 mg kg-1)>铁锰氧化态(RED-Zn:5.37~23.27 mg kg-1)>有机结合态(OM-Zn:2.49~8.31 mg kg-1)>可交换态(EXC-Zn:0.02~4.95 mg kg-1)>碳酸盐结合态(CARB-Zn:0.00~2.87 mg kg-1);随着退耕年限增加湿地土壤Cu和Zn各个形态变化趋势存在差异,讨论结果表明退耕还湖后湿地淹水条件和植被恢复状况改变,导致湿地土壤理化性质变化,进而影响了湿地土壤Cu和Zn的形态组分、总量及生物有效性。  相似文献   

在江苏省无锡市工业型城乡交错区,选择8km2区域,采集119个土壤样品,对土壤Cu、Zn、Pb,Cd及其有效态含量的空间分布和影响因素进行探讨。结果表明:该区土壤Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd含量和变异系数都明显增加,土壤有效态重金属含量与相应的全量重金属含量具有显著相关性。土壤Cu、Zn、Cd空间变异主要受到工业影响,但由于该区工业类型的多样性和工厂分布的分散性,Cu、Zn、、Cd空间分布模式并不相同。本区土壤Pb的分布与工厂分布的相关性不大,但随与城市距离增加而降低。公路和土地利用与土壤重金属含量的关系表现不明显。该区工业污染对土壤重金属空间变异的影响可能掩盖了公路和土地利用等的影响,建议在城乡交错区合理安排工业布局以控制土壤受重金属污染的范围。  相似文献   


Three thermal power plants in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia of the Western Balkan region were expected to be metal polluting sources, and this study was performed to investigate the bioavailability and chemical speciation of trace metals in soils and soil water extracts, respectively. Surface (0–15 cm) soil samples along with maize and grass samples were collected at a gradient from the pollution source. The chemical speciation of metals was conducted using the Windereme Humic Aqueous Model (WHAM)/Model VI for water, whereas the Diffusion Gradient in Thin Films (DGT) technique was used to estimate plant availability. The chemical speciation indicated that more than 99% of all four metals in soil water extracts were complexed to fulvic acid. This is connected to relatively high soil pH (> 6.5) and high contents of soil organic matter in these soils. The accumulation of trace metals by DGT was not correlated to plant uptake. This is connected to the very low partitioning of free ions in solution, but also to the low variation in metal solubility and metal concentration in plant tissue between sites. In spite of active thermal power plants located in the areas, hardly any differences in concentration of soil metals between sites were seen and the partition of metals in soil waters was insignificant. The latter indicates that these soils have a large metal-retaining capacity. The only significant soil chemical variable affecting the variation in metal solubility was the soil pH. In a time with large infrastructure and industrial expansion in these areas, this investigation indicates the importance of protecting these high-quality soils from industrial use and degradation. High industrial activity has so far had insignificant effect on soil quality with respect to bioavailability of trace metals in these soils.  相似文献   

重金属单一污染对龙须草叶绿素含量和抗氧化酶系统的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
袁敏  铁柏清  唐美珍 《土壤通报》2005,36(6):929-932
盆栽试验的结果表明:Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn和As单一污染处理时龙须草叶绿素含量随着重金属处理浓度的增加呈现先升后降的趋势,但其总叶绿素含量和叶绿素a/b比值均低于对照;龙须草SOD的活性随着Zn、As单一污染处理浓度增加呈现先升后降的趋势,而随着其它三种重金属处理浓度的增加呈现下降趋势;龙须草CAT和POD的活性随着As处理浓度的增加呈现出上升趋势,而随着其它四种重金属处理浓度的增加呈现先升后降趋势。  相似文献   

通过盆栽实验,从动态角度研究了在不同培养期内,Pb、Cu、Cd和Cr4种重金属在茶树中的累积规律。结果表明,茶树不同部位对4种重金属的累积量存在很大差异,重金属的分布顺序为根〉茎〉叶;4种重金属大部分被茶树根系固定,在其体内的迁移性较低,在茶叶中积累的顺序为:Cr〉Cu〉Cd〉Pb。茶叶中重金属累积量和重金属添加量、培养时间都存在显著的正相关关系。4种重金属元素中,Cr的累积速率常数最大,Cd最小。茶树对重金属的吸收与土壤pH值和土壤有效态重金属含量显著相关。本研究可为人们科学认识茶叶中重金属的残留问题、健康风险及其污染控制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

长三角和珠三角农业土壤中铅、铜、镉的化学形态与转化   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
研究了重金属Pb、Cu、Cd在长江三角洲和珠江三角洲土壤中的转化及不同Pb、Cu、Cd负荷水平对土壤重金属形态的影响。结果表明:未明显污染土壤中重金属主要以残余态为主,可提取态组分的比例Cd>Cu>Pb,但不同土壤之间有较大变化;随着土壤重金属负荷的提高,土壤中交换态重金属的比例增大,残余态比例下降,有效性提高,对环境威胁增大;当重金属加入量较低时,重金属优先向氧化物结合态、有机质结合态转化,而当加入量较高时,向交换态和碳酸盐结合态转化的比例明显增加;pH和土壤组分对重金属在土壤中的转化有显著影响,土壤pH下降可使交换态Cd、Cu、Pb的比例递增。  相似文献   

Abstract. A predictive model of metal concentrations in crops was developed to optimize soil liming and sludge application strategies at a dedicated sewage sludge disposal site. Predictions of metal concentrations in plant tissue were derived from measured values of soil metal concentration, humus content and soil pH. The plant and soil data used to parameterize the model were collected on site using quadrat sampling of mature crop and underlying topsoil. The uptake model was used to map predicted metal concentrations in wheat grain and forage maize based upon a database of soil characteristics (metal content, % humus and pH) measured as part of a routine geochemical survey of the site. The effect of a management strategy to modify uptake of Cd by wheat by changing soil pH was investigated. The effect of soil dust adhering to maize plants at harvest was also simulated to investigate the importance of this pathway for Cd transfer to animal feed such as silage.
The model gave satisfactory predictions for uptake of Cd and Zn but less useful simulations for Pb, Cu and Ni. The results for Cd uptake showed a greater dependence on soil pH in the case of wheat in comparison to maize. It is suggested that, for the study site, liming to pH 7.0 will reduce Cd concentrations in wheat grain to within EC legal standards. However the Cd content of maize may still exceed these guidelines, with a relatively minor contribution from contamination with soil dust.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of different farming practices over long time periods on the sorption‐desorption behavior of Cu, Cd, and Zn in soils. Various amendments in a long‐term field experiment over 44 y altered the chemical and physical properties of the soil. Adsorption isotherms obtained from batch sorption experiments with Cu, Cd, and Zn were well described by Freundlich equations for adsorption and desorption. The data showed that Cu was adsorbed in high amounts, followed by Zn and Cd. In most treatments, Cd ions were more weakly sorbed than Cu or Zn. Generally, adsorption coefficients KF increased among the investigated farming practices in the following order: sewage sludge ≤ fallow < inorganic fertilizer without N ≈ green manure < peat < Ca(NO3)2 < animal manure ≤ grassland/extensive pasture. The impact of different soil management on the sorption properties of agricultural soils for trace metals was quantified. Results demonstrated that the soil pH was the main factor controlling the behavior of heavy metals in soil altered through management. Furthermore, the constants KF and n of isotherms obtained from the experiments significantly correlated with the amount of solid and water‐soluble organic carbon (WSOC) in the soils. Higher soil pH and higher contents of soil organic carbon led to higher adsorption. Carboxyl and carbonyl groups as well as WSOC significantly influenced the sorption behavior of heavy metals in soils with similar mineral soil constituents.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  Heavy metal (HM) mobility in soil depends on the HM species in it. Therefore, knowledge of the HM speciation in soil allows the prediction of HM impact on the environment. HM speciation in soil depends on the metal chemical origin, soil texture, and other factors such as the origin and level of soil contamination. Recently, the problem of organic waste utilization is of great importance as the amount of this recyclable material is continually increasing. One of the possible ways of recycling is the use of processed organic wastes for agricultural needs. In this research, aerobically composted sewage sludge was used, the utilization of which is of essential importance. But one of the most serious restrictions is HM transfer from such material to the soil. Therefore, a prediction of HM mobility in soil and its migration in the environment is an important issue when using sewage sludge compost (SSC) in agriculture. Zn, Cu, and Pb speciation was performed according to the modified methodology of Tessier et al. (Anal Chem 51:844–851, 1979) in two different (sandy and clay) soils with background HM amounts and in soil samples amended with aerobically digested SSC to find out the predominant species of the investigated HM and to predict their potential availability. Materials and methods  The modified method of sequential extraction initially proposed by Tessier et al. (Anal Chem 51:844–851, 1979) is designed for HM speciation into five species where HM mobility decreases in the order: F1—exchangeable HM (extracted with 1 M MgCl2 at an initial pH of 7 and room temperature), F2—carbonate-bound HM (extracted with 1 M CH3COONa buffered to pH 5 at room temperature), F3—Fe/Mn oxide-bound HM (extracted with 0.04 M NH2OH·HCl at an initial pH of 2 at 96°C), F4—organic matter-complexed or sulfide-bound HM (extracted with 0.02 M HNO3 and 30% (v/v) H2O2 at a ratio of 1:1 and an initial pH of 2 at 85°C), and F5—the residual HM (digested with HNO3, HF, and HCl mixture). After digestion, HM amounts in solution were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS ‘Hitachi’). Mixtures of uncontaminated soils of different textures (clay and sandy) with SSC in ratios 20:1, 10:1, and 5:1 were used to simulate the land application with SSC. During a period of 7 weeks, changes in Zn, Cu, and Pb content within species were investigated and compared weekly in soil–SSC mixtures with their speciation in pure soil and in the SSC. Results  Results in the SSC showed that more HM were found as mobile species compared to the soils, and in sandy soil, more were found in the mobile species than in clay soil. But the HM speciation strongly depended on the metal chemical origin. According to the potential availability, HM ranked in the following order: Zn>Pb>Cu. Zinc generally occurred in the mobile species (F1 and F3), especially in sandy soils amended with SSC, and changes of the Zn speciation were insignificant at the end of the experiment. Pb transfer to insoluble compounds (F5) was evident in the SSC–soil mixtures. This confirms that Pb is extremely immobile in the soil. However, the observed increase of Pb amounts in the mobile species (F1 and F2) during the course of experiment shows a critical trend of Pb mobilization under anthropogenic influence. Copper in the soil–SSC mixtures had a trend to form compounds of low mobility, such as organic complexes and sulfides (F4) and nonsoluble compounds (residual fraction F5). Initially, the amounts of mobile Cu species (F1 and F2) increased in the soils amended with SSC, probably due to the influence of SSC of anthropogenic origin with lower pH and high organic matter content, but Cu mobility decreased nearly to the initial level again after 3–4 weeks. Hence, the soil has a great specific adsorption capacity to immobilize Cu of anthropogenic origin. Discussion  Zn mobility and environmental impact was greater than that seen for Cu and Pb, while mobility of both Cu and Pb was similar, but variable depending on soil texture and contamination level. The effect on the shift of HM mobility and potential availability was greater in sandy SSC-amended soils than in clay soils and increased with an increasing amount of SSC. Conclusions  Usage of SSC for land fertilization should be strictly regulated, especially regarding Pb amounts. Recommendations and perspectives  The influence of SSC on Cu and Zn mobility and potential availability was more significant only in the case of sandy soil with a higher SSC ratio. Nevertheless, this waste product of anthropogenic origin increased Pb mobility in all cases in spite of only moderate Pb mobility in SSC itself. Therefore, aerobic processing of sewage sludge must be strictly regulated, especially regarding Pb amounts, and SSC ratios must be in control regarding HM amounts when using it for on-land application.  相似文献   

A study was conducted as a split-plot arrangement based on a randomized complete block design with three replications to test sewage sludge (SS) influence on yield and phytoavailability of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) by rice. The results indicated that fertilizer (main factor) and application periods (subfactor) affected studied traits. Three years of application of 40 ton ha?1 SS + 50% chemical fertilizer (CF) gave the greatest paddy yield. The greatest Cu uptake by grain (10.38 ppm) occurred with 3 years application of 20 ton ha?1 SS. With application of 40 ton ha?1 SS + 50% CF, the greatest contents of Cd in root and Pb in shoots were recorded. The greatest accumulations of Cd in shoot and Zn in grain (30.56 and 25.81 ppm, respectively) were determined with the 20 ton ha?1 SS treatment, as well. The greatest concentrations of Pb and Cd in grain (102.2 and 14.78 ppm, respectively) and Pb in root (552.2 ppm) were obtained with 3 years of application of 40 ton ha?1 SS + 50% CF.  相似文献   

温州城市土壤Cu,Zn,Pb含量及其形态研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
分别采集了温州市区风景区、交通干线、住宅区、文教区、工业区土壤样品21个,郊区农田保护区土壤样品2个,测定了各土壤样品的基本理化性质和Cu,Zn,Pb,Cd含量。结果表明:各土样Cu,Zn,Pb的平均含量分别为(34.59±18.29)mg/kg,(169.40±52.97)mg/kg,(65.22±26.86)mg/kg,均超出温州土壤背景值。Cd仅在个别土样中检出,且浓度极低。各形态含量的分析结果表明,Cu,Zn,Pb均以残余态为主,分别为60.17%,50.95%,47.33%。Cu和Pb的酸提取态含量最低,Zn则是有机态含量最低。各形态含量与土壤基本理化性质的相关分析结果表明,Cu,Zn各形态与有机质含量的相关性最大,而Pb则与土壤基本理化性质之间无明显相关关系。  相似文献   

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