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Cataracts were found in 49 of 97 interrelated West Highland White Terriers. Thirty-four dogs exhibited a ‘y’ suture cataract, mainly affecting the tips of the posterior ‘y’ suture line, while 12 dogs had complete cataracts. An autosomal recessive inheritance is surmised.  相似文献   

Sera from 154 West Highland White Terrier puppies between 6 and 12 weeks of age were assayed for total IgE using a sandwich ELISA method. Development of clinical signs of atopic dermatitis in these dogs was monitored by use of an annual owner questionnaire, until the dog reached 3 years of age. Of 114 evaluated dogs, skin disease severe enough to warrant veterinary examination was reported in 52 (46%) during the three study years. A diagnosis of atopic dermatitis was made by the attending veterinarian in 28 dogs (25%). Certain litters had an especially high prevalence of apparently atopic dogs, consistent with the genetic predisposition towards atopy in this breed, but clear evidence of consistent heritability was not present. The median IgE concentration in 154 puppies at 6–12 weeks of age was 0.9 units mL−1, with a skewed distribution. Significant ( P < 0.01) variation in serum IgE concentrations was observed between litters, with median serum IgE concentrations for a litter ranging from 0 to 27.7 units mL−1. The median serum IgE concentration in puppies that later developed clinical signs of atopic dermatitis was not significantly different from that of puppies that remained healthy. There were no apparent correlations or significant differences found between serum IgE concentration as a puppy, parental history of skin disease, and subsequent emergence of clinical signs of atopic dermatitis. We conclude that early total serum IgE determinations seem to have little usefulness in predicting the later onset of atopic dermatitis in this breed.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old female Doberman dog was presented with non-follicular pustules over the trunk and head. After a skin biopsy, bacterial culture of the pustule contacts and an antinuclear antibody blood test, sub-corneal pustular dermatosis was diagnosed. Dapsone therapy was found to be ineffective, but systemic gold-therapy at weekly intervals over a 12 week period induced remission which has been maintained for the past 4 years.  相似文献   

Canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic, progressive interstitial lung disease particularly prevalent in West Highland White Terriers. In the present prospective pilot study, we evaluated the feasibility of modified VetMousetrap? device in high resolution CT to detect idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in West Highland White Terriers. Twelve awake West Highland White Terriers with canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and 24 clinically healthy West Highland White Terriers were scanned using a helical dual slice scanner utilizing VetMousetrap? device without or with minimal chemical restraint with butorphanol. Three evaluators blindly assessed the images for image quality and the presence of canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis related imaging findings such as ground glass opacity and reticular opacities. Additionally, the attenuation of the lung was quantified with ImageJ software using histogram analysis of density over the lung fields. Computed tomography was successfully completed and motion artifact ranked in statistical analysis barely noticeable to mild in all dogs. The agreement between imaging findings and clinical status was very good with overall κ value 0.91 and percentage of agreement of 94%. There was also very good intraobserver (κrange = 0.79‐0.91) and interobserver agreement (κ = 0.94). Moderate to severe ground glass opacity was present in all affected dogs. In the ImageJ analysis, a significant difference in lung attenuation between the study groups was observed. We conclude that modified VetMousetrap? device is applicable in diagnosing canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in awake West Highland White Terriers avoiding anesthetic risk in these often severely hypoxic patients.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis is an immunomodulator and candidate live mucosal delivery vehicle for vaccine antigens and for biologically active molecules, including immunoregulatory cytokines such as interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). To provide a tool for investigating downregulation of allergic predisposition of pigs to experimental food allergy, porcine IFN-gamma was cloned and expressed as a fusion protein with the usp45 secretion signal. Immunoblot analysis with polyclonal anti-pIFN-gamma-antibody demonstrated that the recombinant porcine IFN-gamma (rpIFN-gamma) protein was expressed in the L. lactis transformants as a secreted product. Activity of rpIFN-gamma was confirmed by ability to upregulate class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on cells of the porcine monocytic cell line 3D4/31. The L. lactis producing biologically active rpIFN-gamma will be used to investigate its possible ability to modulate the allergic immune response phenotype of pigs.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old neutered female West Highland white terrier dog was presented with a history of congenital urinary incontinence that had become refractory to medical management. Complex urogenital anomalies including urethrovestibular and vestibuloperineal fistulae with low vulvar position along with a penoclitoris were present. Vaginectomy with perineal urethral reconstruction resolved the incontinence.  相似文献   

Recombinant canine interferon-gamma (KT-100) or topical antihistamine (diphenhydramine: DH) was administered to dogs with atopic dermatitis (AD) for 4 weeks and their efficacies were compared using pruritus, excoriation, erythema and alopecia as evaluation criteria. Clinical studies on 92 atopic dogs (KT-100 group: 63, DH group: 29) were conducted at 18 animal hospitals in Japan. KT-100 was administered subcutaneously once a day three times a week on alternating days for 4 weeks. DH was administered topically twice daily for 4 weeks. The efficacy rates of the KT-100 group on day 28 were 72.1% for pruritus, 73.8% for excoriation, 75.4% for erythema and 60.7% for alopecia, which were significantly higher than those of the DH group (20.7% for pruritus, 27.6% for excoriation, 24.1% for erythema and 24.1% for alopecia).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To define the disease-causing mutation in West Highland White Terriers (WHWT) with erythrocyte pyruvate kinase (R-PK) deficiency and to design a genetic test capable of recognizing affected (homozygous) and carrier (heterozygous) dogs. ANIMALS: 3 anemic WHWT littermates and 1 unaffected littermate; 16 dogs from the same kennel, including 4 unrelated, phenotypically normal dogs (control dogs), and 12 for which PK activity was not known; 2 PK-deficient Basenjis; 2 PK-deficient Beagles; 4 unaffected English Springer Spaniels; and 1 mixed-breed dog. PROCEDURES: cDNA was cloned and sequenced, and cDNA sequences were compared with the published sequence for canine R-PK cDNA to identify the putative disease-causing mutation. Genomic DNA spanning the affected region was cloned and sequenced to verify the mutation. Subsequently, polymerase chain reaction primers were designed to amplify the section of the gene containing the mutation from DNA in blood or buccal swab samples. Gel electrophoresis allowed assignment of genotypes on the basis of allele separation. RESULTS: 4 single base polymorphisms attributable to sequencing errors in the published sequence were identified, along with a 6 base pair (bp) insertion in exon 10 that was recognized as a putative disease-causing mutation. An identical insertion was found in genomic DNA. Amplification of genomic DNA yielded a 117 bp product for genotypically normal dogs and a 123 bp product for WHWT homozygous for PK deficiency. Carriers had 1 copy of each allele and variable heteroduplex structures. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A 6 bp insertion in the C domain of R-PK was identified in WHWT with PK deficiency. Affected and carrier dogs could be distinguished with a genetic test.  相似文献   

Primary hyperplastic gastropathy is an uncommon human disease characterized by giant gastric mucosal folds and is associated with a spectrum of histopathological changes. Diagnosis is usually made on radiological and gastroscopic findings followed by full-thickness biopsy of the stomach wall. The aetiology is unknown and symptomatic treatment is usually disappointing. A similar condition has been described in a small number of dogs. A case of hyperplastic gastropathy is reported in a cat and compared with the findings in man and dogs. The cat presented with chronic vomiting and weight loss. Radiological and gastroscopic examinations revealed enlarged gastric rugae. Medical and surgical treatment was unsuccessful and the cat was destroyed. The pathological findings were similar to those described in man.  相似文献   

Environmental and dietary risk factors for the development of canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) in the high-risk breeds of boxer, bullterrier and West Highland white terrier were assessed in a case-control study. A logistic regression model was developed to evaluate their relative importance in 58 cases from 12 practices in Sweden and 61 unaffected controls, matched to cases by breed and year of birth. The final model included a random error term for 'examining veterinarian', as dogs from the same practice were not considered independent. No effect of gender, season of birth, environment, vaccination or de-worming practices on the odds of developing CAD was detected. The main finding was that feeding a diet including noncommercial products to the bitch during lactation had a protective effect on the development of CAD in her offspring; the odds of developing CAD were twice as high among offspring from bitches that were not exposed to home-made/noncommercial diets [95% confidence interval (CI) of the odds ratio: 1.2-3.8]. The population attributable fraction for not feeding home-made diets to the lactating bitch was estimated as 0.4 (95% CI: 0.04-0.63). Randomized controlled clinical trials are needed to further support the finding of a potential protective role of diet in CAD development.  相似文献   

German Shepherd Dogs have an increased incidence of anal furunculosis (AF), which is a disease characterised by inflammation and ulceration of the perianal tissues. Ciclosporin, an immunosuppressive drug, has been successfully used to treat AF, suggesting that the pathogenesis of disease is likely to have an immune-mediated component. Previous research has shown that the cytokine mRNA profile in AF lesions is consistent with T cell-mediated inflammation. The aims of the current study were to quantify IL-2 and IFNgamma mRNA expression in AF biopsies taken before and after treatment with ciclosporin and to compare cytokine expression with lesion severity. Twenty-two dogs with AF were recruited into the study and lesional biopsies were taken prior to ciclosporin therapy. Lesion severity was graded using a visual analogue scale. All dogs were evaluated after 4 weeks of ciclosporin therapy and, in 10 dogs with persistent disease, residual lesions were resected. RNA was extracted from AF-lesional tissue and control perianal tissue samples (n=10), which was used as the template for RT-PCR. Analysis of IL-2 and IFNgamma mRNA expression was performed using real-time PCR. IL-2 and IFNgamma mRNA was consistently detected in pre-treatment AF biopsies and, when quantified, this was significantly increased compared to control tissue (P<0.05). However, no correlation was seen between lesion severity and pre-treatment cytokine mRNA expression. In the ten paired pre- and post-treatment samples, IL-2 mRNA expression was significantly reduced in residual disease tissue following ciclosporin therapy (P=0.013). Treatment with ciclosporin seemed to result in decreased expression of IFNgamma mRNA in AF lesions but this was not statistically significant. In six of the 10 dogs with persistent disease, T cell cytokine mRNA could still be detected in the tissues, suggesting that there was inadequate immunosuppression. The absence of a correlation between T cell cytokine expression and the severity of disease suggests that tissue destruction observed in AF might be a consequence of other inflammatory mediators or downstream effects of T cell activation.  相似文献   

The dog of this case was a 10-year-old Shih Tzu with refractory vomiting, diarrhea and anorexia. Endoscopy revealed an unclear at gastric angle, a stenosis at pyloric antrum and congestion in duodenal mucosa. Since abnormal shadows of irregular echo-levels were disclosed by pancreas ultrasonography, serum gastrin level was determined with a suspect of gastrinoma. And an increase of serum gastrin was demonstrated. In addition, postmortem histological examination revealed that the pancreatic cells were positive for gastrin. Based on these findings, the dog was diagnosed as pancreatic gastrinoma.  相似文献   

Zinc deficiency causes skin diseases both in humans and in animals. The underlying pathogenic mechanisms remain unclear, but a growing body of evidence indicates a role for zinc in skin protection against free radical‐induced oxidative damage. The immunohistochemical expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs; Hsp27, Hsp72, Hsp73 and Hsp90), Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD), metallothionein (MT), Ki‐67 antigen and active caspase‐3 were evaluated in normal canine skin and in samples from eight dogs with zinc‐responsive dermatosis. All investigated HSPs showed intense cytoplasmic immunostaining in the affected epidermis. Focal nuclear positivity of Hsp72 was also detected in keratinocytes. Although Cu/Zn SOD expression was similar to that observed in normal skin, MT immunoreactivity occurred in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus of basal cells in normal skin but was absent from the affected epidermis. Caspase‐3 activation was also absent in the involved epidermis, which revealed a high Ki‐67 index (a 3.5‐ to 9‐fold increase compared with normal skin). These results support the hypothesis that cellular response to stress, particularly oxidative stress, is involved in the pathogenesis of skin lesions in canine zinc‐responsive dermatosis. The lack of MT immunoreactivity in the affected epidermis may be indicative of low zinc levels, thus resulting in vulnerability to oxidative damage. In contrast, high expression levels of HSPs in skin during zinc deficiency may confer protection against a variety of dangerous stimuli, contributing to inhibition of apoptosis and to cell cycle regulation of proliferating keratinocytes.  相似文献   

A six-month old bitch presenting a sub-lingual mucocele and hematoma associated with coagulation disorders died four days after the surgical treatment of the mucocele. The necropsy revealed a canine angiostrongylosis, a disease rarely seen in Switzerland. This article summarizes the biology of Angiostrongylus vasorum and describes the lesions and symptoms caused by this cardio-pulmonary helminthosis, as well as its diagnosis and treatment. The connections between angiostrongylosis and coagulation disorders are also discussed.  相似文献   

一、发病情况及诊断 2007年11月6日晚10时许,城南李某带一松狮犬到我院就诊,该犬为雄性,4月龄,体重7千克.主诉:当晚8时在右,该犬出现急躁、乱跑、咬尾巴、呜叫不已,继而出现呕吐、拉稀、嘴流粘液、抽搐、狂燥不安等症状,经询问后得知,6点半左右,犬主家小孩将一包溴吡斯的明药物拿出来玩时,撒在地上,该犬误食了1包溴吡斯的明的糖衣药粒,约30多粒,才意识到犬中毒,遂来院就诊.临床检查,病犬全身抽搐、肌肉震颤、口流粘液、大小便失禁,体温为39℃.  相似文献   

国家明令禁止使用烈性灭鼠药后,现多采用双香豆素制成抗凝血灭鼠药,鼠类食入后导致慢性中毒,因灭鼠效果较好和不易产生二次中毒而被广泛应用。双香豆素毒饵制成的灭鼠药含有特殊香味,犬受其诱惑后常  相似文献   

A case of myeloid neoplasia is described in a dog showing signs of anaemia, depression, lethargy, anorexia and enlargement of the liver and spleen which were considered typical of the disease. Rare features of the case included infiltration of neoplastic cells in the bladder wall and a normal peripheral blood total white cell count.  相似文献   

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