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Serum samples were obtained from 26 beef cows with uterine prolapse and from 15 with minor dystocia (controls). The serum of animals with uterine prolapse had significantly lower calcium concentration (mean ± S.D. = 8,22 ± 0,69 mg/dL, P≤0,01), higher phosphorus concentration (mean ± S.D. = 4,78 ± 1,75 mg/dL, P≤0,05) and lower calcium to phosphorus ratios (mean ± S.D. = 1,99 ± 0,88, P≤0,01) than for the control animals (means ± S.D. = 8,91 ± 0,75 mg/dL, 3,54 ± 1,41 mg/dL and 2,99 ± 1,41 respectively). Mild hypocalcemia (6,9 mg/dL-7,9 mg/dL) was present in 11 (42,3%) of the cows with prolapse as compared to only one (6,7%) of the controls. Hypophosphatemia was present in 11 (42,3%) of the animals with prolapse and in ten (66,7%) of the controls.

Eighteen (69,2%) of the animals with prolapse were alert and ambulatory when treated and 15 (57,7%) were known to have required help to deliver the calf. Of the cattle group with uterine prolapse, 14 (53,8%) were two years old, six (23,1%) were three years old, and six (23,1%) were four years of age or older.

It was concluded that mild hypocalcemia and some degree of dystocia were associated with the uterine prolapses. The phosphorus results were equivocal but the high incidence of hypophosphatemia may reflect a phosphorus deficient diet.


哺乳犊牛腹泻由多种原因造成,是犊牛养殖中相对常见的问题,在发病初期如得不到及时控制将造成严重损失,笔者结合牧场实践与现实情况,重点阐述了肉牛繁育场哺乳犊牛腹泻发病原因,同时分析、总结相关问题,针对性的提出肉牛繁育场哺乳犊牛腹泻管控方案,为行业内养殖者在处理哺乳犊牛腹泻时提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Background: Plasma transfusions have been used clinically in the management of neonates with failure of passive transfer. No studies have evaluated the effect of IV serum transfusions on serum IgG concentrations in dairy calves with inadequate transfer of passive immunity.
Hypothesis: A commercially available serum product will increase serum immunoglobulin concentration in calves with inadequate transfer of colostral immunoglobulins.
Animals: Thirty-two Jersey and Jersey-Holstein cross calves with inadequate colostral transfer of immunoglobulins (serum total protein <5.0 g/L).
Methods: Thirty-two calves were randomly assigned to either control (n = 15) or treated (n = 17) groups. Treated calves received 0.5 L of a pooled serum product IV. Serum IgG concentrations before and after serum transfusion were determined by radial immunodiffusion.
Results: Serum protein concentrations increased from time 0 to 72 hours in both control and transfused calves and the difference was significant between the control and treatment groups ( P < .001). Mean pre- and posttreatment serum IgG concentrations in control and transfused calves did not differ significantly. Median serum IgG concentrations decreased from 0 to 72 hours by 70 mg/dL in control calves and increased over the same time interval in transfused calves by 210 mg/dL. The difference was significant between groups ( P < .001). The percentage of calves that had failure of immunoglobulin transfer 72 hours after serum transfusion was 82.4%.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Serum administration at the dosage reported did not provide adequate serum IgG concentrations in neonatal calves with inadequate transfer of colostral immunoglobulins.  相似文献   

A very high incidence of posterior paresis in growing calves was casued by abnormal development of the vertebral column. The pathological changes were focal premature synostoses of vertebral growth plates with resulting reduction in size of the vertebral canal. Malacic changes were seen in sections from all areas of the spinal cord. Abnormalities in growth of the cranium and appendicular skeleton were also present. The growth plates in the cranial base were prematurely closed and the cranial cavity was shortened. Long bones were shortened and distorted. Possible causes include teratogenic plants or chemicals, mineral deficiencies, and hypervitaminosis A.  相似文献   

Studies on the use of sodium sulfamethazine in drinking water at three levels (572, 1028 and 1848 mg/L) were conducted in healthy weaned beef calves under similar dietary and environmental conditions. Blood sulfonamide levels greater than 5 mg/dl were attained with each treatment level but at different time intervals. The maximum levels in blood were achieved with the highest concentration in the water. However, a reduction in water intake caused a lower than anticipated dose of sulfamethazine. Under the conditions of the experiment the administration of sulfonamide in drinking water may be an effective means of mass medication of cattle.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究日粮中添加不同诱食剂对安格斯犊牛生长性能、养分表观消化率及部分血清激素的影响。采用单因子随机区组设计,选用平均体重165.1 kg±35.5 kg、约6月龄的健康安格斯肉犊牛24头,随机分为A、B、C、D 4组,每组6个重复。A组为对照组,饲喂全混合日粮(TMR);B、C、D组分别饲喂TMR+0.24%绿色素、TMR+1.2 g/d XTRACT® 7065(香味剂)、TMR+0.4%甜蜜素。预饲期10 d,正饲期30 d。结果显示,与对照组相比,B、C、D组平均干物质采食量(ADMI)均显著提高(P < 0.05)。各诱食剂均能提高犊牛营养物质表观消化率,但各诱食剂的影响程度不同,其中B组酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)表观消化率显著高于其他诱食剂组(P < 0.05),B组中性洗涤纤维(NDF)表观消化率显著高于对照组(P < 0.05)。在试验第31天采食后1 h,各组间神经肽Y(NPY)和5-羟色胺(5-HT)含量差异均不显著(P > 0.05),B、D组NPY含量高于对照组,C组则低于对照组,B、D组5-HT含量均低于对照组,而C组则高于对照组。综合考虑,日粮中添加绿色剂、香味剂及甜味剂均可在一定程度上提高犊牛生长性能及营养物质消化率;绿色剂和甜味剂可以提高犊牛血清中NPY含量,而香味剂则使犊牛血清中5-HT含量升高。  相似文献   

[目的]为提高母牛繁殖效益,实现一年一胎繁育目标,开展犊牛早期断奶对比试验。[方法]选择杂交改良西门塔尔核心母牛产后7d,母子分离,每日定时供给母乳3次,其余时间,供给犊牛开食颗粒饲料自由采食,试验时间360d。[结果]试验组95%犊牛90d即断奶,比传统带犊断奶提前30天以上;试验组周岁前生长发育与对照组相比,体高、体长、胸围、体重之间差异不显著;试验母牛产后第1次发情时间集中出现在16~60d之间。16~45d之间的发情率达31%,较对照组提高9%;46~60d之间的发情率达37.5%,较对照组提高11%。[结论]犊牛补饲开食颗粒料可实现90天断奶,早期断奶不影响犊牛正常生长发育。母牛产后繁育机能恢复快,适时授配,可达到一年繁育一胎的目标。  相似文献   

奶公牛犊屠宰试验及肉品质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]为肉牛屠宰企业开发犊牛肉市场提供技术参数.[方法]选取育肥后2~6月龄奶公牛犊25头进行屠宰测定和牛肉品质指标测定以及营养成分分析.[结果]犊牛平均屠宰率为55.33%,净肉率39.9%,胴体出肉率73.28%;高档部位肉、后腿部位肉、小腿肉占胴体比率分别为19.08%、11.28%、5.31;犊牛肉水分含量:...  相似文献   

Magnesium supplementation has been shown to benefit feedlot cattle and is typically added at high concentrations to mineral supplements for calves grazing wheat pasture. Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of Mg-mica supplementation on performance and serum mineral concentrations of stocker calves grazing wheat pasture. Supplemental Mg was provided at 6.1 g/d of supplemental Mg/ animal, Monday through Friday. In Exp. 1, 36 mixed-breed stocker calves (243 ± 3.9 kg BW) were stratified by BW and gender and allocated randomly to one of nine groups of four animals for a 112-d grazing study. Weight gain, shrink percentage, and serum Mg, Ca, K, Cu, and Zn concentrations did not differ (P>0.10) among calves fed either weathered Mg-mica (WMM), unweathered Mg-mica (UMM), or MgO. All serum mineral concentrations were within normal physiological ranges. In Exp. 2, 64 mixed-breed stocker steers (275 ± 1.7 kg BW) were stratified by BW and allocated randomly to one of 16 groups of four animals. Weight gain during a 50-d grazing study and subsequent feedlot period did not differ (P>0.10) among calves fed either no added Mg source or WMM, UMM, or MgO. Serum Cu was higher (P<0.05), and serum Mg was lower (P<0.05), from steers fed MgO, but all serum mineral concentrations were within normal physiological ranges. Although Mg-mica is relatively high in Fe (4%), using it as a supplemental Mg source appeared to have no negative impact on growth performance or serum mineral concentrations of calves grazing wheat pasture.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to show plasma cortisol concentration after treatment with controlled internal drug release (CIDR) in non‐suckling beef cows. On day 9 after oestrus, two cows were inserted with CIDR into the vagina for 24 h and the other two cows were treated as a control group. Four days later, the two control cows were treated with CIDR and the other two CIDR‐treated cows were used as controls. Cortisol concentrations were determined by ELISA in plasma samples collected before, during and after insertion of CIDR. There was a significant increase in plasma cortisol concentrations (p < 0.01) after insertion of CIDR. Mean (±SEM) plasma cortisol concentrations increased from 1.3 ± 0.4 to a peak of 8.8 ± 1.1 ng/ml at 5 h and then decreased to basal concentrations at 7 h after insertion of the device. In conclusion, the insertion of intra‐vaginal device causes an increase in plasma cortisol concentrations in beef cows, although the pathophysiological significance of the elevation of cortisol is not known.  相似文献   



Increased plasma potassium concentrations (K+) in neonatal calves with diarrhea are associated with acidemia and severe clinical dehydration and are therefore usually corrected by intravenous administration of fluids containing sodium bicarbonate.


To identify clinical and laboratory variables that are associated with changes of plasma K+ during the course of treatment and to document the plasma potassium‐lowering effect of hypertonic (8.4%) sodium bicarbonate solutions.


Seventy‐one neonatal diarrheic calves.


Prospective cohort study. Calves were treated according to a clinical protocol using an oral electrolyte solution and commercially available packages of 8.4% sodium bicarbonate (250–750 mmol), 0.9% saline (5–10 L), and 40% dextrose (0.5 L) infusion solutions.


Infusions with 8.4% sodium bicarbonate solutions in an amount of 250–750 mmol had an immediate and sustained plasma potassium‐lowering effect. One hour after the end of such infusions or the start of a sodium bicarbonate containing constant drip infusion, changes of plasma K+ were most closely correlated to changes of venous blood pH, plasma sodium concentrations and plasma volume (r = −0.73, −0.57, −0.53; < .001). Changes of plasma K+ during the subsequent 23 hours were associated with changes of venous blood pH, clinical hydration status (enophthalmos) and serum creatinine concentrations (= −0.71, 0.63, 0.62; P < .001).

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

This study emphasizes the importance of alkalinization and the correction of dehydration in the treatment of hyperkalemia in neonatal calves with diarrhea.  相似文献   

为了探讨刺五加合生元对哺乳犊牛血清蛋白指标的影响,选取健康状况良好的犊牛18头,随机分为3组,分别为试验组I(空白对照组)、试验组II(添加益生素组)、试验组Ⅲ(添加刺五加合生元组);分别于犊牛的第5、14日龄及21日龄颈静脉采血,3 500 r/min离心35 min,后将置于25℃~37℃温水的杯内待血清析出,-20℃保存。分析前解冻并测定血清总蛋白(TP)和血清白蛋白(ALB);利用SPSS 17.0统计软件对数据进行分析。结果犊牛14日龄与犊牛5日龄比较,其TP无显著差异(P0.05);犊牛21日龄时,试验组Ⅲ的TP含量显著高于试验组Ⅰ(P0.05),且比试验组II的含量高,分别提高7.36%和6.65%;而ALB各组间无显著差异(P0.05)。表明在对哺乳犊牛血清蛋白作用上,刺五加合生元要优于益生素。  相似文献   

Abstract— —Estimations of S-GPT activity in the dog have been made by colorimetric and u.v. methods and compared. It has been demonstrated that the colorimetric method is less sensitive than the u.v. method, but that it is still useful and can readily be carried out in the small laboratory or surgery side-room. The colorimetric method can give an estimate (based on u.v. method as reference) of 60–80 per cent of all cases of moderate or severe liver damage within the range 40–80 SFU (19–38 i.u.). Estimated by the u.v. method the prediction would be 80–100 per cent. Some preliminary tests have been made on the effect of handling, postage and diet on the levels of S-GPT activity. A screening method is recommended. Résumé— —L'auteur a évalué l'activité de la transaminase glutamino-pyruvique sérique (TGPS) chez le chien, par les méthodes célérimétrique et UV, en comparant les résultats obtenus. La premièe méthode, moins précise que la seconde, demeure toutefois utile et présente l'avantage d'être applicable dans un laboratoire restreint. Elle fournit une évaluation située entre 60 et 80 pour cent (par rapport à la méthode UV) pour toutes les lésion hépatiques relativement graves, dans la gamme de 40–80 u.s.f., soit 19–38 u.i. Sur la base de la méthode UV, la précision atteindrait 80–100 pour cent. L'auteur a effectué des tests préliminaires tendant à déterminer I'effet sur le niveau d'activité de la TGPS des conditions de travail (manipulation et transport) et du régime. II recommande une méthode de dépistage. Zusammenfassung— —Bestimmungen der S-GPT-Aktivität beim Hund wurden mit celerimetri-schen und UV-Methoden durchgeführt und die Ergebnisse verglichen. Es zeigte sich, dass die celerimetrische Methode weniger empfindlich als die UV-Methode ist, aber noch Brauchbarkeit besitzt und leicht im kleinen Laboratorium oder in Praxisnebenräumen durchgeführt werden kann. Die celerimetrische Methode erlaubt die FeststeIlung von 60–80% (bezogen auf die Ergebnisse mit der UV-Methode) aller Fälle mittleren oder starken Leberschadens im Bereich von 40–80 SFU (19–38 I.E.). Nach der UV-Methode wäre die Erfassung 80–100% gewesen. Einige vorläufige Prüfungen wurden hinsichtlich des Einflusses der Behandlung, der Unterbringung und des Futters auf die S-GPT-Aktivität durchgeführt. Eine selektive Methode wird empfohlen.  相似文献   

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