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高能饲料添加虾红素提高虹鳟品质试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
程继鲁  李君 《齐鲁渔业》2000,17(4):31-32
虹鳟是世界名贵冷水性鱼类,在我国已有40多年的养殖历史。随着虹鳟养殖技术研究的不断深入,虹蹲饲料配制也不断得到改进和完善。特别是近几年来,市场竞争日趋激烈,众多消费者把虹蹲鱼体表和肌肉的颜色(如红色程度)视为判断其营养优劣和健康状况的重要指标,因此生产红肉虹鳟鱼,并尽量降低虹蹲养殖的饲料成本,具有重要的经济意义。我们试验通过配制虹鳟高能饲料,并在饲料中添加虾红素,以降低饲料成本,加快生长,改善虹群的外观和肌肉颜色,提高鱼肉品质,取得了理想效果。现将试验情况报告如下:1材料与方法 本试验于 1999…  相似文献   

不同动植物蛋白比饲料对虹鳟生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)是一种名贵的鲑科鱼类,肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,无小骨刺、无需刮鳞,蛋白质和脂肪含量高,高度不饱和脂肪酸含量高于其他鱼类.虹鳟苗种的密养技术和商品鱼的高产养殖技术已在全国推广,目前已遍布全国20多个省.近几年来,虹鳟养殖在我省各县逐渐兴起,并取得了较好的经济效益.虹鳟是典型的肉食性鱼类,对它的营养需要已做了较详细的研究,在国外虹鳟配合饲料的使用已较普及,配方技术也较成熟,但是我国目前虹鳟饲料的配制技术水平与国外先进水平相比尚有一定差距.  相似文献   

近年来,随着水产养殖业的快速发展,水产饲料行业也迅猛的发展起来,对植酸酶在虹鳟饲料中的作用也有了新的认识。植酸酶能水解植酸最终释放出无机磷,日粮中添加植酸酶可以提高水产动物对植物原料中磷的利用率并减少粪便中磷的含量。植酸在中性pH值条件下,具有极强的螯合能力,  相似文献   

张继先 《畜禽业》2001,(1):34-35
为了满足家禽的营养需要,完善日粮的全价性,需要在饲料中添加原来含量不足或原来就不含的营养性和非营养性物质,即饲料添加剂,如微量元素、维生素、合成氨基酸、抗菌素、抗氧化剂、防霉剂、驱虫保健剂等,可以提高饲料的利用率,促进家禽生长,防治某些疾病,减少贮藏期间营养物质的损失或改进家禽产品的品质等。  相似文献   

虹鳟饲料配方对比试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
饲料的好坏直接影响到虹鳟的产量和效益 ,因此 ,有必要不断改进虹鳟饲料配方。为此 ,我们进行了该试验 ,并取得了良好效果。1 材料与方法试验在本溪虹鳟渔场进行。用条件相同的 1号和 2号两口水泥池 ,面积各为 2 0m2 ,均为头水位池。各池放虹鳟鱼 2 2 2 0尾 ,放养规格 1号池1 0 2 6g/尾 ,2号池 1 1 2 0g/尾。 1号池溶氧为9 37mg/L ,氨氮为 0 46mg/L ;2号池溶氧为9 0 5mg/L ,氨氮为 0 2 3mg/L。两池水温 1 1~1 2℃。 1号池投喂改进配方的虹鳟饲料 ,2号池投喂原有配方的虹鳟饲料 ,两种饲料配方见表 1。改进配方中的“6号…  相似文献   

本文通过养鳟发展的历史进程,指出了饲料在虹鳟养殖发展中的作用。并根据当前中国养鳟状况阐述了中国养鳟饲料的现状以及存在的问题,并展望了饲料工业的发展前景。  相似文献   

随着生物工程的发展,国内外生物科技的动态趋向新颖生物活性物质添加剂的研究与开发,藉以增强鱼类和畜禽动物的体质与抵抗病原体的能力,防止化学药物所造成的全球性的环境污染以及人、畜、水产品中的残留威胁人类的健康。目前,江苏正昌集团研制开发的绿色饲料添加剂(正昌福乐兴-21),是从绿色植物中提取的纯天然产物,与当前普遍使用的饲料添加剂有很大区别。该生物活性剂是从植物中选取某些具有既能穿透细胞膜、孢壳等介质,又能增强血液循环、提高特异性抗病原能力的活性物质的中草药,采用先进的定向浸提和高浓缩活化制药技术,成功地解决了中…  相似文献   

本文回顾了虹鳟饲料的发展和我国当前存在的问题,阐述了虹鳟营养的基础,并提出了在配方设计和加工中应注意的某些技术问题。  相似文献   

饲料中添加"富康163"养殖虹鳟试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钱续 《水利渔业》2006,26(1):80-81
虹鳟鱼种全长5.7~10.7cm,体质量4.0~20.0g,在水温11℃条件下,饲养时间40d。投喂添加质量分数3%和5%“富康163”中草药复合添加剂饲料的虹鳟鱼种,平均日增重率为1.76%和2.01%,对照组为0.66%,饲料系数则比对照组分别低1.87和1.97。成活率试验池和对照池之间无显著差异。  相似文献   

简述了糖类、益生菌、虾青素及其他类胡萝卜素、氯化胆碱等饲料添加剂,在日本对虾生长、健康和品质以及饲料资源开发等方面的研究进展。指出,大多数日本对虾饲料添加剂的研发,均在特定试验条件下进行,而应用到养殖端,常常达不到相应的效果。提出,应建立相应的标准与规范,使应用于对虾饲料添加剂产品的开发,遵循合规、安全有效、提高生产效益和改善品质等原则。  相似文献   

虹鳟营养需求的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要介绍了近年来国内外虹鳟的营养研究,包括蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、矿物质等方面,提出一些虹鳟养殖中的注意事项,为虹鳟养殖、饲料生产和科研开发提供参考。  相似文献   

刘月 《水产科学》2005,24(5):36-37
在辽宁省凤城市四门子镇新农水产养殖场进行金鳟鱼的养殖试验。养殖用水为当地山涧冷泉水,养殖水面为100m2,共投放单重20g的鱼种12000尾。试验期间,金鳟生长良好,成活率为99%,利润为12万元。试验结果表明,金鳟作为良好水环境的指示生物,具有极高的生态附加值,可以为进一步开发辽东山区的生态资源和冷水资源提供有效途径,为促进生态经济的协调发展奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

More than 50 feedstuffs used or of potential use in diets for rainbow trout Oncorhyndus mykiss were compared through metabolism chamber trials. Testing included determination of apparent digestibility and metabolic energy for a wide variety of ingredients, including fish and animal meals, vegetable proteins, and single cell protein products. Testing involved feeding individual 200–300-g fish contained in replicate chambers, from which feces, urine, and gill excreta were collected seg arately and analyzed for residual nitrogen and energy. For comparison, several products previously tested at this or other laboratories were re-evaluated at dietary concentrations of 25, 50, or 100%.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Taurine has been demonstrated to be conditionally indispensable for several carnivorous fish species. Current trends in trout production include decreasing levels of fish-meal content in feeds, along with faster growing strains of fish. Taurine may be a limiting nutrient in support of elevated planes of growth for rainbow trout. A 9-wk feeding trial was conducted using a factorial treatment design with protein source (fish meal or plant) and taurine supplementation (four levels) as the main effects. The fish-meal diet series included 23% herring meal and contained 1.76% total sulfur amino acids (TSAA). The plant diet series did not contain any animal proteins and substituted protein from soy protein concentrate in place of the herring-meal protein and contained 1.5% TSAA. Taurine was supplemented at 0, 5, 10, and 15 g/kg dry diet to each of the diets in the plant series and the fish-meal series of diets. All diets were formulated to contain 43.8% crude protein and 20% lipid with an estimated physiological fuel value of 4.2 kcal/g. Fifteen fish were stocked in each of 24 tanks with a mean initial weight of approximately 26.8 g per fish. The unsupplemented fish-meal diet contained 2 g/kg taurine, and the unsupplemented plant diet had taurine levels below the detection limit of 0.1 g/kg diet. Taurine supplementation improved growth, feed conversion ratios, protein retention efficiencies, and energy retention efficiencies of fish fed the plant protein diets. No effects of taurine supplementation were observed for these response factors in fish fed the fish-meal series diets. This study demonstrates that taurine supplementation may be necessary for rainbow trout fed plant-protein-based feeds.  相似文献   

陈琛  卢彤岩  王荻  李绍戊 《水产学杂志》2011,24(4):25-28,58
实验水温为15±2℃,金鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)(平均体质量100±10g)单剂量肌肉注射30.0 mg/kg诺氟沙星后,应用高效液相色谱(HPCL)法于0.15,0.25,0.5,0.75,1,1.5,2,4,6,8,12,24,48,72 h测定了鱼血浆、肝脏和肾脏组织中药物的浓度,研究了诺氟沙...  相似文献   


The diffusion properties of sodium chloride in rainbow trout muscle during dry salting at 10°C were investigated. The average initial dry matter content of the samples increased from 27.80 ± 0.10 to 36.01 ± 0.16%, and the average salt content increased to 17.98 ± 0.38 g NaCl/100 g dry matter at the end of the 10-h dry salting process. The analytical solution of Fick’s second law considering one-dimensional diffusion through an infinite slab was used to calculate effective salt diffusion coefficients (Deff). The Deff values in rainbow trout fillets decreased with increasing salting time and ranged from 6.64 × 10?10 to 16.45 × 10?10 m2/s.  相似文献   

陈琛  卢彤岩  王荻  李绍戊 《鲑鳟渔业》2011,(4):25-28,58
实验水温为15±2℃,金鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)(平均体质量100±10g)单剂量肌肉注射30.0 mg/kg诺氟沙星后,应用高效液相色谱(HPCL)法于0.15,0.25,0.5,0.75,1,1.5,2,4,6,8,12,24,48,72 h测定了鱼血浆、肝脏和肾脏组织中药物的浓度,研究了诺氟沙星在金鳟组织中的分布及药物动力学规律。结果表明,诺氟沙星在金鳟体内吸收分布迅速,符合药物动力学一级吸收二室开放模型,但消除缓慢。诺氟沙星在金鳟血浆、肝脏和肾脏中的主要动力学参数如下:分布半衰期(T1/2α)分别为0.866、1.985、0.388h;消除半衰期(T1/2β)分别为31.369、36.402、30.975h;药时曲线下面积(AUC)分别为:308.005μg/mL.h、622.721μg/g.h、794.362μg/g.h。  相似文献   


Quantitative levels of six known pathogens (Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium botulinum, Salmonella species, Vibrio cholerae, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Y. pseudotuberculosis) and aerobic plate counts were measured at five aquaculture facilities. The farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and trout fillets were sampled at two different growing seasons to monitor for microbial hazards. Listeria spp. was identified in both whole trout and trout fillets from all five facilities sampled from both growing seasons. Presumptive Clostridium botulinum spores were also identified from all five facilities for both seasons. The growing season did not affect pathogen levels and there was no evidence that any one aquacultural system was superior to the others. Salmonella spp., Vibrio cholerae, and Yersinia spp. were not isolated from any of the trout samples analyzed.  相似文献   

三倍体虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)血细胞发生的形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察和测定了三倍体虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)肝脏、脾脏、头肾和外周血液血细胞的发生过程。结果显示:三倍体虹鳟外周血红细胞具有分裂的能力,外周血液是其进一步发育成熟的场所,其进一步发育成熟有核质非同步分裂(核分裂先于质分裂呈双核型)和核质哑铃型同步分裂两种形式。外周血液中未成熟红细胞、单核细胞、淋巴细胞和粒细胞细胞比例分别为5.81%、4.14%、4.52%和3.38%,其4类未成熟细胞比例明显高于造血器官;外周血液中成熟红细胞为69.6%,与造血器官成熟红细胞的比例无显著差异;外周血中单核细胞、淋巴细胞和粒细胞细胞比例分别为6.60%、4.71%和1.24%,三类细胞比例明显低于造血器官(头肾中单核细胞除外)。  相似文献   

Fly Prepupae as a Feedstuff for Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fly larvae may provide an effective method to mitigate two large and growing global concerns: the use of fish meal derived from capture fisheries in aquaculture diets and manure management in livestock and poultry facilities. A 9‐wk feed trial was conducted to determine whether fly larvae could be used as a partial fish meal and fish oil replacement in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, diets. A trout diet was formulated to contain 40% crude protein and 15% fat. Sixty‐seven percent of the protein in the control diet was derived from fish meal, and all the fat was derived from fish oil. Two of the test diets included using the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, prepupae, which are 40% protein and 30% fat, as 25 and 50% replacement for the fish meal component of the control diet. The total protein derived from black soldier fly prepupae in these two test diets was 15 and 34%, respectively. A third test diet included using housefly, Musca domestica, pupae, which is 70% protein and 16% fat, as 25% replacement for the fish meal component of the control diet. Data suggest that a rainbow trout diet where black soldier fly prepupae or housefly pupae constitute 15% of the total protein has no adverse effect on the feed conversion ratio of fish over a 9‐wk feeding period. In addition, the diet with black soldier fly prepupae permitted a 38% reduction in fish oil (i.e., from 13 to 8%); however, fish fed black soldier fly diets low in fish oil had reduced levels of omega‐3 fatty acids in their muscle fillets. The findings from this study suggest that either the black soldier fly or the housefly may be a suitable feedstuff for rainbow trout diets.  相似文献   

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