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A model that contributes to assessing the risk of bark beetle mass outbreaks was established. By means of modelling air and cambial temperature for any location, an investigation area is evaluated with respect to its thermal conditions for the development of Ips typographus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Besides topo-climatic relations of a study area, modelling the potentials of bark beetle development implies profound information on eco-physiology. Thermal requirements for development, type of voltinism, and spring swarming behaviour of two examined beetle populations are discussed in terms of the definition of input parameters for modelling.  相似文献   

Populations of pear psylla,Cacopsylla pyri (L.) (Rhynchota: Psyllidae), and its natural enemies were sampled on pears in Antalya province during the years 2000–2002. Thirty-two species of predators and three species of parasitoids were detected to be associated withC. pyri in Antalya province. The heteropterans (especially anthocorid species) were the most abundant predator group. Among the anthocorids,Anthocoris nemoralis (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae), whose population was closely related to the dynamics of the pear psylla population, was generally the principal antagonist ofC. pyri. Other species recorded during the study were the miridDeraeocoris spp., the chrysopidChrysoperla carnea L., and many coccinellid species. Although these predators are polyphagous, as are theOrius species, their populations were related to the psylla fluctuations. Among the parasitoid complex belonging to the order Hymenoptera, the encyrtidTrechnites psyllae (Ruschka) was the only primary parasitoid. Two hyperparasites,viz., Syrphophagus mamitus (Walker) andPachyneuron aphidis (Bouché) (Encyrtidae and Pteromalidae, respectively), were detected in the surveys. Also, this study revealed new information concerning the pear psylla parasitoid complex in Turkey. WhileT. psyllae andS. mamitus are new records to Turkish parasitoid fauna,C. pyri is a new host record forP. aphidis. The population development and abundance of pear psylla and its natural enemies, as well as the parasitization rates in treated and untreated pear orchards, are presented here. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 6, 2004.  相似文献   

To maintain biodiversity in forests more wind-felled trees must be left. However, there is concern among forest owners that this may result in higher tree mortality caused by the spruce bark beetle (SBB). Data from six studies on number of trees killed by the SBB in storm-disturbed stands was analysed. The studies include 16 areas, 2–346 ha in size, where wind-felled spruce trees were left. In one of the studies also stands where all wind-felled trees were removed directly after the storm were included. Few trees were killed in the first summer following the storm disturbance. In most stands the tree mortality peaked already in the second or third summer following the storm. But in five of the stands tree mortality peaked later. The number of trees killed per ha by the SBB varies much between the studied stands. There was a trend that the larger areas experienced on average higher tree mortality per ha than the smaller areas. One of the studies, including six stands, demonstrated an almost perfect correlation between the number of colonised wind-felled trees and the number of killed trees in a 4-year period following the storm disturbance. In the same study the removal of wind-felled trees resulted in a 50% reduction in number of trees killed per ha in the 4-years following the storm.  相似文献   

We first discuss the diversity of fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) parasitoids (Hymenoptera) of the Neotropics. Even though the emphasis is on Anastrepha parasitoids, we also review all the information available on parasitoids attacking flies in the genera Ceratitis, Rhagoletis, Rhagoletotrypeta, Toxotrypana and Zonosemata. We center our analysis in parasitoid guilds, parasitoid assemblage size and fly host profiles. We also discuss distribution patterns and the taxonomic status of all known Anastrepha parasitoids. We follow by providing a historical overview of biological control of pestiferous tephritids in Latin American and Florida (U.S.A.) and by analyzing the success or failure of classical and augmentative biological control programs implemented to date in these regions. We also discuss the lack of success of introductions of exotic fruit fly parasitoids in various Latin American countries. We finish by discussing the most pressing needs related to fruit fly biological control (classical, augmentative, and conservation modalities) in areas of the Neotropics where fruit fly populations severely restrict the development of commercial fruit growing. We also address the need for much more intensive research on the bioecology of native fruit fly parasitoids.  相似文献   

Studies were performed on 25 egg batches ofThaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.) collected onPinus pinaster Ait. on 29. XI. 1995, in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco near Marrakech at 1400-1800 m above sea level. All the egg masses had been deposited in the autumn of 1995 and were exposed to the parasitoids throughout the developmental period of the host. In 1996, the egg batches, kept singly in test tubes, were observed almost daily. Emerged parasitoids were recorded and separated. The final analyses were made in November 1996 based on the meconia and remains of the emerged or the dead parasitoids in the eggs. In all cases, oviposition occurred from the base to the tip of the needles, distances varying up to 62 mm from the base. The mean number of eggs per batch was 175 (range 34-245), the number of egg-rows varied between 6 and 11, and a 1-cm egg-row contained a mean of 9 eggs. Caterpillars hatched from 72. 7% of the eggs; total mortality of the eggs was thus 27. 3%. The impact of egg parasitoids was 21. 4%. Most of the parasitized eggs were attacked byBaryscapus servadeii (Dom.) followed byOoencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet). Males (1. 5%) were found only in B. servadeii. The emergence rate ofO. pityocampae was much higher in the year of host oviposition than in the following year. B. servadeii emerged in equal numbers before and after hibernation, and in the subsequent year in equal numbers in spring and autumn. The high rate of emergence ofB. servadeii in April-May is discussed in relation to the embryonic development ofThaumetopoea bonjeani (Powel) until the end of winter, as an alternative host ofB. servadeii in the Atlas region.  相似文献   

Fourteen species in two families of the order Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae (1 sp.) and Eulophidae (13 spp.), were recorded during the study ofCameraria ohridella parasitoids at eight localities in Serbia. Among the observed parasitoids, the most significant species wereMinotetrastichus frontalis, Pediobius saulius, Pnigalio agraules andClosterocerus trifasciatus. In addition, at some localities the speciesMinotetrastichus platanellus andCirrospilus talitzkii were also significant. The parasitoids do not have a significant effect on the abundance ofC. ohridella because in the majority of study samples parasitism levels did not exceed 20%. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Feb. 23, 2004.  相似文献   

Resistance of Brassica napus (oilseed rape, canola) conferred by three different major resistance genes has been overcome by changes in virulence of Leptosphaeria maculans populations in France and Australia. In South Australia where B. napus cultivars with major gene resistance derived from Brassica rapa ssp. sylvestris were grown extensively, resistance was rendered ineffective within 3 years of commercial release of the cultivar. Disease severity was higher on cultivars with sylvestris-derived resistance than cultivars with polygenic resistance. This Australian situation is compared to that in France, where resistance conferred by the Rlm1 gene was overcome nation-wide in 5 years under commercial cropping practices, and also where a source of resistance introgressed into B. napus from B. juncea was rendered inefficient in 3 years in experimental field plots near Rennes.  相似文献   

In the period 1974–1986, ca. 100 commercial winter wheat fields were surveyed annually for stembase diseases. In these years, on average 6% of the tillers was infected with eyespot in spring at the first-second, node stage. Eyespot intensity in spring was high in years with high temperature during winter. Eyespot, intensity in the milky-ripe stage in July, averaged 13% of the culms and was high in years with high temperature in April and high precipitation in March, April and May. These data may improve forecasts.In the milky-ripe stage, 2% of the culms were infected with sharp eyespot, but its intensity has gradually increased during the survey years. No significant correlation of sharp eyespot intensity with dry periods in autumn, spring or summer was found.Symptoms of take-all were found on 0.2% of the stem-bases during ripening. Its intensity was low in years with high precipitation in March, April, May and June and high temperature in May and June.Samenvatting Een honderdtal percelen wintertarwe werd in 1974–86 jaarlijks op voetziekten geïnventariseerd. In het voorjaar, tijdens het, eerste en tweede knoopstadium van het gewas, was gemiddeld 6% van de spruiten aangetast door oogvlekkenziekte. De intensiteit van de ziekte was hoog in jaren met een hoge gemiddelde wintertemperatuur. Tijdens het melkrijpe stadium, in juli was gemiddeld 13% van de halmen aangetast door oogvlekkenziekte. De aantasting in juli was hoog in jaren met een hoge temperatuur in april en veel neerslag in de maanden maart, april en mei. Met deze gegevens kunnen adviessystemen worden verbeterd.Scherpe oogvlekkenziekte was op gemiddeld 2% van de halmen in juli aanwezig. De ziekte nam geleidelijk met de jaren toe. De jaarlijkse intensiteit was niet gecorreleerd met droge perioden in de herfst, voorjaar of zomer.Symptomen van halmdoder waren op gemiddeld 0.2% van de halmen aanwezig. De intensiteit van de ziekte was hoog in jaren met weinig neerslag in maart, april, mei en juni en met een lage temperatuur in mei en juni.  相似文献   

The pyralid Mussidia nigrivenella, a pest of cotton, maize and Phaseolus bean in West Africa, has never been reported as a crop pest in East and Southern Africa, although reportedly it exists in the wild. It is hypothesized that the difference in pest status of M. nigrivenella between western and eastern Africa was either due to differences in natural enemy compositions or that there exist several populations and/or species of Mussidia, which vary in their host plant range. Thus, a catalogue of parasitoids of Mussidia spp. was established through surveys in mid-altitude and coastal Kenya, between 2006 and 2007. Mussidia spp. eggs, larvae and pupae were collected from fruits of plants known to host Mussidia spp. and were examined for parasitoid-related mortality. The trichogrammatid Trichogrammatoidea sp. nr. lutea was obtained from eggs of Mussidia fiorii. A braconid egg-larval parasitoid, Phanerotoma sp., was reared from the larvae of unknown species of Mussidia (which we are referring to as Mussidia “madagascariensis”, Mussidia “quanzensis”) and M. fiorii, while the bethylid Goniozus sp. and the braconid Apanteles sp. were obtained from Mussidia nr. nigrivenella. Moreover, the ichneumonid larval parasitoid Syzeuctus sp. was obtained from M. fiorii, while the tachinid Leskia sp. was obtained from Mussidia “madagascariensis”. Overall, mortality caused by parasitoids was negligible; hence they were not considered key mortality factors in the population dynamics of the Mussidia spp. in Kenya.  相似文献   

Results of annual surveys of winter wheat fields from 1974 to 1986 were compiled to describe epidemics of powdery mildew and rusts in relation to weather and cultivar resistance.An average of 29 and 70% of fields were infected by powdery mildew in May and July, respectively. Mildew prevalence in May was positively correlated with average temperature in October and with average temperature over the months December, January, February and March. In addition, it was correlated negatively with the average grade of mildew resistance of the cultivars sown each year. Prevalence of mildew in July did not show consistent correlations with weather characteristics nor with mildew prevalence in May.Yellow rust was usually not detected in May and on average 18% of the fields was infected in July. The occurrence of yellow rust decreased after 1977, when the farmers adopted cultivars resistant or moderately resistant to yellow rust.Brown rust was usually not detected in May, while in July on average 48% of the fields was infected. Brown rust intensity in July was high in years with a high March temperature and high precipitation during April and May.Black rust was rare in the Netherlands, with 3 and 1% of the fields infected in July 1977 and 1981, respectively.  相似文献   

Data from surveys of winter wheat fields in the period 1974–1986 and of seed lots in the period 1962–1986 and identifications of diseases on plant samples were compiled to describe the occurrence of snow mould (Monographella nivalis) andFusarium spp. On average,M. nivalis dominated overFusarium spp. The complex ofFusarium spp. constituted mainly ofF. culmorum, followed byF. avenaceum andF. graminearum. M. nivalis was dominant in May on stem-bases and in July on leaves and leaf sheaths. On seedsM. nivalis predominated only in years with low temperatures in July and August.Average brown footrot infection in the field was 4% tillers in May and 5% culms in July. Brown footrot intensity in July was high in cropping seasons with high precipitation in October and with low temperatures in October, November and December. In July during the early eighties, an average of 8% of leaves and 6% of flag leaf sheaths were infected byM. nivalis. Average ear blight incidence was 1.2% glumes infected. Seed contamination by these pathogens averaged 16% in the years 1962–1986. The contamination was high in years with high precipitation in June, July and August. Aspects of cv. resistance and yield loss are illustrated.  相似文献   

Bacterial strains isolated from cankers of wild cherry trees (Prunus avium) in France were characterized using numerical taxonomy of biochemical tests, DNA–DNA hybridization, repeat sequence primed-PCR (rep-PCR) based on REP, ERIC and BOX sequences, heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA) of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) as well as pathogenicity on wild cherry trees and other species of Prunus. They were compared to reference strains of Pseudomonas syringae pathovars isolated from wild and sweet cherry and various host plants. Wild cherry strains were closely related to P. syringae (sensu lato) in LOPAT group Ia (+ - - - +). Wild cherry strains were pathogenic to wild cherry trees and produced symptoms similar to those observed in orchards. They were pathogenic also, but at a lesser extent, to sweet cherry trees (cv. Napoléon). The wild cherry strains were collected from five different areas in France and appeared to constitute a very homogeneous group. They showed an homogenous profile of a biochemical and physiological characteristics. They were closely related by DNA–DNA hybridization and belonged to genomospecies 3 `tomato'. Rep-PCR showed that wild cherry strains constitute a tight group distinct from P. s. pv. morsprunorum races 1 and 2 and from other P. syringae pathovars. HMA profiles indicated that the ITS of all wild cherry strains were identical but different from P. s. pv. persicae strains since the two heteroduplex bands with reduced mobility were generated by hybridization with the P. s. pv. persicae pathotype strain CFBP 1573. The 8 genomospecies of Gardan et al. (1999) have not been converted into formal species as they cannot be differentiated by biochemical tests. Therefore, the pathovar system within P. syringae was currently used. P. syringae pv. avii is proposed for this bacterium causing a wild cherry bacterial canker and strain CFBP 3846 (NCPPB 4290, ICMP 14479) is designated as the pathotype.  相似文献   

四川省东部稻区稻飞虱种群动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确四川省东部稻区稻飞虱的发生情况及规律,于2014—2018年通过灯光诱捕和田间调查的方法,以达州市达川区、大竹县和泸州市叙永县稻区为代表对川东稻区稻飞虱种群进行系统调查。结果显示:川东稻区稻飞虱优势种为白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera。灯诱条件下川东南稻区叙永县稻飞虱始见期为5月上中旬,川东北稻区达川区和大竹县稻飞虱始见期为5月底至6月上中旬;高峰期均为7月中旬至8月上旬。2014—2018年达川区、大竹县和叙永县稻区稻飞虱田间发生最严重的年份分别为2018、2014和2018年,该年田间发生总量分别为29 946、15 353和35 607头/百丛。川东南稻区稻飞虱为害中若虫数量占绝对优势,但成虫发生为害持续时间长;在达川区、大竹县和叙永县稻区稻飞虱发生最严重的年份,成虫的田间发生量分别达到4 583、5 452和16 870头/百丛。川东稻区稻飞虱整体上在2014年和2017—2018年间发生较重,且川东南稻区害虫发生较川东北稻区更严重。表明四川省东部3个稻区稻飞虱的发生量在不同年份间有很大差异,且优势种为白背飞虱,其成虫持续为害时间长。  相似文献   

In April 2001, stunted barley plants bearing mosaic symptoms were observed in a field in France (Marne Department, 51). Rod-shaped and flexuous particles were visualized by electron microscopy and positive serological reactions were detected by ELISA with Barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV) and Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (SBCMV) polyclonal antisera. The tubular virus which was soil transmissible to barley cv. Esterel was separated from BaYMV by serial mechanical inoculations to barley cv. Esterel. This furo-like virus, in contrast to a French isolate of SBCMV, could be transmitted to Hordeum vulgare, Avena sativa, Beta vulgaris and Datura stramonium. RT-PCR was used to amplify the 3′-terminal 1500 nucleotides of RNA1 and the almost complete sequence of RNA2. Nucleotide and amino acid sequence analyses revealed that the French virus infecting barley is closely related to a Japanese isolate of Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV-JT) which was originally isolated from barley. This French isolate was named SBWMV-Mar. The 3′ UTRs of both RNAs can be folded into tRNA-like structures which are preceded by a predicted upstream pseudoknot domain with seven and four pseudoknots for RNA1 and RNA2, respectively. The four pseudoknots strongly conserved in RNAs 1 and 2 of SBWMV-Mar show strong similarities to those described earlier in SBWMV RNA2 and were also found in the 3′ UTR of Oat golden stripe virus RNAs 1 and 2 and Chinese wheat mosaic virus RNA2. Sequence analyses revealed that the RNAs 2 of SBWMV-Mar and -JT are likely to be the product of a recombination event between the 3′ UTRs of the RNAs 2 of SBWMV and SBCMV. This is the first report of the occurrence of an isolate closely related to SBWMV-JT outside of Japan.  相似文献   

Races ofCladosporium fulvum, which can overcome the resistance of the genes Cf2, Cf4, Cf5, Cf8, Cf9 and Cf11 have appeared in the Netherlands, France and Poland. Known isolates from the Netherlands and France and three new isolates from Poland have been investigated for the presence of virulence genes using a set of genotypes carrying resistance genes Cf2 to Cf11.Several Dutch isolates of races, earlier designated as 2.4, 2.4.5 and, were found to break down the resistance gene Cf11. These races must therefore be designated as 2.4.11, and respectively. In the new Polish isolates virulence genes, overcoming the resistance genes Cf2, Cf4, Cf8, Cf9 and Cf11 were found. Since all races able to grow on genotypes with Cf4, could also grow on genotypes carrying Cf8, it was impossible to discriminate between the genes Cf4 and Cf8. These Polish isolates were designated as races 4.11, 2.4.11 and The consequences of the occurrence of these races for tomato breeding are discussed.Samenvatting Fysio's vanCladosporium fulvum, die de resistentie-genen Cf2, Cf4, Cf5, Cf8, Cf9 en Cf11 kunnen doorbreken, zijn in Nederland, Frankrijk en Polen opgetreden. Met behulp van een groep genotypen, die de resistentie genen Cf2 tot en met Cf11 dragen, zijn Nederlandse, Franse en enkele nieuwe Poolse isolaten onderzocht op de aanwezigheid van virulentiegenen. Enkele Nederlandse isolaten, eerder aangeduid met 2.4, 2.4.5. en, bleken het resistentie-gen Cf11 te kunnen doorbreken. Deze moeten daarom aangeduid worden als respectievelijk 2.4.11, en In de nieuwe Poolse isolaten werd virulentie gevonden voor Cf2, Cf4, Cf8, Cf9 en Cf11. Alle fysio's die op genotypen met Cf4 konden groeien, groeiden ook op genotypen met Cf8. Daarom kon geen ondersheid gemaakt worden tussen Cf4 en Cf8. De Poolse isolaten behoren tot de fysio's 4.11, 2.4.11 en De gevolgen van het voorkomen van deze fysio's voor de tomateveredeling worden besproken.  相似文献   

为明确我国东北地区亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis(Guenée)不同世代的种群动态及寄主植物来源,利用性诱捕器监测了其不同世代的种群动态,并以雄蛾翅的稳定性同位素δ13C为标记鉴定其寄主植物的光合作用类型。结果表明,亚洲玉米螟成虫越冬代始见期在5月底,第1代终见期在9月中旬。公主岭、齐齐哈尔、沈阳等地越冬代和第1代亚洲玉米螟幼虫主要以C4植物为寄主,以C4植物为寄主的种群占所有种群的比例分别为72.19%~97.71%和95.18%~100%;2014年公主岭、齐齐哈尔、沈阳等地之间越冬代和第1代亚洲玉米螟幼虫以C3植物为寄主的种群比例无显著差异,2013年公主岭和2014年沈阳的越冬代和第1代幼虫期之间以C3植物为寄主的种群比例差异显著。研究表明,东北地区以C3植物为寄主的亚洲玉米螟种群较少。  相似文献   

Information is presented on new occurrences of two homopteran pests,Matsucoccus josephi Bodenheimer et Harpaz (Matsucoccidae) andPineus pini (Macquart) (Adelgidae), in Israel, Jordan and southern Lebanon.M. josephi occurs in Israel in almost all natural relicts of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis). It infests all plantations of Aleppo pine, brutia pine (Pinus brutia ssp.brutia) and Eldar pine (P. brutia ssp.eldarica) north of 31°12′ lat. N. Heavy damage has been observed in the Judean Foothills, Judean Mts. and northern Samaria.M. josephi and its specific predator,Elatophilus hebraicus Pericart (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), are recorded for the first time in Jordan and southern Lebanon. The scale was found in all visited Aleppo pine and brutia pine stands in Jordan and in natural and planted brutia pine in southeastern Lebanon. Damage byM. josephi in Jordan was observed only in young plantations of Aleppo pine; in Lebanon no signs of injury were recorded.P. pini was found for the first time in Jordan, where it causes severe damage to young stands of Aleppo pine and stone pine (Pinus pinea). Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization. No. 1225-E, 1993 series.  相似文献   

The hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus Green, was first reported in the Caribbean in 1994 in Grenada. This was the first record of the insect as a major pest in the New World. By the beginning of 2001, the pest had spread to over 25 territories from Guyana and Venezuela in the South to Bahamas in the North. The pest has also extended its distribution to Central America (Belize) and North America (California, USA). Early attempts to control the pest using pesticides resulted in failure and a classical biological control approach was adopted. Several exotic natural enemies were introduced but control was attributed to Anagyrus kamali Moursi and Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant. In all countries where biological control was implemented, this resulted in success. This paper reviews the remarkable success story. Information is provided on the distribution and factors leading to rapid spread of the pest, its pest status and resultant economic losses, and implementation of the biological control effort.  相似文献   

The loreyi leaf worm,Mythimna (Acantholeucania) loreyi (Duponchel) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a serious pest of gramineous crops and reduces yields in maize plantations. This study was undertaken to determine the tachinid parasitoid complex ofM. loreyi in the southeast Anatolian region of Turkey. Four tachinid species were found:Pseudogonia rufifrons (Wiedemann),Exorista larvarum (Linnaeus),Drino imberbis (Wiedemann) andLinnaemya neavei Curran were reared from field-collectedM. loreyi larvae. Of the four tachinid speciesM. loreyi is a new host record forE. larvarum andD. imberbis. L. neavei was recorded for the first time in Turkey and was the most frequently encountered parasitoid in this study. Total parasitism level was 7.1% in 2003 and 15.5% in 2004. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Jan. 16, 2007.  相似文献   

Broad bean mottle virus (BBMV) was transmitted from infected to healthy faba-bean plants by the curculionid weevilsApion radiolus Kirby,Hypera variabilis Herbst,Pachytychius strumarius Gyll,Smicronyx cyaneus Gyll, andSitona lineatus L. The latter appeared to be an efficient vector: acquisition and inoculation occurred at the first bite, the rate of transmission was c. 41%, and virus retention lasted for at least seven days.S. lineatus transmitted the virus from faba bean to lentil and pea, but not to the three genotypes of chickpea tested. This is the first report on the generaHypera, Pachytychius, andSmicronyx as virus vectors, and onA. radiolus, H. variabilis, P. strumarius, andS. cyaneus as vectors of BBMV.Out of 351 samples of food legumes with symptoms suggestive of virus infection, 16, 11, 19, and 17% of the samples of chickpea, lentil, pea, and common bean, respectively, were found infected when tested for BBMV in DAS-ELISA. This is the first report on the natural occurrence of BBMV in chickpea, lentil, pea, and common bean. The virus should be regarded as a food-legume virus rather than a faba-bean virus solely, and is considered an actual threat to food legume improvement programmes.  相似文献   

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